- 15 -

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This chapter ended up being a lot heavier than intended jdsjdsdjsk but I'm very proud of it.


Namjoon, Yoongi and I finally arrive at the steps of the huge museum that centers the city's commercial district, the time on my phone showing that it's a little before lunch time, which means that it took us around two hours from leaving Jimin's house to making it here.

The guys took their time getting ready at their place earlier, but thankfully, Jin and Hoseok were delighted to keep me company while the two men went and took a short shower before getting dressed, so it didn't really bother me since it was nice to see them again.

They even promised before we left that they wouldn't stay aside the next time a sleepover happens, a promise that earned them a bright smile from me, hopefully we would get another occasion - with me awake this time.

Our small group climbs up the few stairs until we make it to the back of the long waiting line, and of course, as it often happens when Jimin and I go on dates together, eyes turn back in our direction like there's a higher power controlling them, eyes flickering between the three of us and lips parting in shock as if we're celebrities stepping right out of a movie set.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this is the reaction our trio gathers, both from the other people standing in line to visit the museum and from strangers simply walking past the area, but it still takes me a little aback because of how many people are present today.

Jimin and I usually stay closer to the old, sweet district where we live so this is... a level higher than what I'm used to. It makes me glad that I didn't come here on my own before now, I don't think I would have enjoyed myself.

I turn to glance at the two men flanking my sides, and quite honestly, it doesn't take a genius to understand the source of all this attention befalling us.

They really went all out with their look of the day, clinging trousers and fancy jackets adorning bodies that make more than one blush, and knowing that their choice of outfits was only because of me makes me feel proud in some strange ways, did my look really deserve to have them put so much effort in their own appearance?

While I marvel on my own, the situation almost funny to me as I take in the surroundings to avoid putting to shame the people unable to stop gaping, Namjoon and Yoongi aren't vibing on quite the same wavelength as me.

Don't get them wrong, they're not unhappy at all, they're quite comfortable actually, they just can't help it as they analyze one face at a time to get an idea of who they're going to have to look out for during our visit.

They don't miss the lustful eyes that take me in, a reality that makes their blood boil, how shameless some of them are as they nearly drool on the floor, and they both begin taking mental notes, scents remembered for a future hunt that will give them a lot of work, but it is what it is - they need to start somewhere.

"Do you think it's going to take a long time before we make it inside?" I find myself asking after a little dozen minutes of standing outside in line, the amount of time we've been able to walk towards the doors few enough to fit in one hand, I didn't know that this museum was this busy but it makes sense considering how popular I heard it is.

"I'm not sure, peanut, why? Are you tired? Do you want to sit somewhere while we wait? One of us can stay in line while you sit at a nearby bench" Yoongi answers, his and Namjoon's eyes turning concerned when they look down at my feet, are they already hurting?

I quickly shake my head at the offer. "No, that's not necessary! I was just curious, that's all, don't worry" I let them know, words that don't fully convince them, they're still going to keep an eye on my feet from time to time, the shoes look pretty but not of the comfortable kind.

It takes time, but with light chatter filling in the blanks from time to time, we eventually make it to the huge doors that are held open by blocks of stone and when we finally enter inside the tall and imposing building, we all fall into speechless awe when we're welcomed by shining knight armors standing tall before a wall of flowers that make the entrance into a magical experience all the way up to the front desk where tickets are sold.

Namjoon steps forward with his wallet in hand to take care of us three and when we receive a pretty stamp on the hand of the museum's logo, we're invited through another gate and wished a pleasant visit, words that have my heart tingling with excitement, I can't believe I'm finally standing inside this museum!

I accept the map one of the employees hands us as we near a large hallway already filled with many people and when I take a look at it with the two men who take their mission very seriously as they sandwich me with their imposing statures, it's to see that the site is absolutely gigantic, we're going to be in here for at least two hours.

"How about we follow the map for now? There are many different rooms along the way and it would be a shame to miss some of them" Yoongi comes up with a simple plan to begin this journey and I quickly nod my head with sparkling eyes, that sounds great, I can't wait to see what kind of exhibitions they have here!

They both chuckle at my obvious giddiness, it makes them happy to see that their decision to come here was such a success.

"Sure, let's do that, babe. Come here, sunshine, hold my hand, there are many visitors here and losing each other is a big no no" Namjoon muses softly, and his way of speaking causes me to laugh lightly before I accept the hand offered to me and just like that, our nice activity officially begins.

Jungkook's POV

Now on a break from installing the multitude of cameras that I bought for our twins, Jimin, Taehyung and I feel absolutely, utterly helpless as we stare at my phone besides the cash register, the screen showing off a beautiful Y/N with an overjoyed smile on her face as she makes a pose besides a gigantic and adorable white bunny.

There's no looking away from her vibrant joy that reaches us from through the screen, she's so fucking pretty and there's this urge to just... run out of here to make it to where they are that floods my soul instantly, a sentiment shared by Jimin and Taehyung as well when I find them clutching at their heart as if it's already attempting to tear a hole through their flesh to reach her side.

And so we all experience a despair that climbs higher and higher when another picture comes in, and another one, again and again, of her with a dog, with a fox and even with a hamster, Yoongi or Namjoon sometimes alternating to be in the picture with her, which we can all see as a mean to show off, they're stupidly proud of themselves.

"Where the hell did they go?" Jimin mumbles more to himself than to us as he scrolls through the photos to try and get an idea of where the two men took our girl, his eyes unable to resist the shine that floods his orbs whenever he sees his sister's happy pink cheeks, delight all over her face, our brothers really went all out to win her heart.

"That looks like the museum that Namjoon really wanted to go to, Musei? They have all sorts of exhibitions inside and I remember seeing briefly that they had an animal room to appeal to the children" Taehyung answers, and as we take in her beaming smile once more... I guess it's working.

"That explains her face then, she loves museums. Just look at her, she looks perfect, my pretty twin, I just want to squeeze her tight in my arms when I see her smile like that... I should've gone there with her myself" Jimin grunts with a painful expression on his face, his lips pursing and fingers caressing the screen as if he could pull her out of it, a pain that I understand very well.

"Do you want us to hug you instead? It'll pass the itch" I offer with a grin, one that widens with amusement when he huffs with an insulted frown before crossing his arms over his chest. "As if you could ever take my sister's place, not a chance".

"But hyungs could, right? Namjoon and Yoongi could soothe at least part of your soul when you can't help but long for her" Taehyung tries softly with a curious glance, and to that, Jimin's shoulders lose of their tension a little, an audible gulp heard as he lowers his gaze to the floor.

"I... don't know" he answers before sighing deeply.

"Say, Jungkook, Taehyung, if Y/N is your mate... could it be possible that I too am their... ugh, no, forget I said anything, that's a stupid thought" he shakes his head as if he believes his thought process pitiful, ridiculous, and it makes my heart hurt for him, is it so hard to imagine that someone might want him that way?

"You're their mate. I know they'd rather be the ones to tell you but it's not like you're oblivious to the way they treat you, right? Just like Jungkook and I fell in love with Y/N, they too fell in love with you, you know that, don't you?" Taehyung murmurs gently, a hand on Jimin's shoulder when he looks like he's about to take a step away from us.

"I... yeah, I know, but... what about Jin and Hoseok? I saw the way they were with her, they made her feel so safe that she fell asleep in their arms, I've never seen her like that with anyone else but with mom and I, and today with Namjoon and Yoongi, that smile of hers... why is everyone so... intertwined?" he starts, brows furrowed because he can't find the right words to explain something that he doesn't understand.

I hum quietly before smiling when his gaze raises to meet mine, helpless and in need of answers, which I can understand, this is all a lot - we are a lot. We might not be able to reveal everything of who we are just yet, but I believe Jimin deserves to know this much, for his own peace of mind.

"Just like Y/N is incredibly precious to you, more than words can ever describe, so are we to one another, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung and I. It's a bond that runs much deeper, that is much more complex than simple friendship, stronger than that of a simple family. We are like pieces of a same entity, our fragmented souls form one and the same when brought together, and so the emotions we share... they are not like anything this world is able to reciprocate, it's more... powerful, but you understand what I'm talking about, right?" I ask, and Jimin nods slowly, of course he does.

Taehyung comes over and curls his arms around me, his ear against my chest where my heart beats, eyes closed to focus on that red, vibrant thread that unites us, one that pulls and pulls with each movements that Y/N makes. Like a compass, it will always lead us to her, no matter where she is.

But if we focus some more... there are the other threads, not red but of a pure black, ones that also link and bind us to the others, threads that too act like a compass, because we are not meant to be separated, pieces of one soul not meant to be kept apart forever.

"Mates separate the kind of affection we have for one another, but at the end of the day, we still belong to one another the same way you and your twin belong to each other. There's this strong bond that unites you as one, and that same bond also binds you to us, to all six of us. Y/N is our mate, you are Namjoon and Yoongi's, but that doesn't mean that Hoseok and Jin are outsiders. You belong to them the same way they belong to you, even if there is no romantic attraction behind their actions. That is the power of our bond and there is no fleeing it once it takes roots".

Taehyung and I observe as our overwhelmed human takes a seat to avoid a dizzying wave from swarming him, he can finally confirm his initial thought, that they were both pulled into something that is completely out of their control and... he doesn't know how to take it, his scent wavering and turning like acid the more he overthinks with his brain before sweetening when his heart takes over, it's a lot to process all at once.

Taehyung leaves my side to kneel in front of him, small hands pulled into his warm palms before he smiles like only him knows how to, a smile that melts hearts, that hugs and loves, gentle and soft.

"You always felt like an outsider, no matter where you went, no matter who stayed by your side, but that feeling disappeared with our arrival. It was like... you didn't need to be so strong anymore, because we are now here to protect the both of you, you finally have someone to lean onto".

Jimin inhales deeply before nodding his head.

He always knew that this world wasn't made for him, it wasn't made for Y/N, it acts like a prison, one that has for goal to make them suffer as much as possible. He thought he would have to fight against it until his last breath but with us... he's been forgetting about that more and more, that he needs to be strong all the time.

"My guess would be that it's our fault" Taehyung continues with a pained frown on his face, and those words twist my heart like you twist a clothe to get rid of the excess of water.

That was the only thing we could gather from their situation when Jimin explained everything to us yesterday - they had to suffer because of us, because of what we are.

After all, mates of our... unique line of royalty need to be strong, and if they aren't right from the beginning, then they need to be made strong, such is the law of our world.

Until the day they would finally fall within our grasp, they had to survive this harsh world and its disgusting games with their own strength, because only then would they deserve the power of the bond that unites us, our protection.

As things are right now, Y/N probably wouldn't have made it very far if Jimin hadn't been by her side, which is why they came as a pair of twins. They were made two pieces of the same soul to better share the burden of being the mates of rare blooded creatures.

Human mates. That was the element that went against them, and Y/N being a female only made it worse for her.

Jimin had to take the burden of being strong and without pity for two, he had to endure seeing her be prey to danger while Y/N, the future heir's mother - a role we had thought would disappear with our generation - had to take the burden of being the weaker one, the disadvantaged half with a heart of gold, a light that would keep her twin's deep darkness from swallowing him whole.

We owe Jimin everything that we are for holding on until our arrival, and though they are now under our care, under our protection, he had to be strong all his life, he had to look out for danger every single day for her, which is why he is struggling to let go.

"There is always a price to pay for what we have and I'm sorry that you were the ones to pay for it. I would like you to believe me, truly and sincerely believe me, Jimin, when I say that you do not need to keep fighting anymore. We are taking that burden from you so allow yourself to be cradled into our safety. You did well to hold on until now, you did your best to keep Y/N safe and you did it perfectly so you can slow down now, you can rest, we are here to take care of you".

I don't know what effect those words have on Jimin's heart, it's possible that I never find out the whole extent of the healing they bring him at this very moment, but when his lower lip wobbles softly as his eyes fill with tears that betray him before he can even rise up a wall, it's easy for us to see that he spent his entire life longing to hear that.

I rush forward to hug him tightly when he begins crumbling on his seat and Taehyung joins our hug with his soft touch as well, a barrier that hides Jimin's pain from the world as he allows himself to be weak, if only for now.

"You're an excellent brother, Jimin, Y/N knows that too. She loves you more than anything else in this world, be proud of that and cherish that feeling. Not every twins have access to such a unique bond".

Your POV

When we enter a dark looking room, not many people inside because it's not exactly... interesting looking, Namjoon and Yoongi seem to find in what they see something worthy enough of their attention, because they both stop in front of the play of lights and shadows with an expression on their face that I can't quite understand.

I move to stand besides them and then let my eyes fall on the lonely light that stands alone while surrounded by darkness, one that seems to try and seek out the other lights that stand too far, so out of reach that their weak halos look like they'll never be able to win against the overwhelming shadows that build up thick walls to separate them.

"What do you see, Y/N?" Namjoon asks me after a moment of silence, his voice thick with emotions that I wish I could understand, what does he see?

"What I see..." I hum softly.

This light... it reminds me of Jimin, my dear twin brother.

"Loneliness" I answer with a sad crease to my eyes. "I see someone who longs to connect with people, someone who dreams of being understood without any judgement, with open arms and warm smiles, but cannot reach that warmth because his fears are too strong, the weight of his responsibilities too heavy as they begin to crush him. There are other people present to help him now, but it's hard to brave through the unknown, even when you know what awaits you on the other side of the storm".

Yoongi's hand finds mine to squeeze softly and I smile lightly as tears begin to cloud my sight.

"The darkness... doesn't have to be there, but there's someone behind him that takes away all of the light because she's too weak to live on her own, too scared of ending up alone when all she has is that person, but she's becoming very heavy for that poor, lonely soul" my voice breaks near the end, because this is what I'm doing to Jimin, aren't I? I'm being a very heavy burden for him.

They both part their lips to say something, they know what I'm doing here, what I'm saying, but I speak up before they do, my plea laced and weakly cradled within the next words uttered.

"That's what that light is going through, it's stuck in place, unable to move away from the very important role it gave itself, which is to keep the dangerous shadows away to protect its important responsibility, but the others... they're allowed to move freely, they are one with the darkness, they aren't scared of it. Where the lonely light cannot do anything on its own, the others can make a path through the shadows to make the light stronger, and then maybe the frightened soul will be able to stop being so damn... heavy".

That is what I wish for Jimin, what I've always hoped for him. If only he could have people to take the burden from him so he too could have a chance at a life of freedom, a life in which he can live and behave like he wants, without having to constantly look over his shoulders because of me.

This is my request to Namjoon and Yoongi, and I think it's safe to say that they heard it loud and clear when they both nod with a glow of promise in their dark orbs, Yoongi's fingers hot and strong as they lace between mine to hold my hand tightly.

"That's a beautiful way of seeing this, Y/N. I think... only people who have gone through immense pain and guilt can have that kind of vision, so I say this very carefully, but that frightened soul... it hasn't done anything wrong. Trying to survive in a scary world by holding onto the only thing that brings you warmth, it's not bad" he says gently, his voice meant to comfort me, and Namjoon continues.

"And that lonely light isn't as weak as you seem to believe it is. It could only continue shining for so long because its desire to keep protecting was that strong, that darkness wasn't a prison but a defense that it kept up willingly because darkness is the only thing it knew how to control, but that will change now. You're right about the other lights, they are not bound by rules, they can and will protect both the lonely light and the frightened soul, no matter the cost".

Tears fall down my cheeks and I sniffle with a trembling breath before nodding my head, free hand used to wipe my face, why is it always so easy to believe them? Not only these two, but the four other men who have slipped into our life as well, it is so easy to believe them when they speak like this.

"You're right... it is a very strong light" I finally respond, the sight in front of me already looking a little brighter, the light is not flickering, it is not weak, it's simply fighting alone, but that won't last forever, will it? He won't have to fight anymore, it's already begun... their protecting us.

Namjoon moves to stand in front of me and smiles weakly when he takes in the remnant traces of tears on my skin, wetness that his thumbs take care of until there's nothing left but a soothed soul.

"You're a very good sister, Y/N, never doubt that. Jimin never once felt as though you were a weight, a burden for him. His desire to protect you may have guided him for most of your life, but not once has it bothered him, I tell you that with the utmost confidence. Your feeling of guilt is only born from a wish for a better future, it appeared because you want to see him happy, because your love for him is your reason to live. You both gave of yourself to the other, sunshine, you did so much more than take, you gave Jimin a home, you allowed him a safe space where he can rest, don't take that lightly".

I didn't want to cry, but in this quiet, dark ambiance and with those words whispered to me, there's only so much I can handle and so, it's very, very silently that I allow myself to crumble in their hold, the relief from not being the burden that I thought I was acting like a very gentle sun that calms down a storm that has always been hidden deeply within my soul.


"Thank you for taking me to Musei today, I really enjoyed myself" I let out softly once the three of us back in the car, and they both hum with a content softness on their face as Yoongi begins driving out of the busy parking lot.

"It was a pleasure, sunshine, we too had a good time. I especially liked discussing our different understandings of the paintings near the end, it was nice to see how unique perceptions can be, you have a very bright mind when it comes to art" Namjoon responds and I beam in quiet, cheeks blushing lightly at the praise.

"I do have an interest for arts so that served me well today" I muse before startling a little bit when my phone suddenly begins ringing, and seeing my brother's name on the screen has me gasping happily before I accept the call.

"Jiminie" I chirp right away with an excitement that makes him chuckle from the other side of the line.

'Hey peach, you have a good voice, are you having fun with Namjoon and Yoongi?'.

"I am! We went to the museum, Musei and there was so much to see, you should've seen that one room, there were so many huge animals, they were so cute, and-" I begin recounting everything that we did and saw, minus the part where I cried and Jimin hums along, pleased like he could never admit aloud to the others, though he doesn't have to with how obvious it is in the way he too beams.

'That sounds like a fun day, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Jungkook and Taehyung are keeping me company as promised and... well I can't say it's boring, we opened shop earlier and we'll stay here for a few hours probably, they're helping me serve the customers. I think they tripled the sales all by themselves and it's barely been an hour, I learned a lot about how to indirectly manipulate people into buying more' Jimin goes very seriously with his own day and my eyes widen while Namjoon snorts, what the fuck!

"Jimin! You can't seriously consider manipulating customers like that!" I exclaim but he only hums in amusement while Yoongi and Namjoon grin, something that makes me frown because how the hell can they hear Jimin so easily?

Witches, my mind whispers, they're witches.

'It's fine, peach, they're all very happy about what they purchased. They simply got more because these two guided them to things of similar interest after seeing the things that they would choose first, they're really good at reading people, I almost want to get them to work with us permanently' my bewitched brother muses and I can only gape at his words, he what now?

'Oh that would be great! You don't even have to pay us, daisy! Getting to spend time with you is plenty enough for us' I hear Jungkook chirp in the background and when I hear Jimin chuckle, I remain completely speechless, did they really manage to make him accept them that easily?

'We have yet to go over the matter of my pictures too, I should bring them over soon so we can discuss about what to do with them' Taehyung adds with a soft, hopeful voice that reminds me of what I said the other day, it feels like ages ago already, it's true that I told him we'd make a contract that would be advantageous for the both of us.

'We can stop by your place and pick them up later if you want, Taehyung, I know my sister by heart so we can do that together, it'll be faster that way, I don't want her to fall into work mode today, it's her day off after all' Jimin offers and when Jungkook and Taehyung agree right away, my brain indeed stops functioning.

'Have you eaten lunch, peach? Why do I get the feeling that you all forgot about it?' he then says to my intention and that has the two men in front of me gulping lightly while I still struggle wrapping my mind around all that's been said so far.

"We're on the way to a restaurant, Jimin, we'll get something easy to eat before going back to your place, there wasn't much we could do about that in the museum, they don't allow food inside" Namjoon answers for me and my brother makes a soft sound before dropping the scolding.

'Alright, as long as she gets something in her stomach, we'll just eat dinner later today. Will you guys be staying tonight?'.

"Not today, baby, we have things to take care of back at home, we'll let you have your time with your sister since you didn't get to spend a lot of time together, we can do something another day" Yoongi gently refuses and it makes me smile, I appreciate that they're allowing us alone time despite wanting to be present for everything.

'Oh... okay, that's fine. Jungkook and Taehyung said the same thing too, I kind of figured you'd go back too, it sounds like something important' Jimin mumbles with disappointment, it makes my heart melt for him, he wanted to spend more time with them too, didn't he?

"We'll take you out on a date soon, pup, don't worry, we're not forgetting about you" Namjoon promises next and instantly, I just know that Jimin is currently blushing, and it hurts that I can't see his lovely pink cheeks, especially when Taehyung and Jungkook coo.

'O-okay. Good. Well then, I'll end the call, I'll see you later peach, I love you'.

"I love you too, Jiminie, see you soon" I muse before ending the call, and as I put my phone away in my bag, I find myself already missing him, which makes me sigh. Spending an entire day away from him like this... I hope it doesn't happen too often.

With that said and done, Yoongi drives us to a restaurant that I haven't had the chance the visit with Jimin yet and we get inside without having to wait for too long, the odd hour meaning that we're pretty much alone inside, which is great, it'll give us a break from the sea of people we had to share our space with for a few hours.

The server is a quiet one, not too expressive as he settles one menu on the table before leaving, and when Yoongi picks it up to have a look with me, Namjoon unable to see as he sits in front of us, we quickly choose a few light things that we can share between the three of us, things that will please every palates without being too fancy.

Glasses of water are brought over, orders are given and the menu goes back to the front desk, and then I turn my gaze to the two men who lean back in their chairs to relax properly after having walked around all day.

"When you said that you'd take Jimin on a date another day, it won't be like what we had today, right? It's going to be more personal? More romantic?" I ask straight to the point, a question that has Namjoon coughing on his sip of water while Yoongi's reaction doesn't change much, though his ears do pick up a light tint of red.

"Would that be a bad thing?" the man asks back bashfully, his eyes glancing at me looking kind of afraid of my response, and when I quirk an eyebrow at him, his lips curl downwards into a pout. "You tell me, Yoongi, would that be a bad thing?".

Namjoon wipes his mouth and chin with a tissue before clearing his throat to get my attention, his bravery showing in the way he keeps his shoulders straight and proud. "You're trying to see if we're serious about him or not, if we're only fooling around or if we really intend to earn his love and keep it".

I nod once, and the both of them share a look before nodding back softly. "Of course, you are both looking out for one another, it makes sense. Did Taehyung and Jungkook explain their attraction to you yesterday, at least a little?".

The mention of their names was unexpected to me so it's only natural when my face heats up at the reminder of that time when we were cuddled in my bed, but I still try to play it off with a short cough that makes them grin briefly.

"They talked about... missing pieces. That I was that for them, that there's this inexplicable feeling that lets them know who they belong with romantically. He said that it's the same for you two, and for Jin and Hoseok as well".

Yoongi nods his head, that's pretty well explained considering how they had to avoid revealing too much.

"He's right, it's the same for us and Jimin. He is our missing piece, so just like Jungkook and Taehyung want to court you, we too want to court him to make him ours. But that doesn't mean that you are of no interest to us, which is why we took you out on a date today. We might not need you the same way we need Jimin, but we still want to cherish you just the same, just like Hoseok and Jin have done yesterday.

What we have, it's... complicated. We all love each other deeply, maybe even the way a couple would in most eyes, it's more than a platonic love but not quite... romantic. We want you to need us as much as you need your destined ones, but not in the way that you need them" Yoongi tries to explain in more details, nose scrunched as he tries to find the right words to use, and while I feel like this is all very confusing, I also kind of get what he's trying to say.

"So what you're saying is that your relationship is just like how Jimin and I feel for one another. I am aware that our closeness isn't on the normal side, but while we do sometimes behave like a couple does, our feelings don't go in that kind of direction, we're just... we need each other to feel complete. That's what you want as well, right? The six of you to the two of us" I try to help him in the explaining and that seems to fit perfectly because they both nod their head quickly, eyes filled with relief.

"Yes, exactly. We know that we'll never take Jimin's place, that is not our goal, but within our group, we're used to everyone being affectionate with each other, it's very important for us to have a close bond with everyone. I know that this sounds very weird since we've barely gotten here, humans are so... scared of intimacy outside of a lover or family, but we don't feel the same way about this notion. In that sense... you already know that we're different, don't you, Y/N? When you talked about the lights being one with the darkness, you were talking about us".

Namjoon's eyes are sharp when he says the last words, he's paying very careful attention to my reaction and I don't fight his gaze, because what would lying do here? I might not know what they are, but it is obvious to me that they are not regular people, they are not like Jimin and I, not like anyone else we've met.

While they already know of the darkness Jimin carries deeply within him, a granted thing considering that they live in the same world, skin stained with blood on a regular basis, for them to use the word humans? That can only confirm it for me.

Taehyung and Jungkook also used that term yesterday, and who uses that term, if not people who don't fit in that category?

I take a sip of my water before exhaling deeply, eyes gazing at my hands, at the bandages still covering my skin. That man's probably dead by now.

"My brother knows me as pure, he sees me as someone who doesn't know about his second nature and I intend to keep things that way for as long as necessary. He is not ready to learn that I know about his secret, and I've had this feeling about your group for a while now, you're very... similar. Seeing how he's suddenly opened the door wide for your group, something very unlike him, I'm thinking that you've talked about this similarity".

"... we have, yes".

I nod before smiling up at them.

"That's why I want to make sure that you're really sincere about loving him. Jimin... he's fragile when it comes to emotions, he's afraid of rejection, he's afraid of getting close to someone who's accepted all of him only to be thrown aside the next minute, that's why he has yet to reveal his true self to me. I might not be very strong, but nothing will stop me from protecting him if needed, even if it has to be from you. I can act oblivious to many things, but I will not stay aside when it comes to his heart, to his soul. So let me warn you now, Namjoon, Yoongi".

I let my smile drop and they both grow tensed, senses losing that lightness that they could feel from me, because that is not the aura of the pure Y/N, that is the aura of dark Jimin.

"If you break his heart, no matter the cause, you will have to cross the entire ocean, you will have to search the sky and its mountains like it's never been done before just to get a glimpse of our shadows. I am not above giving up on my own happiness if it means gaining a chance to heal my special half, and no amount of begging will ever be able to make me forgive you for hurting him, so thread carefully on the path you have chosen and pray dearly that it never puts a tear across his heart".

The plates choose that exact moment to arrive and the server's eyes work overtime just to avoid crossing any of ours as he makes sure to finish his task as quickly and efficiently as possible to run away, because he sure heard things that made his blood freeze and it's too early for that.

Unable to find any hint of a possible teasing in my voice, Namjoon and Yoongi understand immediately just how serious I am and so they find themselves nodding obediently, may the gods protect their sinful selves.

"I make it a promise to you, Y/N, you will never find us the cause of Jimin's tears. Not today, not even in a hundred years. Losing him would be like losing any and all reason to live, it's not a life worth living at all".

I let my eyes take them in for a few seconds longer, and when satisfied with their sincerity, I bring my gaze to the food in front of me with a pleased chirp, this all looks so good!

I almost forgot about my hunger in the midst of this conversation but now that I'm getting to smell all of this, I really am famished!

The two men release a breath of relief when that feeling of doom disappears from over their head, it appears they're going to have to make changes in the vision they had of me, and they will have to let the others know about that newfound information as well.

It's not Jimin they have to look out for the most.

It's me.


Goodness, that was not an easy chapter to write lmao. Was it okay? I feel like people might get very confused because of it, so let me know if that's your case!

On another note, the big reveal is getting closer! But even then, that will be only half of the whole truth, there is a lot going on with our boys!

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