- 14 -

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I really like this chapter for some reason! I hope you do too 💜


"Take care of Y/N well, hyungs, don't make her awkward with your weird habits" Taehyung mumbles sadly by the front door as he clings onto Jungkook's arm tightly while Namjoon and Yoongi stand by my sides with a content smile on their face, their pride soaring high because it was in the end confirmed that they would spend the day with me while Taehyung and Jungkook will be accompanying Jimin for his errands.

The young sweet man pouts some more when our eyes meet before waving goodbye, and then he follows behind Jimin, the two of them leaving the house while Jungkook lingers behind for a moment longer, his puppy eyes doing enough speaking for him - he too really wants to stay behind.

"You call me if there's anything bothering you, okay? We'll come to your rescue at any time you need, even if it's only because they're starting to become annoying" he says to my intention, words that make the two men by my sides huff indignantly, and I chuckle before nodding my head.

"I will, but you yourself told me that it would be fine, didn't you? I don't think I need to worry. Plus, Jimin will take care of them himself if anything happens, I don't think they'll take that risk".

My twin brother snorts and sends me a thumb up from the front terrace, one I send back with a similar grin, and four men feel their lips twitch into a gentle smile at the sight. They don't think they'll ever be able to understand how we manage to be this cute even when threats leave our mouth.

Namjoon wraps an arm around my shoulders, eyes crinkling with amusement when I startle, a blush creeping onto my cheeks when Yoongi also slides his arm around my back to sandwich me between them.

"You will hear only good news about today, I promise. We're going to get her to dress up all pretty, then we'll stop by our place so we can get changed too and we'll take her out on a fun date" the most imposing of the two men chirps smoothly and my eyes widen at his statement, eyes looking up to find him winking at me with a proud smile on his face.

"Her first date is going to be with you two? Oh man... oh I'm so jealous. I want to come too!" Jungkook whines with a foot stumping on the floor, but Jimin sighs impatiently and pulls the whiny man out of the house so they can get a move on.

"Stop complaining, you offered to come help me in the end, how am I supposed to feel if you react like that now?" my brother utters while feigning sadness and Taehyung's eyes snap to Jungkook before falling on Jimin, after which the sweet man decides to be brave and strong for everyone's sake.

"Jungkookie, let's go, we'll have a date with Jimin instead! A camera date!" he pleasantly muses with bright orbs, his hopeful tone causing Jimin's face to soften while Jungkook abandons being jealous almost instantly, because a date with Jimin sounds pretty nice now that he's thinking about it.

"Yeah, okay then. We'll take you out another time, daisy, so just enjoy your time with Yoongi and Namjoon, I'm sure they have something great in mind for you today" the man changes his stance to support the day's planning that didn't involve informing me about it before it was decided, but I guess... no matter what activity is planned by these two will be better than staying at home and do nothing all day.

Still, with a mind overly aware of the two men's warmth that clings to my skin as they keep me close, men who should be flirting with my brother - they are flirting with him, aren't they? - I take in Jimin's expression for a moment just to make sure that he's okay with this, because the last thing I want is to make him feel left out when he's the one interested in them.

Sensing my concern, Jimin sighs and leaves Jungkook and Taehyung outside to come in until he's standing in front of me in the entrance, after which he cups my cheeks between his hands to kiss my forehead gently, an act that makes my soul flutter and bloom sweetly.

"You always worry about things that don't deserve your energy, my sweet sister. I'm taking your men out on a date and here you are getting concerned with how I feel about your own outing" he muses and I purse my lips, cheeks blushing again because to hear him call them my men, it makes me feel weird, sweetly strange.

The two concerned men preen happily from the back, giddy smiles on their faces when they look at one another because to hear those words coming from my brother, it's a big sign of acceptance, they couldn't ask for more at the moment.

"But I'll be doing something nice if Namjoon's words are anything to believe. For you... it's a weird date considering that you'll be at the shop installing cameras all day" I retort softly and Taehyung makes an affronted noise at that.

"Everything can be made a fun date with the right amount of efforts! And it won't take all day, we can go on a walk when we're done and eat at a nice place! We'll make sure he has a good day too" he refutes my point confidently and Jungkook nods quickly while Jimin huffs quietly, his eyes a little bashful when he glances up at Namjoon and Yoongi who gaze down at him with loving eyes.

"You take care of my sister, I don't want to come back to her being hurt, sad, hungry and unhappy about her day. You especially do not leave her alone, I don't want her walking behind you and out of sight. I'm trusting her with you, don't take that lightly" my twin warns them before bringing his gaze back to me with the same seriousness that he used on them.

"And the same goes for you, peach. Don't do anything reckless and stay with them, don't act brave and do things on your own, no matter what it is. I'm serious, you know what happened yesterday, you know what that means, right? You understand why I'm like this?".

I lose my smile at his questions, shoulders drooping even more under the weight of Namjoon's arm before I nod my head, face still held between his hands and unable to look anywhere else but into his dark and worried orbs.

I don't want to admit it but... I know that his worry is valid. My being physically attacked by that man... it won't be a one time only. Being alone appears to be something that I will be allowed less and less, and I can't even get mad at him about it, he only wants me safe.

It just... sucks.

Am I going to have to give up going on walks on my own from now on? I enjoy walking by the river in the morning without having to think about anything, without having to interact with anyone, it's nice sometimes, but will that be forbidden?

I sigh. Even my living alone might have to change soon. Jimin will lose his mind otherwise and that's not something I intend to cause on purpose. Living separately was so that he could focus more on himself, it was so that we could appreciate the time we spend together more, it was to allow him a life of his own that didn't center entirely on me, but this is different.

I wouldn't put it above him to stalk my home all night just to make sure that nothing happens to me while I sleep and being exhausted is not something I wish for him. I'll just have to be creative to get my occasional alone time, I know he's going to respect that for me when it happens so I'm not really worried.

My favorite decorations can always follow me, I won't have my other half pay the price of my safety on his own.

"I'll be careful, Jiminie, I'll make sure to stay close to them all day so you won't have to worry" I say softly to reassure him, hands sliding over his own to add to my promise, and he relaxes imperceptibly, the tension one that comes from his heart more than it comes from muscles.

His forehead comes to rest against my own, and Namjoon and Yoongi both put a hand on his shoulders to close our little circle, their own way of promising to Jimin that they will protect me, that nothing will happen to me today, not while under their care.

"I trust them with you so you don't have to worry about anything. Just enjoy yourself today and come back to me with a wide smile on your face, okay?".

"I'll come back with a huge smile, a huge hug and even huge cuddles just for you".

He chuckles, nose rubbing lightly against my own before he pulls back with a pleased glow to his skin. "That's a deal. I won't forget so you shouldn't either, I will get those cuddles, even if you change your mind" he teases with a pinch to my cheek and I grin, like I would ever take that back.

"That's super cute and sweet, but shouldn't we get going now if we want to get it done today? We need to find those cameras before we install them!" Jungkook exclaims from where he stands with Taehyung outside, the two of them completely forgotten as they wait, and Jimin sighs deeply before making a step back, almost regretfully.

"Yeah, he's right. We'll get going then. I'll see if I can open the shop for a few hours today before it gets too late, I'll let you know how it goes. I love you, peach. See you later, Namjoon, Yoongi".

We share one last nod of the head, and then Namjoon, Yoongi and I observe as the trio finally leaves, door closed behind my twin before the sound of his car's rumbling resonates through the window as they drive out of the parking lot.

Now used to the additional body heat attached to me, I don't realize right away that their leaving me behind now means that I am alone with two very tall and jacked men, still a filling to the sandwich that they create, so when Yoongi clears his throat all of a sudden to fill the new silence, I immediately tense up.

"Well, maybe we should get a move on too. You don't have any pretty clothes here, do you? Should we stop by your place so you can get what you want first?".

I forcefully swallow down my saliva before slowly nodding my head, the tension in my body not going unseen by the two men who resist a disappointed sigh, they're really seeing firsthand just what kind of impact my twin brother has on me when he's not here.

"Y-yeah, let's do that. I'm sorry about my... I promise I won't be so tense all day, I'm just nervous" I admit sheepishly after taking a look at their pursed lips, I don't want them to believe that I have a problem with them, I'm simply sincerely not used to being alone with people like this and these two really have an aura that rivals with angry Jimin, which I thought was impossible to achieve.

Namjoon's eyes crease lightly at my words and he moves a hand to my hair to ruffle it softly. "Don't worry about it, sunshine, I know that we're a lot to handle. The others are a piece of cake next to us, right?".

I quickly nod at his statement and the both of them chuckle, the blush that continually coats my cheeks when they gaze at me enough to make them feel better about everything, because me being embarrassed is a lot better than me being fearful of them, which I am not.

"Alright, let's go then. Do you have the car keys, hyung?".

"Right here" Yoongi lets out as he reveals the keys in his hand, and just like that, we're on our way out of the house as well, Jimin's other set of key in my possession so that we can come back here later, because while it was not mentioned, my going back to my place is not in the plans as of yet.

As expected, when we reach their own vehicle, it's to see that it's as expensive as I'd imagined it to be considering the home they live in, and though they insist to have me sit at the front, I still manage to secure the back seat for this time, for the simple reason that it'll give me some time to get used to them without needing to be the center of their attention constantly.

I know that they're just as nice as the others, just as kind and warmhearted, I've seen and experienced this much from them already so my nerves won't last forever, just like with Jungkook and Taehyung yesterday when they kept me company at my place.

It's a temporary reaction due to a new situation that I've not been allowed often, one I will gradually get used to, which currently consists of me spending time alone with yet another pair of powerful men who want only good things for Jimin and I.

And so that's why I intend to make use of our alone time today to ask them about my brother. I want to know how they see him, how they feel about him, I want to know what to expect from them because I know that they're interested in Jimin, I just don't know what they want to do with that.

Do I need to protect my perfect twin's heart from the harm I know Yoongi and Namjoon can do? This is extremely important to me and I intend to find out at all cost, even if I need to forcefully extract the truth from their nostrils, nothing will stop me.

The two men feel a chill run down their spine without warning, and even when they share a cautious look when I snort to myself without any explanation, they can't manage to come up with a reason as to why such a sound would provoke such a reaction from their bodies.

Goodness. Their twins are scary.

After directing them towards my home when necessary, the drive remains as short as usual and when they park in front of the building, when we step out of the vehicle, they take a moment to observe the surroundings like guard dogs while I walk towards the front door that opens to a large lobby where stands a staircase right in the middle of the room.

I get inside first and decide to wait for them by the stairs while they do their little investigation - what are they even expecting to find like this? - and it's during that short time that I hear sudden happy laughter resonate in the room as a door opens and closes loudly from behind me.

I look over my shoulder to see who it could be, there are some faces that have become familiar even though we've never talked and when I meet eyes with a woman and her lover as they walk past me, their laughing coming to an end as quickly as it began as if I'm already ruining their day, it's to get complete opposite reactions to my presence.

I quickly look down at the floor with a gulp as I attempt to make myself smaller, less threatening even though I haven't done anything to even warrant such a reaction from them.

I'll never see the end of this, will I? This mix of disdain and lust that makes me feel uncomfortable no matter what I do. I guess I should feel lucky that there's a woman present to keep the man from crowding my space, but being hated isn't any more enjoyable just because she keeps her distance.

My shop is by far the only exception that has been allowed to me so far, the customers that come to me all very friendly and kind, it feels safe in there, my personal little heaven, but I can't help but wonder how the same people would react to me if we ever met outside of My Universe.

Would they smile at me with sincere looking eyes or would they show me a completely different side of who they are?

"What a whore, who dresses like that in the morning? I bet she's fishing for attention so stop giving it to her! You always stare at her like that when she's around, I hate it" the woman scolds her man loud enough for me to know that it was intentional and I purse my lips with a frown, a whore?

The main door closes behind them and I awkwardly look down at my current outfit, Jimin's clothes hanging loosely around my body, you can't even see the shape of my chest underneath the shirt, how does that make me a whore?

Whether I dress cutely or like this, I always get the same response from women who happen to see me like a threat, it makes me wonder if I'll ever do anything right in their eyes one day or if I'm doomed to hear this until the rest of my life.

The door opens again to allow inside Yoongi and Namjoon, and though they don't utter a single word as they stride over to where I'm standing, it's easy to see that they had to hear a few unpleasant words from the same couple if the glare stuck on their face is anything to go by.

"Did they say anything to you?" Yoongi asks me first when they stop in front of me, and when I duck my head to avoid answering when the truth is already obvious, I miss the resolve that flashes across their face when they stare at one door in particular.

"I'll give them a piece of my mind the next time I cross paths with them" Namjoon's dark voice echoes against the walls of the empty room like a promise, and while I know that this is basically a threat, it does help me to feel a little bit better about this stupid situation.

"It's fine Namjoon, I'm used to people commenting on my appearance like this, women have never really liked me so it's nothing new" I let them know with a frail smile, one that both breaks their heart and strengthen their growing resolve, they're going to have a lot of work to do if they want this town to become safer, if at all possible.

It's either that or they take Jimin and I back to their hometown where they know everything will be much safer for me, an option that would probably require less deaths than the former. They got what they wanted anyway, their last mates found and pocketed, nothing binds them away from the secluded land anymore.

"That doesn't make it okay for them to say the things they say. You're allowed to get mad at them, Y/N, hell, you should even insult them back. They call you a whore? Call them an ugly bitch, tell them that their makeup looks awful, that your blind grandparents can dress better than them, tell them that you saw their outfit in the worst mistakes of the year in some popular newspaper, crush their ego, make them look at you with fear" Yoongi speaks up confidently when my answer doesn't satisfy him, and for every insult that leaves his mouth, my smile grows bigger and bigger until a giggle slips past my lips.

Their frowns soften when the tension leaves my body and Namjoon settles a warm hand over my back before motioning for us to begin walking up the stairs while Yoongi follows behind with a proud grin on his face, he did good there, didn't he? He sure did.

"While I wouldn't recommend you to insult a man on your own - that can go wrong very quickly, as you know - I really believe that you should be more confident in yourself, Y/N. They allow themselves to say the things they do because you give them access to your vulnerability. Put on an armor, no matter how fake it is and watch as it dawns on them that you don't care about their words when they see you remain unbothered. And when the opportunity occurs, you let us know about them and we handle them our way next" Namjoon muses with a frightening smile on his face near the end, one that feels like a mirror image of Jimin when he gets all defensive for me.

I chuckle softly and allow myself to process their words, words that Jimin has never bothered to say before because in his vision of our life, I don't need to defend myself if he is there to do it for me. This feels nice to hear for a change.

"Do you think that would work? Maybe I should try both of your ideas when it's safe to do so" I let out with a light smile, to which they both hum, pleased.

"You should, you'll see, it feels nice when you stand up for yourself, though that won't stop us from acting like your swords as well. Anyone who dares insult our twins is no better than a trash bug - they deserve to burn down to a crisp until not a trace remains behind".

Oh. Was that sarcastic? That wasn't, was it?

I plaster a smile over my face after laughing lightly - I'll just pretend like I don't know - and with that now out of the way, we finally make it to my door, one that opens without much complications to allow us inside my sweet home.

"Well, this is where I live. Feel free to make yourselves at home, don't just stand in the entrance like trees" I chirp lightly as I remove my shoes as soon as the door closes behind us, a look behind me showing them smiling as they do the same, my permission keeping them from waiting like the others did yesterday.

"You can wait in the living room, I'll head to my bedroom to find what to wear. Is anything fine or should I wear a style specifically? Where are we going today?" I ask as I rush into my bedroom, Namjoon makes a soft sound at my question as he sits on the couch while Yoongi begins touching everything he sees.

"Something that makes you feel good about yourself, sunshine, wear clothes that make you feel... yeah, this is me. As for today's activity... have you ever gone to Rivertown's art museum before?".

I snap my gaze to the wall that separates my bedroom from the living room with wide eyes. "Do you mean Musei? The museum that always displays rare and unique creations? I heard that they have entire rooms filled with sculptures that play with lights and shadows as part of their projects! And they apparently exhibit some of the most sought after paintings, donations that were sent from all across the world!".

Yoongi grins when Namjoon's eyes widen as well, he didn't expect me to know so much about it!

"That's the one! I've been wanting to go ever since I had a look at their website before we moved in, I read only good reviews about it so I thought it could be a fun thing to do today" he answers with hope lacing around and through his voice, does he finally get to share his passion with someone other than Taehyung? Someone who can give him a perspective of things that he doesn't already know by heart?

"That makes me so excited! Jimin doesn't really care much about art so I really hesitated about going because I didn't want to make him bored by taking him with me! Oh I can't wait, this is going to be so fun" I chirp excitedly and that does it for them, they will do anything required of them to make this day a success.

I hurry to my closet to grab my favorite vintage skirt with a white blouse, an outfit that I know Jimin absolutely loves for when we go on dates together and when fully dressed into the softness of the delicate fabrics, I wear some accessories that he got me on a few occasions - a rose-gold necklace that rests prettily over my collarbones, a pretty gold ring set that spreads over multiple fingers and my favorite brown leather handbag.

I look at my reflection in the mirror to make sure that everything is perfect, the ribbon currently holding my hair into a pony tail tightened safely, and when satisfied with the end result, I step out of my bedroom to show them my new look, one that makes them take a double look when I reach the living room, lips parting in pure wonder when I twirl lightly with a small giggle.

"Oh peanut... you're absolutely beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful. It's no wonder that every women get jealous when they stare at you, you're more precious than every gemstones combined together, you outshine them all" Yoongi muses gently as he stands up to join me, his soul enjoying greatly when my only response to his compliment is to blush like a pretty rose.

"We'll have to be careful so we don't dress too simply, else we're going to look like paparazzi" Namjoon adds with an amused chuckle, a hand around my own to make me spin once more with appreciation in his sparkling eyes.

Jungkook and Taehyung are going to be dying with envy whenever they receive pictures of me throughout the day.

"Please don't start speaking like Jimin, he always exaggerates like this when I dress up" I say with a shy smile before Yoongi takes a turn in making me twirl slowly as well, their souls content with seeing me become more at ease with them as time goes.

"Did it never occur to you that if Jimin speaks like this, it's because he's right? Because I don't feel like what we said was anything but the truth, we're going to have to up our dressing game if we want to be at your level" he counters my point with a daring smile and I purse my lips shyly before bringing my arms around my bag when they release me.

"A-anyway, we should get going now, I have everything I need" I stutter out before making my way to the entrance to grab my pretty pair of shoes and they both let out a chuckle before following behind happily.

"Do you want help with your shoes? I can slip them on your feet for you".

"Oh not you too? No!".

"Tsk. It was worth trying".

"What about me? Are you not going to make me the same offer, babe?".

"You're a big boy, Joonie, you can do it on your own".

"How mean. That rejection is going straight through my heart".

I can't resist a giggle as I listen to them argue back and forth playfully, no real anger as they balance their words out with gentle touches, something so simple that reminds me of Jimin and I, of Taehyung and Jungkook, and even of Hoseok and Jin, a familiarity that makes my heart bloom with belonging.

When the three of us ready, they both take one of my hands each before leading the way out and I have to say - I really have a good feeling about today.

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