- 13 -

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I had fun writing this chapter! 😂 enjoy!

This is so cozy and warm... very warm actually, but it feels nice.

I snuggle deeper into Jimin with a content sigh, I feel so well rested and relaxed and with these arms hugging me so tightly on both sides, it's even better than... wait.

On both sides?

I quickly open my eyes in a strike of confusion and tilt my head back to look up before swallowing in a gasp when I find Taehyung sleeping in front of me.

Oh my gosh, what is he doing here? Does it mean that Jungkook is the one behind me? In Jimin's bed? Is this reality or am I having a lucid dream? What in the heavenly marshmallow clouds is this?!

With the purpose of seeking only the truth, I free one hand from under the arms holding me and pinch my cheek harshly before gaping at the sleeping man, it hurts, it hurts and I'm not waking up, is this real?

My heart is already beating frantically in my chest by the time I process that none of this situation makes sense and I don't put it above my organs to do worse, they could have me powering the house in electricity if they wanted to.

I gaze at the man whose lips are into a sleepy pout, now more aware than ever that Jungkook is once again spooning me, they weren't here before I fell asleep so when did they get here? Why are they here? Why did Jimin allow this?

Is he even here or did they kill him to reach the bed?!

Oh my gosh! Jimin, no!

A grunt from behind me and Jungkook pulls me closer into his chiseled chest that steals my breath away in a single heartbeat, I can't tell if this is a wonderful experience that I should absolutely enjoy or a terrible ordeal that is currently testing my endurance, maybe a bit of both?

His nose goes to nuzzle against my cheek and I feel myself blush in mere seconds, skin heating up like a kettle about to burst, something that only worsens when Taehyung makes a soft keening noise before scooting closer to me, his chin settling over the top of my head to have my eyes face the column of his throat and oh dear lord, I shall not survive this morning at this pace.

"What's wrong daisy" Jungkook suddenly asks sleepily with his deep mellow voice, cheek pressed against my own as he inhales deeply, his arms tightening around me as he slowly pulls himself out of the deep sleep that was affecting him.

What's wrong? Does this not seem abnormal to him?

"Where's Jimin?" I decide to ask first, I want to know if he's still alive before I try to pretend like none of this is making me feel like I'm on the verge of passing out from an overworking heart, I need to get rid of the first scenario swarming my mind.

Taehyung stirs a little before quietly answering my question. "He's sleeping in the living room with our hyungs... gave us permission to sleep here last night" he mumbles in a slight slur, words that have me frowning in even more confusion, their hyungs? Does he mean... "Jin and Hoseok?".

They both shake their head at that and cuddle closer to me, if possible at all, they're squishing me so much that I can't even move a muscle anymore.

"No, they went back home, Jimin's with Namjoon and Yoongi, we came later in the night to spend time with you but you were sleeping so we joined you in bed after Jimin said we could" Taehyung explains in more details, words that can't be real because I feel like Jimin would never allow that, are we talking about the same person?

Taehyung looks down at me with small eyes to see my doubtful expression and he sighs softly, his lips still into that cute pout of his while his thumb goes to caress my bottom lip to keep me from biting into it, his mind unaware of the mess he's making of me by doing so.

I meet his gaze in a daze, his beauty really is incomparable and to get to see every little pores of his skin, to see the perfection that he is from so close, from his long lashes to the mole on his lips, how could I ever wish to bring this moment to an end?

Taehyung doesn't say a word, he simply stares at me with a softness that has my heart in fuzzy longing as he keeps sliding his thumb over the plumpness of my bottom lip, his face now so close that I can feel his breath on my skin, wouldn't this be the perfect scene for a kiss?

It feels like every requirements to make it perfect are right there and ticked one after the other and I'm not sure how to feel about this thought that makes me blush shyly, I just know that if he were to kiss me, I wouldn't reject him.

"Does it bother you when he's doing that, daisy?" Jungkook asks with a sultry voice right into my ear, a chuckle leaving him next when a shiver attacks me not so subtly, damn this body of mine, there really is no hiding anything from them like this.

"It doesn't bother me" I mumble shyly as Taehyung continues pushing gently into the flushed skin that calls to him, something that forces butterflies to swirl in my stomach, he smiles at my words and leans in closer until his face is right in front of mine, my breath hitches in my throat as I stare at him with widened eyes and burning cheeks.

"What are you thinking about, little wolf?" he asks with amusement, his eyes glinting with joy when all I do is blink at him while sucking in my lips, as if that could save me from any potential teasing these two want to do.

"Her heart is beating with so much strength that I'm sure Namjoon and Yoongi can hear it right now, are you that shy, daisy?" Jungkook asks while propping his body up on one arm to hover a little over me, a smirk on his lips that makes me unsure of whether I should believe his words or not, is it really that loud? It can't be, can it?

But then again, if they're magic people, anything is possible, oh gosh this is so embarrassing!

Taehyung plays with the line of my lips until they're released from my teeth and then proceeds to continue caressing the surface with a chuckle that sounds almost ominous, he knows, doesn't he? He knows what went through my mind when he started doing that.

"I think our little wolf thought I would kiss her, hm? And she wouldn't have refused, am I wrong?" he wonders with a tilt of the head that feels threatening for my sanity, in this position that consists of me being completely caged in between them, this is making me feel incredibly vulnerable.

My heart is in a continual attempt to flee me, each thumps against my rib cage sending shocks throughout my body that I know they can feel, maybe even hear, we're that close right now, it has them both preening silently, they absolutely love the effect they get to have on me like this.

Taehyung covers my lips with two fingers and then leans down so that his nose bumps into mine and my eyes flutter shut instinctively, after which I soon feel a pressure added to his fingers that has me oddly aware that he's currently kissing them... over my lips.

There is but a small barrier keeping his lips from mine right now and it has my heart into a frenzy, soul buzzing with fluttering delight.

The pressure soon disappears along with his fingers and I open my eyes hesitantly after a few seconds of silence to find Taehyung smiling at me with his beautiful eyes, it doesn't take much before I blush a deep red colour that has him giggling to himself before quickly pecking my nose.

"Oh little wolf, how adorable you are, so adorable" he muses while Jungkook gazes over us with a content rumbling hum, he wishes every mornings could be spent that way, the three of us cuddling close and enjoying this lovely intimacy that includes teasing and kissing, how much he would love for that to happen everyday.

I can't even find it in me to complain about the trick he just pulled because... it was very sweet, wasn't it? It felt respectful of the pace I wish for us to follow, to get to know each other better, it was soft and while my soul begs for his lips to touch mine this time, my heart feels content as I bask in their warmth and love.

I wouldn't mind waking up to this more often... and that kind of thought feels very contrary to my wanting to go slow, but it feels like everything is upside down with them, the order that I once trusted now a complete mess that still makes sense for the simple reason that it's happening with them.

"Alright, get out of my bed you three, we're making breakfast and it's almost ready, I need to head out soon before going to the shop and I want to spend some time with my baby sister before I do. Release her within the next three minutes or I'll come get her myself" a sudden voice echoes in the bedroom from the parted door and we all look at our feet at the same time to find Jimin standing in the doorway, his eyes on us sharp but not angry as I would've normally expected.

He meets my gaze, takes in the blushing to my cheeks and huffs before walking out of the room.

He just... walked out, he huffed at me and walked out.

What happened to my brother?!

"Did you guys put a spell on him?" I can't resist blurting out, what did these witches do to my twin? He didn't threaten them by asking them to let go of me, I have no idea how much he saw but he certainly noticed how close we all are so why didn't he say anything?

Jungkook barks out a laugh at my question and shrugs before sitting up with a stretch that makes him grunt in satisfaction, he then looks down at me and pokes my nose softly, his eyes creasing when I purse my lips bashfully.

"How did you know? And here I was so sure that we had hidden the truth properly... but you're right, a little potion poured into a drink and there you go, we're now allowed to cuddle with you in his presence, doesn't that sound nice? He didn't look mad, right?" he muses and I still, eyes now meeting his unsure, he's not serious, is he? Why does it sound true?

Taehyung chuckles at the look on my face and sits up too before pulling me up with Jungkook, their arms under my back supporting my body until I'm sitting between them, at this point I'm just going with the flow, this morning has me completely out of my daily morning loop.

"He's just joking, Y/N, there's no such thing as a potion for that purpose, maybe he had a change of heart? Who knows? In either case, I'm not complaining, Jimin is scary when he's mad".

Oh, so he's not denying the ability to make potions, he's just saying that they can't serve that specific purpose... are they really witches?

But Taehyung has a good point, Jimin really is scary when he's angry, I'm not complaining either.

A pinch to my cheeks and I whine as I glance back to Jungkook. "Aigoo, we could say anything and you would believe us, wouldn't you? But then again, that's part of your charm, having that kind of imagination isn't so bad, it's cute".

I pout at his words while rubbing the skin he pinched, he's not wrong but at the same time... they've given me too many instances where them being a witch would make sense, it's not my fault.

"Come on now, let's go join the others before they come get us one by one" Jungkook muses with a grin before getting out of bed first, after which he turns around and offers me a hand to help me out next.

I slowly accept the offered hand and his warm fingers gently close around my own before pulling me over to the edge where he stands, careful to not use too much strength and to follow my pace as much as possible, though he does have to compensate for my tired body, I would stay in bed for longer if I could.

But when Jimin says to get out of bed, you get out of bed, no questions asked.

There's also the matter of how he said earlier that I am not to come to work with him today, which I'm not sure how to feel about so I do intend to have a talk with him about it, that and I need painkillers, I can feel the wincing of my muscles and the itch of my healing skin now that I'm starting to pay more attention and it's not fun, the pills I had yesterday won't act for much longer.

Taehyung meets us at the doorway, his smile eternal as he grabs my other hand and together, we leave the bedroom and to the kitchen where Jimin and Yoongi are working together to finalize breakfast while Namjoon sets the table.

They all glance at us at the sound of our feet walking over and we get greeted with more smiles, it's a strange feeling to see so many people in the morning when it's been just Jimin and I for so long but I could get used to this, it feels nice, like we're all one big family, there's only Jin and Hoseok missing.

"Good morning, sleepy heads" Namjoon coos while patting our head one at a time, I can't help it when I blush as my turn comes because when it comes to him and Yoongi, I can't say that I really had many interactions with them so far so this is making me a little intimidated.

The feeling I get from them isn't anything unknown to me though, they seem to have a sweet side as much as they have a dark side and it makes me wonder if it goes as far for them as it does for my twin brother.

Are they the same, or are they worse?

The tall man moves on to Taehyung, the kiss given to his forehead soft and gentle, it soothes a part of my soul to see the younger man melt with a pleased smile, yet I can't help but wonder if he too is like my sweet other half.

I try to pretend like I don't know for Jimin's sake, but ever since that night a few years ago when someone stalked me back home after I'd stayed late at school to complete a big assignment, from the moment I'd seen Jimin's eyes when he'd come outside to greet me only to spot the guy a few meters away, I knew.

I knew, because the very next day, he was no more.

If I were to go down the moral path, I'd probably try to ask Jimin to stop making people disappear whenever they annoy me but quite honestly... I can't find it in me to even think this way. Maybe it's wrong, but it doesn't bother me.

To me, Jimin is my perfect brother, the other half to my soul, my protector.

Where I am light, Jimin is darkness, but we are one and so my light is his as much as his darkness is mine. I might not take part in his way of living, but it doesn't mean I am blind to it. If my only way to help him is to share the burden from the shadows, then that's what I'll do.

Maybe It's selfish of me to pretend to be ignorant of his games, but I know that he would be scared of my reaction if he were to find out that I know and I don't want to lose this perfection that we have, I don't want him to fear scaring me whenever he does something because he could never scare me, I know him too well to be afraid of him.

I'd rather have him feel content with the knowledge that he kept me safe to the best of his abilities than have him constantly angry at himself for not doing enough because he kept himself from going too far to preserve my 'purity'.

I will keep a veil over my eyes if it allows him a peace of mind.

Jungkook squeezes my hand and I turn my head to find him staring at me with a concerned tilt of the head. "Are you okay, daisy?" he asks me softly, to which I hum with a nod of the head before glancing towards the kitchen where Jimin is staring at me silently, like he's trying to understand something.

I can't blame him, we're so deeply connected together that he can read me like an open book, my emotions and thoughts not always my own to feel alone, it's the kind of thing that made me start to believe ever since I was a kid that Jimin was made my twin not only to stay by my side but to protect me.

It feels like a very selfish bond where I am constantly on the receiving end of his efforts, where Jimin has built himself to respond to my needs, and that adds to why I've been trying to put some distance between us by living on my own.

If I'm not always by his side, then maybe he can worry about himself for once. I'm sincerely hoping that Namjoon and Yoongi can help him that way, I want my loving brother to be taken care of too, I want him to be able to depend on someone too, because I know he would never depend on me the way I do him.

So right now, with the way Jimin is frowning as he tries to make sense of my feelings, I can't help it when I smile at him before walking his way to hug him tightly.

If only he knew the extent of how much I love him, of how much I'm ready to accept all of him without any hesitation crawling at the back of my mind, how much more open and free would he be? Would he believe me were I to tell him that there's absolutely nothing in this world that he could ever do to make me fear him?

I wish that would be the truth, but Jimin is so obsessed with the idea of keeping me pure, of hiding his darkness from me that if he were to know that I know, he would question everything he believes. Would he see me differently? Would they all look at me differently?

That bit worries me.

Jimin hugs me back, his heart beating quickly in his chest letting me know that he's trying to decode a language that he has yet to learn, I must have transmitted to him feelings of another kind than what he's used to from me but that I couldn't help, it's the power of my love for him, one he has yet to know of in its truest form.

"My Jiminie" I muse softly with a sigh and at hearing my voice like this, he relaxes a little, his nerves put to rest as he leans down to kiss my head. "My sweet sister, good morning. Did you sleep well?".

I nod my head and look up at him without breaking the hug, a smile on my lips as I soak in all that he is, strong and loving. "I did, though I was confused when they told me that you allowed them in the bed with me, I thought maybe something had happened to you".

He chuckles and shrugs before pulling me back to him to rock us left and right. "What can I say? I'm starting to quite like them and I like the way you feel when you're with them, that helped in making the decision I did".

"It's impossible to resist us for too long, that's our charm" Jungkook muses from behind us and the others laugh, Jimin and I included, I can't find anything to say against that, he's right, it's been true from the very beginning.

"Don't become cocky, Jungkook, I can still take her away from you anytime I want" Jimin warns him and the man loses his smile, which only makes Yoongi smirk before Namjoon pulls him away to avoid useless bickering.

"But not me, right? I didn't do anything wrong" Taehyung tries and Jimin turns his head to glance at him silently. "Yeah, I guess you're fine, for now".

I roll my eyes at his poor attempt to appear not too accepting now that it was mentioned, we can all see through him this morning, there was no sincerity in his threat, though that doesn't mean it doesn't get a reaction from the two men who have for goal my heart and watching Taehyung's proud smile makes me grin, endeared by how cute he is.

I know, duality should be a crime.

I take that moment to pull back from Jimin to stretch my back a little when a discomfort starts taking place and I grimace when it only brings more pain. The dangerous man from yesterday really threw me to the ground with force and I regret insisting for that sandwich, it was dumb of me. I wanted to do something for my brother but it instead backfired on me.

They all notice my wince and Jimin frowns before leading me to the nearest chair around the dining table where he makes me sit before leaving for the bathroom where we store our pills and first aid materials, Jimin's permanent worry convenient right now since it means he has everything needed in stock.

Taehyung leaves after him to help and Jungkook comes to kneel by my side, his eyes now gazing over my bandages with renewed anger, though this time there is a burning to his gaze that feels worse than yesterday, as it does for everyone else still in the room.

Yoongi silently pours juice in a clean glass from the fridge and then settles it on the table in front of me with a small smile before moving behind me, and where I expect him to maybe join Jimin to help him find everything in the bathroom like Taehyung did, I end up flinching in surprise when he instead starts rubbing his hands over my shoulders before massaging them very softly.

He chuckles softly at my reaction and then moves his fingers up to my nape before adding pressure all the way down to my shoulder blades, the act enough to have me melting under his touch, much to his delight.

I inhale deeply before exhaling slowly as I relax to better enjoy this, because while it's a little embarrassing, it still feels nice, Yoongi's skilled at this, he must give people massages all the time.

Jungkook's eyes soften on my drooping form and Namjoon decides to take the food off the stove and into separate plates in the meantime so that what Yoongi and Jimin made doesn't go to waste.

That makes me pay more attention to what's on the table, the large range of food greeting my eyes once more unknown to me, have Jimin and I ever eaten that much in the morning before?

I don't think we have, we usually get something very simple, though there are occasions when either of us will feel like making a fancy breakfast, which is still smaller than what I'm seeing right now.

I'm about to comment on how good it smells when Yoongi's thumb pushes in a painful spot near my spine and I hold my breath to avoid making a stupid noise as he focuses on it, Jungkook's eyes on me adding to my wish to be strong, but I can't resist clenching my eyes shut with my lips pressed into a thin line when it gets worse until the torture finally ends.

"Holy crap, that was awful" I murmur after catching my breath while I'm given a pause, Jungkook and Namjoon grin in response while Yoongi purses his lips lightly, that wasn't his goal but he didn't have much of a choice.

"Sorry about that, peanut, there was a knot here and it would've gotten worse if I left it there, I didn't want you to get worse pain in the coming days" the man apologizes and my hurt instantly disappears at the nickname that pulls a giggle out of me.

"Peanut?" I repeat as he resumes the massaging that makes me feel sore but otherwise relaxed. He hums before carefully moving my hair aside again to focus on one shoulder and down my arm, he really knows what he's doing because this part feels amazing.

"Yeah, peanut just came to mind, I thought it was cute, you don't like it? I can find another one if you want" he offers but I shake my head with a smile. "No no, peanut's great, I like it".

Namjoon starts bringing the final plates to the table and when our eyes meet, he winks at me. "Yoongi likes to give cute names to the people he loves and that includes you too, he likes to take care of us in any way he can, he's really not as scary as he looks" he tells me as the latter switches to my other shoulder and arm with a content smile, he really does enjoy taking care of his family.

I blush a little at the hidden meaning of his words, does it show that much that I'm not entirely at my ease with them? Namjoon's eyes crease gently at my guilty expression and I look down to find Jungkook still kneeling besides me, his eyes taking in every shifts of my expression like my mental well-being is his responsibility.

"Well... it's not like I find you scary, really... I just haven't spent much time with the two of you compared to the others so..." I start quietly, Jungkook holds my hands to reassure me while Yoongi's fingers go softer, they understand, they know it's not always easy.

"So we intimidate you a little?" Namjoon muses softly and when I nod my head, he chuckles before walking back to the kitchen to go fetch the other plates.

"Maybe we should steal you for the day then, Jimin doesn't want you to head to work today because he intends to add security cameras around first, I thought I'd go help him but maybe Taehyung and Jungkook can go instead while we do something together?".

It's a completely natural reaction when I tense up at his offer, the idea of being alone with the two of them sounding a little more unnerving than I want to admit, that added with the fact that Jimin is thinking about security cameras, which is definitely because of yesterday, it's all enough to have my mind blanking.

Jungkook rubs the back of my hand softly at my reaction and leans down to meet my gaze while Yoongi stops moving his fingers, as if aware that continuing would only overwhelm me.

"You don't have to if you're not comfortable, daisy, Namjoon and Yoongi have a very strong aura coming off them, right? It's normal that you're nervous, but I promise you, they're very gentle and funny when given a chance, they don't look like it but they love cuddles too" he coos and I bite on my bottom lip, one look to Namjoon finding him staring back with hope all over his face, dragon eyes in cute baby state.

I then twist my neck to stare up at Yoongi who's still behind me and find him standing unsure, lips pressed into a thin line but eyes letting me know that my rejection would hurt him, I can't possibly do that to them.

If they're to be with Jimin, then this is a good occasion to get to know them, it's just that this usually happens with my twin by my side, it's easier with him since he's my comfort zone.

But I was fine with Jin and Hoseok yesterday and I'm fine with Jungkook and Taehyung too, so I'm sure it's going to be the same for these two as well, I just need to give them a chance, like Jungkook said.

I turn my gaze back to the man holding my hands and nod softly. "Yeah, okay, we can do that".

Faces light up and Taehyung makes a cooing noise as he comes back with a smiling Jimin, were they listening from the side?

"You better take care of her, hyungs! I'm not scared to scold you if she tells us about anything inappropriate" the young man muses happily, his tone one that says there's no such risk, he helps me relax when I giggle at his wiggling eyebrows.

Yoongi huffs and lets go of my shoulders to move up my hair instead, the massage that I thought was over resuming once more but this time for my scalp, it's immediate when I melt again under his touch, eyes rolling back when he uses his nails from my nape to the front and down the sides.

"She'll prefer us by the end of the day, you'll see, you'll have a lot of catching up to do if you want to remain the favorite" he asserts his dominance by scratching the right spot of my skull and when I groan out of pleasure, he smirks at Jungkook and Taehyung who, unbeknownst to me, are starting to take notes, how can they not remain the favorites? They can't have that be.

"You guys can fight all you want, but I'm always going to be her favorite, none of you can know her as well as I do, just accept that you're all going to be seconds, I'm never losing first place" Jimin states with a proud smile as he comes over and noses flare at the competitiveness in the air.

Still too lost in the feelings of Yoongi's hands making me see stars unknown to our world, I am completely unaware of anything Jimin does, from removing my bandages to cleaning my wounds before covering them again, and just for that, Yoongi gains points in my brother's mind.

"I'm going to feed Y/N this morning" Namjoon blurts out suddenly as he stands besides Taehyung like an outsider, but Jimin huffs as he pushes a painkiller pill in my mouth before bringing the glass of juice to my lips to have me drink slowly.

"If you can convince her, go ahead Namjoon".

And with those words begins a war, for Taehyung and Jungkook too want to feed me.

Even Yoongi feels the need to let his desire be known, though he's aware that he already has the advantage on the others considering that there's a pool of saliva gathering at the corners of my lips, it makes him smirk like a proud father. How can they beat that, huh? Yoongi will become the favorite second while everyone gets thrown to third place, he chuckles darkly at that thought.

"I say we ban Yoongi from spending time with her today, he's getting too confident".

"Agreed, I'll take care of her alone today, I think that'll be safer for everyone".

"What? No, I'm going to stay with you, he can go help Jimin instead".

"What about me? That's unfair, I want to spend time with her too!".

"Hey, why are you all teaming up against me? I-".

My head drops forward with a snore and silence falls over the room, eyes all falling on me as they process that I'm gone back into the dream wonderland.

Jimin snorts and shakes his head with a sigh.

"Goodness, this is chaotic. Four men fight over her and all she finds to do in such a moment is to fall asleep. Give her to me, I'll tempt her nose with the food, that should do the trick, let's eat before it gets too cold".

"So I'm not feeding her?" Namjoon pouts.

"We'll see, Namjoon, let's start by waking her up" Jimin says with a laugh, what a morning, he tells himself. What a morning.

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