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Second update! Make sure to read chapter 11 first!

Jimin's POV


Fuck FUck FUCK.

What the actual fuck!

I always considered myself a psychopath, but this guy who attacked Y/N today... he wasn't a psychopath, he was a monster.

Even while shitting himself, he stayed true to himself until the end, a fucking monster.

Any sorts of death would not have been enough for what he said, there is no form of torture bad enough to reach the horrifying reality of what he said about the person I love the most in the whole universe.

How can such a sick mind even exist?

I shouldn't have asked to hear what he said, I shouldn't have insisted, because now I have that urge in the depths of my soul that is begging for me to get rid of someone who's already dead and it hurts, gosh it hurts.

It took everything to keep Namjoon and Yoongi from coming over, it took even more to get Jin and Hoseok to leave but it felt suffocating, I couldn't have them stay anymore, not after what I heard.

I stare at my sleeping baby sister, the only reason of my being alive right now, everything about her enough to have my heart beating one more day, everything about her the reason why my soul feels so warm, why I'm not a cold blank sheet tainted in red.

I hate that the older she gets, the more beautiful she gets, the more disgusting the people that appear in front of her. I got the curse of an obsession that leads me to kill way too easily but if I have to be honest, she got the worst one out of us both.

The attention she receives is far worse than anything anyone could ever experience in their life, the vile thoughts that are fantasized about her enough to make me want to build us a house underground where I would keep her forever.

And one terrifying reality is that the more time goes, the more dangerous it gets for her to stay alone. I'm not being paranoid for no reason, it's not being afraid of something that would never happen, she truly is constantly in danger.

I won't be able to let her live alone for much longer if anything else happens to her again and I don't care if she gets mad at me for forcing her to stay with me, it will happen at some point.

If that kind of danger has made its appearance once in her life, then it will happen more often, today was but a warning of what's to come.

People who think of raping her, of raping her dead body, of recording the whole process to sell on the fucking dark web so that other sick people can jerk off to the sight of her- FUCK.

I stand up and hurry out of the bedroom before heading to the balcony outside where I proceed to pull at my hair with a pained groan, how the hell do I process this? What the fuck do I do with this?

The worst thing is that I know Namjoon didn't tell me everything, he didn't say everything and it pisses me off that I'm glad he didn't, I don't think I could've handled any more, what I heard made me feel sick, it was on a whole different level of what I usually deal with.

My precious sister, my baby sister, my sweet twin, the other half to my soul, if simply seeing her fall and scratch her knee makes me feel like I failed the whole universe by not keeping her safe, then knowing that there are people who want to do that kind of thing to her makes me feel like the universe failed me.

It should've given me super powers or something, it should have given me the ability to read minds, to see their intentions, to kill people on the spot, it should've given me the means to protect her from this horrifying possibility, but no, all it's given me is an awfully good memory for things that have to do with her and an overwhelming feeling of possessiveness that has evolved into obsession, and I would die, I would fucking die for her.

I would die and I would come back by any means possible, I'll make a fucking deal with the devil if I have to.

Will she get assaulted on a regular basis now? No one had ever made it that far until now, they usually bother her with words, with lingering touches that creep her out but an actual physical abuse?

What if Hoseok wasn't there when it happened? What if she was taken away? She would be dead right now, she would be dead and people would jerk off to her lifeless body.

My phone vibrates but I ignore it, I can't possibly have a look when my body is burning so much, my soul feels like it's getting filled by dark thunderous clouds, my skin tingles with painful sparks whenever I move and my heart... my fucking heart is killing me.

The others don't understand just how bad this is, they don't understand that what they heard tonight, it'll try to happen but from a different assailant. They don't understand that the man they killed today is the first of many, that he's simply a scout to a much bigger group with the same mentality.

I wheeze a breath in and shake my head, body unstable until I crouch where I am, hands on my head, it's so terrifying, I never thought I'd say that one day but I'm terrified, I'm so scared for her, can I do a good enough job to keep her safe?

What if I'm not enough to protect her? I can't follow her everywhere all the time like I want to, I can't be everywhere at the same time, it's humanly impossible.

I can't do that alone but... I'm not alone anymore, am I?

There are six other men ready to go as far as killing someone to keep her safe, they are dark as I am, filled with the same need to protect, an obsessive persona that would make them take it out on the world if anything bad where to happen to one of us.

They can help me keep her safe, they can help me keep an eye on her.

That thought helps me to breathe in deeply, they can help in keeping the danger away, they wouldn't hesitate in agreeing, I know that much.

Taehyung and Jungkook don't have a day job, do they? Jungkook works a few nights at a pub nearby but that's it, Taehyung works on his artistic projects whenever he wants to, I don't know about the others but I know that these two have more free time than I do.

Yes, this could work, everything to keep her from another traumatic event, ones that are always worse and worse than the last.

I try to keep breathing in deeply and slowly, I need to calm down first, that's what matters the most at the moment. She's in bed, for now, she's fine, don't let her see you like this, Jimin, don't make her worry about you.

My phone vibrates again and this time, this time I have enough clarity of mind to have a look at who it is, and when I find Yoongi's name on the screen, I don't realize I've accepted the call until I hear his voice against my ear.

'Jimin, baby, thank goodness you answered, I've been trying to reach you for a dozen minutes now, I was getting so worried'.

Just hearing his husky voice has the thread keeping me up cut off until I fall limp on myself, tears filling my eyes, I nearly sob with relief, relief because there's someone looking out for me too, someone that knows my dark side and still worries.

I didn't know I needed that but fuck, the tears that already fall down my cheeks let me know that yes, it was more than needed.

"Yoongi" I let out in a trembling voice, I wish I didn't sound so weak right now but anything that has to do with my sister is enough to crumble my walls and it feels like Yoongi and Namjoon now also have that power.

'Oh pup... open the front door, will you? Taehyung and Jungkook are here too, we couldn't sleep and kept feeling this need to be near you two, I'm sorry we did without asking first but you weren't answering and we felt you needed us, can you please open the door?' this time it's Namjoon who speaks and as much as I needed my space earlier, I can't even imagine refusing their request at the moment.

I push myself up to my feet with a light grunt and once stable, I quickly make my way back inside the house and to the entrance where I open the door, phone falling to my side when I find the four of them right on the other side, their worried eyes falling on me have me breaking into silent crying instantly.

Namjoon is first to step inside with such speed that the sound of his steps come late as his arms pull me into a much needed hug and I burrow my face in his neck as my body gets shaken with heavy sobs that hurt, the only sounds filling the house the bodies moving around and the door closing before a second pair of arms wraps around me.

"We've got you, Jimin, we've got you baby" Yoongi murmurs and it's like a dam that had been kept strong for too long and started losing layers of protection before finally breaking under the pressure, all the pain that comes from having the love of my life in such danger out in the open as they hold me tightly to them.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have told you, I should've insisted even if it got you mad, anything would have been better than this" Namjoon apologizes before kissing my hair, he feels so terrible, his words made me into that state and he wishes he could go back in time to change that, he could handle me mad but me crying? Namjoon is weak when it comes to his loved ones' tears.

I want to shake my head, I want to tell them that no, me not knowing would've made things even worse for Y/N, I might've truly lost her then but my body feels numb in their hold, the sobs that break through me taking away from me a functioning body, they can only keep holding me through the worst of it with tears of their own sticking to their lashes, for tonight is indeed not one they hold dear in their heart, our first hug one filled with such sadness, the complete opposite of what they dreamed of.

They take me to the couch slowly and carefully and once the three of us sat down, hands rubbing up and down my back in soothing motions, Namjoon even hums lightly, a sound that helps in calming me down, my tears eventually grow light before coming to an end, my uneven breath the only thing that remains as I try to bathe in the comforting energy they exude.

I don't expect it when a glass of water suddenly makes it to me and when I look up, it's to find Jungkook with a tight smile as he stands in front of me, he looks like he absolutely wanted to do something to help and hydrating me was the only method that crossed his mind that I wouldn't reject.

That thought makes me huff a small laugh before I wipe my face with the back of my hands, after which I take the glass from him with a mumble of a thank you, long gulps of water down my throat settling my body into a heavier state on my seat, too many emotions attacked my soul today.

I look around me, wondering where Taehyung is but I get a glimpse of the bed where Y/N is to find that he's in there with her body pulled to him, a hand gently caressing her hair but his eyes holding so much hurt, it's sad but reassuring to know that I'm not the only one.

"I hope it doesn't bother you, I know it's your bed but Taehyung really needs the proximity right now, he'll get out when he feels better" Jungkook explains, he sounds worried and I can only blame the rocky start I made us go through, I wasn't the nicest I could be, it feels weird that it was only yesterday when I shouted at Taehyung, why are things moving so fast when it comes to them?

It feels like my emotions are on a rollercoaster at high speed, there's something about these men that makes the process feel natural, but in all reality, is it not more on the abnormal side? How did they make me go from wanting to keep them out of my sister's life to now being glad that they're part of not only hers but my own as well?

They must be magic, I still believe Y/N had a point when she called them as such, I know myself and yet they make me feel like a stranger to my brain, when have I ever allowed someone other than mom and my baby sister in?

The answer is never.

"It's okay, Jungkook, I don't mind" I let him know and the way his eyes widen in surprise - or is it shock? - has me smiling a little before looking down at the almost empty glass I'm still holding.

"I don't know what it is that you've done to Y/N and I to make us open ourselves bare to you that quickly but... I'm done fighting it, I've seen and heard enough to know that it's better to not even try, we need you" I admit, Yoongi and Namjoon's hands stop moving briefly before they resume their gentle soothing on my back, none of them were expecting to hear that from me.

"Now more than ever" I add when I think back to what she will have to go through now, such a terrible future that awaits her if we're not careful.

"What do you mean, now more than ever?" Jungkook asks while crouching in front of me, he's younger than me, yet he looks so much bigger than I am, maybe even more mature, he has a calming energy that Y/N must love. Him and Taehyung both are so great for her, there is no doubt about that.

"Remember when I said that there are always people after her?" I start, the three of them nod their head at my words, they remember, they already have planned to take measures for that.

One look to my bed reveals Taehyung staring at me, he nods to let me know that he's paying attention and I nod back before bringing my attention to the trio surrounding me.

"When we were younger, it wasn't too bad. She'd get attention but it was mostly from afar, people were always too afraid to approach her because of me, she didn't mind though, as she said, she only needed me, she didn't care about others.

I thought things would always remain like that, but slowly, as we grew older, people also started getting closer. They weren't that invading at first, it was just a light discomfort for Y/N, she always said that the way they looked at her weirded her out a little, but then they started talking to her.

Again, nothing too bad, easy conversations, they'd stop when she would tell them that she needed to go and they would leave her be, and then they started following her from afar, and then they started insisting that they could keep talking on the way, and then they started insisting that she goes later.

There is a pattern that I've observed through all these years. As soon as one person goes a little further than the norms, it starts a wave of people doing the same, and when the next does something a little further than the last, others follow.

It was annoying, but it had never reached physical abuse the way it did today and that's what I'm afraid about now. If it happened once, it'll happen again and more often than never. That guy's way of thinking... he won't be the only one, there will be more and if they take action now..." I don't need to say more for them to understand the implications.

"What they want to do to her, they will try to make it happen from now on" Yoongi completes for me, the air surrounding us shifts as they let it sink in, that her life has once more gotten even more dangerous.

"That means she can't be alone anymore, no matter where she goes" Namjoon continues, his free hand to his lips where he plays with the soft skin absent-mindedly, his eyes are filled with burning lava but not nearly as much as Jungkook, he looks like he just became an entirely different person.

His eyes are a raging whirlwind of fire, face expressionless and still as stone, yet his muscles have tensed so much that he looks like he's ready to jump on the first newcomer that dares come too close.

"Whoever is behind her fate is playing a very sick game" he states while bringing his gaze to her form now cradled in Taehyung's hold, the latter's face very similar to the first.

"We'll keep an eye on her from now on, we'll stay afar unless she asks us to come with her directly but no one will get to touch her again, people will regret any lingering glances and touches now more than ever, we won't go easy on them" the young man concludes and I feel myself relax, thank goodness.

Yoongi pats my shoulder softly before squeezing it to get my attention, he looks serious when our eyes meet.

"Jungkook and Taehyung will take this task very seriously, they'll always have an eye on her so you can rest easy, they have her security as a very high priority".

I hum. "Because they're mates, right?".

It's like the air stops moving at my words, breaths held in as their eyes widen, taken aback, they didn't expect me to say that, there's only Taehyung who kind of saw it coming, he had a feeling I had caught onto that word during the video call.

I stare at them intently, there's definitely something about them that isn't normal, a secret they are hiding most likely, there is too much that doesn't make sense for it to be a simple gamble, I do not believe they are humans, not in the way Y/N and I are.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, we all have secrets" I let out, and I mean it, I don't care what they are, they could be demons as far as it concerns me, they still would remain a safe space for me and my sister and that's all that matters.

Whatever they are, I don't want them to drop us, I don't think we would handle that very well.

"We'll tell you, one of these days, I promise we'll tell you but not now, not so soon" Namjoon murmurs, he seems tensed, as if the string he's walking on is ready to snap at any moment but when I nod and rest back into my seat with a calmed sigh, he relaxes, they all do.

"Sure, take your time. All I want is for my twin to be safe, the rest doesn't matter".

Yoongi discreetly scoots closer so that our shoulders touch before leaning his head back on the couch to close his eyes. "She will be. We will keep an eye on our territory from now on, we'll make this city a place where she can feel free and at ease. We'll hunt anyone who shows signs of being dangerous, this place is about to be cleaned through and through".

I close my eyes too and hum low in my throat.

"Please do".

There's a moment of silence that feels more like a pledge before someone yawns, one who reveals himself to be Jungkook, his eyes drooping with exhaustion, he looks longingly at the bed where Y/N and Taehyung are but he seems to be telling himself that they're going to have to leave instead of being allowed to stay.

And to have them leaving when I've been feeling better ever since they got here feels wrong, I'd rather have them stay the night than have them go at such an hour.

"Go join them, Jungkook, you can stay the night. I don't have another bed but Yoongi, Namjoon, you can sleep on the couches if you want, I'll get a sleeping bag for myself" I let them know, they once again stare at me like I grew a second head, but this time they all break into smiles, can they really?

"Thank you Jimin, but I can take the sleeping bag, you sleep on the couch" Namjoon says, he won't let his youngest mate sleep on the floor but I completely ignore him as I stand up from the couch to head to the closet where I stored it, a small grin on my lips that Jungkook doesn't miss.

A sleepover, have Y/N and I ever had one with other people before? I don't think so.

It's too bad that she's already asleep, she would've been thrilled but... she'll wake up in their arms, that ought to be good enough, I wish I could see the blush that will cover her face when she wakes up only to find them Taehyung and Jungkook hugging her instead of me.

She'll surely have many questions as to how this came to be, or why Hoseok and Jin didn't stay as well if the other four made it over but I'm hoping she'll let it go because I'm never telling her of what was said tonight, especially not about the fact that she's not going to be alone even when she wants alone time.

I truly hope that the pair will be careful to not be found by her, it would be such a shame to see her face fall as she understands that she's been... stalked? Is that the right word considering the situation? I prefer the term protected but I know she might not see it that way.

I grab the sleeping bag as well as a few spare pillows and blankets, things that disappear from my hold before I can even blink, I should not be surprised when I find Yoongi walking back to the living room to settle things properly, even less so when Namjoon ends up sitting on the sleeping bag to make sure I don't end up using it.

I huff at him when he meets my gaze looking all proud of himself and make my way to the other couch that Yoongi is trying to make extra cozy, I know my couches are comfortable so he doesn't have to try so hard but I can feel butterflies fill my stomach nonetheless, it's a strange feeling that I'm starting to get used to in their presence.

If Y/N is a mate to Jungkook and Taehyung, whatever it is exactly that the word entails, doesn't it mean that I would be that to Namjoon and Yoongi too? My bet is that yes, I would indeed be that to them, but I'm not in a hurry, watching Y/N blossom as she interacts with Jungkook and Taehyung is enough for me at the moment, we'll see when my turn comes.

"Jungkook, leave the door open" I warn when I see the wood door close slowly, his sheepish face appears through the gap at my words.

"I wasn't going to close it, hyung, I swear, I just don't want Namjoon hyung's snoring waking Y/N up".

We all turn our attention to said man who side glances at us in unease while lying down on his back, a pillow propped under his head before he sniffles lightly. "I'll try to keep it in".

Yoongi shakes his head with a sigh as he too makes himself comfortable on the other couch. "You snore too, Jungkook, she has more chances of being woken up by you than by Namjoon".

"Taehyung knows how to make me stop snoring, it'll be fine" the young man defends himself and Yoongi snorts. "By squishing your face under a pillow, yeah".

Jungkook whines. "Come on hyung... it'll be fine, I just don't want his loud snores to echo in the bedroom, I'll leave the door parted just like this, I won't close it I promise".

I wave a hand to shoo him away before letting myself fall on the couch behind me with a tired groan, I could fall asleep right away if I hadn't two very handsome and impressive men sleeping right besides me.

"Just hit me with a pillow if I snore too loudly, I won't get mad" Namjoon mumbles from the floor after a few beats of silence, I smile before closing my eyes with a deep exhale.

"I should be fine but thank you for giving me your permission".

Yoongi chuckles and draws his blanket up to his nose with a contented inhale. "Stop talking and sleep now, it's late".

"Yeah, goodnight babe, goodnight handsome".

"Night Joonie, night baby".

My heart skips a beat and it takes everything to not have my voice shaking when I speak up next.

"Good night you two and... thank you for coming here for me".

"Anything for you, baby, sleep now, you're exhausted".

Oh that I am...

Namjoon appears to fall asleep first when the silence finally comes to an end and while I was not expecting that kind of snoring, it's actually truly very loud, it's also a sound that helps me fall asleep faster than ever.

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