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I'm offering you guys a double update because the ending of this chapter isn't fun, it's a long one (7k words) but it's all good until we reach the second POV, maybe make sure you have time to read the next chapter as well before going through all of it. It might just me overthinking it but I know how books can affect a day and I don't want to be behind a bad one lmao

Either way, I hope you enjoy!

"This is really good! You two are amazing cooks" Jin muses as he takes the first bite, and when Hoseok takes one of his own, his bright eyes as he looks up at us with wonder makes Jimin and I grin proudly.

Now seated at the table, Jimin and I side by side with Jin in front of me and Hoseok next to him, the table is prettily garnished with different side dishes made by the two men, they did a wonderful teamwork and everything looks splendid, the tastes ones that will go well with what my twin and I made.

"It's a recipe that our mother taught us a long time ago, we added our little twist through the years but it remains just as good as the one she would make us when we were young" Jimin explains happily, it's always a wonderful feeling when the things she made us learn become useful, it's something that we know will always link us to her, we grasp onto them for dear life.

"Your mother? You sound like you're very close to her" the eldest asks us with interest, our good mood when mentioning her making him believe that everything's well, but when I'm first to lose that spark in the eyes, his smile falls a little.

"We are" I answer simply before taking a bite of the food in my plate, Jimin scoots his chair closer to me and wraps a gentle arm around my back to comfort me, his mind knowing where mine is taking me, I fear that every visits will become worse than the last from now on.

"She resides in a nursing home in Seoul, we try to go visit her at least once a week and we stick to a regular schedule as much as possible to make sure we don't take her by surprise, or to avoid her waiting for us only to end up disappointed when we don't stop by, it's... well it's getting a little harder to do now with her condition" Jimin adds and the two men nod softly, their hesitation on how to react understandable, what can they say to that?

"She has dementia, it's... she's reaching quite an advanced stage, she already forgot about us" I let out quietly to answer their silent question. "She still pretends she's fine thanks to all that she wrote in her notebook but..." I shrug softly, eyes filling with tears that I try to push down by biting on my bottom lip, the unsaid words heavy in the air.

There's only so much written notes can do.

"Oh sweets... Jimin, we're so sorry, we didn't know" Hoseok mumbles quietly, he looks like he just got his heart pulled out of his chest while Jin's eyes are the mirror image of mine. He reaches out from over the table to take my hands in his, fingers warm and soft around my own.

"Is that why... when you came over yesterday because of Namjoon's allergy, when you communicated with Taehyung through your phone only, you couldn't speak, could you, sweetheart? Did you two go see her then?".

Jimin tenses his arm around me, he doesn't think he'll ever get used to me losing my voice because of strong emotions, the way my body reacts now something that scares him, because what if I turn mute for longer one day? I usually get my voice back after resting, but what if one day it doesn't work anymore?

I nod my head as I stare at the way Jin's fingers caress my knuckles, it's so sweet and it warms my heart like only Jimin knows how to do, it makes me want to trust them with so much more than I normally would with a stranger or someone I just met.

"Yeah... I've started becoming mute when we leave her, my voice only comes back after I've fallen asleep, as if my brain needs a reset and this is the only way to do it. It happens now when I go through big shocks or overwhelming emotions, it's probably a mental thing but I don't know how to stop it from happening, it's a little scary".

Jin squeezes my hands and I smile softly at him, then at Hoseok, they both look so sad, bodies nearly hovering over the table as if that could keep us safe, they look like guard dogs, it's cute and endearing.

Who knew people could care and empathize with us that much after a few days only? They really have melted our guards down to the ground when it comes to their group, they're special people, might I dare say our special people?

Jimin stares at the two of them, his free hand resting on the table but fingers dancing along the surface as he thinks, his arm around me heavy and almost burning through my clothes, the gears are working hard in his mind right now, I can feel it.

"I know the six of you are very close but... we're telling this to you only, okay? I don't care if you have a rule that states you must tell each other everything, I would appreciate it if you didn't go and repeat what was said here tonight. We can tell the others ourselves when the time comes, but I don't want them to start pitying us, nor should you. We're not broken and I don't want to be treated as such".

Those are words that have the two men hesitating to agree, they indeed have a rule that states to not keep anything important from each other but at seeing how serious my twin is, how much this means to us, they eventually nod firmly. Rules that go against our desires can be omitted once in a while, it's not like our safety is endangered at the moment, the others will understand.

"We promise you, it will stay between us. We won't tell them without your authorization and the way we treat you definitely will not change, you two are strong and we see that even more now. Thank you for trusting us with that knowledge, it's... precious, really, it means a lot to us, so much".

They look so sincere when they say that, as if they were given the weight of the world and they now have to protect it from the dangers of the strange universe surrounding it, it makes something in me just want to stand up and hug them tightly, to squeeze the daylights out of them because they're just so soft and-

"Go ahead, peach, who's stopping you?".

No one!

Under Jin and Hoseok's curious eyes, I jump to my feet and then run around the table, arms wide open to hug whoever is ready first.

Hoseok's eyes light up like the sun when he understands what I want and so, when he pushes his chair back, arms opening as well, he becomes my first destination as I literally jump on him for a tight hug that has him chuckling happily, his own arms closing around me with strength.

Hugging Hoseok is like receiving a shower of stars, his warmth enough to fill my heart with belonging and gentle glowing love, it's not the same kind as Taehyung and Jungkook but it feels just as strong and it soothes me, the previous heavy subject melting into nothingness, that's their superpower.

I don't realize that I'm quite literally drooping into his hold as I receive it all until he has to shift my position on his lap so I don't start slipping off him, he hums softly when I snuggle against his chest, is it weird that I don't want to leave his embrace now that I've gotten a taste of it?

How would the two men who are starting to gain my heart react? Would they feel betrayed? I somehow get the feeling that they wouldn't, they look like they trust each other blindingly, that kind of trust that absolutely nothing can destroy.

Jin slides his chair closer and rests his side against my back, his arms covering mine until they meet over my hands behind Hoseok, they sandwich me without making me feel suffocated and it makes me giggle lightly, eyes closed to enjoy this moment and hence missing the softening of Jimin's eyes as he takes in everything about us.

Has he finally met people who can care for me just the way he does? He believes the answer is yes.

Jimin always thought he would have only himself to trust with me, that he would always be the only one with this intense need to protect unlike everyone else who always seem to seek their own needs no matter how it hurts me, he was ready for that possibility.

So to see Hoseok and Jin hugging me so gently, to see the way their eyes flash with possessiveness, the way he can tell that they're currently promising themselves to always keep me safe no matter what it entails, Jimin finds himself letting out a breath of relief, one that comes from the depth of his soul.

He wondered if it would only be Jungkook and Taehyung reaching that point with me, the two little brats who have already fallen for me but Jimin knows for certain today that no, it won't only be them.

He could experience the soothing of Namjoon's voice as he talked to him over the phone while they were taking me to the clinic to take care of my wounds, Jimin didn't know he could ever feel comforted by someone other than mom or me, but with Yoongi and the giant man who are so incredibly gentle under their imposing physique, he has found in them peace.

Their concern for me, their reassurance that they were there for me, that nothing would happen again, that I was in good hands, he has never heard that from someone else before, words that felt so heavy with truth that he could only accept them and believe in their group.

Indeed, their arrival in our life is more than a blessing, it's a miracle.

A miracle, because Jimin can finally relax knowing that his eyes are not the only ones on my form anymore, eyes that stare not with the intent to destroy but with the intent to protect.

A miracle, because Jimin is seeing me melt in arms that hold me like I'm the most precious jewelry in the world and that's all he wants for me, to have safety surrounding me, one that comes from living warmth, just like him.

A miracle, because Jimin has found out that he's not alone in his obsessiveness, not alone in the way he fixes problems that bother me, he's not the only one ready to shed blood for my sake anymore.

While it should bother him to know that six strange men have taken such a liking to me that he even heard Yoongi and Namjoon call me their sweet girl, it doesn't, it brings him peace, for Jimin knows that he too has a place in their heart.

If Jimin only used his common sense to process this situation, he would take me in his arms and run away as fast as possible, he would make us give up on everything we own and move us across the planet and deep in the mountains where they wouldn't ever find us, because it's been but a few days and these men already own thousand of years worth in love, but Jimin isn't one to use his common sense much.

He follows his guts instincts much more and they tell him that these men are to be trusted, he can close his eyes and let himself fall into the darkness, he knows they will catch him before he goes too far before smiling at him the way a loving family does.

There's this weird feeling that fills him when he gazes at them and it's starting to feel similar to the way he feels about me, it's enough for him to know that we are not to part ways, he's already getting attached.

If losing me would make Jimin into a dangerous sandstorm, losing the new group that seems to have adopted us twins would break him into several pieces and that's already a lot more than he thought possible.

Something changed today and even if he wants to be stubborn about it, he has to admit it at some point, Jungkook and Taehyung have crawled up into his heart the same way Jin and Hoseok currently are at the moment, for the simple but not any less essential reason that he knows they will be good for me.

Namjoon and Yoongi aren't in his heart though, they own it, Jimin knows that much, he feels like his soul itself has belonged to the pair ever since he laid eyes on them. It doesn't bother him and to see me in good hands now, Jimin believes that he can allow himself some respite too.

If he encouraged me to see something happening with the two brats, something that has now taken roots and will start to flower in what he hopes will be beautiful flowers, why not allow himself the same thing?

Those are all the thoughts that go through his mind as he observes me forget entirely about eating, my breath evening out as I near falling asleep in the two giddy men's arms, they can't believe that my trust in them extends to that point, they will certainly gush about it all night to the others.

"Sweetheart, you should try to eat a little before you get through the night, you need to gain strength if you don't want to ache all over tomorrow" Jin coos as he nudges me softly to wake up from behind me, Hoseok's eyes shooting hearts as he gazes down at me when I grumble, a weak shake of the head because I don't want to.

Jimin sighs out a small smile, it feels weird to see me like this from an outside perspective, it only serves to make his love for me swell double it's regular size, it should have burst out of his chest by now, he doesn't understand how it can all be contained within his body.

"Peach, you're really going to sleep before you could eat your favorite dessert? I bought it earlier before going to your place, it would be such a pity to eat it without you".

I twitch a little. Dessert?

"It's true, we went with Jimin and even the shop owner seemed to recognize him, he added a little extra to the cake since they all know your favorites at this point, it looked creamy and soft" Hoseok continues, he can feel me react to the words and eventually, I manage to open my eyes again, my lids feel so heavy but... dessert.

"They added cream puffs?" I ask slowly, Jimin nods at that, lips stretching into a grin of victory, he knew it would work.

"They added strawberry, vanilla and coffee cream puffs".

I pat Hoseok's shoulder sleepily so he can help me sit up, the latter laughs lightly while doing just that, Jin also helping until I'm facing the table, the sunshine's chair now back in place with me still on his lap.

"I'm not sleeping, I can eat dessert" I state while rubbing my eyes, they all melt on the spot but Jimin shakes his head regardless of his heart's desires to give it to me now. "You need to eat dinner first".

I pout before sighing, eyes following Jin's hands when he brings my plate over, having it so close reminds me that it's food I enjoy eating too so I push back the sleepy tantrum that was forming and try to grab my fork, only Jin pulls it back before I can.

"Just sit back and relax, sweetheart, let me feed you".

Hoseok takes those words to heart because he takes the next minute making sure he's the most cozy version of himself he can be so I can be at ease on him with his arms resting on my sides and when Jin brings a fork to my lips, I can't help a shy glance to Jimin who smiles encouragingly, he's enjoying this a bit too much, he'll definitely sneakily take a few pictures when I'm not looking.

"Eat what I give you and then you can have your oh so desired dessert" Jin tells me while wiping the corner of my lips with his thumb and I blush, lips pursing before I part them for the other bite he brings forward.

I'm being babied, aren't I? Of course Jimin would look happy, he's not the only one babying me anymore...

What will become of me at this pace?

"That's a good girl, one more bite, what do you want? The pasta? Or some kimchi?".

Damn it... "The... the pasta, please".

The three men smile lightly at my shy blush, they look calm but within, there is most definitely a very thorny forest of roses growing way too quickly, its fuel both love and obsession, it hurts them, yet it's a pain they welcome easily.

It's the proof of how much they adore me after all, the more they hurt, the bigger the love.

"Eat some veggies now, they're good for you. Ah ah, don't turn your head away from me, open your mouth, sweetheart- just one bite!".

"Peach, eat your veggies, no cream puffs if you don't".

I whine unhappily at that. "You guys are no fair...".

Taehyung's POV

The echo of the man's screams as he lost one finger at a time, his blood seeping out of him and forming a crimson pool at his feet and all over his skin as fear made his body shake pitifully, every bodyguards hired dead in the doorway, that all still fills my mind as I try to relax on the couch in the living room, Jungkook next to me with his eyes closed and his hands holding onto mine tightly.

One less scumbag in this world.

It's unfortunate that he had to drag people who had nothing to do with this into his mess, but the four of us can't complain, we did have fun. The thrill of a hunt is one we can never avoid, it's in our blood, it's part of who we are.

It's just that who we are, the royal pure-blood that we are makes our instincts a lot more stronger than the regularity that our species normally lives with.

It's not our fault if we exist to dominate and rule, it's even less our fault that there is nothing to rule over, instincts that have outlived their needs following us every single day of our life. The only way we can deal with it is to at least have control over who surrounds us.

That includes removing any unwanted beings.

Jungkook sighs before he rests his head on my shoulder, he still doesn't like that we weren't allowed to the dinner after all, it makes him feel bitter, especially since we couldn't really say goodbye to Y/N before leaving her.

I bring a hand to his hair to play with it while we wait for Namjoon and Yoongi to finish with their shower, we're just glad that we managed to reach home without getting anyone's attention, being furtive is a skill I'm really grateful we have inherited from birth.

Not that people would've recognized us, but they could've made calls that would have been annoying to deal with, we don't need anything to sour our mood, not tonight.

"Do you think they're having fun right now? Are Hoseok and Jin hyungs eating good food? Did they at least help Y/N and Jimin in making said food? Knowing them, they must have offered, but did our twins accept the help? Oh man, I wish we could just video call them, just to see them" I mumble, feet hitting the couch in a silent whining.

Are they smiling and cuddling together? Is Jin cracking jokes after jokes to entertain them or is he in caring mode, Y/N most likely on his lap being fed to get rid of that itch under his skin that was brought to life when we found her wounded in the middle of the day?

What about Hoseok? Is he smiling his usual blinding smiles that warm our heart to make them forget about the dangers of the day? Is he offering hugs one after the other to help the twins relax or is he laughing and making the house a joyful place?

I wish to know so much, just what kind of atmosphere they have going right now, is it the one Y/N needs? Are they making sure she ends her day well so that she can forget all about the bad encounter?

"A video call? Now that's a good idea... Joonie!" Yoongi suddenly exclaims, he's eager to jump on any positivity he can to forget, anything to forget and Jungkook and I both turn our eyes towards where he is standing just as Namjoon answers from their bedroom. "Yes babe?".

"Get the tablet! Let's call Hoseok on his phone so we can see their face at least a little, I'm sure Jimin would be happy to see us!".

My eyes widen in joy, can we really? Jungkook looks just as hopeful as I am and when Yoongi comes to join us in the living room, he huffs in amusement upon seeing us staring at him with stars in our eyes.

"Y/N will surely be happy to see you two as well, you did leave while she was sleeping, get on that section of the couch, we'll install the tablet on the coffee table so they can see all of us" he muses softly and we nod before listening to his instructions as quickly as possible while Namjoon joins us with quick feet, tablet in hand and eyes already on the screen as he opens the right app.

"Eyes on the road, Joonie, you know you tend to trip when you don't look where you walk" Yoongi reminds him and the man sheepishly hands him the device once close enough, just to be sure as he carefully walks around the couch to sit on the rug at my feet.

My hands naturally find home in his damp hair to get rid of the light knots as well as to massage his scalp when I remember that he mentioned having a headache when we got back home, he grunts in satisfaction at the feeling, even more so when Jungkook decides to dig his fingers into his shoulders to soften his muscles, Namjoon is always so tensed that it's a daily thing for us.

Yoongi takes that time to set things right for the call and once satisfied with the camera's position so that we can all appear in the square that will show us to the other party, he sits down besides Namjoon and then calls Hoseok, after which we all hold our breath as we wait for something to happen.

It takes a good minute of the call ringing without anything happening before we finally reach through, the request accepted and it's a blurry mess of images that welcomes our eyes as we hear Hoseok ask Jin to get the phone, his arms apparently stuck and making him unable to hold the device properly.

"Everything alright there?" Namjoon asks, a little concerned when we've yet to be greeted, the phone changes hands once more when Jin says he too is pretty busy at the moment and we get a very pretty view of Jimin's jaw when he ends up holding the device for them with a sigh.

He looks down and takes a moment to stare at the screen, after which his face lights up instantly when he notices Namjoon and Yoongi at the bottom, the both of them sat on the floor and patiently waiting for the reaction they so dearly want to see, which he gives them, much to their delight.

Jimin scratches the back of his head, a light blush already starting to coat his cheeks and Yoongi lets his head fall on Namjoon's shoulder with a happy groan, how much he just wants to kiss those candy cheeks, he would run to him in a time record if he could.

'Hey there, you... it's... it's good to see you' the shy brother says and Namjoon feels his chest push out at the words while Yoongi struggles even more in staying still, it makes me grin, they're so easy to please.

"It's good to see you too, handsome, is your evening going well? Are you guys having a good time?" Namjoon asks, Jungkook and I both have to muffle a giggle when we see him blush even more at the nickname, he's so different with them, I'm sure Y/N has never seen her brother blush so much until now.

'It's going well, yes, we all cooked together earlier and now my baby sister is living the good life. Ever since she went to hug Hoseok, she's been stuck there unable to move away, I don't think I've ever seen her so cuddly before' he answers before switching the camera to show us what he's talking about.

Right away, we get a sight of her completely passed out in Hoseok's arms, her face squished against his shoulder with her arms holding onto him tightly, even someone blind could feel the joy that radiates from him in huge waves, he's a beaming sun, proud and... gosh this is adorable, they look adorable.

Meanwhile Jin can be seen behind the duo putting the dishes in the kitchen sink to wash, he must have offered to take the charge off Jimin's mind, something Namjoon and Yoongi both are grateful for, anything that helps the man is reason to be thankful.

I bring my gaze back to Y/N and my heart painfully squeezes at seeing her so comfortable, how I wish I could cuddle with her, to have her pass out in my arms the same way, I got a taste of it today but I already want more, I want her in my bed, in my arms so I can admire her while she sleeps, Jungkook on her other side with his eyes on her too but our hands intertwined, this is what I want for us.

Jungkook has his hands over his heart as he processes what he's seeing, he can only hug me tightly to survive the itch that fills his body to take Hoseok's place, he's not jealous, he just really wants to hug her too, we both do, how could we not?

'I think today was too much for her, she's been in and out of sleep ever since we got here but I think we lost her for good this time, she stayed awake long enough for the dessert and then got knocked out when the rush of sugar faded' Jimin explains, he sounds apologetic since we won't get to talk to her after all but honestly, I don't mind at all because what I'm seeing right now is her feeling safe and comfortable enough that she can rest on someone I trust with my life.

Jungkook seems to think the same because he smiles and shakes his head, his eyes drinking in the sight of her cozy form, of Hoseok's expression, as long as he takes good care of her, which we all know he will, we could never feel like this is a bad thing.

"She needs to rest a lot if she wants to recover well, what happened during lunch time... it's normal that she feels exhausted. Hoseok is warm and he has a soothing presence, she's not the only one finding in him the perfect cuddle buddy".

'He is the perfect cuddle buddy, isn't he? That's my sweet Hobi's super power, my pretty cuddle bear' Jin muses from the back and we all watch as the man blushes at our compliments, he's the happiest I've ever seen him.

'Holding her feels like holding a fragile kitten, you just want to keep her close and protect her from everything' he admits shyly, we all hear Jimin's soft chuckle before he settles the phone on the table, he must have propped it against something because we get to see as he goes to join Jin by the sink to see if he needs any help, one our brother refuses quickly, although Jimin pays him no mind when he grabs a towel to start drying the plates already clean.

'Not everyone gets to experience that with her so enjoy while it lasts, she might be too bashful for it to happen again the next time the occasion shows itself, you'll have to coo and tease her closer with patience' her brother reveals and we all take mental notes, would she get shy with Jungkook and I too after what happened today?

I want to believe that she'd be able to come to us without hesitation for hugs, but I guess we'll have to ease her into showing that kind of display of affection with us too. As long as she accepts what we have to give without stepping back every single time, things should be fine, we can take it.

Namjoon clears his throat before speaking up, it lets us know that he's going to embark on a more serious subject and even Jimin seems to understand when he asks Hoseok to send her to bed, after which he sits at the table with Jin while we wait for our other brother to come back.

It takes a few minutes during which I imagine him carefully tucking her under the blankets, Hoseok must be making sure that she's going to be as comfortable as possible, a bit like the way he does with me when I'm tired and Jungkook isn't there to do it for me, it makes me smile and hug Jungkook, I love that we all get to take care of each other that way.

When he comes back, Jin pats his lap and Hoseok makes a beeline for it, the eldest's arms wrap around his boyfriend tightly with a satisfied hum and only then does Namjoon speak up, my bet being about what happened tonight.

"So, Jimin, you asked something of Taehyung and Jungkook tonight because you apparently heard what Yoongi and I talked about today, that's our indiscretion but I want to know first how serious you were about that request".

We all watch as the twin's face turns an edge darker before a smirk makes it to his face, Yoongi has to clench his fists at the sight, oh what a sight.

'You want to know if I only pretended when I asked them to make the asshole suffer as much as possible, if it was only a sarcastic comment or not. To answer your question... if I could come with you tonight, I would've cut him into several pieces myself.

I am no stranger to having to wash blood off my clothes and even less so when it comes to explaining to my baby sister why I didn't answer the first time she called me. If you worry that I am in fact a softie who's afraid of death, then don't, I'm used to making people fear their own'.

"Fuck... you're perfect, you know that? Such a handsome cold-blooded human you are" Namjoon croons, his eyes are no doubt alive with want, it's such a turn on for him when his closest loved ones show their dark side, he really got the worst out of us with Yoongi and now Jimin.

The worst or... the best, Namjoon would instantly vote for the latter.

Jimin doesn't shy away this time, there's no running away from this curse we bear and I'm sure it's a relief for him to have more people like him around now, being alone isn't easy when you feel that need to kill on a regular basis.

'So did you take care of the shit head who dared hurt her? Because I swear, if there's any chance he can get close to her again, my asking you for favors might never happen ever again, a job well done is always best done yourself after all, don't make me regret trusting you'.

I sit up straight with an offended huff that echoes Jungkook's, who does he take us for?

"He'd have to come back from the dead for that to happen. Not only did we take care of your request, we even took our time with each fingers to make it worse, he didn't have a good time at all but he didn't take Hoseok's warning seriously so it's his own fault.

After that, we severed his muscles to make sure he wouldn't be able to move before setting fire to his ugly carpeted floor, he must be burning to a crisp right now, surviving is not even an option, not with how much he was bleeding and crying, pitiful until the end".

Jin and Hoseok both nod proudly at my explanation, it's such a shame that they couldn't participate this time but hey, they got to baby a young adorable woman throughout the dinner and that's more important than killing someone, as long as there's one of us to take care of the job. It doesn't always have to be a group thing after all, tonight was simply... it was highly personal and a much needed release on our part.

Jimin crosses his arms over his chest, his reaction hidden from us, it makes me frown, what, that wasn't enough?

'Did you make him understand why he was going through such torture?'.

That question has me locking in place immediately, very specific memories that took place tonight that I want gone from my mind forever coming back to the surface, I'd managed to keep them out of mind for a while, I knew it would haunt me during the night but... I was hoping for some more hours of peace.

"I did" Jungkook answers through his gritted teeth, his jaw locked firmly as he too thinks back to the response he got from the rotten soul, the horrors that were said will follow him for years to come, it will for all of us.

'He didn't admit to having been wrong then' Jimin guesses easily and Yoongi huffs with a hateful scowl, he'll despise the guy's guts for a long time with what we heard tonight, it's not even enough of a word to describe just how distressed it made him, we all were taken aback in the worst way possible.

Even in his position, he dared say too much, he should've understood that we were not to be messed with as soon as he saw us and yet he still ran his mouth, he still spilled twisted words like a fucking lunatic, my blood boils just thinking about it.

"That's putting it lightly. He made sure to let us know he would've done it again if he ever saw her again and you don't want to know what he said next, hell is a sweet fucking paradise for the fucker. If there's a worse destination after death, I hope that's where he went" my hyung spits out and Namjoon rubs his knee with a tensed hand to try and calm his boyfriend, without much success, understandably so, he himself is seething just thinking about it.

The air is turning heavy with our eternal anger, I wish I could forget what I heard tonight, wish I could forget the images he put in my head, I never heard her cry and beg for help yet my brain can conjure those sounds so easily, we didn't torture him enough for what took place but then again, it could've lasted for weeks, years and it would never be enough, not for him.

'Tell me'.

Yoongi shakes his head. "No".

Jimin tilts his head to the side, jaw pushed forward in distaste and I gulp at the clear challenge, that one is out of my comfort zone and Jungkook feels the shift in my state when he pulls me into his arms, back turned to the screen and a hand to my hair.

"Do you want me to take us away, my love? Y/N is sleeping, maybe we should do the same too" he whispers into my ear softly, an open door to avoid the mess that's to come but I shake my head, I don't want to be told of what happened tomorrow, I hate being left out for these sorts of things.

'I didn't ask for your permission, Yoongi, I asked you to tell me what he said'.

"And I maintain my no, hearing it wouldn't serve anything".

A slam on the table where Jimin is sat makes me startle and Jungkook reassures me with an enveloping hug, I can feel that he's ready to take me away if the voices are going to get louder, Jin and Hoseok also look ready to end the call if needed, although they would have to deal with three very angry men if they do.

'Everything that has to do with my sister will be within my knowledge and you won't take that away from me. This is my last time asking you, I promise you won't like me if you say no one more time'.

Namjoon breathes in deeply, he's on a very thin limit right now, this isn't such an easy decision to make, Jimin doesn't realize what he's asking for, he really doesn't. "Why do you want to know, Jimin? Give me a good reason and I might consider it".

The man on the other side of the screen scuffs in anger. 'And you might consider it? Bullshit, that's fucking bullshit. Fine, you want to know why I want to hear so badly? I want to hear what the fuck he said because I want to remember every single little words said about my sweet half, no matter how dirty and disgusting they are. When I end up face to face with those fuckers after I die, I intend to become their worst fucking nightmare, they haven't heard the last of me, that's good enough for you?'.

I don't think any of us quite knew the limit of his love for his sister, if there was even one, but if this isn't proof that his whole life is constantly in orbit around her, then I don't know what else could ever be enough to let us know that there's no getting in the way of that plan of his.

"Jungkook, take Taehyung away, you two don't need to hear it a second time".

My mate's about to agree and pick me up in his arms so we can go to bed but I resist and shake my head, I will not be left out once more, I don't want to.

'Tae... you should listen to Namjoon, it's going to hurt you if you stay' Jin tries to reason with me, he can already tell the heaviness of the subject just by looking at the two men at the bottom of the screen but I shake my head again and send a pleading look to Jungkook, even if it hurts, I want to stay, I don't want to be the only one with an eased mind while everyone else is in pain.

"Are you sure, Tae?".

Yoongi snaps his head our way, eyes falling on Jungkook sending off a warning, I tsk my tongue and frown at the man who I know is just thinking about my well-being. "I don't care how much it hurts, I don't want to be the only one left aside. If you hurt, I hurt too".

"But it's going to hurt more for you two, pup, she's your mate, once was bad enough, the same goes for you Jungkook" he insists, worry creeping into his eyes, it makes me waver a little, teeth biting on my bottom lip before I decide to sit back on the couch, I can be strong, I need to be strong.

"If you don't say it, I will" I let out and Namjoon slides a hand up my ankle to squeeze it in a clear message that means ' no you won't ' .

"Alright, sit down Taehyung, don't take this too far. I'll allow you to stay but if you want to get away at any point, if it gets too much for you, tap my shoulder and I'll stop talking so Jungkook can take you away".

I nod my head and Jungkook hesitantly settles back down next to me, he doesn't cradle me to him the way I know he wants to, he knows when to let me try to be the strong that I can't be all the time, he knows he's going to regret it later but I always admire how he lets me decide for myself anyway, it means a lot to me.

Namjoon turns his attention back to the tablet where the three men wait for us to tell them the whole truth, Jimin looks like he heard things he wasn't expecting to hear, it barely grazes my mind that we let slip one word that isn't normally part of the human dialect but there's no time to dwell more on it when hyung's cold voice speaks up.

"This is your last chance, Jimin. Are you really sure you want to know? There's no going back once you have".

'I'm sure, I can handle it'.

We all feel our heart break at his words, maybe he would if it were the regular threats but this...

He's going to hurt, even more than all of us reunited, that much is clear to me, Jimin will surely find this very similar to a mental torture.

Yoongi covers his face with a hand and Namjoon takes in one last deep breath before parting his lips once more, his soul already breaking for what's to come.

I can't resist hiding my face in Jungkook's neck and as much as I try to resist the wobbling to my chin as he pulls me closer to his side, I know they can all tell how unstable I currently am and so, Namjoon's words are as much for Jimin as they are for me.

"No going back... just... try to stay calm, okay? He won't be able to do anything to her and that's what matters the most, you have to remember that, okay?".

'Just tell me Namjoon, stop trying to gain time, you're making things worse!'.

"Telling you is what will make it worse but... alright. He told us about all the ways he wants to rape her. Alive and dead".

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