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I come to my senses in a seated position with the sensation of being moved around, the noises reaching my ears sounding very much like... a car?

I slowly blink my eyes open, the clear sky a blinding light as it greets me at my right, buildings and people moving past us quickly before disappearing out of sight making it harder for my brain to process, because... wasn't I in the living room?

"Oh, someone finally decided to wake up" a voice chirps all of a sudden and I turn my head to my left to see Jin smiling at me, one that widens when I sleepily frown in confusion, what?

"I almost started believing you were in a coma, peach, you wouldn't react to anything I did or said so I figured you'd wake up on the way, we're going to our house for dinner, remember? With Hoseok and Jin" Jimin explains from the driver's seat, his eyes looking at me through the rear-view mirror to see my reaction before falling back on the road in front of us.

The man in the passenger's seat turns around to smile at me, Hoseok's sunshine face almost blinding as he lets out a small laugh, I must look awful right now, I sure feel weird, maybe Jimin's idea of a coma isn't so far off the truth after all.

"How long did I sleep for?" I mumble with a yawn, I'm still so tired but I should be fine later with an orange juice or something, I only hope I can hold on until then, I feel like I could fall back asleep in seconds.

"Oh not that long, maybe twenty minutes? Taehyung and Jungkook left a little after we got to your place, they asked us to tell you that they enjoyed spending time with you and that they can't wait to see you again soon" Hoseok answers before turning his attention to the front when Jimin turns into another street where the house is, his eyes curious about where we're headed.

I blush lightly at his words, soul warm but also filling with regrets because I can't believe I fell asleep on them, I couldn't even see them out and let them know that I hope they won't make me wait too long, that I too enjoyed our time together, that I can't wait to get to know them more, the promise of their decision to court me, something that sounds so outdated, enough to have butterflies come alive in my whole being.

It really happened, didn't it? Our cuddling in my bed, my playing around with Taehyung while Jungkook gazed at us with contentment, their warmth surrounding me as we spent time together in silence watching the TV, I wish it never ended.

It's not normal that I already miss them that much, it's barely been a few days, yet I do and I wish they'd be here right now.

They want to make me fall in love but isn't it already done? They won't struggle on that point, that much is sure.

Jimin pulls into the familiar driveway of the house he calls ours and when the engine turns silent, the keys pulled out swiftly, the three men open their doors to step outside with happy noises while I still try to process the fact that I fell asleep at home only to wake up in a moving car, my brain didn't like that one.

I watch as my twin brother walks around the car with a sigh before opening my door, after which he undoes my seatbelt to gently pull me out of the vehicle, it feels awful to use my body when all I want to do is snuggle back under a blanket but he doesn't give me much of a choice when the door closes behind me so we can walk to the house with his arm around my waist, Hoseok and Jin besides us, eyes creasing at my silent whining.

They better not leave me be for too long because I will probably find my way to Jimin's bed within one minute once inside.

"Are you going to be able to get through the evening, sweets? You look like you're going to fall asleep anytime now" Hoseok asks me, I shrug before hiding another yawn behind a hand and Jin chuckles, I don't need words to answer that question, my wobbly body is plenty enough.

"I'll make her a glass of orange juice, it should help, we just need to keep her from wandering to my bed, we're losing her if that happens" Jimin answers before entrusting me to Jin so he can unlock the door and open it for us, the tall man more than happy to help in supporting me, he lets out a soft hum at his words.

"I guess it was a long day for you, wasn't it, sweetheart? This morning was rough enough as it is, and add to that spending time with Jungkook and Taehyung and it becomes a draining day. Having them ask for permission to start courting you must have been a lot too, hm?".

I instantly choke on my saliva at his daring question, eyes widening on Jimin's back as I recover from the small coughing fit, I didn't even have the time to think about how I would let my brother know and here is this man blurting it out without a second thought!

Jimin's going to get mad, isn't he? He'll curse at them or something of the kind, that's what I think as I keep my eyes locked on him but he doesn't react at all as he enters the house before stepping aside to let us in.

I look up at Jin, unsure if I should feel betrayed about him saying it before I could but at seeing his comforting eyes on me while he guides me forward and through the doorway, I come to realize that if he knows, it wouldn't make sense that Jimin doesn't, weren't they all together earlier?

Surely the man wouldn't have thrown oil in the fire if the danger wasn't already contained, he's gotten to know my brother, he wouldn't push his friends into a burning torture room just like that.


It's with a nervous heart that we follow behind, Hoseok last to come inside as he closes the door without making a sound and as we remove our shoes, I notice how the two men seem to hesitate to get further inside, just like Taehyung and Jungkook earlier. I find that curious, are they afraid to do something they aren't allowed?

"You can go in, no one will get mad, don't just stand there" I let them know with a chuckle and they both look back at me with a warm smile and a nod of the head before they head to where Jimin is currently getting the juice out of the fridge, curious eyes staring at the surroundings to find out more about my brother through the decoration.

I'm about to follow them, but I walk past Jimin's bedroom where I usually sleep with him and oh is it tempting, the fluffy blankets and pillows calling out to me, if I could just rest for a little five minutes, I would feel better, I'm sure-

"Peach, don't you dare, come here and drink this".

Damn it.

"You're just my twin, you can't stop me!" I then blurt out before rushing to his bed and when I hear his feet quickly run after me after a light swear, I start laughing, soul half terrified but it's what's so thrilling about this, it's the only way I can come up with to get rid of my nerves at this point.

I see him enter his bedroom from over my shoulder while I climb the bed and I quickly hide under his blankets before holding onto them tightly so he doesn't pull them off me, my heart currently getting ready for a marathon, with Jimin, it might as well be one.

"I'm just your twin? I can't believe you said that, peach, just a twin... just a twin? I'll show you what just a twin can do" he states in disbelief as he climbs over me, his weight added to his already heavy comforter enough to crush me into his mattress but it only causes me to giggle from my hiding place, a sound that has him grinning through his annoyance.

He locks his arms around my waist, hence also around the blankets and suddenly, he flips me so I end up on my back, all of my being exposed to him as he smirks down at me like this was all part of his plan when I can see it in his eyes that he didn't expect it to work that well.

"What have we here, hm? You thought you could hide from me, my sweet sister?" he croons while crawling up until his body hovers entirely over mine, his face right in front of mine, I can only grin sheepishly at the situation, he won quickly this time.

"Your lack of reaction made me nervous and your bed was begging for me to come and rest a little, it wanted to give me a reassuring pat on the back" I let out softly, to which he sighs with a shake of the head although he makes no move to let me go, his position over me firm but his eyes gazing into mine soft and understanding.

"About Taehyung and Jungkook telling you how they feel towards you, I already know, they told me themselves earlier. I guess they wanted to take that weight from you, and that in turn helped me to see how sincere they are about you, how much they care and... I'm not against it, peach, I let them know that I'm not against it. They're good for you, much more than anyone else we could ever meet and I would hate to take that from you, you don't have to be scared of my reaction, I'm for it".

My heart soars at his words because really? He really gave them his blessing?

"You mean it?" I ask him, just to make sure, he's not saying that only to make me happy while he'll be boiling from the inside? "You're not going to get mad at them when they appear with weird ideas?".

He bites on his bottom lip, he didn't think that far ahead, what kind of weird ideas are they going to come up with? "We'll see, that will depend on how safe their ideas are, but yes, other than that, I am sure of what I said, I won't get in the way. Most of the time. I'll try to be good".

I side-eye him and he sighs. "No promises, if they come with anything dangerous, I'll be getting in the way".

"You can be sure that her security will be their top priority, right above her happiness so don't worry too much about that, Jimin, they know what they're doing" we both hear Jin say and when we look towards the door, just now remembering about our friends, it's to find him and Hoseok leaning against the doorway with a smile, their postures relaxed, it seems they've been observing us from the beginning without us even noticing.

Jimin helps me to sit up gently with him behind me and we both turn to face the two men who always look incredibly patient, as if they've never experienced a race against the clock, never felt the rush of not having enough time for something, and now that I think about it, it's something they all have in common.

Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok, they... they feel different, there's this aura about them that feels otherworldly, refined and special, like they have their own path, their own way of living that has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the world, one in which Jimin and I are getting sucked in without any resistance.

Maybe that's why we feel so attracted to them, they're not like anyone else we've met in our life, we can't even find one thing that makes them similar to the kind of people that hurt us and it makes us feel like we can trust them because that makes them safe, they've shown us that much with how they protected me today, how angry they were for my sake.

They're so incredibly unique that Jimin and I feel closer to them, we can finally fit somewhere without feeling out of place, it's... great.

"I'll take your word for it then, but if they ever do anything to hurt her and she comes back to me in pain or crying, I will murder them myself" Jimin lets out with a dark tone to his voice and I gape at him, a slap to the arm because, damn, Jimin!

"You can't blurt that out like it's the most natural thing to say, Jimin! You can't hurt them just because of that!" I exclaim, already ready to defend them if I have to but he only shrugs before hugging me tightly to him, my back pressed against his chest where he hums softly.

"I said 'if', knowing how much they care about you, they should be alright. I'm just saying that I'm keeping an eye on them, I won't really murder them, it was a metaphor. They'd be in a lot of pain, but not dead".

Hoseok lets out a laugh that makes me eye him with a frown, does he not care about their well-being? I thought they were close!

"How sweet of you to want to protect them, Y/N, but you really don't have to worry, they won't ever give you nor your brother any reason to be kept at a distance, trust them and let them take care of you, everything will be fine".

My frown turns into a light pout, they will be alright, right? Because I don't want my brother to regret allowing this to happen, I don't want him to scold himself for allowing something so precious to take place in my life, it would make me sad.

I sometimes can't tell if he's joking or if he's serious when he threatens people and I don't want the two men I'm falling for to fall in the wrong category, I'm not sure I could forgive my other half if he were to ever hurt them just for the sake of protecting me.

"How giddy would they be to see you so concerned about them, giddy but also a little sad. Keep a smile on your face, sweetheart, this is a happy occasion to fall in love, don't let your worries take that beauty from you" Jin assures me softly and I sigh lightly before nodding my head, body relaxing a little more in my brother's arms, he just puts me so on edge sometimes when it comes to the new men who have quickly made a place in our life.

Said brother nuzzles his face into my neck and peppers tiny kisses there until I squirm away from the ticklish feeling. "Don't mind my protectiveness, peach, I'll be quiet and observant but I know I won't have to take action, I don't want you to fear my reaction all the time, it's going to be fine".

I huff and pout as I grab his arms to hug me tighter at my front. "I never know with you, you'll just have to prove to me that you can be nice. You will be nice with them, won't you?".

"I will be nice, I kind of like them now, it's all good" he muses while resting his chin on my shoulder, his words have a smile threatening to burst out but I push it down with a clear of the throat, something Hoseok and Jin both see very clearly, it makes them grin.

"Alright then... but go against your word and... I'm going to give you two weeks off work! And you won't be allowed to enter the shop and- and I'll double- no I'll triple-lock the door to my home so you can't come in!".

A gasp before he hugs me even tighter, head shaking sideways with a cute whine like only him knows to do. "You can't do that peach! That's not allowed it's cheating, you can't keep me from staying near you, I'll climb the wall and get in from the window if I have to, nothing will stop me".

Jin chuckles with a soft sigh. "And break your neck? Yeah, that's something Y/N would love coming back home to".

Jimin tenses, lips pursing unhappily before he burrows his face in my neck to grumble childishly. "I don't want to be kept away from you, it's not fair" he murmurs with a softer voice that makes my heart squeeze and melt, gosh darn it.

"It won't happen if you stay nice". He quickly nods his head without releasing me. "I'll be nice, 'promise".

Hoseok winks and gives me a discreet thumb up at my victory, he knows, maybe not as much as I do but he knows that Jimin is the kind to keep his promise, if it's made for me, he will keep it.

"I don't mean to be that kind of person but it's getting late and we'll all be hungry soon, shouldn't we start thinking about food?" Jin eventually asks, his voice pulling Jimin out of his self-despair moment as he lifts his head up to stare at our two friends.

"Right, food, I'd almost forgotten about that. Want to help me cook, peach? It's going to be faster that way".

An easy nod of the head. "Of course I will, as if I'd let you do this alone when we have two more mouths to feed".

A snicker. "Oh they're going to be so jealous when they hear that".

A hum. "And you'll make it worse because you'll keep pushing it in their face all night".

"Yeah, but it's going to be fun, come on, Hobi dear, you know I'm right".

Jimin and I observe as the latter eventually acquiesces with a soft huff. "Yeah okay maybe you're right, it's going to be funny but it's also going to break my heart, poor them".

My brother and I share a look, unsure of whether we really understood this well or not but we don't dwell on it any longer when we both exit the bed and out of the room hand in hand, the two other men close behind us with an excited grin.

Maybe they'll even sneak a few pictures just to tease their soft boys.

"Want our help too? We can participate, we're pretty good at cooking".

"If you want to, sure".


Their POV

"This is where the scent leads, it must be the right house".

A snort. "His taste is... well let's say this atrocious building won't be missed once we put fire to it".

"After we get his head off the rest of his body".

"After we cut the fingers per Jimin's request".

"Should we go for the toes too?".

"Meh... not if they stink".

"Right, stinky feet are the worst, let's stick with the fingers. Let's go, I want to be home before Jin and Hoseok do, they're going to have so much to say and I want to hear all of it without having the scent of blood all over me".

The four men nod at each other and start making their way towards the huge building that resembles more a manor than a house, but one that was built with too many different styles all in one, as if the person behind the construction didn't know what they wanted and finally decided to go with everything.

It's lucky for them that the area is secluded, they haven't seen a house yet, they all start at the street a good four kilometers away and there are so many trees in between that they don't fear any unwanted eyes seeing them at the moment.

Not that they would really care, they made sure to hide their features well, masks and hats covering their head as well as clothes that are going to be left behind in the fire to be destroyed, they don't want to bring blood back to their home and wearing these outfits would only remind them of the asshole who dared hurt their lovely twin, so all in all, it's for the best that they proceed this way.

It's not like being naked bothers them but they do have spare clothes waiting for them in a bag nearby so they're not worried about that, as long as the piece of trash gets what he deserves.

The information they got from Hoseok earlier was enough to make their blood boil, Jungkook and Taehyung are ready to show the guy just what kind of nightmare he stepped into by touching her and they won't go soft on him.

As for Namjoon and Yoongi, they're going to guard the exits, they'll get their share of the fun by scaring the guy into running back into the hunt but they won't take from the two younger men the satisfaction that comes from making the world safer for your lover, for the soul that makes them melt and obsess with a warm heart.

No, they won't take a direct part in killing the main target, but they'll make sure Y/N gets the safety that she deserves, it's as important to them as it is for the rest of their group.

Her precious body and mind need to be treated with softness and care and only them can do so, only them can be close to the two souls who are now the center of their life.

Their twins are meant to be with them and the six men will be damned for eternity if they let anything happen to them, it doesn't matter if romantically, Jimin belongs only to Namjoon and Yoongi while Y/N belongs to Jungkook and Taehyung, when it comes to love and family, they all form one, they are so tightly bound to each other that sometimes they feel like they all share the same soul.

Their obsession extends to every single being of their group and they justify it the same way they would for their mate than they would for their brother, you don't touch what belongs to me.

Because that's what they are, they belong to each other, they belong to no one else but themselves. Anyone who breaches that limit needs to be extremely careful, and the only reason they wouldn't lash out at others is if they're blood family.

So maybe Y/N belongs emotionally to the younger two, maybe Jimin belongs emotionally to the older two, but at the end of the day, Y/N is as much Namjoon and Yoongi's as Jimin is Taehyung and Jungkook's, and the six of them belong to Hoseok and Jin as much as Hoseok and Jin belong to the six of them.

There is no way out of the spiderweb once you put a foot in it but it's okay, these spiders don't eat their preys, they protect and cherish them. The only downside is how the web seems to form a prison more than it forms a cozy house, but they do their best to make it warm.

Their group knows how impulsive they are, they know that they sometimes walk on a very thin line that threatens to snap more often than not, but they also have the desire to better themselves more often than not, because if it comes to their twins, they deserve the efforts.

They will go as slow as they can, they will build the web as carefully as they can so that it doesn't take the two by surprise but instead welcome them in, the six men want their twins to willingly jump in without hesitation, to let their group care for them without shame or concerns.

They now know that Jimin is like them, he doesn't mind staining his hands for his sister and that makes Namjoon and Yoongi want to growl out in approval, such a protective brother he is, they simply adore that about him.

It makes them want to steal him away and worship him, they want to let him know that he's not alone in protecting her now, they're all going to help him, they want to kiss him senseless and tell him just how hot he looks when he's mad and even more so when he's blushing, but they know that even if the young man is open to them, allowing himself to fall will be more complicated.

Until Y/N is secured into their group, until he can see for sure that nothing will ever harm her, he will always put her first before himself, for Y/N is not like them.

She is the definition of pure, she is kind and sweet, not an ounce of blood on her hands. Heck, she can barely handle the sight of her own red life essence without passing out, their skin itches at that knowledge, eyes trained on the ground with each steps they make, sharp rocks always kicked aside and far from where her feet could ever land.

That's something they want her to keep forever, her purity, but they don't know if they can hide forever their darkness from her, if they can pretend to be good without her seeing sparks of anger and hate and blood anywhere they go for the simple reason that people dared try to get closer than they were allowed.

How would she react if she one day sees them as they truly are? Would it scare her? They wouldn't survive losing her, none of them would, their hearts ripped and shredded into small particles, it would be like letting loose hell on earth, and surely Jimin would be right in the middle of it.

They barely realize that they've made it inside the building until the smell of fear hits them and suddenly, all thoughts lock at the back of their mind for later, because they now process that the man they have made prey has taken Hoseok's warning very seriously - he has brought security over.

Jungkook smirks when he smells more than one body hidden inside on the different floors, they must be armed too, bodyguards? Maybe the less than legal kind, he finds that hilarious, as if that would stop them from reaching him, the asshole simply made this game more thrilling for them.

"How about we let the hunt begin? I need to get rid of this itch, it's been bothering me since earlier" Taehyung drawls with a grin and the pleased grunts he gets in answer is all he needed before dashing forward, the others close behind him.

Tonight, there will be more blood on their hands, but there will also be exactly ten pieces of trash out of the way and to them, that's all that matters because it means a safer world for their sweet girl.

Anyone making her relive such discomfort shall meet the same end.

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