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This chapter makes me so damn excited, you will finally start seeing a bit more of the reality these boys live in~~ Enjoy and do let me know what you think of it at the end! I'm eager to know what you think of the story so far!

"So... this is my place" I mumble as I open the door to my apartment, a little nervous since I've never let anyone in here except for my brother.

Heck, I've never had any friends over at all, this is a first for me and it's exciting as much as it's terrifying.

I turn on the light in the entrance and let them inside before closing the door behind us, eyes flickering between the two of them, take in their curiosity as they look around what they can see, the open kitchen and living room, the open wall leading to my bedroom, the tiny dining table for two in the corner.

It's not big, but it's homey, the large windows allowing in the golden rays of the sun onto my rug, one I've dragged everywhere with me for the past ten years, a gift from mom that I can't seem to part from even if it doesn't quite fit my current furniture anymore.

I remove my shoes and walk to the kitchen to set down the bags of food on the counter before heading to the window in the living room to open it, the two of them making me feel intimidated and anxious, my insides twisting because what if they don't like what they see? What if they think my home sucks? Compared to their place, this isn't luxury, far from it.

"Are we allowed to walk around, daisy?" Jungkook asks from the entrance and when I turn around, it's to see him and Taehyung still by the door, hesitant to make a step further in until they have my permission.

"O-of course, please don't just stay there, you can put your shoes with mine" I blurt out, the way they act so little and quiet in my apartment making me slightly curious, but I don't dwell on it for too long when I see them come in, eyes peeking around, small details and decorations catching their attention as they slowly get used to the new environment.

"There's not a single door here?" Taehyung asks from my bedroom, hands sliding against the pillows, arms hugging my plushies, nose rubbing against the soft furs, something that has me smiling, endeared when I remember how vulnerable he was last night, and I shake my head.

"Just for the bathroom, that's one of the reasons why I chose this place, I like that it's a very open space, I don't really like to feel caged in" I answer, to which they both hum.

I turn to see Jungkook walking around the living room, touchy-feeling everything he sees too, the blanket thrown over the couch, the couch itself, the curtains as he takes a look outside, the height of my apartment allowing for a sweet view over the other buildings, the river further away, small but still so beautiful.

"This place is great, it feels warm and cozy" Taehyung hums softly and seeing as he has yet to walk out of my bedroom, I decide to go see what he's doing, part of me hoping I haven't forgotten any underwear around, because goodness that would be humiliating, but what I see has me freezing momentarily before I feel my heart skip a beat, which then melts into a puddle.

There he is, snuggled into my bed, blankets all wrapped around him with the plushies, a giddy smile on his face as he hums, something that almost sounds like a purr and oh gosh, I just want to join him and hug him and kiss his cheeks-

"Oh Tae, you can't do that without her permission, my love!" Jungkook gasps before hurrying to his side to pull him out of the bed, but Taehyung is stubborn and he doesn't budge a muscle, lips frowning unhappily with a whine.

"I'm so sorry, daisy, I should've known he would claim your bed right away" Jungkook lets out worryingly, looking almost afraid that I'm going to get mad and kick him out of here while screaming, which I could never.

His reaction makes me a little confused, because it's just a bed, and although they're still very new additions in my life, I can hardly consider them strangers anymore, not with the way they behave with me, the way I feel towards them, but I appreciate that he cares enough to not want to overstep any boundaries.

"Leave him, Jungkook, it's fine. He looks all cuddly and adorable, I don't mind" I reassure him with a hand to his shoulder to stop him from pulling the big yet tiny man away and he turns to me, surprised, unsure.

"You really don't mind? Please don't say that just to avoid hurting him, he-" I shake my head to stop him, eyes falling on Taehyung who proceeds to snuggle within the safety of my blankets once more, his face looking absolutely blissed-out, like he just put a foot in heaven.

"It's really fine, and anyway, just look at him, what's wrong with having him looking so happy? Let's leave him there and get some plates for our lunch, he can join us when he feels like it" I muse, hear his relieved exhale before he's smiling back, stars in his eyes as he gazes at me until I start feeling too bashful, feet quickly taking me to the kitchen to flee the admiration as he follows behind.

I grab three plates, utensils, but when my eyes fall on my small table, I still. Doesn't it feel like we're keeping Taehyung out if he decides to come back and sees us seated there? I don't have a third chair, there's not even space for a third person, I bought it because it was small enough to fit in this corner.

"Don't worry daisy, Taehyung won't be leaving that bed anytime soon. I'll get him out later, just... the others told me that you saw him last night, when he was..." he hesitates, eyes taking in my reaction, he knows that I know what he's talking about.

I smile and nod. "Again, it's totally fine, Jungkook. He was adorable last night, there's nothing wrong with the way he is, he actually makes me want to smother him with hugs and kisses when he's like that, it's a danger for my heart, really" I assure him and he beams, eyes crinkling beautifully as his smile and crooked teeth beam at me and fuck- he's a danger too, they both are.

"You're perfect" he blurts out with a voice thick with love and I instantly become a burning red rose, minus the thorns, which I wish I had because maybe they would help protect my heart, but no, there's no possible protection against these two, they have free access to my heart and soul at will.

"P-please, I'm just saying the truth" I mumble shyly before turning my back to him, attention focused on setting the table, only too aware of his overwhelming heat behind me as he holds the food, bags I quickly grab to set in front of me as well.

"You want to cuddle him when he's soft Tae, but what about when he's strong Tae?".

My blushing intensifies, heart drumming in my chest in intense stress, his question sounding so wrong to me because that's his boyfriend he's talking about, right? Is this a trap question? Will he get mad if I answer yes? Why did he put me in that spot?!

He steps closer, his chest nearly touching my back and when he tilts his head forward, enough to have his hair tickle my ear, I bite on my bottom lip to keep myself from losing it, the chills that spread through my body a mixed thrill of excitement and anticipation.

"Don't you want to cuddle him when he's confident and proud too?" he whispers, his voice sending goosebumps to travel over my skin, through my guts, sound waves that cause my brain to malfunction, nerves disconnecting until all that remains is my ability to hear and feel him.

"What about me?" he continues, hands gently sliding against my waist to meet at my stomach where they intertwine to keep me locked in his hold, my back pushed against his chest, hot and hard behind me.

I gulp, my whole body tensed, burning, buzzing with such energy that couldn't be felt earlier, it's like he's putting me under a spell, his whole existence something magical, beautiful and I want to get lost in who he is, in his warmth, I could stay here forever.

"Do you like it when I hug you like that?" his voice caresses the shell of my ear, so sweet and captivating, his arms a tender squeeze around me, nothing constricting, more like a heavy blanket, one you use to counter anxiety, to fall asleep, something comforting, soothing, safe.

My heart could flee from me, it could be gone miles away already, yet it stubbornly remains in my chest in a tantrum, each beating sending shock-waves through my entire body and surely Jungkook can feel the way my skin pulses under his touch, yet he remains patient, no doubt waiting for an answer, he will get his answer.

"Aren't you going to use words for me, little daisy?" Jungkook croons into the nook of my neck, his lips ghosting over my skin and I shiver, lips parting because of how sudden my wish to feel his lips on me takes over my thoughts.

"B-but... you two... are together" I manage to say, eyes shutting tight at the pain that these words include, because I'm not part of that, a pain that brings some clarity to my mind, along with panic as I process what I've allowed, what I've done, after which I try to pull myself out of his hold, without success when his arms tighten.

"Taehyung is there, Jungkook, this isn't right" I murmur in slight panic, that I could possibly be the cause of infidelity between such a sweet couple as these two, I don't want to be the cause of anger and sadness, but even when I try to push his hands away, he won't let go of me.

"Jung-" "What if it was right?".

I freeze, heart stopping all activity, body heat dropping to a new low as I turn my head to see Taehyung staring at us from the entryway to my room, at me, eyes boring into mine as if searching for my soul.

Fuck, oh fuck, this is terrible.

"Taehyung, this isn't-"

"What if we both wanted you?".

I gape at him, hands shaking and I find that I would very much meet the floor if Jungkook wasn't holding me as Taehyung walks towards us until he's standing in front of me, his hands coming to get mine in his hold, gentle, delicate, his eyes turning soft when he gazes at me.

"What if we both want you?" he repeats, but my voice feels suddenly so far, as if a wall just raised and stepped in to keep me from speaking words that could change everything, words that could provoke such a situation that I might not be able to handle.

They can't be serious, right? They want... me?

I try to speak, to let out any sounds, but it's useless, the shock of their declaration leaving me a silent mess and I feel frustration boil within me, that my voice could betray me at such a timing.

Taehyung frowns slightly in worry, his hands leaving mine to cup my cheeks instead, the happy, sparkling glow that could be seen in his orbs earlier nowhere to be seen, the softness we were expecting to see fading away as he sees my state, as he processes that this is a repeat of what he saw last night.

I can't help but close my eyes and lean into the touch of his warmth, body melting into Jungkook's hold, their presence both comforting and overwhelming all at once.

I guess today was too much, again. What happened earlier, and now this? I hate that the way my body deals with such big emotions is to take even more away from me, as if being mute is something I need to be able to recover. Maybe it's my body's way of trying to minimize damage?

Either way, Taehyung clearly recognizes the signs of my voice leaving me again when he shushes softly, when he tells me that it's okay if I can't talk, that I don't need to and instead proceeds to pull Jungkook and I by the hands to my bed without hesitation, something in the way he looks determined about this plan of action that has me following along without resisting.

He grabs the many blankets that I always need to keep around me, plushies from years old, pillows and proceeds to form a cocoon of softness, lips pursed in concentration as he pulls back and moves a few things when they don't look like they fit, when they don't look good enough and I observe him, the way his face morphs into satisfaction before frowning again when a hand testing the softness doesn't bring the result he wants.

I observe him, because I can see as the harshness of his traits melt into softness once more, his strength melting into delicate fragility, his determination becoming even more vital as he doubles his efforts to make what looks like a fluffy nest in my bed.

And when he's turning to me, eyes expectant and bright, it's not the Tae who had led the way anymore, but a Tae who needs to take care of me as he grabs my hands and pulls in a gentle beckoning for me to join him, something that feels special, sacred, and when I notice the way he eyes my knees as I try to climb into the nest, I do my best to avoid messing up the edge that he had so carefully prepared, his small content nod when it remains intact heart-warming.

"Come here, wolfie, it's okay to cuddle, we all want to" he murmurs with a cute smile and at these comforting words, I let him guide me to the middle of the nest as the bed dips once more, Jungkook coming in to join us while also making sure to not mess up the space and Taehyung motions for him to slip in behind me before he himself lies down in front of me, his face so close to mine, yet it feels safe.

"Should I pull this blanket over us, Tae?" Jungkook asks with a soft voice, his tone light so as to not break the peace falling upon us, to which Taehyung nods before helping him in getting the three of us covered, and then Jungkook is sighing, his body not pressing into mine, but close, the two of them keeping a comfortable distance until they know better.

I want to ask what is going on, what is this, why are they so sweet, so nice to me when I haven't done anything to deserve it, when they barely know me, but then Taehyung is leaning his head forward so that his forehead rests against mine and I close my eyes, the feeling of this closeness, of this intimate cocoon a protection against the world something I never thought could be so soothing, something I never thought I could need so much.

Is this why Taehyung made this sort of nest on my bed? Because it would help me calm down? Because it would help ease the very emotions that took my voice away?

I can't help but feel so stupid, that I turned mute because of something like them telling me that they want me, that even though they have each other, these two perfect, wonderful and handsome men still want me.

It should feel wrong, we're technically strangers, yet it feels so right, to be here together.

Jungkook hums and slides a tentative hand over my waist, and when I relax, he scoots slightly closer until his warmth is almost tickling my back.

"I can sense you have many questions right now, daisy, so I'll try to explain as best as I can, okay?" he states in a calm murmur and I nod slowly, glad that he's offering first, because I really need more information if I want to avoid falling into an eternal pit of confusion.

I decide to keep my eyes closed, Taehyung's warm skin against mine as his hands caress my bandaged arm helping me to remain stable, and when Jungkook shifts a little, it's to feel the side of his face rest between my shoulder blades, his long exhale sounding like this isn't something easy to say.

"Did you know? For our group, for our hyungs, Taehyung and I, we have this thing that allows us to know who we belong with. Romantically, I mean. I can't speak for everyone else, but I know that for Tae and I, we knew when we started getting this feeling of belonging whenever we'd be together, like we were stronger, safer if we had each other by our side. It's... a feeling that makes us feel at peace, comfortable, happy just by seeing the other's face" he starts, words that have my heart stuttering in my chest, because I know that feeling.

"Parting ways feels... terrible, like we're losing a piece of ourselves, and when we see each other again, it's like nothing was ever wrong to begin with. We'd do anything to keep the other safe, we'd do anything to show how much we care, how much we love, things that would bother other people, to us it's endearing, adorable, perfect. It's a feeling of... wanting to give only the best of ourselves, to cherish and protect until the end of times, that's how we feel towards one another".

If they care so much about each other, why am I currently lying between the two of them? Why are they both holding me like that?

"You've felt this way too, haven't you?" Jungkook asks softly and I pinch my lips into a thin line, nervousness rising and tightening around my heart. What happens if I confirm it? What happens if I admit that I feel that way towards them?

Taehyung responds to my stress so easily, his nose dipping in my neck to brush against my throat where he peppers the skin with tiny kisses, his chest vibrating in a low constant hum that helps me calm down again, and it gives me enough strength to nod to Jungkook's question, unsure of where this will lead me, where this will lead us.

"That's how we feel about you. To us, daisy, you are our missing piece, the piece we always knew we were missing, but never knew if we would ever find. I know that in human concepts, we haven't known each other nearly enough to even consider starting something with us but... we still so desperately want you, we cannot imagine our life without you, it's impossible" Jungkook murmurs and I feel my cheeks flush, palpitations spreading through my soul, an army of paws running around my stomach as I try to process his words, words that I longed to hear, maybe not so soon, but one day.

Taehyung raises his head to stare at me, eyes hesitant, hands slightly trembling as they massage my skin, as if by doing so he's also trying to calm himself, and it takes him a few attempts of opening and closing his mouth before he gets what he wants to say out.

"Could you give us a chance? To show you that we can take care of you? You don't have to accept this just yet, but can you give us permission to win you over? Until you fall in love with us?" he murmurs, and I gulp, the intensity of their request not something I ever expected when we walked to my place today.

"It would mean a lot to us... we promise we will not do anything you are uncomfortable with. If you dislike something, let us know, we will adapt, just please, let us at least try to win your heart the way you deserve" he continues, his tone pleading, as if my rejecting them could break his heart.

It's... unexpected to say the least, and I would probably freak out if they had asked me to jump straight into this but... if they're ready to give me my pace, my time... it would be a lie to say that I don't want this.

"Could you please allow us that honor? To court you?" Jungkook asks sweetly, head peeking over my shoulder to see my face, the blush that crawls over my skin like a melted sea of lava enough to please even the coldest man on earth.

Bashful, because it's sinking in that they're talking as if they're irreversibly in love with me, something I had noticed but didn't know whether to believe or not, the eyes that look at me sometimes too intense, too... warm for what I'm used to, eyes not lustful but kind and protective, I hide my face in Taehyung's chest before nodding shyly.

That causes the both of them to gasp happily and the arms that close around me from both the front and the back have me letting out a silent yelp before I'm giggling, soundless laughter that expresses a happy heart in face of their own, their excited cooing enough to make my heart buzz with contented joy.

Is this what romantic love is supposed to feel like? Because if it is, then I love love, it makes me feel so light, to know that I don't have to keep myself from falling for them, that being simply friends isn't what they want.

I have no idea what Jimin's reaction would be like to hearing about this, but I know that this is something I can't keep from him, no matter the outcome.

He will surely be even more wary of them, but it's better for him to doubt and be convinced rather than him learning all of a sudden or him finding out on his own, something that would definitely make him disappointed with me.

I trust him enough to know that he won't get in the way when he can help it, but I also respect him too much to cause him pain. I always tell him everything and that won't change.

"You won't regret it, I promise" Taehyung chirps happily, the purring feeling coming from his chest resuming again and I can feel a softer but deeper one coming from Jungkook as well, something weird, so weird, but so soothing and it makes my insides melt into pudding, soul tingling so happily that I don't know how to process it.

But that all gets shattered when the stomach behind me grumbles so loudly that one might believe it to be from a monster.

I blink quickly as Taehyung and I look behind me to see Jungkook's face turning a deep shade of red, doe eyes round and ashamed.

"That wasn't me" he tries, his face telling me he's trying really hard to look serious, to believe his lie, but his faltering lips that slowly start turning into a pout makes it very, very hard to stay serious, no doubt Taehyung is making a face that looks low-key disappointed.

"If it wasn't you, who was it then, Jungkookie?" Taehyung asks him and the man's face glows a deeper red before stubbornly picking up one of the plushies behind him.

"It was this guy, he's very hungry, I think he's trying to tell us that we should keep the cuddling for after we've had a good meal" he continues with his lie, very intent on not losing face but another roar that most definitely comes from him makes him scrunch his nose up in fake anger.

"Don't you dare laugh, Tae" he warns when the latter snorts, a hand quickly going to cover his mouth and when Jungkook's eyes fall on me, I can see that he's hesitating about what to request of me, my puffed up cheeks as I blink at him making his determination waver before he's softly pinching my cheek with a pout.

"Just pretend like you didn't hear that, we were having such a sweet moment too" he mumbles and I grin at him before nodding, knowing that in his place, I would be incredibly embarrassed too.

With some difficulty, I make my way to the edge of the bed so I can leave them and continue with setting the table for lunch, something cold that must be more on the warmer side now, although it's nothing dramatic.

"I can't believe you blamed the plush when it was so obvious that it was you".

"Oh shush, it's not my fault that I'm hungry! We were supposed to eat ages ago!".

"We were cuddling, having the time of our life and then your body screamed like a din-"

"Tae, I know, please".

"I felt her tense like she was getting ready for a terrible attack-"

"Tae! Stop teasing!".

"But I love teasing you, you don't get red often so I am making use of this situation until it's over".


"You look so cute, did you know that the red goes down even to your arms? Are your toes turning pink too? Can I see?".

"Daisy! Help me please!".

I bite on my lip to keep my composure, the laughter so easy with them as I set the table, ultimately deciding that I will eat by the counter while standing so they can be seated on the chairs and when the two of them join me, it's to see them bickering like an old couple, something adorable, a new facet of their relationship that I hadn't gotten to see before and I love it.

Seeing as Taehyung is still not done teasing Jungkook, I decide to take the former by the arm and to one chair before pointing at the plate in front of him so he can start filling it and Jungkook's chest puffs out with pride at having been rescued before he notices my standing away from the table.

"Daisy, don't tell me you're going to eat while standing?" he asks, face turning serious and when Taehyung's gaze snaps to me, I startle, their reaction almost feeling like I just insulted their ancestors.

I purse my lips and nod slightly, eyes looking around to show that there's nowhere else to sit, but Taehyung is quirking an eyebrow before looking down at his lap.

"Oh dear me, what's this? Is it a seat for our little wolf? I think it is, wow!" he lets out with a monotone voice, but his eyes are shining with amusement and life, a taunt that dares me to use him, that he would be more than delighted if I did.

Jungkook hums with a smirk before grabbing my plate to set right next to Taehyung's and before I can do anything, he's quickly picking me up and bringing me to his boyfriend whose arms open, ready to welcome me in so we can all eat together.

I gape at him as arms lock around me once more and then Taehyung is giggling, his cheek rubbing slightly against mine before he's handing a plate to Jungkook who proceeds to fill it with a bit of everything, his happy humming as he does so reminding me of Jimin when he does the same for me.

Knowing that I have no choice but to get used to this setting, I make use of my free hands to grab food that interests me, the different sandwiches and salads all looking so delicious, and I can't help but think of my brother, is he eating too? Has he eaten?

I pat my pockets before finding my phone and then proceed to snap a picture of the table before sending it to him, not aware of one slightly important detail.

Have you eaten?

I wait for his reply, but seeing how Jimin has yet to see my message, Taehyung nudges my side gently to get me to start eating, which I do, the two men's pleased eyes at seeing me nibble on the bread inciting them to eat too, hunger needing to be satiated.

I get through half of my place, Jungkook already on his second while Taehyung is nearly done with his first before my phone buzzes and I grab it, hoping to see a picture of his own lunch but what I see is actually a screenshot of my own picture zooming in on Taehyung's hand on my thigh.

What is this.



"Oh" Taehyung lets out, lips going to hide between his teeth while I gulp, and when Jungkook is standing up with a frown to come and see what's going on, he too is freezing slightly.



Peach, answer me before I send the cavalry over.

Unsure of what to say, I decide to just go with the truth, a... blurry truth.

You know I only have two chairs, I was meaning to eat standing but the guys didn't like that, so they made me eat with them at the table.

They could've given up a seat, why are you sitting on one of them? Whose hand is this? Why is it touching you?

It's fine, Jiminie, he was just resting his hand, it wasn't anything inappropriate, we're almost done eating, have you eaten too?

Don't change the subject, whose hand is this.

"Say it's me" Jungkook lets out and when I look up to meet his gaze, as if asking - Are you sure? - because we all know how this might end, he's nodding with a little shrug.

"Rather have it be me than Taehyung" he adds, to which I hum, Taehyung's hands nervously holding onto me as we await my brother's answer.

Alright, Jungkook and I will have a little chat later then. Don't get too close and just relax. Movie, nap, no cuddling. Not before I talk with them first.

We all read the message once, twice, then thrice, just to be sure.

"That's not nearly as bad as I had expected" Jungkook hums, and I nod, because he's right.

And if another hand touches you where they shouldn't, I'm cutting it off.

"Okay that's more like him" he grumbles, and Taehyung gulps, because it's his hand that started all this.

Now what... they're banned from cuddling before he talks with them? This is worse than hell, he doesn't like it at all.

"How would he know that we're cuddling though? He's not even here, he wouldn't know" he tries, eyes hopeful, that it's not all over just because Jimin said so, but I purse my lips before heading to the notes so I can write them something.

No cuddling might be better, Jimin knows when I lie and me losing my voice will only make him even more on edge. I don't want you two losing more than a hand.

"So we're really going through with the no cuddling? But it's our love language" Taehyung whines, pout on his face as he holds onto me tightly, not ready to let go now that he knows that he won't get to hold me again after this.

Jungkook pats his hair softly and sighs. "We're just getting started, Tae love, we don't have to do everything in a single day, hm? Why don't we finish eating then put the food away before heading to the living room to see what we can watch?" he offers, and when we both nod, he smiles before going back to his seat in front of us, his attempt at distracting us with a story about Jin one day messing up a cake so badly that he thought the house was on fire putting a smile back on our faces until the end of the meal.

We all work together to clean up the table, leftovers put in the fridge and dishes cleaned, something that Taehyung and Jungkook take care of happily even with my pulling at their arms to get them to stop, something that does not faze them, heck, they don't even move, their bodies strong and stable even with me using all of my strength.

Once they're done, Jungkook winks at me and ruffles my hair softly, a content smile curling his lips upwards when I pout at him, cheeks blushing slightly at the way he's looking at me, the reminder of what was admitted earlier, of them wanting to win my heart coming back to mind.

"Come on, little wolf, let's get the living room settled for the next few hours, we need to be cozy" Taehyung claims as he pulls me to my bedroom with the purpose of grabbing everything he sees to compensate for Jimin's request.

Although slightly disturbing that the thought of watching a TV show without cuddling with them is getting to me so much, after getting enough blankets and pillows from my bed to hug instead, Taehyung and I end up being pretty content in our personal cocoons, Jungkook gazing over us with a satisfied and pleased smile before he starts scrolling through the series to find something that we will all enjoy.

"What do you usually enjoy watching, wolfie?" Taehyung asks, his cozy self in the blankets making him all small and soft and I hum, eyes turning to the screen at all the different genres available.

I shrug, unsure myself. What do I usually go for?

"Is it romance?" Jungkook asks, but I tilt my head at that, yes, but also no. He hums, eyes turning to the screen. "Then action? Thriller?".

I nod at those two, those are fun.

"What about documentaries?" Taehyung asks before giggling when my eyes widen with a quick nod. "I think we should go with that, Jungkookie, her face lit up like a sun" he muses before bumping his shoulder playfully on mine, the layers of blanket absorbing most of the impact.

Only too used to that kind of behavior with Jimin, I easily bump back with more strength and he grins before doing it again, this time strong enough that I'm pushed right into Jungkook who smiles with a shake of the head when he gazes at me literally jumping onto his over-excited boyfriend to crush him under my weight, two wrapped potatoes warring without any available limbs.

"This isn't cuddling, it's playing, your brother can't take it against us" Taehyung chirps before suddenly getting rid of his blanket to flip us over so that he's now on top of me, and when I see his smirk, I'm once more reminded of Jimin right as he slips both hands under my blanket to start tickling me to death.

I might not be able to make any sounds, but that doesn't keep me from kicking and soon, Taehyung is groaning in pain, my knees meeting with his hips and stomach multiple times to push him away from me, something that doesn't work because he hates losing, his grimace as he tries tickling new spots having me crying and shrinking away from him and towards Jungkook until I'm using his body to protect myself, stomach hurting from too much laughter that Taehyung expresses loudly in my stead.

"You two are impossible" Jungkook giggles as he plays the part, his hands acting as a barrier against Taehyung, smooth arm movements to block the threatening tickling tools that always inch too close to my skin before retreating, but that fun soon starts souring when his smile starts fading into a pout when too many attempts get blocked.

It's all a ruse though, because when I keep Jungkook from blocking another less than determined attack, Taehyung cackles before throwing himself on top of us, his arms then quickly wrapping around me to keep me locked flush into his hold before he starts rolling us around on a powerless Jungkook who can only make sure that we don't fall off the couch.

"Okay Tae, it's starting to look an awful lot like a cuddling session and we don't want to be kept away for an indefinite amount of time, do we?" he eventually steps in, hands keeping the other man still before unwrapping him from around me, and even I end up staring at him like he just betrayed us, something Taehyung doesn't miss doing as well.

Jungkook's eyes observe us silently, a quirked eyebrow as he seems to ponder what the heck he's going to do with us, but when Taehyung sneaks an arm around me again, his eye twitches and he growls in warning, to which the playful man reacts instantly by sitting up, head slightly bent down with a disappointed pout.

"Come on now, daisy, don't look at me like that, just trying to make it so you don't feel like you need to lie to Jimin, hm? You should say thank you instead of this adorable harmless glare you have going on right now" Jungkook muses as he helps me sit up as well back to my spot between them, an arm over my shoulder with a hand over Taehyung's to keep him calm, to reassure him that he's no angry.

Although I am not happy about it because I really was having fun, it seems like Taehyung and I are a lot more alike in terms of playfulness than I thought, I can't keep myself from surrendering in face of Jungkook's reasoning, his authority and calm composure not something I had expected from him, I would've thought him just as childish as Taehyung if not worse, but it seems I was wrong.

I lower my head, bottom lip poking out slightly before I'm snuggling into my blanket, just a little disappointed.

"See, Jungkookie, she's all sad now" Tae informs him as he too wraps himself into his blanket again before scooting over just enough so that our shoulders touch again, to which Jungkook sighs.

"Don't make me into the big bad wolf when all I want is to make sure that we can spend more moments like this, I'm trying to prove to Jimin that I'm able to listen and respect him even when he's not here, you should do the same. Y/N, daisy, you know how your brother is, don't make this harder for us, please".

I side-glance at him, wondering where this composed behaviour is coming from, but when he meets my gaze back with a slightly amused grin, I quickly turn my eyes towards the TV before lifting my chin at the documentary on screen, a move that gets their attention to the screen as well.

"You want to watch this one?" Jungkook asks with a smile, and when I nod, he chuckles before pressing on the controller to select it, and just like that, as the show starts, a good two hours filled with the wonders of the universe, my mood shifts for the better and there could be a fire going on around me that I wouldn't care, because I am absolutely obsessed with the marvelous space that surrounds our planet, so far yet so close.

I'm so lost into the images and videos shown to us that I don't notice when the two men besides me stop watching to observe me instead, the two of them finding it absolutely endearing, the way my eyes sparkle, the wish to see more flashing across my face whenever they show more of the galaxy, the pursing lips because I will never be able to see that in person, I will never be up there myself.

Their POV

Taehyung and Jungkook gaze at each other before breaking into a beautiful smile, eyes creasing because things are going so much better than they had expected.

She gave them permission to act on their love, to show her that she belongs with them, to shower her with affection, hugs and sweet words, and although she has yet to say it, they know that she loves cuddling, they could feel it in the way she unconsciously relaxed in their hold, in the way she leaned into them.

Yoongi and Namjoon will surely be jealous of their progress, but they can't deny that Jimin wanting to talk to them makes them nervous. What does he want to tell them? Especially considering that this talk is needed because he saw Taehyung's hand on her thigh.

Taehyung feels bad about that. Not because of what he did, but because it was seen.

Normally, anyone getting in the way of him showing his affection would get it from him, one way or another, but Jimin is not just anyone, he's important to his hyungs, he's important to his sweet wolf, so he can't act rashly.

It annoys him slightly, although he can't act on it when he's with her, she looks too cute for him to be angry, he just wants to take her in his arms again and hug her until the end of time, but he's going to have to be patient.

He just can't help but be greedy. The more he's given, the more he wants. Y/N made a step their way, and now he wants ten more, he's thankful that Jungkook is there to pull him back and keep him from doing too much, even though it doesn't please him when it happens.

His playing with her is but a way to be close to her, and seeing her smile and laughter, as silent as it is when she's mute, he wants more, so much more. She accepts him when he's in his different headspace, he dares say that she even likes it, the way she looks at him when he feels like the world around him is scarier and more dangerous making his insides fill with pretty flowers.

She acts soft with him, and she doesn't reject him being more touchy with her, or the way he acts more childishly. He does feel like him being between both head spaces brings him closer to her own playful side, so he's thankful for that, that it can bring him closer to her, that what he's always considered a weakness, something to avoid can finally bring him something good, positive.

Jungkook smiles at him and runs a hand through his boyfriend's hair, watches as Taehyung's eyes shut slightly, the daze from being surrounded by their sweet one's scent getting to him a lot more than he wants to admit, he's fighting the urge to roll and purr so much, something he knows is hard to resist for Taehyung, because he's made that way, something that Jungkook wouldn't change for anything in the world.

He loves his soft Tae as much as he loves his strong Tae, and it's important to him that Y/N accepts both sides of him as well, because he knows how much Taehyung has difficulty getting over his complex about it, he believes that he should be strong at all times, just like the rest of their group.

Jungkook only wishes that one day, Taehyung could realize that their family loves him the way he is, that they're all so endeared whenever he appears into a random room for extra cuddles because he's tired, or when he wants more kisses from Jungkook because he decided to wear his clothes that day and got scent-drunk, they all cherish that part of him, and hell would be let loose if anyone dared hurt him because of it.

Taehyung's genetics make him generally more vulnerable, weaker while Jungkook is on the opposite scale, his genetics making him stronger, more in control. They both have their weaknesses and strengths because of what they are and it's not always easy to live with in this society, but they try really hard, especially now that their efforts led them straight to their missing pieces.

For Jungkook, he has to fight this urge to fight every single person that he sees walking too close to his loved ones, he has to keep himself from trying to be present around them every single day, he has to keep himself from going through with the idea of following her everywhere she goes.

He knows it would freak her out if she ever learned that she's being stalked, not by a stranger but by him. He doesn't want to see her face morph into disgust when she's staring at him, no, he wants those heart shaped eyes, he wants her smiles, her giggles, her softness, her warmth, her skin against his, her pulse under his lips, her everything.

Those things are precious, and him and Taehyung know that they have to be careful. If they make a wrong step, if they do something morally wrong against her because of their love, they could lose much more than the ability to be with her, they could lose the possibility of a complete family, for them, and for their hyungs.

Their twins are not like them, and they do have to admit that they don't know how they're going to tell them about what they are, but they believe that everything will be fine if they get closer first.

They don't know how long they get lost in their thoughts, but when Jungkook feels a head falling on his chest, Y/N's body pressing into his side, they both look down to see her asleep, the two hours long documentary coming to an end.

"Today must have drained her a lot" Taehyung murmurs with a yawn, his sleepy eyes looking over her telling of a wish to cuddle back with her, his arms around her while they both nap, and Jungkook would want nothing more than for that to happen, if Jimin's warning wasn't so loud in his mind, the consequences of not going along with his warning making his own wishes lock in the back of his mind.

He nods and runs a hand through her hair, wondering what the right thing to do is at the moment. Does he bring her to her bed? Does he let her where she is, on him while keeping himself from touching her? Do they both leave her apartment to leave her to rest?

Taehyung yawns again, eyes closing, head lulling to one side and the other before he rests it on her shoulder with a soft sigh, and Jungkook's heart softens instantly.

It means a lot for Taehyung to be comfortable with her at all times, and he really doesn't want to leave her. He hates that she sleeps here alone, he would prefer so much more if she was with Jimin if not them.

Remembering about her being assaulted, about her being always bothered by people who don't know when to stop themselves from being too much, it makes it that much harder to leave her be, and he would probably growl at anyone trying to pull him away from her, but when Jungkook sighs and pats his head softly, he defeatedly opens his eyes to stare at his love.

"Let's bring her to bed, Tae love, okay? It's nearly four already and I'm sure Jimin is going to be here soon, we don't want him finding us like that, right? We can have this talk with him while she sleeps, and when it's time for them to leave with Jin and Hobi hyung, we can meet up with Namjoon and Yoongi hyung to deal with that bastard" Jungkook tells him, and although Taehyung hates that this plan doesn't include him staying in bed with her, he nods before pulling himself off of her with a small whine, one Jungkook understands too well.

Taehyung helps him to pick her up with all of the blankets wrapped around her and they both giggle a little, because her tiny head peeking out of the bundle of soft fleece is a sight they adore, it reminds them of how small she is, that they need to do whatever they can to keep her safe, to keep her smiling.

When Jungkook is on his way to the bedroom, Taehyung frees himself from the blankets and walks closer to the window, one he's thankful was open because it keeps him from falling deeper into his scent haze, mind clearing up slowly so he can have his full wits available for what's coming for them.

As Jungkook had said, the front door soon opens and comes in Jimin, followed in by Jin and Hoseok, and Taehyung keeps his gaze locked on his hyungs for a moment, just to see what he needs to expect from Jimin, but when they both smile at him, he relaxes slightly.

"Where is she?" Jimin asks right away, eyes scanning the apartment and not finding her anywhere, but Jungkook is soon coming back while motioning for him to be quieter.

"She just fell asleep, I brought her to her bed" he informs her brother whose shoulders droop slightly before he's nodding and motioning for everyone to sit in the living room.

Jungkook join Taehyung's side and together, they sit back on the couch where Y/N's scent is still fresh while Jin and Hoseok sit on the soft rug on the floor, Jimin going for the cute but small chair in the corner so he can have a view of everyone present in the room.

"I guess we should make use of her sleeping so I can ask you two a few questions" he starts, and four pairs of eyes fall on him, ears focused on what he's going to say, two hearts beating slightly faster in nervousness.

"I want to know your intentions with my sister. We're not stupid, we're not blind, we both see things, and she's been worried about a few of them, so I want to know".

To know that she was worried about something concerning them feels like a squeeze to their heart, and they hope that whatever they told her earlier could ease some of it, because the last thing they want is for her to doubt their sincerity towards her.

The tension has Taehyung sitting up straight and a small squeeze to Jungkook's hand states that he wants to say it first. Jimin catches the movement and turns his body slightly more towards Taehyung, ready to listen, not in a stance ready to reject, but ready to understand, and that's something the four of them, especially Jin, can respect, because he remembers how he acted when he'd come over for Namjoon, and it wasn't the same at all.

He really only wants what's best for his sister, and he knows things that they don't, obviously. It gives Taehyung and Jungkook hope, because that means that Jimin knows that her happiness includes them, or the possibility of it.

"Y/N means a lot to us" Taehyung starts with an honest fact before smiling. "I know it hasn't been long, but is love something that can be controlled? We already love her so much, and we want her to be with us, we want to cherish her, take care of her, we want to make her smile, laugh, we want her to feel safe, happy".

Taehyung wonders how much he should say, how much he should reveal, surely Y/N would want to tell him herself about their wish to court her, but maybe they should say it as well? It is something very important to them after all.

Sensing his hesitation, Jungkook kisses his temple and decides to continue when he sees that Jimin remains silent, eyes taking them both in, and Jungkook doesn't get to say that very often, but he feels intimidated, something about the way his orbs burn that makes him be more cautious.

"We already told Y/N, about the way we feel towards her, and we told her that it was okay to not be ready for it, that she doesn't have to accept us right away. Honestly, we would feel it rushed as well, so we asked her to allow us to make her fall for us, to give us permission to win her heart. She deserves to be treated right, and she deserves to experience what it feels like to be courted. It's a very precious thing to us, and I hope that you will find it in yourself to allow it as well".

Hoseok and Jin's eyes are bright as they listen to their maknae talk, this is all new information for them as well, and they are very proud of them for taking that road, the longer one, but also the safest one.

Jimin's eyes too are surprised, and he has to try really hard to not let his heart soften at what he's hearing, to not let his eyes show that this is the first time he hears such words concerning her, such a beautiful caring thought about her that doesn't come from him.

Jimin has never been against the idea of his sister finding love, but he's seen too much of the disgusting lust every men seem to have for her to believe this possible, yet these two are showing him a completely different side that he had thought nearly a myth now with their generation.

He can see how sincere they are, he can see that they are not lying, that their intentions towards her are motivated by the need to make her happy, to keep her safe and he couldn't be more relieved than he is at the moment.

It makes him wonder if he could have the same thing with Namjoon and Yoongi as well, the two men who stayed with him for a good part of the afternoon before regretfully leaving a growing weakness to his heart.

He finds himself wishing to see them more and more, he likes the way he feels with them, the way it feels so right, and if Y/N gets to feel the same way with these two, then he would be stupid to keep that from surrounding her.

He only wants good things around her, only positive emotions to fill her heart, so anyone who can do so honestly, he could never destroy.

He's had enough of dealing with the cook at their favourite restaurant last time. He had to threaten the man with a knife to the neck to make sure that he wouldn't try to flirt with her anymore, because he's seen him a few times with different girls walking into an hotel and he would burn more than just his home if he attempted to use her too.

Luckily for him, Y/N didn't suspect anything, her thinking he was just taking awfully long on the toilet better than her knowing that he sometimes stains his hands to keep her life and path as clean as possible.

He takes in the determination in Jungkook and Taehyung's eyes and he nods. He knows he can trust them. He's always known, but it's his job to be the one saying no before changing his mind, it's his job to have to be convinced, because if he says yes easily, then he increases the chances of her getting hurt.

"You have to promise me that Y/N will never be hurt because of you" Jimin starts, and the way the two men's eyes widen at his words show enough to him that his approval means a lot to them.

He inwardly smiles and continues. "You have to do your best to make her happy at all cost, and if she says no to something, then you stop. If you're the only ones with her, you're responsible of her safety, and if she's sad, you have to promise to stay by her side until she feels better, leaving her alone only makes things worse".

Jungkook and Taehyung nod quickly, they can't believe what they're hearing, and they could never take this for granted. They would promise anything, everything, they would give their soul to a stupid cause if it meant they could have her.

They all don't expect it when Jimin's eyes darken, a sadistic grin taking place on his angelic face, and they can already tell that Yoongi and Namjoon would kill to be able to see that face right now.

"One more thing" he croons, and the way his voice caresses over their skin like a chilling coldness has them tensing, minds turning alert.

"I overheard Yoongi telling something to Namjoon earlier" he starts, to which Jin mentally swears. What did his hot-blooded brother say?

"When you four go after that fucker who hurt my sister, make him see hell. I wish I could be there myself to make him regret it in person, but I'm going to ask you two for a favour instead".

Interesting, Jungkook can't help but share his smile now that his suspicions about Jimin get confirmed. He really is just like them.

"Cut his fingers off, one at a time. He dared touch her, he used his disgusting body to hurt her and he deserves to understand just how badly he messed up. Be slow, make him scream, make him cry, I want him to plead for his life before you take it from him".

His words are but a whisper, and quite honestly, they hear him only because of their increased hearings, and the excitement that boils in their blood at his words cause the air to shift around them, a dark chuckle leaving Taehyung's lips because fuck, that's sexy.

Jin and Hoseok both grin as well, and they know that the four hunters will bring this mission to fruition, they will make him proud, no doubt.

"He'll wish he was never born, you can be sure of that" Jungkook muses, and the handshake that gets shared between the three of them feels much more than a deal made.

It's the beginning of an alliance, of a pact made, one that exists only for Y/N, to make her life as bright as possible while they walk in the darkness.

SOOOO what do you think?

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