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Any text written in bold during conversations will be things Y/N cannot hear, but things I want you to know, either because it brings to the plot or because I find it funny lmao. I will try to bring this information back when needed because I'm aware that this might not be remembered. With that said, enjoy this big chapter!

"Jiminie, I'm going to go get us something to eat, do you think you can stay here and deal with the customers until I come back?" I ask him as I gather my bag and head for the door, not thinking much of this outing since it will be quick.

"Alone?" he asks with a frown, to which I turn back to look at him. "Yes, why? You think I'm ditching you to go join one of them?" I let out with a quirked eyebrow.

He looks at me weirdly before shaking his head. "No, that's not my concern. I would actually feel better if one of them was with you. We can close the shop for a little moment, I can come with you" he offers, his concern with leaving me alone something just a weensy bit annoying at times.

"It's fine, Jiminie, I'm just going to get us lunch and come back, there are plenty of restaurants nearby, I won't have to go too far" I tell him with a smile that I want reassuring, I'm not a child, I can handle myself.

That's what I want to believe anyway. I love spending time with Jimin, I really do, I feel much better when he's with me, but the shop is now our responsibility, he can't just follow me everywhere I go so easily anymore.

He's getting ready to counter again when the door opens to a new customer, her eyes bright with curiosity and I smile at her, welcome her in and tell her to not hesitate to ask my brother if she has any questions, which ultimately binds him here, much to his disapproval as I wave him goodbye and then step outside, the light breeze that greets me putting a more natural smile on my face.

It would be great if Jimin and I could've gone to take a walk, but we can't just do whatever we want anymore, if we want this shop to go well, we can't leave it unattended so often, especially not when we just opened, we've been getting a lot of people today as well and it would be stupid of us to not make the most of that.

And anyway, why is he so worried? It wouldn't be the first time that I go outside alone, what is he expecting today to be like? Me getting lost and following someone who offers me candy? Come on.

I huff to myself and start walking towards the main street where most restaurants are, hoping that there won't be too many people, but the closer I get, the more I realize that my timing is not on my side, not when my eyes start getting a glimpse of all the people walking outside and pointing at the different buildings and stalls to find what they want to eat, their chatter getting louder the closer I get to the area.

Oh well, he can take care of the shop for long enough until I come back, it should be fine. I've talked so much about every items in the shop that he should know just as much as I do by now.

Poor him, too many useless facts that are forever printed into his brain because of me.

He didn't really find it funny when I told him that we're 13.8% more likely to die on our birthday, or that even though dragonflies have six legs, they still can't walk.

Ah but I especially liked telling him that the chicken and the ostrich are the closest living relatives of the Tyrannosaurus rex. That one makes me excited to see these birds for some reason, I want to ask them if they know that their ancestors had hands that never served them.

As I walk through the crowds, I search the street for something that could be good to eat and not too long to make, but the waiting lines near each restaurants and stalls make me sigh, people busy talking between themselves as they wait to get inside or to order, others keeping to themselves as they eye their phone, bored.

I should've expected that and left earlier, but it didn't even cross my mind since we were so busy. Oh well, it's not like I can go back in time, I'll just have to wait for a bit longer before I can go back to my twin.

Finding a stall that makes sandwiches, I make my way there, the line not too bad, although it will certainly take a good ten minutes to wait, but I decide to take it easy and just enjoy the weather in the meantime, it's not like I can push everyone out of the way.

Jimin would most certainly dare use his charms to gain a few minutes, but I won't. It's not like it would work anyway. Women all seem to despise me for some reason and men... well, most of them freak me out, the way they stare at me sometimes straight out of a horror movie, unblinking orbs taking me in when all I want is to grab my ramyeon and go back home.

I guess that's part of the reason why Jimin is so uncomfortable about me being alone. He's seen plenty of freaks circling around me like I'm a piece of meat.

I sigh and look down at my feet, it's not like I can change that sort of thing, even though I want to. One day I'll become old and wrinkly and they'll leave me alone. That's how it works, right? I sigh again. Jimin would've made this outing fun, it's so boring all by myself.

A sudden tap on my shoulder has me looking behind me to see a stranger motioning for me to get moving and I turn back to the front to see that a couple of people have been served. Flustered, I hurry forward before turning back to the man with a thankful nod.

He eyes me with a glint that makes me feel slightly wary but his otherwise lack of reaction is quite reassuring, so I try to ignore him, hoping he won't try anything.

"Are you here alone?".

I bite on my bottom lip before nodding slightly. "Grabbing food for my brother and I" I tell him, uncomfortable as I observe him, his passive face something disturbing.

"I see. You must be close with him then, siblings don't spend that much time together nowadays" he hums, and again, I nod with an awkward smile when he eyes me up and down briefly.

"Maybe you could tell him to take care of his own food, you could sit here with me" he tries and I sigh inwardly before shaking my head, facial expression as polite as I can manage as I turn him down.

"Sorry, I already told him that I would bring us lunch so we can eat together, I don't want to go back on my words, he won't have eat otherwise and I can't have that" I inform the man, although he doesn't need to know that much, all in an effort to make him give up, but his lips curl downwards in mockery.

"Surely he can handle being alone for a little while longer, we could get to know each other, you and I" he says with a hand settling on my shoulder and disgust rises up my spine at the contact, one I try to get rid of by stepping aside but his hold tightens, fingers digging into my skin to keep me still, something that has my blood freezing in my veins, heart nervously picking up the beat.

With a clear of the throat, I look around me, hoping someone could step in and help me get rid of him, but everyone looks away, clearly aware of what's going on, but wanting no parts in this.

I inhale shakily, understanding quickly that I'm going to have to try to do this myself, even though I'm not physically anywhere strong enough to get him to let go of me, the pain that starts spreading across my skin and muscles under his touch enough to give life to anger.

"Let go of me" I warn him, my tone as harsh as possible, but he smirks in response before stepping closer.

"Or what? What would a beautiful and delicate lady like you do? You'll scream? But no one wants problems, they won't help you. It's simple, you know? You just have to eat lunch with me, like new acquaintances, have a nice chat and then you can go back to your brother, it's not complicated" he whispers near my ear, the feeling of his breath against my skin making me want to gag.

I guess that's why Jimin wasn't so comfortable with letting me go alone today. Damn it.

I should learn how to defend myself, this is pitiful, I can't even move without his nails causing marks on my skin, each fingers using so much strength that I wouldn't be surprised if I hand up with them bruising me.

"Why are you so obsessed with this? I said no, just let me go" I hiss out, but the man has the audacity to laugh in my face before grinning.

"I can feel you trembling, why are you so scared, hm? It's not like I'm going to hurt you, I just want to get to know you" he croons but I want to shout that he's already hurting me, that if he doesn't let go of me, my brother's going to take care of him, but a voice saying "Next order please" has us both looking towards the stall to see that it's now my turn to order.

He lets go of me and I let out a shaky breath before rushing forward, almost ready to ditch the food and just run straight to the shop, but I get the feeling that I wouldn't make it that far if I do that.

No, I'm going to order, find a seat nearby and then call Jimin. I need to remain where there are people, even if they won't do anything. He probably won't dare do too much if there are many eyes around to judge him, this is what I'm hoping for anyway.

With that in mind, I order two sandwiches and grab my phone to call my twin when she starts working on them, but a hand snatches it out of my hold and I snap my head to the man behind me who hums as he stares at it before turning it off.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" I gasp out, horrified that he could do such a thing without hesitation, the sight of my phone dangling between his fingers causing my jaw to hang open, but when I try to grab it from him, he steps back with a "Ah-a-a! Not so fast! If you want it back, you're going to have to eat with me".


I turn back to the counter, but all the woman does is shoot me a sorry look before handing me the sandwiches in a bag to go, her uncomfortable stance when she then turns to serve him easy to see, but she doesn't do anything to help as he gives his own order of food with a smug smile on his lips.

Part of me just wants to leave my phone behind and hurry back to Jimin, but not only would it not work, I need my phone, there's so much important information in there that he could use against me, so once he receives his own food, I silently follow behind him to one of the tables where he sits down, my phone set besides him and away from me while I sit in front of him with a frown.

I rub my shoulder, the sting of the touch telling me that he probably broke some skin, the telltale of a dark bruise already letting itself known and I inwardly swear, hoping it's one that won't be seen easily because if Jimin sees it, I can say goodbye to the sun.

"Why don't we eat?" the man says with a smile too bright for the situation he's provoking and I sigh before motioning for him to get started.

"I'll wait until you're done, then I'll be on my way" I tell him, hoping this can be satisfying for him. If all he wants is company through this meal before letting me go, then I can do that, as uncomfortable as it makes me feel.

The man frowns before huffing. "You're really not making things easy, are you? You're just a little bitch then, think you're too good to spend time with someone like me?" he snaps at me in anger like I just lied to him since the beginning and I roll my eyes. Why would I make things easy for him when he's not even able to respect me?

He must not like that behaviour of mine, because the next second, the table separating us gets thrown to the ground without warning, the loud crash as it breaks causing many people to gasp in shock while I freeze on my chair, eyes wide on his form as he marches over to me quickly.

He hovers over me until all I can see is his face, his arms locking me to the confines of my chair with nowhere to go and the scowl that greets my eyes is enough to have my heart ringing loudly in my ears as it drums away, chin wobbling slightly at the energy he throws upon me, fierce anger that makes breathing hard to do.

"That's why I hate pretty faces. I fucking hate people like you, because you always think you're so great, you don't even give us a chance. I bet you would've been all over me if I was handsome, right? Or maybe I should pay you, give you some money to change your mind? Pretty faces like rich people, don't they? Well guess what, you're in luck, that's exactly what I am" he sputters out in my face and I twist my head away from him, the closeness that he forces on me causing my eyes to sting with panicked tears, hands grabbing the armrests to keep my composure as much as I can.

I take in all the people staring at us with wide eyes, bodies frozen, some even going as far as to take out their phones to record the scene instead of coming forward to help me, something that makes me lose hope in our society.

How is a video going to help me right now?

"You're not even paying attention to what I'm telling you, you're really full of shit!" is all I hear before my chair gets thrown to the ground and I fall with it, a grunt leaving my lips as my body hits the stone ground, skin scratching enough to have my tears flowing, a sob leaving me out of fear, because how do I make it out of here all by myself?

But the next thing I know, I hear a growl before someone screams in pain and when I look up, relief is not big enough of a word to describe how I feel when I find Hoseok pinning the man down with a knee on his stomach, his faces inching down towards his with a hand squeezing his jaw shut, the painful light on his face letting me know that Hoseok is not going easy on him.

"If only you hadn't touched her, hadn't hurt her, you would've been a lucky man, so incredibly lucky, but I can smell her blood, I can smell you all over her and it disgusts me, it makes me so fucking mad and I'm not even the worst one in our group. If you don't want to die, I recommend you to run as fast as you can and to never come back here, because I swear that if we find any signs of you around here again, you won't live long enough to see even the shadow of your own death stalking you.

You messed with the wrong person today and by your own fault, your future is from now on ruined. I'll count to five. If you're still here by the end, you've started a hunt and I will be more than happy to be part of it, but you don't want the others to participate, you don't even want them to get a glimpse of you, oh, I promise, you don't want that. Go, now" he murmurs to his ear, words that I fail to hear, but I can hear his tone and the way the blood drains from the man's face is enough to let me know that whatever he's currently hearing is nothing good.

The stranger huffs, insulted and attempts to push Hoseok off of him, only managing to do so because the man I know stands up on his own, but the one who attacked me stands tall in front of him and pokes a finger to his chest, face red with anger.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, huh? You think you can go and order me around? You think I'm scared of you? I don't give a shit who you are or about your threats, this stupid bitch insulted me and she will pay for it!" he screams, words that have me flinching with the pure hatred heard in his tone and Hoseok's eyes darken before he steps close enough to the man that the latter has to step back to avoid being trampled upon, but it doesn't stop Hoseok from whispering something to his ear again.

"Five. Mark my words, you will not live long enough to see the sun down. You can hide, you can cower all you want, but you are, as of now, a dead man".

I watch as the man fakes a laugh, his eyes disturbed and after looking around him, his glare forcing everyone to look away, he turns his attention to me, something in his orbs that shows me danger before he's stumping away.

Too shocked to process all that just took place, my tears already drying on my cheeks, I watch as Hoseok hurries over to me before kneeling by my side, eyes zooming in on my arm and when I look down, it's to see my skin dripping with blood from a large scratch to my forearm.

"Oh" I let out, the pace in which everything occurred leaving me a little numb, barely aware of the way my body is trembling until Hoseok wraps an arm around my shoulders to hug me, his free hand gently rubbing my back to try and calm me down.

"Oh sweets, you're okay now, he won't be back, you're safe" he murmurs, his tone of voice so soft as he shushes and coos like I'm a child and even though I barely know him, his presence is so soothing, so extremely comforting that I exhale deeply, body melting in his hold as a lone tear falls down my cheek out of relief.

I sniff and wipe it away, realizing only too late that the top of my hand is bleeding too when it sends a zing of pain through my arm, my eyes zooming in on my skin, the sight of my own blood not something I'm used to seeing.

With Jimin overprotecting me all the time, getting hurt has been a rare occurrence in my life and I've never really had the chance to learn how to deal with such a sight, so to see it now?

It's a dizzy feeling that slowly climbs up to my head, heart in my throat before I close my eyes, the intense buzzing leaving me feeling like shit, confused and disoriented, the only thing keeping me from hitting the ground once more the arms around me.

I'm barely aware of Hoseok moving us away from the crowd and to a calmer corner until he sits us on a bench, his arms tightly wrapped around me to make me rest against his side, his soft voice reassuring as he explains to me that he took us a few feet away to be kept out of the attention, something I'm grateful for.

"Hobi? We were searching for you, what's going on-".

Multiple gasps and swears ring in the air as feet rush over and when a new pair of arms takes me away from Hoseok and into another body, it's like my soul has no reason to be afraid anymore as I let go of every tension and nerves I was getting tangled into, my dizziness lowering just enough to allow me to open my eyes to find Jungkook's eyes gazing down at me, large and panicked.

"Daisy, my little daisy, oh what happened to you?" he murmurs, a hand caressing my cheek, eyebrows furrowing at the blood that sticks to it, dried and now unable to go away without a wet cloth, something that seems to bother him immensely because he can't help it as he tries once more, teeth going to nibble on his bottom lip when it doesn't work again.

I sigh softly, try not to think of the wounds that burn, the pain in my shoulder and neck, everything now much stronger with the way my body relaxes in his hold, the numbness giving place to the awareness that I was actually assaulted, an attack that could've been a lot worse if Hoseok hadn't gotten here when he did.

"Who was it? Who's the asshole who did that to her?" Taehyung asks, his voice deep and loud as it echoes around us, so angry, yet instead of scaring me, it warms my heart, makes me feel safe, cared for, because I'm in good hands now, I'm safe.

"I've seen his face, I can recognize him, but for now, let's take care of her. There has to be a pharmacy nearby, right? We need to take care of her wounds, I don't think she can handle the sight of blood so well, she blacked out for a few seconds before you got here" Hoseok answers and I frown at that.

"I didn't, I'm just dizzy" I mumble, but the eyes that meet mine tell me that there's indeed something I missed, for obvious reason.

"Sweets, you got completely limp in my arms before coming back to your senses. Let us take care of you, there's nothing to be ashamed of, just make sure to not look at the blood until we clean it up".

I let out a snicker at that, everything going from bad to worse. If they hadn't been here, what would've become of me? I'd probably be on the way to the hospital right now... that's a chilling thought.

"Jimin would freak out if he heard that" I mumble before remembering why exactly I was out here to begin with. Damn it, he must already be freaking out right now.

"My phone? That man took my phone, is it... is it near?" I ask, hear someone from behind me leave our group to go have a look while Jin comes into sight, his worried eyes looking over me, a flash of anger peeking in when he sees my state before he steps away to breathe in and out, his shoulders raising slowly, his profile looking straight out of a movie.

"That fucking asshole of a fucking wasted dumpling, I can't believe he dared touch her like that, he's going to fucking get it. I'll feed him to the fucking birds and send his remains on their fucking merry way across the fucking sky".

I have absolutely no idea what he's saying, but the way his lips move angrily and the half-laughing, half-approving snort that leaves Hoseok have me a little confused as I observe him reach his boyfriend's side along with Yoongi to help the tall man calm down, because he's very visibly getting worked up.

I watch as they discuss something with each other, a nod here and there before they look in the direction of where the man disappeared to earlier and I hum to myself. Hobi must be telling them about what happened.

I just hope they don't go off running after him, it wouldn't do much good, it's not like they could find him anyway.

"Your phone is here, it luckily didn't get broken so it should be fine" a voice I recognize as Namjoon's suddenly says and when I find it dangling in front of my eyes, I grab it with my alright hand, thankful to see that except for a light scratch to the screen, it's all good.

The man walks around the bench to stand in front of me and I smile at him, one he responds to with a slightly concerned one before going to join the others to take part in what they're talking about, something incredibly dominant about him right now that just oozes off of him in constant waves.

Jimin would probably swoon if he could see him right now, both Namjoon and Yoongi, they look like the world just betrayed them and that they have to get their revenge, same goes for Jin and Hoseok, and although Jungkook and Taehyung are trying to appear calmer as they hover over me like I'm a scared kitty, it's not hard to see the flicker of darkness flashing in their eyes whenever they seem to catch something that's said, bless their good hearing.

It's kinda hot, I will admit and I'm sure he'd be eager to confirm that one with me, as hesitant as he is about this situation that we're dipping into with these guys. It's a thought that has a small huff leaving me, but when Jungkook stares down at me, eagerly searching for more wounds, I melt some more before smiling at him.

"I'm fine, Jungkook, I just had a funny thought concerning Jimin, don't worry" I reassure him and although unsure, he nods slowly, face into a worried frown that doesn't suit him.

He should smile, him and Taehyung, I don't like seeing them so sad, it makes me feel like the moon will never rise ever again during the night and that sounds like something pretty disastrous.

"Alright... but do tell us if you hurt anywhere else, okay? We need to know so we can treat you properly. Do you want to try and call him? Let him know where you are?" he murmurs and I look down at my phone as it's in the process of turning on, something that always takes way too long.

"That would be for the best, he must be so worried right now... I was just supposed to come and get us food, I left him in charge of the shop but he didn't want me to go alone. I should've let him come anyway, it would've been for the best" I let out, disappointed with myself and Jungkook pushes my head to his shoulder with a gentle hand while Taehyung comes to sit on my other side on the bench, a hand stroking my back up and down slowly as he hums with his comforting voice.

"You couldn't know, little wolf, you're not responsible of the acts of other people, Jimin will understand". I nod at his words and smile before heading to my contacts once my phone allows me free passage.

With the two of them by my sides, silent and observant, I get ready to call my twin brother when all his messages and missed calls start coming in, something that has me holding my breath, eyes wide because holy shit, I am dead.

Taehyung looks at the screen and back at me a few times before his lips curl downward in worry, his brain probably sending him the worst scenarios possible when he sees a particular message of Jimin saying that he's going to skin me alive if I don't call him soon.

He would never, of course, but it doesn't stop him from threatening me when he's scared. It's... a counter-measure, to blurt out all the bad, as terrifying as it may sound, and when he sees me, he ends up hugging me tightly to keep me from leaving him.

"It's fine, Taehyung, he won't do that, it's just his way of telling me that he loves me... a lot, he's worried" I reassure him and he hesitantly nods before getting a hold of Jungkook's hand to calm himself, looking like he needs of the man's strength to not free fall straight into anxiety thoughts.

Not knowing what else to say to comfort him, clearly his view of my brother just changed, I startle when my phone starts ringing and when I see Jimin's name on the screen, I unconsciously sigh in relief before answering right away.

"Y/N! Fucking hell, why did you turn your phone off?! Did something happen?! I feel so anxious right now, I even got light headed earlier, are you okay?! I've been searching the street to find you since earlier, where are you?!" he exclaims in panic and my heart twists for the state I put him in, soul feeling terrible that I caused this, just because I insisted to leave alone.

"I'm sorry, Jiminie... I... something happened, but Hoseok took care of it. Jungkook, Taehyung and the others are here as well, they're taking me to a pharmacy" I inform him, feel the way our bond wavers and pulls tight right as he swears like a madman.

"Where?" he asks, but unsure myself, I look up just as the guys are coming back to join us and Namjoon offers a hand with a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes, a silent request to handle this, to which I nod, lips pursing before handing him the phone, knowing that his calm voice might be able to help my twin stay stable for long enough until he finds us.

As he starts talking to Jimin, his voice so soft and soothing that I can't help but think he's probably better than I am to deal with Jimin's panic, Jungkook gently scoops me up in his hold without warning after having apparently decided that I am not to walk by myself and Taehyung follows closely, Jin leading the group as he eyes his phone for directions to the nearest pharmacy around.

The walk that follows is a quiet one, my bag clutched to my stomach, fingers playing with the material in a way to distract myself, but it does little as the more time passes, the more my body hurts, muscles that had tensed earlier now letting me know that they got overworked and I grimace, the discomfort I'm experiencing one I'm not used to, not at all.

Jimin treated me like a princess all my life, and now I'm living the result of that choice - a bad pain tolerance, a mental stability shaken like a bag of popcorn with a head that hurts like it was treated as a punching bag, but a soft kiss to my forehead takes most of the headache away instantly and when I meet eyes with Jungkook, I can see his soul boiling in his eyes, his concern for me seeping out of his pores in huge waves.

"Do you hurt a lot?" he asks softly, but in an attempt to not appear so weak, I don't want them to think that I can't handle this much, I smile lightly and shake my head.

"It's not too bad" I let out, but Taehyung huffs lightly, eyes filled with gentle skepticism as he tucks a hair behind my ear, fingers hovering behind a tiny bit too long to be a mistake before he retreats regretfully.

"The truth now, little wolf, you don't look like someone who's fine" he lets out and I purse my lips before ultimately nodding, defeated under the strength of his gazing. "It hurts a lot, yes".

They both hum, but otherwise remain silent, no need to verbally acknowledge a claim that has their blood boiling in their veins from lacking ways to help, their jaws clenched tight in a way to keep their patience under check, to keep themselves from sprinting down the street to buy all the medicine they can find.

We soon reach a pharmacy after Jin asks for more precise directions when his map informs him that we are here and after someone points us towards the right building, a discreet looking one, Jungkook walks us to it and sits down on the bench by the door with me on his lap and Taehyung right besides us, his hands on my legs to keep some sort of contact with me.

I would normally feel incredibly embarrassed from this current setup, but their presence is so soothing to me that I can only rest my head against Jungkook and close my eyes as Taehyung massages my shins gently, an attempt to get my focus away from the pain that doesn't work so much, but feels nice nonetheless.

Namjoon ends the call after giving the exact address to Jimin and then gives my phone back before following Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi inside the building, the four of them looking like they're ready to buy everything they see to take care of my wounds and pain.

As we wait for them to come back, the comfort these two bring me slowly helps me to process what took place today, to process the emotions, the fright that had swarmed me, the lack of help, everything that occurred so unnatural, so wrong in so many ways that I would almost believe all this my imagination if not for the pain that thrums lightly through my body in a silent reminder.

I also try to get ready for when Jimin arrives, knowing full well that he's going to panic even more when he sees me, he might truly lose it and for a moment, I wonder if it would be a good thing for Namjoon and Yoongi to meet him halfway and keep him busy until I'm taken care of, but when the sound of feet hitting the ground quickly comes closer and closer in our direction, I bite on my bottom lip with a sigh.

Too late.

"Peach!" I hear him roar and before I know it, Jimin is kneeling besides me, his hands immediately cupping my face, eyes widening at the blood he sees on my cheek and his whole body starts burning with the fire of his anger, eyes turning black as he takes in my other wounds and bruises, each glances making him look madder than the previous second.

At this rhythm, he might become the devil himself.

"I'm sorry, Jiminie, the sandwiches are probably ruined, they fell down when the table was thrown away, we'll have to get something else to eat when these wounds are cleaned and bandaged" I mumble, feeling bad that the first reason why I came out couldn't even be achieved, instead giving life to all these problems.

"I don't give a shit about food, peach. What happened? Who's the fucking asshole who did that to you? Where is he right now?" he asks instead and Jungkook and Taehyung's hold tighten on me as they get reminded once more that this isn't the result of me tripping on the floor by myself, but of someone assaulting me.

I meet his gaze, watch how absolutely furax he is, something that I would hardly believe if I was blind because his touch on me is so, so soft.

As much as I know how much he wants a precise answer, I couldn't tell him who it was even if I wanted to, I don't even know if I could recognize him, it all went so fast and in the middle of it, the last thing on my mind was to pay attention to his face, I just wanted to go back to my brother.

"Well... I was just waiting to order the food in line when the man behind me started talking to me, asking questions. He wanted me to eat with him, but even though I kept refusing, he wouldn't give up and when I tried to call you, he took my phone away from me and turned it off before keeping it with him. I thought that maybe if I just kept him company while he ate, he would let me go but when I refused to eat the food I got with him, he got angry and started screaming at me. He pushed me to the ground before Hoseok took care of him, that must be when I got these wounds, the impact was pretty hard" I explain, a little ashamed that this had to happen to me, but especially ashamed that I couldn't deal with this any better.

"No one fucking helped?" Jimin growls out, to which I shake my head, myself feeling pretty angry at that fact. They could've at least tried, but they simply looked away or recorded the scene. I hope the videos won't end up over the internet, that's not how I want people to remember me.

"No, they all avoided looking at me, they didn't want trouble" I answer him and he stands up to turn his back to me, fists going to hit the wall besides the bench.

"I hate these people, every single one of them" he states, voice low and cold and I can only look down, not knowing what else to say to that. Today's going to be one more reason as to why he's so hesitant to let people into our lives.

Jungkook's arms tighten around me just as the four other men walk out of the pharmacy with a bag in Jin's hand and when Namjoon and Yoongi notice Jimin looking reasonably fuming with the knowledge he just gained, they both hurry to his side, soothing hands to his back and arms to help him keep control of himself, his sagging shoulders at the closeness reassuring me because he's in good hands, we both are when with them.

It's crazy, how we haven't know each other for a long time, yet they already feel like protectors, like they were meant to be with us, their presence filling a lacking that we didn't even know our soul had.

And for Jungkook and Taehyung? That very same feeling is tripled. I can feel the comfort of being with them, the safety they bring me so deeply in my being, everything anchored in my very core, as if nothing could ever hurt me as long as they're by my sides.

If they are with me, then surely nothing bad would reach me anymore.

It's so very weird and unnatural to feel that way, yet I can't help but bath in it, the closed arms around me a solace that I would have never expected to enjoy outside of with Jimin and mom, yet here he is, Jungkook's body wrapped around me and keeping me still within the confines of his muscles, Taehyung's touch on my legs nothing inappropriate, instead more like a reminder that he too is there to care for me.

Jin walks to the bench where we are and kneels in front of me, Hoseok following along to help get the products they got out of the bag to help his boyfriend look over my wounds and properly treat them before they end up hidden under soft bandages, a wet wipe given to Taehyung so he can clean my cheeks at the same time, something he does delicately, as if afraid that he could hurt me more.

"I look like I just stepped out of the hospital after a car accident or something" I mumble as I raise my arm in front of my face to see the bandages, the pulling of muscles painful, especially in my neck and shoulder area.

The man really didn't go easy on me, but the soothing cream is already starting to ease some of the pain by numbing it and it feels great.

None of them say anything to my comment, but their eyes fill once more with badly restrained anger and I look at my feet, a little awkward when I realize that I'm currently surrounded by seven men who give off murderous vibes.

But then it hits me that there's no one at the shop right now and I look up to Jimin with wide eyes. "Jiminie, we should head back to work, we can't leave the shop unattended for too long, not when we're so new still" I blurt out, to which my brother shoots me an unimpressed stare.

"You're not going back to work" he counters and I gape at him, ready to counter that claim but he raises a finger to ask me to let him finish.

"You're not going back to work, but I will. You will go back home and you will take it easy until I come pick you up for tonight. Until then, you sit on your couch and you watch a movie, you nap, it doesn't matter, as long as you're not stepping foot outside without my permission".

Ah, so prison time it is.

I try to give him my most puppy look I can manage, watch as his eye twitches before he crosses his arms over his chest, needing an additional protection against my silent pleading.

"Peach, no, I'm serious. You were attacked by a stranger and I'm nervous enough as it is leaving you alone, I'm only willing to go through that because I know your shop means a lot to you, don't make me stress unnecessarily if you can avoid it, please" he requests with his bright soft eyes and I close my mouth, battle lost.

How can I insist when he says such words?

"I mean... she doesn't have to be alone" Jungkook tries, his arms still safely locked around me, to which Taehyung nods, eyes lighting up with excitement while I take a moment to register what this insinuates.

Jimin narrows his eyes at them, head tilting to the side as he tries to think of the pros and cons, ultimately coming up with more pros than he wants to admit, and I have to say the idea of spending the afternoon with them leaves my insides feeling all tingly and hopeful, specks of sparkles and rainbows lighting up my heart.

Why the heck am I so excited at the idea of spending time with the both of them? It feels like it grows stronger every time I see them, as if my soul is falling in love with theirs before my heart can even register what is going on. Why do they make me feel like that? I want to know so badly.

"We'll be good, I promise! We'll make sure she gets to eat good food, we'll give her anything she needs and we'll keep her company until it's time for your date night with Jin and Hobi hyung" Taehyung tries, huge pleading eyes falling on my brother who quickly looks away, his stance wavering in front of such an efficient ruse.

The others remain quiet as they observe, curious to know what Jimin will say, if he will accept, if he will allow himself to trust them alone with his sister, surely the act of Hoseok saving me, of them all taking care of me would testify for their good intentions towards us, but they can't know for sure as he continues frowning, in battle with himself before letting his eyes fall on me, the last of his doubts crumbling at what he sees.

What does he see, I myself want to know, if the longing I can feel in my heart is so obvious on my face, but when he sighs and waves a hand before turning his back to us, something that has Yoongi and Namjoon grinning proudly and winking at us, Jungkook and Taehyung exclaim a loud "YES!" before they're both hugging me tightly, Taehyung's arms ending around my waist, face in my stomach while Jungkook literally hides the rest of my body from sight.

My face heats up as I finally become aware of the overwhelming contact of their body around me, of the fact that I've been sitting on Jungkook's lap all this time as if it was the most natural thing, a sentiment that has yet to change because quite honestly, I could stay where I am forever, but it's a thought that has me getting incredibly flustered, heart quickly getting out of rhythm in my chest as I start wondering what to do, what do I do?

One look at my face is enough for Jin and Hoseok to team up in sync to pull me out of their hold and gently back to my feet, my brain always needing a moment to react with how fast they do things, as does Jungkook before he starts to whine at the loss of me while Taehyung's pout grows on his beautiful thin lips, but they shush the duo with a warning look before smiling at me as if nothing happened, Hoseok even booping my nose softly with a giggle when I stare up at him in confusion.

"Well, I guess that's settled now. We'll walk Jimin back to work, you two take her home, grab some food on the way again and eat it together, there are painkillers and some different soothing creams in there, use them if it ever starts hurting again okay?" Jin decides before turning to me with the bag raised for me to take, one I gratefully accept with a small smile.

"Thank you, I will put them to good use should I need them" I tell him before turning to Hoseok.

"And thank you for helping me earlier. You have no idea how relieved I felt when I saw you, things could've ended up being a lot worse if not for you" I tell him and his face softens, hand raising to ruffle my hair gently.

"I'm sorry it took so long for you to receive help, he shouldn't have been able to make it that far in harassing you, none of what occurred should've happened" he says, tone apologetic, as if it's his fault that this happened to begin with.

"It's fine, Hobi, you couldn't know. Same goes for you, Jiminie, it was my decision to go alone, I don't want you blaming yourself for this" I let out, eyes falling on my twin who tenses at my words, clearly he wasn't expecting me to find out about his already exponentially growing guilt.

He turns to me, lips pressed tightly into a fine line, eyes into a frown, orbs wet and I make my way to him to hug him tightly, to which he responds without a second too late, hands meeting at my back as he pulls me into him as much as possible.

"I should've followed by gut feeling" he blames himself, "I should've insisted, asked the customer to come back later, that there was an urgency, I should've come after you. There's always a freak after you when you're alone, I should've known".

I sigh and rest my face against his shoulder, knowing that no matter what I say, it won't free his mind of this guilt, no matter what I say would only fuel it, so I instead allow him some more time to hug me, to process that I'm now safe, unaware of the eyes darkening at his words.

"What do you mean, there's always a freak after her?" Taehyung asks, his deep voice tilting near the scary and Jimin's arms squeeze me to keep me from looking behind me, not wanting any space between us just yet.

"It's just as I said. She's a magnet, with obvious reasons, she's beautiful, my perfect sister, I can't leave her alone one second without someone trying to go after her" he lets out, the boast completely useless and I roll my eyes at it, although I know better than to comment on it.

If I say that he's exaggerating, he'll exaggerate even more, something about how I'm just blind, a blindness that no glasses could ever cure because I'm apparently unable to see what he sees, which, I mean, isn't wrong. I'm pretty damn sure he doesn't see himself the way I see him either, I guess that's why we're so protective of one another.

"Well that's going to have to stop, because what happened today, it's not fucking happening again" Jungkook growls, danger lacing every words uttered, something about his aura turning incredibly hot and scary before he calms himself down with a deep breath.

I manage to twist my neck just enough to see him walking to Yoongi and Namjoon to whisper something that doesn't make it to my ears, but I can't help but worry a little for whoever might be on the meeting end of their glare.

"We're going to have to clean this fucking city because I'm not having anyone touch her again, especially not looking at her with disgusting lustful eyes. You don't start the hunt without me, hyungs, I want to be the last face he sees before dying".

"That goes without saying. We will start the hunt when Jin and Hoseok join our twins for dinner, it's a good thing that we weren't invited in the end. Make sure she gets to unwind and laugh until then, Jimin needs her relaxed so he can calm down himself, we'll be counting on you".

I observe as they nod to each other and when Jimin steps back to release me, Taehyung decides to step in and holds my hand in his with a gentle smile, after which Jungkook comes over to grab my other one, his eyes turning content and sparkling, none of that darkness I could see earlier, but part of me knows better than to assume that it's completely gone.

It's just hidden in there, just like Jimin. I wouldn't be surprised if they lose sleep over this, it somehow feels like something that would happen with them.

"Shall we go then? Let's get ourselves a feast to eat while watching a series, a movie doesn't last long enough, what do you think?" he chirps and I nod, excited at the prospect of just spending time with them watching something on the TV. We could watch the most boring documentary that I would still enjoy my afternoon.

I feel bad that I'm leaving Jimin behind to work alone, but seeing how Namjoon and Yoongi both hover around him like overprotective mother bears, I think he's going to be fine.

"We'll see you later then sweetheart, don't hesitate to call us if these two are too much" Jin says with a wave of the hand and a laugh when Taehyung and Jungkook pout at his words, but I nod and wave back with both hands, which forces the two men by my sides to wave back as well, their childish-looking pouty smiles at the act melting my heart.

"Jiminie!" I shout when I see him starting to walk away, and when he turns around, I smile brightly at him. "I love you!".

His face breaks into a beautiful smile and he nods. "I love you too, peach, so much".

I finally did it! I had worked on a chapter on Monday and it was nearly done, but I just didn't like it so I ended up starting over, which I'm glad I did because this one is just so much better, but since this one also made it up to 8.7k words, it took more time to write lmao. I hope it was enjoyable!

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