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Pretty much all of you guys want more of this story, so next week will be reserved entirely for it as well! Hooray!!! I'm so happy to see how you're all so interested to read more because I just love writing for this one so much, it's different and I'm enjoying it way too much!

"You should wake up, peach, you've slept for long enough" I hear Jimin tell me but I stir away from the sound of his voice, too comfortable in the blankets and pillows around me to care about what he's saying right now.

He sighs and starts pulling at my cocoon to tear it apart, but I whine and pull on my side to keep it intact and he huffs.

"I see you're not taking the easy way out this morning either" he lets out before popping his knuckles, a sound that has my eyes opening instantly, but it's too late, as I meet his gaze, I know that hell is about to fall upon me.

Jimin grabs all of his own pillows and blankets and throws them on top of me before jumping on top of the pile and the only sounds then heard in his bedroom are my muffled screams along with his savage laughter.

"Take that, little sister! That's what you get when you don't listen to your wonderful twin!" he exclaims and I groan when trying to push him off doesn't work.

"Trying to get me killed is what I deserved you say?! Wait until I get my hands on you, you psychopath!" I shout from under the pile, my voice no louder than the chirp of a bird.

"You can always try, you little baby". "Oh I will try alright!".


"Are... are you two okay?" Jungkook asks as he enters the shop with Taehyung, the two of them staring at us with some concern.

I stop what I'm doing mid-task and turn to them with a smile, one that is quickly followed with a pained grunt when my neck hurts and I elbow Jimin's side because this is all his fault, his pained groan echoing in the room quickly muffled as he bites on his tongue, his strong facade already down the drain at the moment but he can try all he wants.

"We're fine, just got into a deadly fight this morning" I tell them, watch as their faces fall in panic while my brother scuffs.

"A deadly pillow fight, peach, you need to add pillow" he adds but I roll my eyes and turn back to complete my task which is to properly fold the beautiful beach towels that arrived earlier this morning.

"Yeah, because a pillow and a brick are so different with you! You put so much strength in that one last hit that I almost got a bruise in the face! So much for always saying that you don't want me to get hurt!" I tell him as he joins me to complete the task, his pout almost dismissive as he throws his arms in the air.

"Well at least it comes from me! I can get mad at myself without anyone complaining!" he counters and I send him a grimace that he responds to with an even worse one, the two of us too lost in our own little world to care that we aren't alone right now.

The jingles of the door's bell suddenly resound in the room, which spurs me to look around the shop, wondering if someone new came in, but no, it's just Taehyung and Jungkook, the two of them looking unsure of what to do.

I tilt my head in confusion before shrugging it off. Must've imagined it, wouldn't be the first time.

"Should we... should we come back later?" Taehyung asks quietly but I shake my head and smile at him.

"No, it's fine, we have mornings like that, it's all fun and games until the pain kicks in. Can we help you with something?" I ask them and they share a look before pulling out a bag from behind them.

"We're bringing donuts?" they say in sync, to which Jimin and I gasp happily.

"Donuts?!" I ask again and when my brother turns as well to have a better view, his eyes widen. "Donuts!".

Jungkook nods at that before turning to his boyfriend. "You know what? I think they'll be fine, let's go eat these somewhere else", to which Taehyung nods, a playful glint flashing so quickly across his face that I wonder if it really was there to begin with.

They both step out of the shop with the donuts without a single word uttered to us and my twin and I remain shocked in place, gaping at the now shut door.

"Did they just... did they just offer us donuts only to leave with said donuts?" I blurt out, and my twin nods.

"They did".

We remain immobile for a long minute as we try to process what just happened, as we process that they're not coming back, the disappointment taking place in our soul tall and large.

What is this sort of new betrayal? I have never gotten a taste of this pain before, how am I supposed to deal with it? What is that? What kind of friends are they for pulling off this stunt on us?

"They're assholes" Jimin grumbles before heading to the counter to keep himself busy, but then he freezes and I frown, confused before my eyes notice what put him in that state.

"How did they do that?" I ask in disbelief as I find said donut box on the counter.

Jimin turns to me, eyes just as confused as I am. "Your theory consists of them being witches, right?". I nod and we both turn back to the box.

"Do you think these are poisoned? Or maybe they put... are these drugged? Are we going to end up into that magical twin potion after all?" I ask a little fearfully as I open the box to find these perfect donuts calling me in like a siren song.

A snort follows my words from behind the counter and I barely register when Jimin pulls me back and behind him before he's getting into defensive mode until we both see a head peek out, then a second one.

"Namjoon?! Yoongi?!" Jimin shouts before groaning loudly, a hand running over his face as he relaxes, already exhausted when the day just started and they both burst into laughter, two additional laughter adding themselves to the lot when Jungkook and Taehyung come back into the shop with their own box.

"Witches now, really?" Namjoon asks with a dimple grin and I blush, an attempt to hide my face that feels futile when I feel the four men's gaze on me, amused and still chuckling.

"And what's that about a magical twin potion?" Taehyung asks with a tilt of the head, a finger pointing at Jimin and I with a calculative stare that causes terrible damages to my sanity, my blushing screaming in my ears that I have immensely ridiculed myself.

Jimin pulls me into a hug, face into his chest to hide me and glares at the four of them.

"You'll have to go over me first if you want that potion, I'm not letting you touch her" he warns them and Yoongi hums slowly as he walks around the counter to circle us like a predator, something that has my heart thumping ridiculously fast in my chest, as does Jimin's, although I bet it's not spurred from the same emotion.

"I guess we can do with a semi-twin potion? Or we can just keep him with us until his twin decides to come to rescue him, then we get both" he offers, to which Jungkook chuckles.

"That's too cliché, hyung. That's where these donuts come in. We have to do like for Hansel and Gretel and make a candy trail to get them to our house, then we lock the door and bam, they're stuck there".

Namjoon hums. "That sounds good to me, we have so many books and movies, we have enough to keep ourselves busy for a few years without ever having to put a foot outside".

Taehyung turns around to stare at his phone, then nods his head. "I have another idea. We can just ask them simply if they want to come and have dinner with us tonight. You know, like normal people do".

Jungkook sighs. "But that's too boring! Everyone does it like that, we need to up our game" he lets out, to which the two eldest men chuckle with a shake of the head before they're turning to us, curious to hear what we have to say as the truth finally comes out.

Jimin and I could only wait and listen as they talked among themselves, but at hearing about the invitation, I lift my head away from my brother to stare at Taehyung, his quirked eyebrow raised as he waits for an answer.

"Wait, was all this just your way of inviting us over?" Jimin asks, mouth open in disbelief, and when they nod, I let out a semi-anxious, semi-relieved giggle.

"That was the most nerve-wracking invitation I have ever experienced in all of my life. Will Hobi and Jin be there as well?" I let out, to which Jungkook nods with a grin.

"It was Jin's idea to begin with, to thank you two for coming in the middle of the night to take care of Namjoon hyung. Hobi was really sad that he didn't get to see you since he was asleep so that definitely spurred him to make this happen even more and the four of us, well, we could never say no to spending more time with you two, we'd be more than thrilled if you could come".

At Yoongi's nod, confirmation that these words are indeed true, Jimin lets out a sigh and points at them all with a frown.

"First of all, more importantly, what's the deal with the donuts, huh? Why did you two hide behind the counter? Actually scratch that, when? When did you do that? And YOU! Why did you walk out right after offering them to us?!" he exclaims, a hand on his hip and when they start chuckling, amused with themselves, my brother does not find that funny.

Not at all.

"You know what? You can eat these donuts yourselves, we'll invite Jin and Hobi over instead, just them two" he decides and I clear my throat before turning back to my towels, shoulders shaking a little as I try to contain my laugh.

These four are doomed. They really won't be present tonight.

"W-what?" Namjoon blurts out, shock written all over his face, this was not in his list of possible reactions, not even close.

"We were just teasing you, we... we didn't mean anything bad by it" Yoongi adds, lips parted, confused that leans closer to the sad, but Jimin huffs and comes to stand behind me before pointing at the door.

"Please send them here by four, I'm the one inviting. You four are not invited" he decides before grabbing the towel in my hands to fold it instead, his fingers white as he uses too much strength to distract himself, apparently done with them for today.

"Daisy? Can... can you change his mind?" Jungkook tries quietly, but I snort.

"You know, Jungkook, I would, but I'm finding this too funny to really want to. Tell Jin and Hobi to wear comfy clothes, nothing too fancy" I answer and silence takes over, the four men completely baffled by the turn of events.

On my part, I know that this decision Jimin just made is in no way linked to the donuts. We'd talked this morning about wanting to talk with Jin and Hoseok alone, to get to know more about them and their group without the others being present since they're the only ones not affecting us in a way that we're not used to.

To Jimin, I think it's mostly to reassure himself that they are safe people to hang out with, that in the long run, they're not going to hurt us, but for me, I truly feel like they must be a lot of fun to spend time with and I want to get to learn more about them without Taehyung and Jungkook being there to captivate all of my attention all the time.

I feel like only by spending time with these two will we be able to really understand the essence of who they are as a whole, as weird as it feels to say.

"I can't believe this... we got sent to invite them to spend time with us, and we end up being the ones giving an invitation that doesn't include us?" Taehyung blurts out, to which Namjoon sighs.

"That's... that sounds about right, Tae. These two are full of surprise, I'll give them that. Alright, we'll let them know, they'll be here on time. We're leaving the donuts behind, they were for you anyway, and don't worry, no magic spells took part in their creation" the giant man teases lightly before ushering everyone outside without much struggle.

Only when the door closes behind them does Jimin allow himself to sigh out in relief before he's dropping his forehead on my shoulder, his grunt painful-sounding as I burst into laughter.

"Gosh they almost made me change my mind, the power they have over me is insane" he grumbles out and I grin, a hand going to caress his hair to praise him for holding on so well.

"You did good, Jiminie, you did good" I tell him and he nods with a soft hum before kissing my cheek, then straightens up to stretch.

"If we always follow the pace they force on us, we'll lose our footing, we need to take control before the current gets too strong. This will be a good chance for us to learn more about their group. I want them to see that we're not gullible twins, we're not easy preys, we know how to bite back" he says and I smile with a giggle.

"You do bite a lot, Jiminie, I think they know that already" I tease him and he sends me a semi-amused, semi-guilty glare.

"You can't blame me for that, peach, I'm just trying to protect you" he pouts, to which I coo before cupping his cheeks.

"I know, Jiminie, and I thank you for it, I really do. As long as you don't hurt yourself in the process" I muse, but he shakes his head, his hands wrapping over mine before he's linking our fingers gently.

"I could lose both arms and legs if it meant keeping you safe" he murmurs, so seriously that I lose my smile, not surprised, but not really liking that either.

"Jimin... you know I don't like it when you say that" I tell him, watch as he kisses my fingers, his eyes bursting with love as they burn my skin.

"And you know that I would die for you. It's not because I don't say it often that I don't think about it every single day of my life. A life without you is not worth being lived at all".

I try to pull back, heart growing upset but he holds onto me, fingers tightly glued to mine, his eyes not straying from mine, burning with fire, with truth, even if it hurts me.

"What about me? I'm supposed to accept a life without you? When you're all that I have? The only one by my side, the only one who understands me, who shares this pain with mom, the only one who takes care of me? You're my twin, my other half, you're part of my soul, you can't talk about leaving me so easily, not without causing my heart to crack" I tell him, voice thick and trembling with my distaste for that reality that he speaks of so easily.

I don't realize the tears that fall down my cheeks until he's shushing softly and taking me in his embrace, his warmth both grounding me and hurting me, because I can't help but imagine a life in which I don't have him anymore and it makes me want to scream, to beg for this to never end.

I could have the whole world by my side, but if Jimin's not there, it would mean nothing to me. No one can take his place, I don't want anyone to take his place. He belongs with me, and I with him.

"It will never happen, peach, I could never leave you alone, never leave you on your own, you mean so much to me, you're everything to me. I don't say those words easily, if it came to it one day, I would put you first without a single hesitation, but it's all there is to it, an 'if' . This will never be a reality, because my only goal in life is to see you happy, and being the cause of your misery? I could never allow that, I will live for as long as you wish me to live, I will remain by your side for as long as you wish me to be" he whispers into my hair, my hands tightly gripping onto him as I listen in silence, my tears flowing freely down my cheeks and soaking his shirt, my pain still not gone, but slightly soothed by his beating heart.

"I will hold you to that. You can't die before I do, and you can't leave me alone, you can't do that" I demand, and he easily nods with a kiss to my head.

"Then I won't. I will be right here with you up to your last breath" he promises, arms tightening around me, unable to let go until my heart stops hurting so much, my soul so fully against where my brain takes me that it makes me want to throw up.

"You promised, you can't go back and pretend like it never happened" I whisper, and he hums lowly, nose burrowed into my hair to keep himself firm and strong, the pillar I need after being the one to cause my wavering.

"I'll stop talking about this so easily from now on. Since none of us are dying, it wouldn't serve us much" he muses lightly, his tone quiet and soft and I huff a little, part of me hating that I find this funny as I nod against him, glad that this is all behind us now.

Yet, unbeknownst to me, if anyone were to see his face right now, they would see that these words are not simply a promise, but a life command, an eternal promise.

Jimin would certainly come back from the dead if it ever came to it.

Taehyung's POV

Jungkook and Yoongi can't stop whining and complaining about the turn of events while Namjoon and I follow behind them in silence, a smile on our lips.

These two are indeed not making it easy for us, and I find that thrilling. To not have them agree to everything we want so easily, even going as far as excluding us from something that was meant to happen with all of us?

I don't know why I love it so much. Maybe because it shows that although they're affected by us, they don't let it take over their ability to make choices for themselves.

That shows me that when they do decide to give themselves to us, it will be intentional and wanted, and that, I say that's perfection itself.

I am not worried because it will happen, and I am going to enjoy the process they will go through, because it will bring them closer to us, slowly but surely, and that? That's all I want.

I just want Y/N in mine and Jungkook's arms, the same way I know Namjoon and Yoongi want Jimin in theirs.

"But it's not fair! I can't believe we're going to spend the night alone at home while Jin and Hoseok are going to spend time with them! I'm not okay with that!" Jungkook shouts in a whine and I sigh.

"Bunny, think about it differently. Imagine just how good you will feel when they do agree next time? Or when they invite us themselves? Wouldn't that feel like a victory?" I ask him and he pauses, eyes meeting mine as I get closer until he pouts, hand going to grab mine to hold tightly while Namjoon sets an arm over his shoulder with a grin.

"Taehyung is right. Them wanting to spend time with only Jin and Hoseok is actually a good thing in itself. They surely want to know more about us, and they're trying to do that by getting closer to someone who isn't affecting them the way we do. They're choosing a safe option to gain knowledge in a safe manner. I have to say, I'm impressed, it must not have been easy to fight the pull, yet they did it without even breaking a sweat".

Yoongi stretches tall and lets out a disappointed exhale. "After spending time with him last night, I was really excited to see Jimin more... I do understand what you're saying, Joonie, but I'm still not happy about it".

Jungkook's pout intensifies.

"At least you all got to see them! I didn't even get to see her! Taehyung did, he even hugged her, but what do I get when I do see her? Her giggling back as she tells me that she finds her twin rejecting us funny! How am I supposed to satisfy myself with that!" he exclaims unhappily and I grin widely, amused as I squeeze his hand.

"You're right... her hugs were so nice too, she's so warm and soft and small" I muse dreamily, feel his glare burn the side of my face.

"Don't tease, my love, don't make me want to punish you for taking this too far, that's not nice of you" he warns, but I can only raise a taunting eyebrow at him at that comment.

"Would it make you feel better though?" I ask and his expression changes into a darker one, eyes turning contemplative as he hums lowly.

"It would" he finally decides and I hum before swinging our hands back and forth. "Then I will let you punish me, I don't mind" I chirp and he huffs before grinning.

"Aigoo, what am I going to do with you? I couldn't possibly punish you when you look this cute, Tae. I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for my turn, it will surely come one day, that hug... I want to feel her warmth too" he murmurs the end and I rest my head on his shoulder while Namjoon pats the other.

"Everything will happen, in due time. For now, let's make sure that Jin and Hoseok actually secure this night, but most of all, let's make sure they don't end up spilling all of our embarrassing stories, I wouldn't put it above Jin to betray us like that" he says and our eyes widen at that reality that opens up in front of us.

"If he says anything humiliating, I will destroy him, eldest or not" Yoongi says coldly and I can't help but feel the same, although I wouldn't take action.

Yoongi is able enough to take care of this, I would only get in the way.

"But that would make them trust us faster" Jungkook eventually says with a shrug. He doesn't have any embarrassing stories that he can think of, but if it would make Y/N agree to a hug sooner, then he wouldn't mind.

"It would, but I will kill someone if the first thing they do after seeing us is laugh. I'm not lying, I really will kill someone" Yoongi continues and we all shrug it off, knowing that if he says that, then he might very well do it and there's no one to stop him, no one except for Namjoon and...

"As long as it doesn't bring us trouble, I don't mind, babe" Namjoon says, indifferent.

"It won't" Yoongi answers, eyes already eyeing the people walking by us, most of them ending up walking faster when they catch his glare.

I shake my head at my hyung. He really needs to manage his anger better than that, else him and Jimin together might cause a massive explosion that might just destroy the city one day.

That or they would just give us a very unwanted headache, but that's besides the point.

I don't care what they do, as long as Jungkook and I end up having Y/N. I just don't want them getting in the way of our happiness.

I look up at the clear sky, at the few clouds that spread here and there and Jungkook follows my gaze, curious to know what caught my attention.

"What are you looking at?" he asks when he finds nothing out of the ordinary.

I hum. "Just trying to see how high my love for her currently is, but I'm realizing that I can't even see the tip anymore. Maybe it's already light-years away" I let out, words that cause Yoongi and Namjoon to look up as well, a small nod of the head as they agree to my observation.

"What about our obsession?" I let out next and Yoongi huffs at that.

"Do you even need to ask? It's much higher, much stronger than anything else. I could destroy an entire family if I see so much as a finger grazing Jimin's hair. A stare that lasts half-a-second too long would have me hunting them down until I get my hands on them. The slightest hint of discomfort on his face would have me spilling blood to make sure that it doesn't happen again. If he looks like he wants something, I would walk through a raging fire just to get it for him and if I need to get rid of half of my soul to achieve it, I would gladly do it. Do I need to keep going?" he says nonchalantly and I shake my head.

"No, hyung, that's quite enough, thank you".

A snort.

"Okay, that's enough speaking about this outside. Let's hurry back home and tell these two what our lovely twins have decided so they can get ready" Namjoon decides and we nod, our focus brought back to the matter at hand.

"Who's going to cook though?" I blurt out and the guys freeze.

"These lucky bastards!" Yoongi growls before starting to run towards our home and Jungkook runs after him, the two of them groaning madly as they go while Namjoon and I hesitate between laughing and frowning.

We settle for sighing before resuming our walk.

"They're so going to rub it in our face when they come back from their place" Namjoon mumbles and I nod slowly, unhappy about it.

That they will, and they will enjoy every seconds of it.

They should be glad that we're bounded by much more than simple friendship, else they wouldn't make it out alive.

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