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I swear, one week of this book is not enough, I want to write for it so much more 😭

My eyes are wide as Jimin pulls up into the parking lot of our destination, a large house that looks old, but well maintained, the expensive look to it letting us know right away that our new friends aren't on the same monetary level as we are.

It makes sense now, why they agreed so easily to buying whatever I would've pointed at at the shop. The few bags they left with would've made me cry for a week if the money had come from my bank account.

As soon as Jimin turns off the engine, we get out of the vehicle to be greeted by an anxious Yoongi who opens the door like the inside is on fire. He must've heard us coming, or his face was plastered into the window until he saw us, it's one or the other, I'm sure.

His eyes fall briefly on me, surprised but otherwise pleased before he's rushing back in the house, the door left opened behind him for us.

Jimin turns to me before running inside, the man's reaction leaving us to believe that Namjoon's condition might be much worse than we were expecting, but when we make our way inside, here he is, sat in the living room, swelling, yes, but otherwise smiling when his eyes fall on my brother.

"Oh, you're here. I swear, these guys made it sound worse than it really is, it's just a little bit of swelling, I'll be fine. I'm sorry you had to come here at this hour for something so... lousy" he says but Jin slaps the back of his head with a book, clearly unhappy with that claim.

"Something so lousy? Do you even know what an allergy is? Your immune system is currently fighting-" "Yes, yes, I know hyung, but I also know that in a few hours, I'm going to be fine, it's not like I'm dying, it's just a slight itch" Namjoon cuts him off, not minding the glare he gets before turning back to us, eyes smiling when he sees me hiding slightly behind Jimin.

"Without taking into account the current situation, I have to say it is good to see you two again" he says before giving his attention to me, which causes me to tense a little because I would've expected him to have eyes only for my brother again.

"Jungkook is sadly not here, he's presently at work, he called you first because he was the only one with your phone number, you were the closest choice before Jimin, I hope his calling didn't wake you up" he explains, but I shake my head to reassure him that he in fact didn't wake me up, a little disappointed that I won't get to see him after all.

He smiles understandingly when he notices my pout before letting his gaze fall back on Jimin who proceeds to take the bottle of pills out of his pocket when he remembers why exactly we're here.

"Right, I hope this does the trick, they're strong ones, I always keep them around, just in case, I'm glad they're finally finding a purpose" he starts before pausing as he registers what he just said, eyes then turning wide.

"I mean, I'm not saying that you getting an allergic reaction is good! I'm just... take it!" he eventually screams out, embarrassed and the man chuckles while Jin reaches out to grab the bottle before heading somewhere out of view.

I push Jimin inside while eyeing at Yoongi who's currently kneeling in front of Namjoon, his eyes worried and afraid, and push him again when he doesn't budge until he finally relents hesitantly, shoes removed to go join the duo who welcome him warmly, Namjoon patting the seat besides him so he can talk with them.

I remove my shoes as well and retrace the trail that I saw Jin do to find him in a large kitchen, his back turned to me as he fills a glass with water.

"Need something, sweetheart?" he asks without looking at me and for a moment, I wonder if he believes me to be someone else, but when he turns to peek at me when I don't answer, I find that he was very well aware that it was me.

I shake my head, eyes then falling on the glass, and back to his eyes, which prompts him to hand it to me. "You want to go and give this to Namjoon for me, sweetheart? I'll be back soon, I need to go do something" he asks gently and I nod, ready to help if that's what he needs.

I reach out to grab the glass along with the pill and watch as he smiles fondly at me before leaving the room without saying another word.

I retrace my previous steps back to the living room to the trio of men and shyly hand the goods to Yoongi who gratefully takes them from me with a thank you before scooting closer to Namjoon to help him take both, the latter's bandaged hands not making it any easier for him.

Unsure of what to do with myself now that I have accomplished my short mission, I look around me, take in the decoration that surrounds me, the brick fireplace, the warm fluffy carpet, the U couch that surrounds the area, the warm toned walls, the library, the artistic decorations, everything that I see somehow screaming them so loudly.

Although it is a fact that everything must have cost a lot of money, the overall look is not intimidatingly rich looking, instead giving off a homey, comfortable vibe that I appreciate, it helps me relax.

It takes a while, but eventually, I start hearing slow feet drag on the floor behind me and when I turn around, it's to see a sleepy Taehyung walking into the room from a dark corridor, Jin silently following behind with a small smile and a hand to his shoulder to keep him from losing his balance.

The terribly cute looking man, who also happens to be shirtless, may the sin stay clear from my mind, still hasn't noticed me, but after a few seconds of suspense, he suddenly stops right where he is before he's looking up straight at me with round eyes.

I blink back, unsure of what to do, until a huge smile appears on his face.

"Y/N-ie!" he exclaims before running over a little clumsily to take my hands into his warm ones, but the act only causes Jimin to hiss before he's standing up to pull me out of reach and protectively behind him.

"At least go and wear a damn shirt before you touch my sister! And next time, go without touching her unnecessarily, damn it!" he shouts before huffing angrily when Taehyung wilts in front of us, the latter then turning around and back to the dark corridor without a word or sound.

The sight is a heartbreaking one, really, and the newfound silence that overwhelms us is heavy and uncomfortable as I purse my lips before looking down, now starting to wonder if maybe I should've stayed behind after all. The poor man clearly hadn't meant anything bad and now he got scolded because of me.

Jin turns his gaze back to us after making sure that Taehyung's door is closed and the light in his orbs makes me look away instantly even though I didn't do anything wrong to begin with.

"I apologize, we're so used to seeing him shirtless that I didn't even pay attention to that, not many of us sleep with a shirt on so it's a force of habit. I will say though, Jimin, you don't need to be so aggressive towards him, he didn't mean anything bad by it, he's just a cute little pup when he's tired, please be nice with him" he defends his friend and my brother huffs before crossing his arms over his chest, a little pout forming on his face.

I'm sure he knows that his reaction was over the top, but he's a proud man and admitting to his mistake never comes easily when it's to someone other than mom and I.

I try to convey to the men with my eyes how sorry I am that Jimin had to act that way, but they reassure me with warm smiles, knowing that it's not my fault. It does make me relieved, although I can't help but worry about Taehyung, wondering if he's alright.

Said man comes back quickly, this time with a shirt over his body and bashfully makes his way over again, a hand scratching the back of his neck as he avoids looking at Jimin, a little fearful, an expression that I hate seeing on his face.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to make you two uncomfortable" he apologizes softly, and not liking the sad look on his face, I grab the edge of Jimin's sweater and pull harshly to get him to apologize too, he didn't need to be so harsh on him.

My twin brother looks away and sighs. "I shouldn't have talked to you like that... but I don't take my point back, don't let my peach see you half naked if you can help it, her eyes are pure and they should remain as such".

I feel myself blush and silently swear at him. That was so unnecessary, him and his damn stupid comments!

"I understand, I won't do it again" Taehyung promises before leaning to the side to peek at my embarrassed form behind my brother, eyes tentative, but also hopeful and bright, eager for a conversation.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping? It's very late after all" he asks sweetly and I smile before tilting my chin to Namjoon, then at Jimin with a small shrug. We had to make sure the man doesn't remain fluffed up forever.

He nods as if I just used actual words and grins sleepily. "Since you're here, do you wanna come and see Jungkook and I's room? I could show you my pictures, you wanted to see them last time" he chirps, not an ounce of bad intention in his eyes, but again, Jimin bristles at that.

"You want to bring my sister to your room in the middle of the night when we barely know you? Not a chance, bring the pictures over if you want to show her, but she's not following you" he says harshly and to that one, even Yoongi seems to agree with him.

"He's right, pup, it's not... really appropriate. You can show her your room another time, okay? But go get those pictures, hm? I'm sure she would love seeing them".

It's a game of push and pull with my heart when Taehyung wilts once more under their comments before turning back to run to the dark corridor and out of sight and I turn my head to Jin when he sighs, almost discouraged.

"Taehyung is not really all there when he's sleepy, tonight isn't too bad though, but you'll have to excuse him. He's more sensitive to everything and might not have the best ideas, but I promise his intentions are never going to be bad when he's in that state, he just needs some more... care and attention" he explains, eyes pleading my brother to be more careful, to understand him.

I nod and smile, finding Taehyung to be quite endearing like that. He's the complete opposite of what he looks like during the day, all soft and cuddly instead of intimidating and strong.

I mean... he always looks cuddly, but right now? It's through the roof, I just want to wrap him up like a burrito.

When he comes back all excited with a pile of pictures in hands, he sits down in the middle of the carpet in the living room and motions for me to sit with him, which I do happily under the others' warm and attentive eyes.

I help him spread them in front of us, fingers careful to not fold any ends and when he hums, satisfied, he turns to me and tilts his chin towards them, eager to see my reaction, to hear what I might have to say about them.

Curious, I lean over them, get in one full look first, notice the black and grey, the old yellow-ish, just like he'd said, be it of flowers, of old buildings, of the beach, of the forest, all of them managing to grab one focal point.

A beautiful looking seashell, a gigantic and exotic looking tree, a garden filled with love, petals covered in soft rain droplets, or couples holding hands, clouds in different interesting shape, a colourless sunset that still looks gorgeous and breathtaking.

They're all so well taken, the focus perfect as it pulls the eye to the subject and I can't help but awe over them as Taehyung silently preens, proud of the shine he's seeing in my eyes.

Quickly, I grab my phone to the same note app and write something to show him, knowing that getting feedback is crucial in these types of situations, especially when Taehyung looks so vulnerable in his fluffy pyjama jacket.

They're so beautiful, Taehyung, I can't choose a favourite one but I especially love those nature themed, when did you take them?

He beams at the praise and nods quickly before getting the mentioned ones to show me more closely.

"Those all come from very happy memories. This one was taken... six years ago! We went to visit our parents and we stopped by the beach on the way, that's where I saw these seashells, there were so many! Oh and this one was three years ago, we went hiking in that very tall mountain and that's where we found that tree, I was so impressed that I just had to take it in picture! Then there was-" he starts explaining everything there is to say about these happy times and I listen carefully, a nod whenever he points at another picture to share the story behind it, the both of us unaware of the focus that remains on us.

His stories are all so interesting, they look like they do a lot of activities together and it kind of reminds me of Jimin and I, of the kind of trips we could do together if Jimin didn't believe some of them so dangerous. We don't really do anything that could result in me getting hurt, he never feels good when I'm in pain, so it's really fun to hear about them from Taehyung.

Once he's done sharing everything, I pinch my lips and decide to just go and ask the question, knowing that my tired state always gives me more courage and with Taehyung like that, he looks so cute that I feel more confident in asking him.

I grab my phone and type in my question, not noticing the many eyes that take it that fact and store it in the back of their mind, that I'm not using words, haven't used any since we got here.

I make sure that the question is easy to understand and turn the screen to a curious Taehyung.

I was waiting to find the right artist to cover my walls, and seeing your pictures, I just know that you are the one I want. Would you want to work with me?

His eyes widen, disbelief on his face before a growing boxy smile takes shape and without warning, he jumps on me and takes me in his arms with happy laughter, giddy and excited, something that instantly warms my heart as much as it fills it with butterflies.

"Really?! You really want my pictures on your walls?!" he asks before pulling back, his arms remaining around me, and when I nod, eyes creasing at the pure joy on his face, he hugs me again.

"Please, thank you, I really want that" he says with a softer voice and I chuckle happily, eyes creasing and arms meeting at his back to hug him because it just feels so nice, so right.

Different from Jimin's, yet also so similar. His hug feels safe, warm, strong and grounding. Like nothing could ever hurt me, as long as I am here, by his side. It's a feeling that I really love, because it makes me feel secure, taken care of.

After a few long seconds that don't feel are nearly enough, I pull back slowly and carefully as to not upset him and smile at him before grabbing my phone again.

Don't rush with giving an answer. Think it over and come back to my shop when you're sure. We can then come up with a contract that will benefit you, my offer will always remain available.

He nods, eyes shining and just as he's about to take me in his arms again, Jimin decides that enough is enough.

"Alright, we'll be on our way then. We had a rough night and we should get some rest before heading to work, I'm already thankful enough that we don't start at a ridiculously early hour, but Y/N needs her rest and I will be damned if she doesn't get it. Come here, peach" he says as he comes to pick me up from the floor with strong arms until I'm standing on my two feet, then tugs me along with him back to the entrance.

"Of course, I'm really sorry that you had to come here at such a time, all of that because I didn't pay attention to what I was eating. Thank you for the pills, I already feel a lot better" Namjoon says before standing up, his ankles already looking thinner than earlier.

I shake my head and motion to him that it's no problem, to which he hums gratefully and the four men follow us to the entrance in silence as Jimin and I wear our shoes, a yawn leaving me, mind more at peace than earlier.

I can tell that I will surely fall asleep like a brick later, and so will my brother, although he won't admit it, our visit here definitely helped the both of us to unwind from meeting with mom.

"Are you going to be okay, driving back home? I wouldn't want you two getting in an accident" Yoongi shares his worry, eyes concerned as he takes in our state but Jimin shakes his head with a confident smile.

"We'll be fine, I would never put my sister in danger. I don't live that far anyway, don't worry too much and just go to sleep" he tells them, but even Jin seems unsure.

"Still... we're responsible if something happens to you two, we were the ones seeing you off after all. We have a guest room, maybe it would be better that you stay?" the eldest insists but when I sense Jimin tense, I decide to step in and take my phone to write them something.

We're used to this, Jimin can't fall asleep on the road, he will be fully awake until we make it there. Rest easy and go to sleep, we've been here long enough.

Unsure as they seem, they eventually relent, knowing full well that insisting more would only cause Jimin to get mad and then wave us goodbye when we exit the house to reach the car.

As we sit in the vehicle once more, the silence that resumes... doesn't feel like usual.

The more we experience spending time with them, the emptier it feels when we part. How weird that I can say that when it hasn't been even three days since we met.

As much as Jimin wants us to be careful with them, I know that we both can't stop ourselves from falling deeper and deeper with each breath that we make in their presence and I do admit that it's a little scary, but I also don't want it to stop.

Jungkook's POV

When I make my way back home, I sure don't expect to see the light turned on in the living room and get even more surprised when I see Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and especially Taehyung awake, my love sat on the carpet with his pictures neatly settled besides him, his eyes dreamy and happy.

"What's going on? Did you not get the medicine? Are you okay hyung?" I ask Namjoon, worried that something might be wrong, but when he shakes his head with a smile, I take in that indeed, he seems more than fine.

I sigh in relief and walk over to reach Taehyung's side on the floor, smile when he flops himself onto me for a tight hug that I respond to eagerly before my eyes widen when I smell the light hint of Y/N's perfume on him.

"She was here?" I ask, and he nods with the happiest eyes I've ever seen on him in this state.

"She was, and she loved my pictures. She wants them at her shop, she told me to come to see her once I've made my decision to work with her" he muses, words that have my heart filling with delight and pride, that she could see his talent, going as far as wanting him as her artist and it only serves to deepen the love that I already have for her.

"That's great, my love, I'm really happy for you, I told you she would love them" I coo with a kiss to his nose and he closes his eyes, his fatigue already starting to get the best of him now that the excitement is dimming, now that I'm here.

"There was something weird, though" Jin says with a frown and I turn to him, eyes narrowing in concern. "What do you mean, hyung?".

Namjoon leans to rest his elbows on his knees and hums deeply, his eyes falling on me making me fear the worse. "She didn't utter a single word. She communicated with the note application that can be found on phones".

"What?" I blurt out, taken aback by the information, hands combing through Taehyung's hair as he starts falling asleep on my lap, his soft mumbling filling the otherwise silent room.

"Jimin was also very much on edge. He shouted at Taehyung and looked like he wanted to rip him apart when they hugged" Yoongi adds, to which I protectively wrap myself around him, not liking what I'm hearing.

"It wasn't necessarily against Taehyung in particular, I think he would've been like that with anyone touching her. I get the feeling that something happened to them, he did say that they had a rough night, I just can't think of anything that would put him in that state, as well as making her mute" Jin adds in a hurry, and although I nod, I can't help but despise the man just a little for treating my love in such a bad way.

I know that Taehyung can take it, but not when he's in that delicate state, not when he's more sensitive, more vulnerable. It must have crushed him to be screamed at, thankfully Y/N was there, it must have helped him to recover faster, his excitement at seeing her taking over the negative effect that words can have.

"How did she react to Taehyung?" I ask, needing to know how she treated him, and to that, they all smile warmly, pleased.

"She treated him like she was dealing with the softest cuddly bear. She was very sweet with him and complimented his work a lot. He told her every stories behind every single pictures and she just listened to him with the most loving eyes, you don't need to worry about that" Namjoon informs me and I relax, soul melting at that knowledge.

That's good, very good. I would've hated for the opposite to happen, even if I know that it would've been impossible. Y/N couldn't possibly be mean, never. If it does happen one day, it's because it was deserved, no doubt.

"Well, although she was mute, she didn't look unhappy so I don't think we really need to worry about her. It might just be that her throat hurts and she doesn't want to be in pain unnecessarily" Yoongi says after a while, and I nod, I didn't see her, I can't tell, but when Taehyung's lips purse briefly in an unhappy angle, I decide to take him with me back to our room.

He knows something that the others haven't noticed and I want to know what it is.

"Why don't we take you back to bed, my love?" I whisper to him and he nods tiredly, his arms making it around my neck, a silent request to be picked up because he's too tired to walk and I smile at my big baby before cradling him closer to my chest, then stand up.

He nuzzles comfortably in my hold and I turn to the others. "We're going to sleep now, hyungs, don't stay up too late either, you should get in some rest while you can before you start work, your schedules are due to start in a few days, right?" I ask them, hear their sighs in response.

"Right... I was excited to start again, but now, knowing that work is going to keep me from Jimin... I'm starting to change my mind" Yoongi grumbles and I chuckle at that with a small shrug.

"Should've chosen something else then, hyung, I don't even know where that idea of being an electrician came from, it doesn't suit you" I tease him and he glares at me.

"There is no knowledge that won't suit a person, kid, now shut up and go to sleep before I make you" he threatens and I giggle when he makes one step my way to validate the danger he now poses to me, as if he could ever scare me.

Namjoon and Jin shake their heads with a sigh, used to it by now and after wishing them good night one last time, I leave the living room and head to our room, the pictures left behind since they can be taken care of later.

I close the door behind us and settle Taehyung down on the bed softly where he releases me once sure that he won't fall and when I pull back, it's to see his small tired eyes on me.

"She was so sad, Jungkookie. She might've been able to hide it well to the others... but I could sense it, she was so sad" he murmurs as I sit down next to him, and I silently allow his words to sink in, heart twisting in worry for her.

"Jimin..." he adds, "he didn't mean to shout at me when he did, he was just being protective of her because she's in pain. Not physically, but mentally. They both are. I couldn't help Jimin, but I did my best to make Y/N smile, I think it helped her".

I slide a hand through his curly locks and nod at him with a kiss to his forehead, he loves those so much.

"Thank you for letting me know, Tae... Later, after a good night rest, we can go and pay them a visit, okay? We can try to cheer them up a little, how's that?" I offer and he smiles, content with the idea.

"Let's do that, I want to hug her again, she's so soft" he muses in a hushed whisper before falling asleep shortly after, his slow breathing accompanying me as I lie down next to him, eyes fixated on the picture of her on the wall, her face so easy to see even in the darkness.

No matter what it is that hurt you, my little daisy, we will protect you, we will make you smile and laugh as much as we can, I promise.

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