Chapter 1

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Zero Two POV

Zero Two: Jian, the bird that shares wings. A male and a female must lean on each other. If they don't, then they can't fly. Despite this, life is beautiful.

[I'm In an aircraft riding with Dr. FRANXX, my partner, and Nana. Right now I'm in the mood for a bath]

Zero Two: I want to take a bath.

Dr. FRANXX: Show some restraint.

[I turn to her partner. He's scared of me as he should be]

Zero Two: How do you think I smell?

Dr. FRANXX: Leave him alone. He's still recovering from the last battle. You are so high maintenance.

[The doctor doesn't want me to freak him out more than I already do. I decide to change things up]

Zero Two: Nana, does Plantation 13 have an ocean? I would like to swim in an ocean.

Nana: There is no such thing. I suggest just taking a shower.

Zero Two: But I want to go for a swim!

[I take Nana's wrist and licks it. She tastes disgusting]

Zero Two: I hate your taste.

Nana: You are a lot like him.

Dr. FRANXX: Well, he can show restraint.

[They're talking about my darling]

Zero Two: Why did you separate him from me?

Nana: You know why.

[They separated us because they believe that us being together would cause a lot of problems. They won't stop me from getting back with my darling]

Hiro POV

[At Cerasus, I'm lying down by myself. I just have a lot on my mind]

Hiro: I read about the Jian in a book a long time ago. It hides in the trees and dreams of the day it can take flight into the skies. They are pitiful creatures. Where does a bird that can't fly go? I know.

[I sit up as I get a message from my friend, Ichigo]

[Ichigo]: Will you show up for the ceremony tomorrow? You're allowed to stay even though what happened with Naomi.

[The event with Naomi...I want to forget about it]

3rd Person POV

[The aircraft that carries Zero Two lands]

Zero Two: I found one.

Zero POV

[At the squad's boarding house, Mistilteinn, the squad talks amongst themselves. I'm sitting in a corner by myself reading a story. Honestly hate being around this kids but then again I'm hiding a secret that no one knows]

Zorome: Do you guys know about the Partner Killer? She has horns and fangs! You are destined to die after three rides! I heard about this from someone in the security force!

Futoshi: I wouldn't ride with her.

Miku: Are you sure that these rumors are true?

Zorome: They are 100% true.

[A little ways away, Ikuno is reading a book. I see Ichigo trying to contact Hiro. Ichigo is a childhood friend of mine. Goro walks over to her. I don't like him]

Goro: Has he responded?

Ichigo: No.

Goro: Do you want to ask him to help?

Ichigo: Who?

[Goro looks in my direction. Hate it when he does that but Ichigo looks at me so that makes it okay]

Ichigo: Why would I ask him?

[That hurt, Ichigo]

Goro: He's good friends with Hiro. Also he only talks to you.

Ichigo: That because you guys treat him like he's a freak.

[It is true. People treat me like a freak. They just don't understand how unique I am. Ichigo walks over to me]

Ichigo: Hiro isn't answering. You want to try?

Zero: Sure.

[I try contacting Hiro while still paying attention]

Zorome: Hiro isn't coming.

Futoshi: He wasn't at the briefing. I guess he isn't staying.

Kokoro: It will be sad if he doesn't become a parasite and has to leave.

Ikuno: I want to know what will happen to Naomi.

[Nothing pretty I can tell you that]

Mitsuru: Put yourselves in his shoes, guys.

Miku: You only said that because you feel bad.

Ichigo: He's an idiot.

[It is true. He is an idiot. But he's also my friend]

Zorome: Hey, you! Do you think Hiro will show?

[Why is he talking to me? I have a name]

Goro: He still won't talk.

[I don't talk to kids]

Kokoro: Why does he only talk to Hiro and Ichigo?

[Ichigo already said why]

Ichigo: Maybe because we don't treat him like a freak?

Kokoro: We don't think he's a freak!


Zorome: Well he is a freak.

[There it is]

Goro: Zorome!

Ichigo: How can you say that? He's the most talented out of all of us! He is more talented than all of us combined! People pray to be able to ride with him!

[Ichigo standing up for me. It's really sweet. I really like her for that]

Goro: I think that Zorome is just jealous.

[Damn right he is. Then again, why wouldn't a person be?]

Zorome: Why would I be jealous? Just because he's talented and made his own FRANXX where he can only need himself to pilot, doesn't mean that he's the best.

[During the whole discussion, I don't answer]

Zorome: He isn't even paying attention!


Zero: No. I am. I've heard everything.

Zorome: Then why won't you say anything?

[Because you are a kid]

Zero: You aren't worth my time.

Zorome: What did you say? Look at me and say that!

[Why do I even say anything? Zorome prepares to walk over to me. Bad move]

Goro: That is a bad move, Zorome, and you know it.

[Zorome walks away]Meanwhile, the plane lands and Dr. FRANXX and Nana walk with each other]


[I'm walking with Nana. It's been a while since we've seen each other]

Dr. FRANXX: Those seats are so rugged.

Nana: Deal with it.

Dr. FRANXX: It's been a while since we've seen each other. You are just as stiffy as ever. I wish you would get softer.

[I grope her. She is disgusted]

Nana: Knock it off.

[We get on an escalator]

Nana: Hachi has been told to speed up the children's training. This is the first trial run from the current unit. Why are you running tests on a makeshift team at your facility at all places?

[They don't need to know my true intentions]

Dr. FRANXX: Something has been bothering me. Those geezers at APE wouldn't understand. I'll attend the ceremony. Besides, he'll be there. (Looks around) Zero Two is missing.

Zero Two Partner: That's just great.

[That is bad]

Hiro POV

[I'm following a trail of blood and hear chirping]

Hiro: That bird must still be alive. The one that got hit by that aircraft!

[I keep walking and find a lake]

Hiro: Where am I?

[I see some clothes on a tree. They look different]

Hiro: These clothes are different than the clothes at my squad. They're even different than his uniform.

[I look at the lake and sees a naked girl swimming. I'm so confused right now]

Hiro: What the...

[The naked girl goes underwater. She doesn't return to the surface after a while. I get worried]

Hiro: She must've drowned!

[I attempt to head into the water to save the girl but she suddenly appears with a fish in her mouth]

[It was like I was caught in a spell. She had these horns. It was also the first time that I've seen a naked girl. She walks over to me and sniffs me]

Hiro: What are you doing?

Zero Two: Hmm. He still smells better.


Hiro: Why are you here and why are you naked?

Zero Two: The ocean tastes salty.


Hiro: This isn't the ocean.

Zero Two: Well this puddle was the only one I could find. Why are you staring at me? Were you going to swim?

[I'm too distracted right now]

Hiro: I'm not staring. I thought you drowned. Can you please get dressed?

Zero Two: Are you sure? You're a pervert aren't you?

Hiro: I am no.

Zero Two: Look at what you're holding.

[I see that I'm holding underwear. Where did this come from?]

Hiro: Ahh!

Zero Two: Haha. Thanks for the "save." If I was drowning though, he would've come.

[Still lost]

Hiro: Who is he?

[She starts to get dressed]

Zero Two: Are you a parasite?

[Why did she ask that?]

Hiro: No. I no longer have the ability to pilot. I failed the test to be in sync with my partner. It's my fault. I'm incompetent and I dragged my partner down with me.

Zero Two: You're not alone. I don't have a partner to sync with because of my horns. Then again, I know someone who doesn't need a partner to pilot.

[I know someone too. Still don't know how he does it]

Hiro: I know someone like that too.

Zero Two: Listen, you need to find a place to belong and get a partner. If you can't, take one by force.

[She throws herself at me causing us to fall into the water. She licks me]

Zero Two: I like your taste. It makes my heart race. But not as much as my "darling."

[Still confused]

Hiro: What?

[Security appears]

081: We've been looking for you.

Zero Two: Looks like you found me.

081: You need to stay away from her. She isn't a partner that anyone can handle. Well, maybe only one person can but he can handle himself.

[Why is she different? Why are they taking her away? I need to at least get a name]

Hiro: May I at least have your name?

Zero Two: My code is 002. But people call me Zero Two.

[She is escorted away. That was a weird experience. A lot like the first time that I met my friend]

Hiro: She's a lot like him.

Zero PV

[At Cerasus, Squad 13 (my squad) attends their graduation ceremony, where we are praised by our leader, Papa. I know who he really is]

Zorome: Look at all of the adults!

Futoshi: Yeah.

[They aren't that fascinating]

[Parasites are children that are specifically chosen to pilot weapons called FRANXX in male-female pairs. I'm the only one person who is able to fly on his own. Those who can't fly have no purpose in life. That is why my friend Hiro decided to leave]

Hiro POV

[Hachi is giving me the official instructions for my return to the orphanage]

Hachi: HQ has given you special permission to stay. Please reconsider.

Hiro: No. I'm leaving.

[I leave the meeting. Outside I see my old partner, Naomi, who is crying]

[The rest of the team stood by and it was announced my positive pulse and P-Factor drop causing me and Naomi to fail]

Naomi: Hiro, tell the truth. Did you refuse to stay because of me?


Hiro: I wouldn't be of any use if I stayed.

Naomi: You're an idiot, Hiro! You're an idiot for running away from your partner and yourself! You're lucky to even have a chance to stay at all! I'd do anything to stay! Why did my partner have to be you?

[She is really upset. I did ruin everything for her]

Zero POV

[We're on a train to head for our startup ritual and reflect that Hiro didn't show up]

Ikuno: I've never heard of a parasite returning to the Garden.

[Because it isn't supposed to happen]

Hachi: Everyone, get ready.

Hiro POV

[After Naomi crosses the bridge, she turns and smiles at me]

Naomi: Take care, Hiro. I don't think we'll ever see each other again.

[I prepare to run to Naomi but she throws her luggage at me]

Hiro: What are you doing?

Naomi: I won't need them anymore. Share them. Tell him "thank you" for my name.

[The door of the train closes]

Zero Two POV

Zero Two: I smell a klaxosaur.

3rd Person POV

[As we begin the startup ritual, a fog rolls in causing the ritual to be stalled]

Hiro POV

[I'm about to board my ride but then I refuse to leave. Suddenly, Naomi's ride is attacked by a klaxosaur and is caved in by it. Before I could blink, a machine shaped like a man comes flying in. It moves the rubble and forces the door open to reveal Naomi alive. I've never seen something like that]

Hiro: What was that?

[The man-machine flies away]

3rd Person POV

[The plantation begins firing at the klaxosaur as it begins attacking the plantation. Hiro survives getting killed and sees it is heading to where his friends are at, and he rushes to the location. The klaxosaur tries bursting through the doors where the parasites and their FRANXX units are kept]

Dr. FRANXX: It's a Moho-class klaxosaur. It's beautiful!

Nana: Now isn't the time. Everyone, evacuate with the parasites.

Ichigo POV

[My partner, Goro, and I are with our FRANXX]

Goro: Where is he? We can't fight that alone!

Ichigo: He's probably already out there.

[Knowing him he'll be late. He always has to make a dramatic entrance]

3rd Person POV

[A FRANXX called Strelizia suddenly intervenes and begins fighting the klaxosaur]

Nana: (Dismayed) She's in stampede mode again.

[Meanwhile, Papa and Vice Chairman from a distance...]

Papa: She devoured another stamen.

Vice Chairman: Then who is the real monster in this scenario.

[As Strelizia battles the klaxosaur, it is thrown at the plantation and lands near Hiro nearly crushing him. Another large machine appears and begins to fight]

Hiro: What is that thing?

[Papa sees the new machine and smiles]

Papa: Mark XLIV.

Hiro POV

[I run to the cockpit where a man falls out of the cockpit, covered in blood and slowly stops breathing]

Hiro: You're going to be okay.

Zero Two: Don't bother. He's already dead.

[That's heartless but I don't have time to focus on that]

Hiro: What are you doing?

Zero Two: Monster hunting with my darling. I need to get back out there and help him.

[She isn't going anywhere in that condition]

Hiro: Stop! You aren't going anywhere! You're hurt badly!

Zero Two: I won't die. As long as my darling is out there to fight with me, I'll be okay.

[I have no time to fully process what she said]

Hiro: Then let me help you help him. Let me pilot the FRANXX.

Zero Two: It's possible that you will die.

[I don't care]

Hiro: If I can't pilot, then I'm better off dead.

[My perseverance pays off. She pulls me into the cockpit]

Zero Two: You might not be my darling, but you'll do.

3rd Person POV

[Zero Two kisses Hiro and this awakens Strelizia. With Strelizia fully activated, it effortlessly eliminates the klaxosaur alongside Mark XLIV by removing and destroying it's cores and saves the plantation, along with the parasites and others]

Nana: Who are piloting those things?

Dr. FRANXX: How beautiful it is. when the negative and positive - male and female factors - combine and their hearts become one, the iron maiden will reveal her true form as shown by the Strelizia. This is a true FRANXX.

[When the battle is over, everyone sees Zero Two bring an unconscious Hiro out of the cockpit. His friends are surprised that Hiro piloted it]

Nana: Everyone, this is Zero Two. Zero Two is a former member of APE's special defense forces and is a girl with klaxosaur blood.

Zero POV

[She has arrived]

Zero: So you're arrival was today, Zero Two.

[Everyone turns. I have a smile on my face]

Zero: It's good to see you again, Zero Two. I missed you.

Zero Two: I missed you too, darling.

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