Chapter 2

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Zero POV

[Everyone remains staring at me and Zero Two]

Zorome: You two know each other?

Zero Two: Of course. He's my darling.

[I love it when she calls me that]

Ichigo: What does that even mean?

[Story for another time]

Zero: Now isn't the time to explain.

[I look at everyone. Time to introduce myself. Why they don't know my name is annoying]

Zero: I might as well introduce myself properly to all of you. Zero Two, Ichigo, and Hiro know the name I go by. My name is Zero.

Hiro POV

[Repairs are in midst of being done to the damage sustained by the Klaxosaur. I stand with Nana as the squad commence connecting and activate their FRANXX units]

[The startup ritual resumed the day after the klaxosaur attack, except Papa and the other adults weren't present for the occasion]

Hachi: Connecting Phase begin!

[All four FRANXX units activate]

Hiro: I piloted Strelizia but I has no recollection of anything that happened after I got in.

Ichigo POV

[After activating Delphinium, I look at Hiro. So he piloted that FRANXX. Highly unlikely but apparently true]

[Later, I'm playing with a cat on the front porch. I love cats. A voice snaps me out of my daydreaming]

Zero: Playing with cats again?

[Why does he say such embarrassing stuff?]

Ichigo: (Puffs cheeks) I can't help it. Okay?

Zero: There's that adorable look. So, what do you think about the whole situation with Hiro?

[I don't want to talk about Hiro right now. But since he brought it up...]

Ichigo: He shouldn't run off because, as awkward as it feels, Mistilteinn is his home now. Naomi was alright and got taken to the hospital. Thanks to you. Was he the one piloting Strelizia?

Zero: He struggles to recall doing so but wants to try again.

Ichigo: Zero Two is not part of our squad.

[I don't like her]

Zero: Hiro doesn't care.

[Hiro wouldn't care. I don't like her for many reasons]

Ichigo: I heard awful rumors of Zero Two, in which all her partners die after riding three times with her.

Zero: He remembers her previous partner but he says, without being able to pilot, he's as good as dead anyway.

[Hiro has always been a depressing person. Goro comes through the door]

Goro: You two need to come to the mess hall.

[We see Zero Two pouring honey all over her food]

Miku: That's disgusting

Kokoro: It's funny on how much Zero Two loves sweets.

Miku: She is not a normal person because of her horns.

[Even though I don't like her, I have to be a leader here]

Ichigo: Act nice. Zero Two saved us.

Ikuno: Why does she have a code in the single digits?

[She's not the only one. Does anyone pay attention to him?]

Zero: I have one as well.

Ikuno: What is your code?

Zero: 000. People call me Absolute Zero.

Futoshi: She doesn't look like what the rumors made her out to be.

[She'll reveal herself]

Goro: Her eating habits kill her looks.

[Goro, don't even go there]

Zorome: I'm the best parasite in his squad. Zero Two, want to be my partner?

[Zorome is still delusional. Zero Two wipes her honey-soaked hand on Zorome's uniform]

Zorome: Gross! What about you Mitsuru?

Mitsuru: Not interested.

[Zero Two sits next to Zero. I don't like that. Hiro walks over]

Hiro: Did I pilot with you?.

Zero Two: You did. You're not as good as my darling but you're okay.

["Darling"? Is she talking about Zero?]

Ichigo: Zero, what does she mean by "darling"?

Zero: Now isn't the time to explain.

[He'll tell me later. He tells me everything]

Hiro: I'm amazed that I really did pilot a FRANXX.

[Nana comes in]

Nana: I'll be their caretaker just like I was in the Garden.

[What about Zero Two?]

Ichigo: What's happening with Zero Two?

Nana: We're awaiting orders from HQ on what to do.

Hiro: Zero Two, let me ride in your FRANXX again.

Nana: That it's up to Papa and the rest.

Zero Two POV

[Nana takes me away into an elevator near the city]

Nana: Why were you roaming around?

Zero Two: I just wanted to have breakfast with my darling.

[Is that too much to ask?]

Nana: Avoid contact with the parasites. They are nowhere near ready for your league.

[Definitely true. But they won't stop me from seeing my darling. We've only been separated for a little while but it feels like forever

Zero Two: May I still talk to my darling?

Nana: I have a feeling that we wouldn't be able to stop you.

[Damn right]

Zero Two: You're right. Besides that, this makes me feel suffocated.

[We arrive at the city]

3rd Person POV

[At APE Central HQ Council, it is announced that one Mahorovicic-class klaxosaur at Plantation 13 appeared but Strelizia intercepted and neutralized it, but fuel stockpile down to 54%. They request kissing with Plantation 26. The Lamarck Club authorizes it and kissing is scheduled to commence in 175 hours. Lemur says they received word that Strelizia has stayed back at Plantation 13. Gorilla notes that with no established cause, mixing with the special specimen will taint her blood and must be recalled at once. Papa says that she shone in battle and they should wait and see]

Zero POV

[In the stamen's lockers, the boys discuss Hiro's sudden capability to run a FRANXX despite failing to do so before. I'm getting ready to pilot. Goro walks over to Hiro]

Hiro: I feel the sensation of having piloted.

Goro: You always pulled through.

Zorome: I refuse to believe it.

Ichigo POV

[In the pistil's lockers, were are getting ready]

Miku: This special underwear is so tight.

Kokoro: It felt weird connecting because it was different than our previous drills.

[Miku fondles her stomach]

Miku: It makes my insides tingle.

Ichigo: It felt weird but I also became one with another person.

[Though there is someone I rather partner with]

Kokoro: I wish my numbers were higher. You and Goro are perfectly compatible.


Ichigo: Well there is only one person who I'm more compatable with.

Miku: Do you mean Zero?

Ichigo: Yes. He is the perfect stamen capable of piloting with anyone.

Kokoro: You seem to know a lot about him.

[Damn right I do]

Ichigo: Of course. We've known each other for a while.

Miku: You want to fly with him badly don't you?

[If you knew him then you would too]

Kokoro: What about Goro?

Ichigo: Goro is nice but I know that I feel safer with Zero.

[Silence. I'm not stupid. They feel the same way. They just don't want to admit it]

Ichigo: Don't think I don't know that you want to pilot with him too.

Miku: What! I would never!


Kokoro: Actually, I'm curious. If he really is as good as people say he is...


Ichigo: He isn't as good. He's better.

Miku: Well, we'll just have to see who gets to pilot with him. Anyway, what is up with Zero Two and calling Zero "darling"?

[I punch a wall and walk out of the room. I care about Hiro. I don't want him getting hurt]

3rd Person POV

Miku: What's her deal?

Kokoro: I guess she's very protective of Zero.

Miku: Or jealous of Zero Two.

[Initial para-capacities of FRANXXs. The overall para-capacity in Genista is the lowest. In the control room]

Hachi: I'll be giving overall strategic instructions, though field decisions will be made by the leader unit, Delphinium.

Miku: Aww man.

Ichigo: What about Zero? Is he participating?

Hachi: Mark XLIV will be joining shortly. Connecting commence.

[The parasites begin connecting. The girls shriek in pain]

Zorome: This feels weird.

[The FRANXX pairs manage to connect]

Hachi: Fully trust your partners and accept them wholeheartedly or else synchronization isn't possible.

Zorome: How does that Zero guy make it look so easy?

Miku: Maybe because he is piloting himself! He wouldn't understand what's going on.

Ichigo: Shut up! You all understand nothing!

Zorome: What are you talking about?

Ichigo: Do you know how painful it is to be both a stamen and pistil?

[Just then, XLIV walks forward]

Zero: Ichigo, that's enough.

[The units take their first steps outside]

Kokoro: Good job, Futoshi!

Miku POV

[Zorome begins to show off by making Argentea doing flips but nearly falls over and is caught by Delphinium]

Ichigo: Be gentle. Miku will take the resulting damage.

[Yeah, idiot]

Zorome: That isn't true.

Zero: If Miku wasn't in there, I would slap you so hard, Zorome.

Miku: I can take care of myself, Zero.

[How dare he fight my battle for me!]

Zero: Fine. I'll just do when you're outside.

3rd Person POV

[They then begin their drill practice. Hiro watches them proceed from his training unit while Zero Two arrives by train. Nana looks at Hiro's profile and discusses a startup trial in an actual FRANXX. At the Plantation FRANXX Parking Dock]

Ichigo POV

Goro: I think I'm close to figuring out the trick to connecting.

[I doubt it]

Ichigo: Really?

Goro: Yeah.

Ichigo: Maybe you should ask Zero and see if you're right.

[He would know]

Goro: What is your deal with him?

Ichigo: I wanted him to be my partner!

[Goro takes a step back, I can't believe I sad that out loud. Whatever. It's out there now]

Ichigo: I wanted him to be my partner. We were perfect together. They said though that Zero was able to pilot with anyone. I didn't want to believe it but they did tests and found out it was true. It made me so angry. I wanted to be his only partner. Now he only partners with people in case of emergencies.

[It's not fair]

Goro: Well, he isn't your partner. So you should focus on us.

[How dare he! No one disrespects Zero. I glare at Goro]

Goro: What's with that look?

Ichigo: He shouldn't have to pilot alone. Doing both is painful. He's had enough pain in his life.

[Zero Two walks by us. I really don't like her]

Ichigo: Zero Two, what is your deal with Zero?

Zero Two: You mean my darling?

[Stop saying that! But have to be a leader right now]

Ichigo: I appreciate you for saving us from the klaxosaur but want I you to stay away from Zero.

Zero Two: What are you to my darling?

[I honestly don't really know]

Ichigo: I'm his squad leader. He's also my best friend. I don't want you hurting him.

Zero Two: Darling can handle anything. I think darling means more to you than that but you don't understand it.

[Urk! Don't act like you know me especially when you're right!]

Ichigo: Just stay away from him!

Zero Two: What if I don't? Are you going to stop me?

[I glare at Zero Two]

Zero Two: I didn't think so.

[Zero Two sniffs me and licks my cheek, much to my surprise]

Zero Two: You taste like jealousy. I don't like that.

[Zero Two walks away. Goro tries patting my head but I shove his hand away. He can't do that]

Ichigo: Don't touch me. Only Zero can do that.

3rd Person POV

[At Mistilteinn, Zorome and Futoshi play ball]

Futoshi: I wonder if we can fight the klaxosaurs like Hiro and Zero did.

Mitsuru: I heard rumors that Zero Two has the ability to pilot alone, therefore Hiro was taken along for the ride.

Futoshi: Isn't Zero the same way?

Mitsuru: Apparently.

Zorome: This is proof that Hiro is lying.

[Hiro approaches, Zorome kicks the ball at him and begins mocking him]

Hiro: I did pilot.

Zorome: Then you would never forget.

[Zorome continues mocking him to the point of pushing him. Hiro retaliates and they get into a fight, which is broken up by Zero, Ichigo, and Goro]

Zero: Enough. You want to mess with Hiro then you'll have to go through me.

Hiro: Thanks, Zero.

Zero: No problem.

Ichigo: I had that, Zero. I'm squad leader so it's my responsibility to handle these things.

Zero: No one messes with my friends. That includes you.

[Ichigo blushes. Goro glares at Zero]

Goro POV

[That's it. I can't take it anymore!]

Goro: I want you to stay away from, Ichigo.

Ichigo: Goro, what are you talking about?

[I ignore her. This is between me and him]

Goro: She is my partner. I'm tired of hearing from her that she wants you to be her partner. I'm her partner!

Ichigo: Goro, that is enough!

[I still ignore her]

Zero: No. Let him get it out of his system.

[I'll get it out of my system!]

Goro: You really are a freak! You can pilot with anyone. Ichigo deserves to feel special.

[There you go. It's out there. But he looks at me with a smug face. How dare he!]

Zero: You done?

[I attempt to slap Zero. Zero blocks and pushes me back. How did he see that?]

Zero: Don't do that.

[Ichigo then receives a message from Nana]

3rd Person POV

[In the conference room]

Hachi: Hiro will partake in a mock battle.

Nana: Depending on how he does will decide if he is promoted to parasite. Now pick a partner.

Zero Two: I'll do it.

Hachi: Actually, Ichigo will.

Mitsuru: She already has Goro as her partner though.

Goro: I have no problem with it.

Nana: Good. That's settled.

Zero Two: Okay. Then I'll just pilot with my darling.

Ichigo: Will you stop it with that!

Zorome: I volunteer to be the opponent to prove Hiro can't pilot!

Miku: (Sigh) I agree to participate.

[The parasites along with Hachi, Nana, and Zero Two watch. After activating Argentea]

Zorome: Hiro, I'll prove your worthless.

Ichigo: Hiro, focus on connecting and I'll take care of the rest.

[After commencing the connecting phase, Delphinium manages to activate with the para sync at 100%]

Hiro: Wow.

Ichigo: I'm impressed.

[Delphinium approaches Argentea, which attempts to strike it but Delphinium seemingly dodges it. However, Delphinium suddenly disconnects]

Ichigo: Please give us a three minute break to reconnect.

Ichigo: Hiro, what did Zero Two do differently before.

Hiro: She kissed me.

Ichigo: What's a kiss?

Hiro: It's when two people press their mouths together.

Ichigo: I'll give it a try if it will help.

Hiro: Please don't.

Ichigo: It's weird for me too.

[She covers his eyes and kisses him]

Zorome: What's taking so long?

Miku: Did you two fall asleep in there?

[After kissing]

Hiro: I feel nothing.

Ichigo: Good. I was hoping not to anyway.

Hiro: What?

[Argentea almost hits Delphinium. Argentea suddenly attacks after Zorome has grown tired of waiting for them to reconnect. He becomes too aggressive against Delphinium]

Miku: Zorome, stop!

[Zorome doesn't listen]

Zorome: I'll prove who's best!

[Zorome prepares to use a dagger rose to stab Delphinium despite Miku's protests and the shock of the rest of the squad. Argentea starts having trouble moving, which Hachi contributes to the disagreement between its pilots. To prevent Argentea from overpowering Delphinium]

Ichigo: I'll pilot alone!

[Ichigo smashes Argentea against a wall]

Zero: Ichigo, stop. That's very dangerous.

Ichigo: If you can do it than so can I! It is possible. What's wrong? Do you think I'm not as strong as you?

Zero: I never said that.

Zero Two: Though it is true.

Ichigo: I wasn't asking you.

Zero: Don't do it, Ichigo. If I lose you, then I don't know what I'll do.

[Everyone is shocked at the statement]

Zero Two: There goes my darling. Being so caring for others.

Zero: You kind of ruined the moment.

Zero Two: Sorry, darling.

Hachi: Since both FRANXXs have been rendered inoperable, the mock battle is over.

[Zero Two smugly flicks her hair as she leaves]

Hiro: I'm sorry, Ichigo.

Ichigo: Don't apologize. You were just awful.

Ichigo POV

[He was awful. I leave the cockpit and see Zero waiting for me. We share a glance. Zero opens his arms and I walks right into his embrace. He makes me feel so safe]

Zero: It's not your fault.

[He always knows what to say. I have to ask him now]

Ichigo: Please be my partner.

Zero: That's not how this works. You know that.

[It isn't fair]

Ichigo: You can make it happen. They're afraid of you. Even more than Zero Two.

[Zero pats my head]

Zero: It's going to okay. I'll be here every step of the way.

[I look at him and know that it's true. I will be there for you too, Zero]

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