Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV

[In a flashback, a child Zero talked to Ichigo about names]

Zero: I gave myself the name Zero because of my code. I gave you the name Ichigo for the same reason. Having your own name makes you unique.

Ichigo: Then give the others names.

Zero: If you say so.

[Zero does and many children surrounded Hiro, asking for a name]

Mitsuru: (Shy) May I have a name?

[In the present, Hiro is being scanned for any problems. At the Plantation's inner city, Zero comes out from witnessing the scan to find Ichigo in the hallway]

Zero POV

Zero: No problems were found.

Ichigo: That's good to hear.

[Ichigo looks at my lips. I notice this]

Zero: Why you staring at my lips for?

Ichigo: I wasn't staring!

[So defensive. She so was]

Zero: (Smiles) You tried it didn't you?

Ichigo: Tried what?

Zero: Zero Two told me what she did. You tried it didn't you?

[Critical hit]

Ichigo: Well, it didn't work.

Zero: Too bad.

Ichigo: Actually, I was hoping it wouldn't. There is someone else I want to try that with.

[Oh really? Ichigo walks close to me. She stares into my eyes and starts to lean in]

Nana: Ichigo. Come with me.

[Nana you cockblock! Ichigo has a look of disappointment on her face]

Ichigo: Yes, mam.

Zero: Another time, Strawberry.

Ichigo: I'll hold you to that.

[I know you will]

3rd Person POV

[In the monitor room]

Nana: Hiro is the first sample to pilot with Zero Two and take little damage.

Hachi: He failed to common connect with Delphinium but was compatible with Strelizia even though he wasn't conscious.

Nana: Does that make him special?

Hachi: I guess so.

Zero POV

[At Cerasus, Goro talks with Hiro. I'm standing close by]

Goro: Did something happen in the cockpit? Ichigo was acting weird after the mock battle.


Hiro: I know. She seemed mad when I ran into her earlier as well.

Goro: Remember when were little and how the three of us ended up in the same squad and how happy that made us?

Hiro: You're missing someone.

Goro: Who?

[How dare he! I walk over]

Zero: Me.

Goro: What do you want?

[What type of attitude is that?]

Zero: Nothing. I'm just listening.

Goro: You're not part of this conversation.

[Really now?]

Zero: But you're talking about me behind my back. That's not nice.

Hiro: Zero, tell Ichigo that is wasn't her fault.

Goro: I totally agree.

[Goro, just let it go]

Zero: Oh. She already knows. I told her.

Goro: What is your deal with her? Shouldn't you be all over Zero Two?

[Now you're starting to piss me off]

Zero: I'm allowed to interact with anyone I please. If you have a problem with it, try stopping me.

[Silence. That's what I thought]

Zero: Ichigo is someone dear to me. So is Zero Two. I care for both of them equally.

Goro: That's not how life works. You'll have to choose.

[Smart ass]

Zero: I choose to do everything I can to save both.


Goro: Hiro, will you ride with Zero Two again? Don't you remember the rumors?

[Now they ignore me]

Hiro: It's not complicated. If I'm one of the two who can ride with her then I'll do it. This is why we were born.

[In the living room the squad is talking while I'm reading a book]

Futoshi: Do you think Hiro will be a parasite?

Miku: That doesn't matter. What matters is...Zorome, why did you act that way during the mock battle?

Zorome: I just wanted to show that Hiro was a liar and I'm the best.

Miku: You could have hurt me!

Zorome: Why should I care?

[I slam my book shut causing everyone to be quiet and pay attention. He didn't just go there]

Zero: Zorome, say that again. I dare you.


Zero: I warned you.

[We stand face to face]

Zero: Do you know what happens to parasites who have no partners?

Zorome: They'll find me a new one.

[You're so wrong]

Zero: So you'd dispose Miku like trash? I'll slap you for that later. You should care because it isn't pretty when you have no purpose.

Zorome: What do you mean? We would just go back to the Garden.

[If only you knew]

Zero: That would be nice if it were true.


Zero: Your partner is the reason why you still have a purpose. Don't forget that.

Kokoro: You need to stop or it will hurt your numbers!

[Trying to keep the peace with a fact. Smart girl]

Zorome: No it won't.

Zero: Yes it will. She knows what she's talking about. She isn't just a beautiful face.

[Kokoro blushes. I swear I heard Ichigo and Futoshi growl]

Miku: So Hiro failed to connect with Ichigo. Goro must be miserable having her as a partner.

[Now she wants to start something. Especially after I just defended her]

Zero: Oh. So you want to start something

Miku: Why are you protecting Ichigo?

Zero: I would protect you the same way.

[Totally true]

Goro: But you see to be more protective when someone mentions Ichigo.

[I have my reasons]

Zero: I have my reasons to be. If you have a problem, then take it up with me.

Goro: Anyway, I doubt that Hiro will be a parasite.

Ichigo: I still believe in his ability.

Mitsuru: You're just showing favoritism.

Ichigo: I am not.

Zero: Hiro was always special even among the double digits. He was expected to become leader but fate had other plans.

Mitsuru: We need to cut him loose. I don't want to see this pitiful side of Hiro anymore.

[What is it with everyone today?]

Zero: Now you want to start something.

3rd Person POV

[Meanwhile, Hiro is seen training alone as Zero Two watches from the ceiling. After he leaves, he finds her leaning against a pillar, seeming to be asleep. He walks over and stares at her horns]

Zero Two POV

Zero Two: You are a pervert. You should stop staring. Only my darling can look at me that way.

Hiro: I'm sorry.

[He's so sweet but not as much as my darling]

Zero Two: It's fine. Dr. FRANXX says that parasites are better off being a little pervy.

[I stand]

Zero Two: I was tired of waiting for darling. Follow me.

[In a hallway, we walk through a scanner only for Hiro to be stopped]

Hiro: Children have restrictions on where they can go. Almost all of that area is off limits to us.

[I show my hand which shows I have an "S Rank" pass on it. I walk back and lead him forward, allowing us both to cross. I bring him to a balcony with the view of the city]

Hiro: Wow. I've never set foot in a city.

[He's staring again]

Zero Two: Why are you staring again?

Hiro: I want to come up with a name for you. Zero is good at it. I want to give it a try.

[That's sweet but no thanks]

Zero Two: I'm fine with "Zero Two." My darling gave me that name.

Hiro: He could've done better than that.

[Don't go there]

Zero Two: No. He had a reason. He might be a "zero" but I will always be his "two."

[I hop over the railing and balance across the thin path]

Zero Two: There is no purpose in life. We only become a statistic once we die and it won't matter what we are called. This city is lifeless. A one way street to nowhere.

Hiro: Can you get back over here? It isn't safe.

Zero Two: Do you want to run away with me and darling? He can get us out if he wants.

[He seems perplexed. I jump back to the balcony]

Zero Two: I'm just kidding.

3rd Person POV


Hachi: We received orders from HQ.

Nana: There is a Klaxosaur attack. It won't be as big as the one you already saw.

Miku: Thank god.

Nana: Strelizia won't be part of the mission.

[Nana explains they'll have to learn how defend Plantation 13 by themselves eventually]

Nana: This will show if you can handle fighting them in the future.

Ichigo POV

[Before battle, Goro talks to me]

Goro: Did the mock battle bother you?

[I don't answer]

Goro: I need you to switch gears. We're going into actual combat.

[Thanks, Captain Obvious]

Ichigo: I know that. Don't remind me.

Goro: I'm just trying to be supportive.

[Well stop]

Ichigo: Well your support sucks.

Goro: Hey, we need to be connected now.

[Don't doubt me]

Ichigo: I can be. Zero taught me the secret. I'll be the best leader there ever was. Then he'll see that I'm strong enough to stand by his side.

[Just you wait, Zero]

3rd Person POV

Zorome: This is so exciting.

Miku: Just try to not get carried away again.

Zorome: Or what? You going to send your boyfriend on me?

Miku: Ew! Gross!

[Mitsuru and Ikuno struggle to connect due to their paracapacity being low]

Ikuno: I need more time.

Mitsuru: Don't bother.

Hachi: Chlorophytum will stay behind.

[The three working FRANXX head out to a big hole]

Hachi: head down to the 8th floor. In order to completely neutralize a Klaxosaur, you must extract its core and shatter it using your weapons.

[Back at headquarters]

Nana: Mitsuru and Ikuno, what happened?


Nana: Ikuno, you must be tired. I'll run tests on you later.

Mitsuru: Is it because we're incompatible?

Nana: A lot happens on the first time. That is no reason to split you up.

[Mitsuru growls]

Mitsuru: Then how does he make it look so easy?

Nana: He's a rare case and you know it.


Ichigo: We have visual. Spreading out. Where is Zero?

Hachi: He is coming but he'll be late.

Ichigo: Of course he will be.

[They run to it and begin slashing it. Before Zorome can finish it, it attacks and knocks them over. Argentea is electrocuted and Miku passes out. Futoshi shoots and exposes its core while Ichigo stabs it]

Ichigo: We need to get out of here. Where is Zero?

Nana: You attracted more because you released your magma energy.

[The three units baracade themselves in a room. Meanwhile]

Hiro: What's happening?

Zero Two: This would've turned out differently if darling and I had been sent out from the start.

Hiro: We need to rescue the others!

Hachi: I cannot allow that. You aren't an official stamen so I can't give permission for you to board a FRANXX.

Zero Two: The plantation squad is going to be wiped out again. Let me pilot with Hiro.

Nana: You will not be allowed to sortie.

Zero: Then I'll go.

Hachi: What are you doing here? You should be out there!

Zero: I knew something like this would happen so I stayed behind.

Hachi: Get out there right now. That's an order!

Mitsuru: I'll do it. I'm the only stamen left.

Nana: Strelizia is no ordinary FRANXX.

Mitsuru: If Hiro can do it then so can I!

Nana: Zero Two, will you go with Mitsuru?

Zero Two: No. I only go with darling and his friend.

Zero: Darling?

Zeto Two: Yes?

Zero: Do it for me.

Zero Two: Fine. I'll only do it for you, darling.

Hachi: Now get out there.

Zero: Heading out.

Mitsuru: Hiro, don't come crying to me when you regret your goody-two-shoes act later because I'm going to prove that I can pilot Strelizia better than you did.

[Hiro watches Zero Two and Mitsuru about to get in Strelizia]

Zero: (Comm) This is a mistake and you know it.

Hiro: I wanted to pilot with her.

[Meanwhile...Miku wakes up and Zorome hugs her, relieved she is still alive. They reconnect and Argentea begins piloting again]

Hachi: Strelizia and and Mark XLIV are being sent out to help.

Ichigo: Who is piloting?

[Ichigo remembers kissing Hiro, which causes her connection with Goro to falter. This allows the klaxosaurs to get in the room and the units flee to the exit route but are again accosted by more klaxosaurs.]

Ichigo: Damn it. I shouldn't have though of that. I'm not suited to be a leader.

Zero: Ichigo, can you hear me?

Ichigo: I copy.

Zero: Say that again and I'll never speak to you again. Quit doubting yourself. I know that you don't feel like you can stand by my side.'ll be my side even if that means I pull you next to me.

Ichigo: Zero...

Zero: Now focus and let's get this job done.

[Strelizia and Mark XLIV then appear and kill some klaxosaurs]

Zero Two: It's like that one time, darling!

Zero: Are you sure that we're thinking of the same thing? Now everyone get back!

Hachi: Everyone, evacuate!

Mitsuru: This is amazing! I didn't know that changing partners could make such a difference. I knew this wouldn't be a problem.

[Mitsuru begins brutally killing klaxosaurs]

Mitsuru: Zero Two, I wouldn't mind becoming your official partner!

Zero: Not if I have anything to say about that.

Zero Two: Sorry but I'm not interested. Now, darling, let's go all-out for a bit!

Hachi: No! Stop!

Nana: I am ordering that Strelizia gets retrieved!

[During the retrieval process, the squad is surprised what happened]

Zorome: I'm sorry, Miku.

Miku: It took someone else for you to recognize that.

Zorome: I said that I was sorry. What more do you want?

[When they retrieve Strelizia, Zero Two walks out and smiles and waves at Hiro, who returns the gesture but sees that Mitsuru hasn't come out yet. Inside the cockpit, Mitsuru is gravely injured and unconscious]

Zero Two: He isn't suited to be my darling. Only Zero is and sometimes Hiro.

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