Chapter 6

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3rd Person POV

[A large Klaxosaur approaches with an arrival time of 0210 hours. Nana and Hachi stand in the control room in awe of how gigantic the klaxosaurs to be encountered is. Meanwhile, Ichigo bathes in the bathroom and pours a bucket of water over herself before patting her cheeks. In Hiro and Goro's room]

Goro: Do you still plan to pilot?

Hiro: I do.

Goro: He's an idiot.

[Zero appears]

Zero: It might seem that way.

Goro: Why won't you stop him? He would listen to you!

Zero: Because it wouldn't matter if I did. He would still find a way.

[In the pistil changing room]

Kokoro: I heard that the klaxosaur count is higher than expected. I wonder if we will make it back.

Ikuno: I don't know. But I hope so.

[Ichigo is quiet and touches her lips]

Ichigo: (Thoughts) Zero, I promise that I'll make your proud.

[As the boys exit the stamen changing room]

Mitsuru: We can't afford to be optimisic because of the difference in numbers.

Zorome: Don't worry. You have me so we should be fine.

Futoshi: We also have Strelizia and Mark XLIV.

Zorome: Whatever. We won't let Squad 26 hog all the glory.

Mitsuru: That shouldn't be why we're fighting.

Zorome: You're starting to sound like Zero.

Mitsuru: I'll take that as a compliment.

[As the girls come out the changing room, Goro sees Ichigo come out last and calls out to her]

Goro: Hey, Ichigo!

[Ichigo glances at Goro but looks away. Zero walks over]

Zero: Shot down again. You must be used to that by now.

Goro: Please go tell her to talk to Hiro. Especially since you won't do it.

Zero: If you say so.

[Alone in the hallway]

Zero: You want to talk to Hiro before we go?

Ichigo: No.

Zero: Interesting. Why not?

Ichigo: He chose to pilot with Strelizia. I won't stop him. What happens to him is on him. Anyway, did you get enough sleep?

Zero: As much as I could.

Ichigo: Good. You're vital to this mission.

Zero: Why thank you.

Ichigo: Listen, if we don't make it out of this...

[Zero plants his lips on Ichigo's. He pulls away as she blushes]

Zero: We all will make it out of this. We'll be fine. You're leading us.

Ichigo: Promise me that when I'm leading us, you'll have my back.

Zero: I have all of yours.

[Zero then sees Zero Two who had just walked past them and chases after her]

Zero: You ready, darling?

Zero Two: Always with you.

[Zero Two brushes his hair and reveals his horns]

Zero Two: There you go. I like you better this way.

Zero: As long as it makes you happy.

[In Delphinium]

Ichigo: Zero, is key. Don't forget that.

Goro: I'm not surprised anymore.

Ichigo: Mark XLIV will do his thing. We will save Strelizia for late as possible.

Goro: Copy that.

[After all the FRANXX units are dispatched to the front surface of the plantations]

Hachi: Beside the Conrad-class pack, we've also detected a lare, tightly packed unit. It doesn't match anything on file but it is labeled as a klaxosaur because of its intelligence. 090 will have command and Squad 13 will be on Standby. Strelizia, you will stay back. Mark XLIV, you will have everyone's back.

Zero Two: If darling is fighting then so am I!

Zero: Do it for me, darling.

Zero Two: Only for you.

090: Looking forward to fighting with you, sir.

Zero: Likewise.

[The Conrad-class klaxosaurs attack but Mark XLIV easily interferes with them and quickly begins killing the klaxosaurs in a methodical order]

Zero: Everyone stay back. Let me clear a path. Everyone stay calm.

090: Understood.

Zorome: Is he crazy! He can't do all that by himself!

Goro: I totally agree!

Mitsuru: He is killing anything that moves. We better don't get in the way.

[The Klaxosaurs get closer to the squad, Mark XLIV quickly intercepts. Mark XLIV eventually needs help so everyone steps in. As battle begins, Genista struggles to hit the klaxosaurs because they are too fast and one knocks Genista down while another moves it attack, which angers Futoshi]

Futoshi: Kokoro!

[Argentea attempts to slash a klaxosaur, but it dodges the FRANXX and instead Argentea crashes into Chlorophytum]

Miku: What are you doing, you idiot?

Zorome: I'm doing my best!

Zero: You two cut it out now!

[As Genista is being attacked, Mark XLIV jumps in and kills the klaxosaur]

Zero: Zorome, bait the enemy without getting too close since they're fast. Mitsuru, stay close to Kokoro to her up.

Zorome: You aren't in charge!

Ichigo: Do what he says!

Mitsuru: Honestly would rather listen to him anyway.

Ichigo: Thanks, Zero.

Zero: You can thank me later.

[090 watches in awe]

090: He is better than the reports say.

[In Strelizia, Hiro pants and clutches his chest. Zero Two watches the battle from afar]

Zero Two: They're barely hanging in there! I really want to get in there and fight!

Hiro: Why do you want to fight klaxosaurs?

Zero Two: Darling is out there by himself. He needs me. Also they look like fun. Besides, he and I are monsters. What about you?

Hiro: To protect Papa and the adults of the plantation is our purpose in life.

Zero Two: That's lame.

Hiro: We should get out there!

[Strelizia quickly defeats many klaxosaurs]

090: What are you doing? You're going against an order!

Hiro: I'm just here to help my squad.

[Hiro tries to help but can't move]

Hiro: Why can't I move?

Zero: That would be my doing.

Hiro: What the hell?

Zero Two: Darling, how could you!

Zero: I knew you would do this but I put in a chip in your FRANXX to immobilize it on my command.

Hiro: Zero, you bastard!

Zero Two: You better come back to me, darling! You hear me!

[Mark XLIV continues to kill klaxosaurs]

[Zero Two and Hiro begin to disconnect, so she turns to see him panting and clutching his chest]

Zero Two: Are you okay?

Hiro: No because he won't let us out there!

Ichigo: He has his reasons.

Hiro: I don't care! This is about ego! This isn't about keeping us safe! He wants all the glory! He knows that we're better than him so he's keeping us out of the fight!

Zero: I'm doing this for you, Hiro.

Hiro: Quit lying to me! I thought we were friends!

[Zero blocks Hiro]

Hiro: Oh he didn't just block me!

[Squad 26 begins attacking and the klaxosaur screams before becoming its Gutenberg-class humanoid form]

090: Sir, what do we do?

Zero: It's time for a tag. Switch out.

[090 is unable to move because of lack of fuel. Before they get crushed, Mark XLIV pulls them away]

Hachi: Squad 26 fall back. Squad 13 move in.

Zorome: Mark XLIV should move back as well.

Ichigo: No. He stays out here! He will finish it off!

Hiro: Damn you all!

Goro: Everyone make a lane!

Zero: Thanks, Goro.

Goro: I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for Ichigo.

Zero: I see.

[Mark XLIV continues to fight]

Zero Two: Darling, are you okay?

Zero: (Pants) I'm...fine...darling.

Zero Two: No you're not! Disable the lock! Let me help you!

Zero: I won't stop...until it's dead...and you...are staying safe!

[The other FRANXX latch onto the Klaxosaur to disable its movements. Genista almost falls until Chlorophytum grabs Genista's hand]

Ikuno: We need to make an opening!

Mitsuru: Damn right I will! Quit reminding me!

Zero: Easy, Mitsuru.

Mitsuru: I'm sorry, sir.

[Squad 26 uses their weapons to wrap and restrain the klaxosaur, keeping it still. Zero launches Mark XLIV into the air and lands direct hit on top of it. The Klaxosaur stops moving, seemingly killed]

Zero: We did it!

Zero Two: Way to go, darling!

[It swipes him far away and changes form again. Zero becomes unconscious and falls to the ground. The Klaxosaur suddenly starts moving and evolves into a much bigger one, which easily overthrows the FRANXXs. It kicks Mark XLIV into the plantations and begins hitting it. It continues to smash them against the wall. Ichigo breaks down and disconnects from Goro]

Hiro: Damn it! He should've let us out there!

Zero Two: Darling!

Ichigo: Zero, no!

[The other parasites worry]

Mitsuru: It's bad if it breaks through the wall.

Ichigo: (Crying) Damnit, Zero! You broke your promise!

Goro: Get it together! Lives are on the line!

Zero POV

[I'm in white space that is completely empty]

Zero: I must be dead. Damnit. All I wanted to do was protect them.

[The girls of Squad 13 appear]

Ichigo: Then do so. Get up. Don't stay down. You promised me that everyone will get out alive.

Zero Two: You promised to never leave me, darling.

Kokoro: I want to talk about flowers with you!

Ikuno: You saw me smile. If you wanted to see it again then you would get up and fight!

Miku: I owe you an apology so you better get up!

[I start to cry]

Zero: I didn't know that I meant that much to you.

[The boys of Squad 13 appear]

Futoshi: Are you kidding? You're the life of the squad!

Zorome: It's true even though I don't want to admit it.

Mitsuru: You inspire all of us.

Goro: You make us all want to be better.

Hiro: You're also the greatest friend that anyone could ask for.

Zero Two: Or even more for some of us.

[I had to wake up. I won't let anyone die. I may not be fully human but I will make sure everyone survives. I wakes up violently struggling to breathe. I guess I didn't kill it after all. I begin to scream in pain after the numb feeling started to wear off as the klaxosaur continues to hit me against the wall. I struggle to stand up but eventually get back up to my feet]

3rd Person POV

[Dr. FRANXX begins watching as well. They all begin attacking again to create another opening. Mark XLIV flies into its core as everyone watches in amazement]

Dr. FRANXX: He might make his wish come true.

[He walks out and the two groups celebrate. Ichigo tearfully embraces Zero]

Ichigo: (Crying) You're alive! You stayed alive! My Zero is alive!

[Zero Two pulls Zero away from Ichigo]

Zero Two: (Crying) You idiot.

Zero: Well, I am a Zero.

Zero Two: And I always will be your Two.

[Zero walks over to Kokoro]

Zero: I still need to talk about flowers with you.

Kokoro: I'm looking forward to it.

[Zero walks over to Ikuno]

Zero: I like it when you smile. I want to make you smile again.

Ikuno: Keep dreaming.

[Zero winks at her and she blushes. Zero walks over to Miku]

Zero: Do you want to tell me something?

Miku: Um...uh...(Quietly) I'm sorry.

Zero: Huh?

Miku: (Normal) I'm sorry.

Zero: What was that?

Miku: (Shouts) I'M SORRY!

[Zero laughs as Miku pouts. Zero walks over to the boys and Squad 26]

090: That was amazing, sir. It was honor to fight beside you.

Mitsuru: We look forward to fighting with you again.

[Zero faces Hiro]

Zero: I'm sorry. I just couldn't...

[Hiro embraces Zero]

Hiro: Thank you. Just next time, let me help.

[Zero pulls away]

Zero: Wouldn't have it any other way.

[Zero faces the group and brushes his hair to reveal his horns. Everyone looks but not in fear]

Zero: This is me. What do you think?


Zorome: How does it feel to have those in your head?

[Everyone laughs and celebrates]

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