Chapter 9

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[Zero is watching Ichigo playing with a cat while she sits next to Ikuno]

Zero: (Thoughts) I promised that I'd stay with everyone. But I'm too dangerous. I need to leave.

[Futoshi comes running in]

FutoshI: Our presents are here!

[Squad 13 gathers together to open their presents. Ikuno receives books, Kokoro receives a sewing kit, Miku receives perfume, Mitsuru receives a pen, Zorome receives a ball, Futoshi receives food, Ikuno receives a plush cat, Goro receives a fishing rod, and Hiro a book about birds]

Zero: You got that, Ichigo? That's so cute.

Ichigo: Shut up! Your gift could be worse. What's your gift?

Zero: Oh no. I don't go stuff like this.

Zero Two: What's going, Darling?

Zero: They're opening their gifts from Papa.

Zero Two: Oh.

Hiro: We ask for something and he always gives it.

[Zero squints his eyes]

Hiro: What did you get, Zero?

Zero: I don't do gifts, Hiro. I did get something for Zero Two and Ichigo though.

Zero Two: You did! What is it?

[Zero pulls Zero Two away from the group. Zero pulls out a mirror and hands it to Zero Two]

Zero: I got this for you.

Zero Two: A mirror?

Zero: Yes. I want you to be able to see the face that I love every day.

Zero Two: I'll use it to make myself even more beautiful!

Zero: That's not possible.

Zero Two: You're so sweet, Darling.

[Zero Two gives Zero a kiss. Zero smiles and walks away. He walks over to Ichigo]

Ichigo: What's up?

Zero: I got you something.

Ichigo: What is it?

Zero: Follow me.

[Zero extends his hand to Ichigo and she takes it. He pulls her away from the group]

Ichigo: What did you get me?

Zero: Close your eyes.

[Ichigo shuts her eyes. Zero places his lips on hers. Her eyes snap open from the shock. But they close again as she kisses back. He pulls away. She has a little pout on her face]

Ichigo: Why did you stop?

Zero: It's a gift. You can use it whenever you want.

Ichigo: You mean...we can do this again?

Zero: As often as you want.

Ichigo: Like now?

Zero: Don't use it often. Make it special.

[Ichigo blushes]

Ichigo: Okay.

[Later that night, Zero talks with Goro]

Goro: You wanted to see me?

Zero: I did.

Goro: What is it?

Zero: I want you to take care of Ichigo for me.

Goro: What?

Zero: That's what you wanted. Right?


Zero: Of course it is. That's what you wanted all along. That's why you hate me. Well, now's your chance.

Goro: Why are you telling me this?

Zero: I'm leaving tonight.

Goro: You're leaving? Why?

Zero: I'm dangerous. I have to leave. That's why I'm asking you to take care of her.

Goro: If you leave then she'll be sad.

Zero: Why do you care? You want to be the hero. Swoop in. I won't be in the way.

[Zero begins to walk away]

Zero: In the morning, you won't find me.

[Zero walks away. Goro stands by himself conflicted. The next morning...]

Hachi: Everyone, a Klaxosaur has been detected. We need to take care of it.

Nana: It's moving slow so we have time.

Ichigo: Where is Zero?

Zero Two: I didn't see darling this morning.

Hachi: Zero will not be joining this mission.

Ichigo: But where is he?

Nana: Not important. Now suit up!

[Squad 13 goes to suit up]

Ichigo: Did you see him this morning?

Zero Two: They know something that they're not telling us.

[The FRANXX attack the Klaxosaur but something goes wrong and puts Delphinium in danger. Mark XLIV appears out of nowhere and saves them but gets swallowed in the process. Zero wakes up to the sound of alarms]

Zero: My head. When I wanted to leave, this wasn't what I had in mind.

[Zero gets messages from Hiro]

<Hiro>: Where are you?

<Zero>: Swallowed. What do you think?

<Hiro>: You're in the klaxosaur?

<Zero>: Do you know what swallowed means? How is Ichigo?

<Hiro>: She's safe. A little bruised but okay.

<Zero>: Good. Now tell Goro to take care of her for me.

<Hiro>: What are you talking about?

[Zero cuts off communication. Hiro notices this and runs over to the other boys]

Hiro: Zero is in trouble. We need to help him.

Futoshi: Where is he?

Hiro: He got swallowed by the klaxosaur!

Goro: What!

Hiro: Does Zero Two and Ichigo know?

Goro: I don't believe so. I don't think they even saw Mark XLIV arrive. It all happened so fast.

Hiro: I contacted him but he caught off communication. Why would he do that?

[Goro looks down]

Goro: Because he doesn't want to be found.

Hiro: Why not?

Goro: He told me that he was leaving last night.

Hiro: Leaving? Where would he go?

Goro: He didn't say. I guess he stayed because he saw us in trouble.

???: Why would he do that?

[Hiro and Goro look and see Zero Two]

Zero Two: Why would darling do that?

Hiro: Calm down.

Zero Two: I can't calm down! He wanted to leave! Why?

[Goro looks down]

Zero Two: What aren't you telling us? Tell me or I'll make you tell me!

[Goro doesn't respond]

Zero Two: Why do I have a feeling that you're the reason?

[Zero Two marches towards Goro. Hiro steps in front of her]

Hiro: Zero wouldn't want you to do this!

[Ichigo marches in followed by Zorome and Miku]

Miku: Ichigo, calm down! You need to rest!


Zorome: Zero saved you and Goro from being swallowed by that Klaxosaur!

Ichigo: Why didn't anyone tell me about this?

Miku: You were unconscious! Also, we had no idea that he was there. We just found out.

Ichigo: Where is he now?

Hiro: Probably still stuck.

[Hachi and Nana walk again]

Nana: We're so glad that all of you are safe.

Hachi: Klaxosaur vaporizes its bodily fluids to expand and explode.

Kokoro: Is Zero stuck in its fuel?

Nana: It's fluid is harmless to FRANXX.

Zorome: We'll rescue Zero first. I he owe him.

Hachi: Our top priority is preventing the target from making contact with the plantation.

Hiro: We're going to leave leave Zero to die?

Nana: Absolutely if worst comes to worst.

Hachi: Prepare to sortie.

Ichigo: Let me speak to Zero.

Hiro: We can't. He's cut off all communication.

Ichigo: Why would he do that?

[Ichigo glares at Hachi and Nana]

Ichigo: What aren't you telling us?

[Goro walks forward]

Goro: Zero was planning to leave the plantation.

Zero Two: Why?

Goro: He said something about him being dangerous.

Ichigo: You knew and told no one? How could you!


Ichigo: I know why! You've been jealous this whole time! Now that he's out of the way, you didn't say anything! How could you, Goro!

Goro: Ichigo, I...

Ichigo: I don't want to hear it.

[Meanwhile, Zero is by himself thinking]

Zero: So I guess this is it. This is how it all ends. It's for the best. I'm a danger to everyone.

[Zero feels his horns]

Zero: They're still growing. Soon Papa will use me for his plan. Then I'll be taken away from everyone forever. I guess this was one way to leave. I was going to eventually. I'm going to miss all of them. Mostly Ichigo and Zero Two. I love those two so much. But I have to protect them. That's why I had to leave. They'd do anything to ride with me. If they did, I'd devour them like I did the others. Or Zero Two and I could devour each other or she could devour me. This is the way it had to be. Now I'll die here.

[Voices are heard]

Ichigo: Why did you leave?

Zero: I had to protect you. Great. I'm losing oxygen and now I'm hearing things.

Zero Two: You didn't even say goodbye.

Zero: If I did then you wouldn't let me leave. I had no choice.

Ichigo: You did. You chose to leave us behind.

Zero Two: You promised that you'd stay by our sides. I guess that promise meant nothing to you.

Zero: It meant everything to me! I had to leave to protect you!

Zero Two: You had nothing to protect us from! You are no monster! There is always the possibility that you won't devour us!

Zero: You don't know that. I killed ten girls! I think that says enough.

Ichigo: Those girls were wrong for you. I could tell. They didn't care about connecting. They just knew that they could ride and not worry. There was no connection. That's why they died.

Zero Two: That's through no fault of your own, Darling. Now please. Come back to us.

Zero: I can't. I'm sorry.

Ichigo: If you need to leave again then do so. At least do it right.

Zero: It's too late now.

[Zero looks at his dashboard. He turns back on the communications. Meanwhile, a sound is heard]

Hachi: That's his signal!

Nana: He's turn his communication back on!

Ichigo: Zero, you tell me where you are right now!

<Zero>: I'm sorry, Strawberry, for not leaving correctly. But I had to.

Zero Two: Why, darling?

<Zero>: I'm dangerous to all of you. Everyone around me always dies.

Ichigo: That's not true! We're still here and we're not going anywhere! Now tell us where you are!

Zero Two: We're going to come get you!

<Zero>: Don't be dumb. You can't save me.

Zero Two: Yes we can, darling. If you can pilot a FRANXX by yourself, then we can find a way to save you. Now please tell us where you are.

<Zero>: I'm sorry. I can't.


Zero Two: Then I guess you're not my darling after all.

<Zero>: What?

Zero Two: My darling told me that he'd stay by my side forever. I guess you weren't the one.

<Zero>: How can you say that, Darling!

Zero Two: Don't call me that! You are my darling no longer! I guess Hiro is my darling now.

[Zero Two smiled at Ichigo and Ichigo caught on]

Ichigo: Well, I guess Goro will protect me now. You left me with someone who won't do a good job. I hope you're pleased with yourself.

<Zero>: Will you two stop? You're making this harder than it is!

Zero Two: Why do you care, Absolute Zero? You left us.


Ichigo: Zero Two, that was a little too far. You called him by his nickname!

[A dot appears on a screen]

Hachi: That's his tracker.

Zero Two: Now that's my darling! We're coming!

Ichigo: You better be alive when we find you!

<Zero>: That's unless I escape first. I'm not totally out of this.

Nana: It's best that you stay put. That fuel could explode at any moment.

<Zero>: Forgot about that. Well, I'll stay put. Hurry up. I'm losing oxygen and I'm starting to hallucinate.

[The FRANXX follow the signal and are able to save Mark XLIV before the explosion. He comes out of his FRANXX looking very pale. Zero Two and Ichigo run to him]

Ichigo: You're such an idiot. You know that?

Zero: Not the first time you've told me that.

[Zero sees Zero Two]

Zero: Darling, I...

[Zero Two quickly pushes her lips on his. The others had gathered around and were confused on what's going on. Zero Two pulls away and smiles]

Zero Two: I love you, darling.

Ichigo: No fair!

[Zero and Zero Two look at Ichigo]

Ichigo: I can't hold this in anymore! I want to be your darling too!

Zero: I'm sorry but...

Zero Two: It's okay, darling. I don't mind sharing.

Ichigo: You mean...I can be his darling too?

Zero: If you want.

[Ichigo plants her lips on Zero's. The other girls turn red while Zero Two just giggles. Ichigo pulls away]

Ichigo: Now we're official. Never leave my side!

[A whine is heard. Everyone looks to see where it came from and they saw it was from Kokoro]

Kokoro: If she gets to be your darling than I should be allowed to as well!

Futoshi: But, Kokoro!

[Kokoro ignores Futoshi and goes to kiss Zero. She pulls away and has a big smile on her face]

Kokoro: Since we're official, I guess we can read more about that book together.

Ichigo: What book?

Zero: Don't worry about it.

[Ikuno walks over and everyone is silent. She places her lips on Zero's which causes everyone to scream in shock. She pulls away but still has a stoic look on her face]

Ikuno: Huh. That was better than I thought it was going to be.

Zero: I thought you hated me!

Ichigo: What he said!

Ikuno: I never hated you. I just wanted to observe and then I learned that I wanted what you and Zero Two had.

Zero: Well, I'm glad to be your darling too.

[Silence. Everyone just had smiles on their faces. Except Ikuno. She looked the same. Miku slowly walked over. Zero grinned]

Zero: Oh?

[Miku took a deep breath and gave Zero a quick kiss]

Miku: We're official now. You better protect me like all the others!

Zero: I promise.

Zorome: Okay. Now hold on! What just happened?

Hiro: Don't worry about it, Zorome. Just know it was something beautiful.

[Zero Two looks at Zero]

Zero Two: You going to tell them, darling?

[Zero stands up and faces everyone. He pulls out his communicator and turns it off and signals for everyone to do the same. They all do]

Zero: Everyone, I have a plan.

Ichigo: What plan?

Zero: A plan to leave the plantation.

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