Chapter 8

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[Squad 13 is fighting a Klaxosaur. During the battle, it spews a bunch of goo]

Zero Two: It's harmless. Don't worry about it.

Miku: How dare you spew all of this on our FRANXX!

[Zero noticed it too. On the inside of the FRANXX, the girls weren't so lucky. The goo seeped through and fall on the girls. This caused their parasites suits to start to dissolve. Futoshi and Zorome noticed it first]

Miku: Zorome, why aren't we attacking? Can you hear me in there?

Kokoro: Futoshi, you alright?

Zorome: We're good.

Futoshi: Nothing to worry about!

[The two nod to each other. Goro caught the drift and didn't mention anything either. Zero who piloted by himself figured out the plan]

Zero Two: Darling, let's finish it off!

[Before Zero Two knew it, Zero had already killed the Klaxosaur]

Zero Two: Darling, you take the fun out of everything!

Zero: You were taking too long. Besides, we have a situation.

Zorome/Futoshi: Don't tell her, you idiot!

Ichigo: What are you talking about, Zero?

Zero: Boys, you want me to say something or should Hiro say something?


Zero: Girls, take a look inside your FRANXX.

[The girls did and they screamed in horror as they saw that their parasite suits had started to dissolve. After the battle, the girls were in towels and sneering at the boys. Zero Two didn't mind. Kokoro was embarrassed. The rest were upset. Zero was also in a towel]

Goro: Now don't get upset. The real reason why we didn't tell you about your parasite suit melting is because we didn't want to distract you in the middle of battle.

Futoshi: In my case, I found you too beautiful for words, Kokoro! This comes straight from the heart!

Misturu: You're an idiot.

Zorome: What's the problem? It's not like us seeing you hurt you are anything!

Miku: Excuse me!

Hiro: Settle down! Zero Two told me that parasites are better off being a little pervy! Isn't that right, Zero Two?

[Zero Two smiles and nods]

Ichigo: What the hell?

Goro: Why are none of you upset with Zero?

Ichigo: He's a victim too, Goro.

Zero: Boys, give it up. You won't win this.

[The boys just walk away as the girls sneer at them as the boys walk away. Zero Two walks over]

Zero Two: So, Darling, are you going to give me a peek?

Miku: Gross! Why would he do that?

Kokoro: I'm actually a little curious.

Zero: Fine. Since you asked...

[Zero reveals the top of his body. Exposing her very toned physic. All of the girls, even Ikuno and Miku, got nosebleeds]

Zero Two: That's my darling for you! So fit!

Zero: I am too please.

[Ichigo walks over to Zero and lays her head on his chest]

Miku: Ichigo, what are you doing?

Ichigo: Listening to his heartbeat. It's comforting.

Zeri Two: How bold.

Zero: As much as I'm enjoying this...

Zero Two: Not so fast, Darling. You showed us you. So it's only fair that you see me!

Miku: That's way too far!

Zero: Another time and place, Darling.

Zero Two: I'll hold you to that.

Zero: Okay. Let's hit the showers.

[In the girls' showers, the girls are having a discussion]

Miku: I can't believe they were ogling during a battle.

Ichigo: Just when I thought we were hooking up smoothly. This will have bad effects to team moral.

Miku: Those creeps!

Kokoro: Maybe we should calm down.

Miku: No! I've had it! We need to do something!

[All of the girls look at Miku]

Miku: I don't want to be around them anymore! No more communal life with the boys!

[Later that day returning to their home, the girls had taped off the house in half and took over the baths]

Miku: Listen, no boys on this side of the line.

[Zorome prepares to step over]

Zorome: Let's see you stop me.

Miku: Zorome, you take a step over here and you'll regret it big time!

[Zorome steps back. Zero walks away quietly but Ichigo notices this]

Ichigo: Only Zero is the only boy who can cross this line.

Zero: I was going to cross anyway but thanks.

Zorome: What's so special about him?

[Zero notices Goro's uncomfortableness]

Zero: Don't worry about it, Zorome. You'll understand later.

Kokoro: Where are you going?

Zero: I just need to go for a walk.

Zero Two: Is everything okay, Darling?

Zero: Don't worry about me. Just continue on with your day.

[Zero walks away. He hides in his single room. He sits down with his back against the door]

Zero: What I would give to have a partner.

[In a room on the girls side, the girls are chatting with each other]

Miku: Did you see the look on the boys' faces? Hilarious!

[Ichigo is looking out the window. Ikuno notices this]

Ikuno: What is it?

[They see Zero Two and Hiro talking. Zero is nowhere to be seen. The girls walk downstairs to get Zero Two to join them]

Ichigo: We need to rein her in.

[The girls are about to head outside when the front door opens and the boys are in nothing but their underwear]

Miku: What's going on?

Zorome: Since you girls blocked us from the baths, we took a dip in the lake and it felt amazing!

Miku: Would it kill you to get dressed?

Zorome: Sorry but if we're on our side of line then we don't have to listen to you!

[Zorome imitates a chicken and mocks Miku. Meanwhile, Zero is walking in the woods]

Zero: I know you're there.

[Zero Two appears]

Zero Two: Are you okay, Darling?

Zero: I'm fine, Darling.

Zero Two: No you're not. You've been avoiding everyone. Even me. Why?

Zero: I guess I'm just jealous. That's all.

Zero Two: Why would you be jealous?

Zero: I don't have a partner.

Zero Two: If that's what you're worried about then you can partner with me!

Zero: You know that's not how it works. Could you live with what you'd do to Hiro?

Zero Two: I could. You're my darling. Not him. I won't let anyone else ride with you.

Zero: I appreciate that, darling, but you know why we can't partner up together.

Zero Two: It's only a theory. It doesn't mean it would happen.

Zero: We can't risk it. We both belong on the front lines.

[Zero Two walks over to Zero and brushes his hair to reveal his horns. They've gotten bigger]

Zero Two: They're growing.

Zero: I become more of a monster every day.

Zero Two: Then just wear a limiter like me!

Zero: Those don't work on males.

[Zero Two places her lips on Zero's]

Zero Two: Come back to us. Come back to me.

Zero: When everything settles down. Not until then.

[Later that day, the girls notice the boys eating in the mess hall]

Goro: Sorry, girls, but we've taken over this area. We noticed you didn't tape it off.

[Zorome takes a bite out of his breakfast]

Zorome: So good! Today's breakfast is exquisite!

Miku: You're heartless!

Goro: You know? You're right! How about we just forget all about these silly rules and eat together again, eh?

Ikuno: It's a trap.

Ichigo: I agree.

[Miku prepares to surrender but Ichigo and Ikuno pull her away. Miku sees Zero Two cross the line no problem. The girls leave. Zero Two and Hiro talk each other]

Hiro: This fight is starting to get really bad. We need to fix this right away.

Zero Two: Is that how you feel? I'm the opposite. I think things could get spiced up!

Hiro: Have you spoken to Zero?

Zero Two: I have spoken to Darling.

Hiro: Is he okay?

Zero Two: He's fine.

Hiro: Why is avoiding us.

Zero Two: I can't tell you that. Only he can.

[In the garden, Kokoro is filling up her watering can and heads over to the flowers. She finds Zero standing there. She is surprised]

Kokoro: Zero! I didn't think you'd be here. Do you want to be alone?

Zero: No. Your presence is soothing.

Kokoro: Thank you. Want to talk about flowers?

Zero: Sure.

[Zero and Kokoro talk about flowers for about ten minutes but Zero grows silent]

Kokoro: Are you okay?

Zero: What do you think?

Kokoro: What's wrong?

Zero: You don't need to concern yourself about it. I'll be okay.

Kokoro: If you say so. Thanks for talking with me.

[A book about babies falls out of Kokoro's pocket. She quickly picks it up and tries to hide it]

Zero: You kept it?

Kokoro: Please don't tell anyone!

Zero: I won't. Your secret is safe with me.

[Kokoro blushes and then leaves the garden. Elswear, Miku, Ichigo, and Ikuno are walking together trying to find food]

Ichigo: How long do you think this will continue?

Ikuno: I wouldn't mind it lasting forever.

[Zero Two comes up behind Ikuno and licks her]

Zero Two: Someone tastes like they have a secret.

Ikuno: What!

[Zero Two prepares to walk away]

Miku: Wait!

[The girls head into a room]

Miku: Who's side are you on?

Ichigo: We would appreciate if you cooperated us of course.

Zero Two: This is whole fight is lame. You're just playing around.

Miku: This isn't a game!

Ichigo: This might be a game to you but we're serious.

Zero Two: Really? Wow? Okay. I'll play along.

[Later, the boys see Zero Two removes the paper saying that the boys couldn't enter the baths]

Hiro: What are you doing?

Zero Two: The girls say that you can use the baths now.

[The boys get set to head to the baths]

Zorome: It seems like the girls are waving the white flag!

[The boys open the door only to find the girls in the bath completely naked. The girls scream and start throwing things at the boys]

Goro: This isn't what it looks like!

Miku: Get out before we break you creeps in half!

Zorome: Girls, please! This is all Zero Two's fault!

Ichigo: Shut up!

[Hiro looks and sees Zero Two with all of the boys' clothing. She smiles and runs away with them. Hiro chases after her. Meanwhile, Zero is in the woods by himself. He leans against a tree and pulls out a piece of paper with ten names on it. Each name is crossed out with red ink]

Zero: I really am a monster. I'll never know the happiness of having a partner. All I'll do is kill them. I'm the true Partner Killer.

[Later that night, the boys and girls are in their separate rooms. They talk to each other and realize that the one group can't survive without the other. They later apologize the feud ended]

Ichigo: Where is Zero?

Zero Two: Darling is working through some things.

Kokoro: What's wrong?

Zero Two: Darling is upset that he'll never know what it feels like to have a partner.

Ichigo: Why not? Can't he partner with any of us?

Zero Two: He could but you'd all die in the end.

[Everyone gasps]

Zero Two: He can pilot with anyone but it comes at a price. You'd die in the end. That's why he doesn't have a partner. He can't. He never will. He's the real Partner Killer. He's killed ten girls before he went solo. Now he pilots by himself. Trust me. It's the most painful thing anyone can feel. He deals with it every time we fight and still has a smile on his face in the end.

[Everyone looks down in disappointment. Silence]

Goro: We had no idea.

Ikuno: He's been dealing with this the whole time?

Zero Two: Darling would've never told you if I didn't. No one mentions this ever.

[Everyone nods. Little did they know that Zero saw the whole conversation. He walks away in the dark to his room]

Zero: I'm dangerous. I need to leave.

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