Darling watches Bhagamathie teaser

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Darling was excited for the teaser. He called his friends to inform them (as if they were living in some hole🙄)

D: Hello, haan bava... today 10:45am my Sweetu's Bhagmathi teaser don't forget to watch hee hee hee ok bye.. Next I'll call Raj..Darlingey today blah blah blah...

Call ends.

D: Hmm I have informed all but it's not enough..

D thought and finally got an idea. He dialled a random number.


D: Hello who is this ??

"What?? Are you crazy ? You only call and ask who is this. Who are you Mr.?"

D: Huh..mm... doesn't matter today 10.45am Bhagmathi teaser will release remember to watch.

"Wth ! ??"

And D disconnected the call. He tried another number.

"Hello. ABC gas services. How many cylinders you need ?"

D: Last time I got two cylinders didn't even last for 2 hours. What kind of company are you running ??

"Oh sorry sir pls return those to us we will give you new ones. Your address?"

D: No I changed my mind. I am not buying cylinders from you.

"(Pissed) Then why the hell you called this early ra ?"

D: To tell you to log in to uv channel in youtube at 10:45am Bhagamathi is coming. Tell your staffs also. Bye uncle!

"Huh ??"

D: Hahahahahaha this is so fun let me try another number.

He did this and if someone picked up he reminded them to watch the teaser and ended the call. When he was about to dial the next number he received a call from an unknown number.

D: Someone is calling me... Hello!

"Hello sir, we are calling from 'Beautiful' beauty parlour. Can you pls pass the phone to any ladies in your house sir??"

Not wanting to let go of a good bait he continued talking.

D: Huh.. erm.. my wife is busy you can tell me.

"Ok sir. We have a beauty package inclusive of hair spa, body massage, facial etc. If your wife signs up for this now within 60 days we'll make her look like Anushka shetty or else money back guarantee."

D: You'll make my wife look like Anushka shetty eh ? 🤨🙄

"Yes sir, pucca."

D: No need. Put down the phone.

"Sir sir pls sir pls sir as far as I know you are the only husband who doesn't want your wife to look like Anushka shetty. For this quality we will give extra 5% discount sir pls consider our package sir."

D: I don't want my wife to look like Anushka shetty because...MY WIFE IS ANUSHKA SHETTY !

"Huh.. sir you are ??"

D: Mmm...Amarendra Bahubali. Remember to watch Bhagmathi teaser. Bubbye!! (Call ends) Idiots they don't even know who they are selling their services to... haan this number I'll try...

S was working out on the treadmill in the gym when she overheard some people talking.

"Hey you know what before coming here I got a call from one unknown number some mental is promoting Bhagmathi teaser."

"Oh you too.. even I got the same msg. Crazy fans see what all they do."

S mv: Promoting the teaser ? But my fan club didn't inform me regarding this. They usually won't...

Her phone vibrated and she picked it up.

S: Hello.

D: Hello, pls watch Bhagmathi teaser on yt, uv page. She is coming ! Bye!

S: Pabsu ! You are the culprit!! If I come now you will get one kick on your bum!

D: Huh..hello who is this ??

S: Bhagmathi!! Stop your monkey acts moddhu...

D: Sweetu ma !! What a surprise I called you on your second line hee hee hee watch the teaser ok ummahh I love you Pabsu pa coming to your place with lotuses later be ready tata !!

S: I'll kill.. he ended the call. Ooohhh this man will be my death one day! Uff!

D: Hmm I think I have done a good job and informed half of Hyderabad. It is almost time for teaser I'll make one last call. Hello...

"Hello...is this 'Find your bride' matrimonial services ??"

D: Erm yes...

"Was waiting by the phone for your call only. Pls note the details. Height-6'2, Colour-Dark, Age-38, blah blah blah..."

D mv: What is this ?? All matches with mine...

"...very important he has a half birthmark on his right groin. Pls find the bride with the remaining birthmark for my son."

D: Ammaaa!!

Mom: Nandhu?? Is that you ??

D: Yes amma. Amma why do you do this ??

Mom: What did I do ra ? I am searching for a bride for you.

D: So you'll tell my hidden birthmark spot also ??

Mom: Yes only then they will search and give us the right bride.

D: What ?? Am I some pant to find the correct shirt? Amma ! You are embarrassing me !! Stop it pls ! I am not a kid!

Mom: I am your amma I know what to do. Don't waste my time now I have to find the perfect one for you!

D: Amma I already found her it is none other than Sweety she has the remaining birthmark same spot but left side so get us married.

Mom: How do you know she has it there ??

D: Huh.. oh no I.. mmm...that... erm... err... I saw her baby photos...

Mom: Nandhu!!😡

D: Pls watch Bhagmathi teaser at 10:45am. Bye! (Ends the call)
Uff... folks are so annoying at times. The only way to silence her is giving little rebel or super in her hands. I will do that soon!

Sweetu's Devasena sword by the side(she lent him that for courage), kfc chicken bucket and coke in hand, darling settled on the couch with lappy opened infront of him. Biting off chicken from the drumstick, he stared at his watch for a while at exactly 10:45am he played the video,

He saw her foot as she entered the mansion,

D: Yaay !!(Claps) That is my bangaram's feet. I know I know! How many times I have kissed that silky feet and also got kicked in my bum many times when I was naughty !!

More bgm ( more chicken in mouth ) and S walked like a possessed with the torch in hand. He got frightened. Shivering he left the bucket aside and gripped Devasena's sword. He trembled.

D: (Eyes clenched) Devasena save me ! Devasena save me !

His heart told something bad was going to unfold and so he watched from one eye. He saw S nailing herself to the wall.

D: Sweeetttyyy!!!!!!! Oh my puppyyy ma!!!!! 😭😭😭

His heart pained to see S nailing herself though it was not real he still couldn't take it. He cried and blowed his nose on his tshirt. After weeping for sometime D picked the phone and called Pramod.

Pr: Annaya is calling... must have watched the teaser. He is calling to praise me maybe he might gift me a rolls royce for this hee hee hee. (Picks the call) Hello annaya, I prefer a silver one..

D: Amma neeyamma !! 😡

Pr: What ?? Is there such a colour?? 🤔

D: Why not ?? There are more colours keep the phone close to your ears.. (swear words)

Pr: Annaya ! Annaya pls pls stop it... what happened why are you scolding me now ??

D: Then what ra ?? I come with Kfc chicken bucket hoping to see my hen on screen but I don't !!

Pr: You didn't see properly then Vadina is nailing her hand to the wall.

D: But her face is barely seen ! I cannot accept this !! I want to see her more scenes of her !! You know I can't bear even if a flower falls on her and you made a nail penetrate her tender palm ! Sob...sob... my Sweetu..she is not used to even hold a ladle now she is holding such a huge hammer !!

Pr: Ooohh annayyaa !! Calm down !! It is a movie only and all those were camera tricks! You should know better and this is a teaser annaya so only so much. When movie comes out you can see her in full swing!

D: Don't change the topic ! My teaser was longer and showed my full face clearly I even mouthed a punch... what was that... haan.. It is showtime. Why not for my Sweetu??

Pr: That...err... we felt this was good enough.

D: No no it isn't I want more! Make a new teaser for me, something less scary for a baby like me..sniff sniff...

Pr: Uh..Annaya pls annaya don't be like this we did everything else as you said - out of the world bgm, stunning visuals, focus on my bangaram....

D: Reyyy !!!!! 😡

Pr: Huh.. I meant vadina I just read out your list calm down. Pls Annaya for Vadina's sake adjust this once.

D: Ok. For Sweety's sake I forgive you. End the call now I have so much work to do.

Pr: Erm annaya rolls for my hardwork ??

D: Hmm... ok ra ok ra..I will buy for you.

Pr: Yipppeee !!! Ummah... love you annayya!


D: Hmm let me post in FB first. Have to praise my Sweety...

He logged in to his FB.

D: Whoa... my last post for her b'dae how beautiful she looks in the poster.

He drooled for sometime and then skimmed through comments below the photo. He read them out,

D: Happy birthday Anushka... - thank you thank you, Darling we love you... - thanks ra I also love you darlings, Prabhas annaya pls marry Sweety vadina she is the best for you... - I also know ra one fine day you will all get the good news of our marriage.

He uploaded the teaser.

D: Hmm what shall I write... Sweetu, I love you naa bangaru bujji chilakamma..!!

He quickly backspaced deleting what he typed.

D: No no not now I will not be able to control the frenzy.. it should be related to work at the same time indirectly express my love for her... hmm.. yes got it.. !

"She is always the first one to try out something new with every film of hers. Good luck Sweety and entire team of Bhagmathi. Here's the teaser."

D: Yes this is perfect ! Post!

He logged out of FB and continued watching teaser on loop munching chicken and sipping coke.His phone shrilled. He saw her name on screen and smiled.

D: Sweetuuu ma !!!

S: Pabsu, pabsu someone has hacked your FB a/c!! I see a msg along with teaser from your FB page!

D: No bangaram I only did it ! 😕

S: What ?? You posted a wish and shared the teaser ?? 😳

D: Yes puppy ma why you don't like it ??

S: I am not able to believe it da ! I mean my lazy moddhu who needs me to turn the page on a magazine for him took to FB and wished me ?? Seriously I might faint out of excitement Pabsu pa!

D: Mmm don't tease me like this Sweetu you think I am useless ?

S: No da I didn't think that way but seriously this is too much for me to handle !! You know how happy I feel to see a msg from my Pabsu pa on social media praising me ?? This gives me more satisfaction than doing the film. I am going crazy!! Looks like I might sign 10 films now !!

D: Oh no Sweety bangaram don't do that see even little fellas who were roaming in their baby walkers when we were dating are married now we are lagging behind pls puppy ma we have so much work to do.. first let's have little rebels and supers then you sign movies and then we marry ok ??

S: Pabsu pa I think you are confused first we get married then little rebels and supers then movies.. right ??

D: Huh...mmm... yes you are right... little rebels and supers remind me of...Sweety, I am coming to your house now !!!!😘😘

S: Aaahhh nooo !!!!!!!!!😖😖


Meanwhile infront of UV office Pramod waited eagerly for his rolls royce gift. A delivery man arrived there.

Guy: Mr.Prabhas has asked to deliver this..

Pr: Yeah it's for me !! For me !!

The guy passed a package and Pr received it. He left.

Pr: Hee hee hee must be the keys and documents.

He opened the package and saw 2 kaati rolls with a note. It read:

"Hey Pramod,

The rolls you asked for! I have specified them to put extra onions and sauce just the way you like it. One for you and one for Vamsi so that you both don't fight. Enjoy !


Pr: 😕😕Never mind something better than nothing.

He munched his roll and went back to his office.



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