Hide n Seek...eerr Kiss

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Hello friends! This is the part 30 of this book so posting a loooooonnngggg shot. Kindly bear with it! 😁

In this OS, R and Trisha (Tr) are a couple with a 5 year old daughter, Nisha. I chose Tr because of her chemistry with R but if you aren't pleased with the pairing, feel free to replace any actress of your choice or you could also choose not to give a face to the wife character. 😁

DS have two kids, a daughter, Pranitha(LS)who is same age as Nisha and a 5 months old son, Prakeerth(LR).


One late evening,

Tr: Sweety ! Sweety !

She walked into the house carrying her daughter on her hips.

S: Hi da !

S came out of the kitchen to welcome them. They hugged and exchanged cheek kiss.Tr was all decked up.

S: (Patting Nisha's head) You're both going somewhere?

Tr: (Nodding) Sweety, I need your help ! There is a bachelorette party of one of my bestie that I can't avoid. She will kill me ! I have to be there. Unfortunately Nisha is down with fever and your bro has gone for shooting, will only return tomorrow. She refuses to stay with the helpers. Can you please look after her for the night ??

S: No issues at all da ! I'll look after her. You carry on.

Nisha was half asleep and when S tried to take her from Tr, she made a fuss and pushed away S's hands clinging on to her mother more tightly.

Tr: Oohhh she's cranky.. Baby, you're a good girl right ? See we are at Pranitha's place.. Sweety aunty will look after you. You like to be with them right ?

The names of her bestie and favourite aunty was enough to bring a faint smile on the feeble child's face. She nodded weakly. S reached out for Nisha and this time she happily went to her arms.

S: Good girl Nisha..

Tr: Phew... thank god ! Here are her medicines, change of clothes and other things she requires... she has not taken her dinner da, pls ensure she eats something..

Tr passed a small backpack to S.

S: I'll do that...

Tr: The house is silent. Where are the villains ?? Bujji(D), Prani and the little one ??

S: Lol...little one is asleep, Pabsu has a night shoot and Pranitha is at my mother-in-law's place. Her cousins have come and she was adamant to stay there so I let her be.

Tr: Oh ok... Oh dear, you're alone for the night then and you have to manage two kids... I am so sorry for bothering you!

S: Hey don't worry this is no trouble at all da. I will take care of her. You relax and have a good time.

Tr: Thanks a lot da...

She hugged S and kissed her daughter's head.

Tr: Baby, be a good girl and don't trouble aunty ok... mummy will be back soon. Sweety, if there is any emergency don't hesitate to call me.

S nodded. Tr left. She locked the door and went to her room with Nisha carrying her on her hips.

Ni: Aunty, mummy...mummy... where is she going ??

S: Baby, mummy has to go somewhere important since you are sick she couldn't bring you along...she will be back soon until then aunty will take care of you ok ??

She placed the child on the bed and pulled the quilt up to cover her. She then went to the kitchen and prepared some porridge to feed Nisha.

S: Here baby, have this...

Ni: I don't want.... I don't want to eat anything..I want mummy and daddy...

S: Mummy and daddy will come baby.. you have to eat this and take your medicines only then you will get cured and be fine by the time they come...

Ni: No don't want...

S: See, you need strength to play with Prani right ? For that you have to eat this. Just a little bit and then aunty won't force you.

S coaxed her and soon she ate. After the meal S gave her medicines which she took. S laid on bed beside Nisha and patted her to sleep.

It was late at night and S was fast asleep. The 'thief' creeped into their room quietly and seeing back view of his beauty in nightwear he got excited and snuggled up to her. He slid his hand across her waist and pressed his lips on her back. S flinched.

S: Sshhhh Pabsu pa...baby...

D looked over and saw Nisha's face buried on S's chest and her hold strengthened on S.

D: Oho... madam is here...

S: Yes... do you want anything to eat ??

D: No... I had.. I'll change and come.  Want to sleep, very tired.

He took shower and changed into his night clothes. Just as he was about to lie down he heard a wail. S tried to get up but she couldn't as Nisha was stuck on to her. D gestured her to remain and he would handle. Little rebel was awake and crying for milk. D carried him.

D: Pabsu pa, the milk is in the warmer..

He took the milk and fed his son. By the end of it, baby had slept. D lowered him on the cradle and went to sleep.


S: Pabsu pa.. wake up!!

D: Sweety...zzzz....you have a very nice name.... hee hee hee.. I am Prabhas...zzzz... welcome to Telugu film industry... all the best for Mahanandi...

S: Ooohhhh... married and made 2 kids with me still dreaming of the day we first met.. what do I do with this man ?? Pabsu pa pls get up...

D: Blue.. light blue saree... easy to wash, easy to dry and even easier for me to tear... hee hee hee... I will soon catch this 5'9 parrot and make fry after that I will only...oh no I feel shy.... zzzz...

He laughed in his sleep and pulled a pillow keeping in between his thighs.She had enough of his blabbering and smacked him hard. He jerked awake and sat upright.

D: Aaaahhh sorry Raj... I just cleared the jam on her lips... I didn't... huh...uh...am I in heaven ? No this is my room...

He scratched his head and turned to S who looked worried. 

S: Pabsu pa... Nisha's fever has gone up and she is shivering. We have to take her to the hospital !

D: Oh dear... ok ok let's go...

They reached the hospital and doctors attended to her. D was pacing up and down rocking little rebel in his arms while S was trying to contact Tr.

D: What happened ?

S: I don't know...it is ringing but no one is picking the call...

D: It's ok keep trying...

S tried many times but no one picked up she even sent texts to Tr that they had brought Nisha to hospital but there was no reply from her.

S: What do we do now Pabsu pa??

D: Call bava...

S: But he is not in town... what can he do ??

D: I understand bangaram but we have to keep either of them informed right...she is not reachable so let us try bava...

Just as she was about to call, the doctor came out.

"Good that you brought her on time else she would have got fits. We've given her an injection to reduce the fever and kept her under observation. If she is fine, you can take her home."

After doctor left S called her bro and after 2 full rings he picked up. She informed him.

R: Oh dear, I am not in a position to leave now....

S: It is ok bro, relax...we'll look after her. Just wanted to keep you informed on her health.

R: Thanks a lot bro... I can't thank you both enough... pls keep me updated. I will be there tomorrow.

S reassured him and ended the call. They waited for an hour or so. When doctor checked her again she was improving and they discharged her. They returned home. S tried to pat her to sleep but she was in no mood.

S: Sleep baby...

Ni: I am not feeling sleepy aunty. Uncle, tell me a story...

D: Huh... me ?? Story ?? Oh no I don't know any ma...

Ni: Pls uncle tell me story then I will sleep...

D thought for a while and began to narrate.

D: Ok... hmm... once upon a time there was a vast empire that was ruled by a Queen mother. She had two sons, one was handsome, kind hearted and the other looked like a sore bear and was extremely evil. One day when the good prince went on a tour...

S: Pabsu pa, wth!! This is the story ??

D: Sshhh Sweetu ma listen to my story... haan so where was I ... mmm the good prince went on a tour and he...

Ni: ...met a beautiful princess and fell in love with her but his mother and evil brother didn't approve their love. He married her and the princess became pregnant. The evil prince coveted the throne, killed the good prince by treachery and caged the princess. Their baby was rescued by Queen mother and he returned to avenge his parents. Finally he won and was crowned the King. Right uncle ?

D blinked hard and S opened her mouth wide.

D: Huh...uh...mmm... how do you know ??

Ni: Nanna showed me the movie. I watched it 11 times with him at home.

D: Ooohhhh your nanna promotes the movie more than the producers. Uff !

S giggled and nudged him to tell a different story.

D: Mmm..ok..once upon a time there was a ruthless don. He only trusted weapons. A beautiful, tall and smart girl entered his life. He was smitten...

Ni: Uncle, this is Billa ! I know ! I love the bommali song! This is not story telling it is 'guess the movie name..'

She laughed and S joined her. D faked anger.

D: Gggrrr !!! Why do you watch movies ?? Is there any movie you are yet to see? Tell me, I'll tell that story.

Ni: Mmm... I have not watched black n white films. You can choose one and tell me that story I won't know.

D: Huh..uh...mmm...idea is good but I myself am not familiar with black n white movies. Sweetu ma what do we do now ??

S: Uff ! So much confusion for a story. Both of you listen, I'll tell a story which my grandmother read to me when I was a child.

S began her narration. Of the two kids, the younger one was wide awake and listened attentively whereas the big baby dozed off mid way.

S: And they lived happily ever after !

Nisha clapped her hands.

Ni: Wow ! Very nice story aunty. I liked it.

S: Thank you dear.

D: Zzzz....zzzz....zzzzz...

Ni: Uncle slept off...

S: ☺️☺️ let us also sleep then..


Next morning,

Nisha woke up and S gave her a bath. When she took her bag for clothes,

S: Oh no, Trish's phone is here! No wonder she didn't pick up.

Nisha had her breakfast and D took over babysitting job from S while she continued with other chores.

Ni: Dishoom... dishoom !! You cannot escape today!!

D: Aaahhh ooohhh this police is so strong...someone save me from her pls !!

Nisha was seated on D's lap as she punched him lightly and he faked pain. They were playing police and thief. S after giving bath to little rebel and dressing him up carried him to the hall.

S: There, we have another cop who also wants to nab the thief can he join ?? Pls ??

Ni: He is awake !! Yaaayy !! Come Prakeerth let us punish the thief!

S sat beside D and placed little rebel on D's thigh supporting him by his back and Nisha held his tiny hand guiding him to pat on his nanna's chest. He was so excited to be part of the game and gave toothless drooly smiles. He looked like a miniature version of his teddy bear nanna. Same killer smile.

D: Aaahhh this Sahooo cop's blows are even more painful !! I can't take it !! Sorry sir, I won't steal anymore !!

Kids were having fun using D as their punching bag as S watched on. After a while, they heard the sound of a car turning into their driveway followed by Pranitha's incessant chatter.

LS: You still haven't solved my riddle mama....

Pramod walked in carrying her on his back. He looked pale as if all his remaining hair was going to fall off.

Pra: Huh..uh...give me some time ma I have to think...

LS: No thinking you have to be quick in ans... Nishaaa !!!!!!

Ni: Pranitha !!!!

Pranitha and Nisha ran to each other and hugged. They got busy talking and forgot everyone around them.

Pra: Phew! Escaped... she won't remember now..

He was welcomed by his annaya and vadina. He took little rebel in his arms and played with him.

D: What ra both of you came in like Betal and Vikram. Same questionnaire??

Pramod smiled and nodded.

S: Oh no was she troubling you too much ?? Sorry Pramod...

Pra: No vadina... she is such a darling just that I am not able to answer her 1001 questions... she's too smart...lol...

D: I was a dull student so it's definitely not from me all teacheramma's genes.

He winked at S who nudged him playfully. Pramod spent some time with the family and left. Pranitha and Nisha got busy playing. D and S were cooing to little rebel who gurgled at the attention he was receiving from his parents. Lifting him, D pressed his mouth on his tummy and gave out funny noises which made the little prankster laugh more and drool slid off the corners of his mouth. S wiped it immediately.

S: Ok you look after him, I have work in the kitchen..

D: No no you stay here... I want to play !

He grasped her waist with one arm and pulled her towards him.

S: Uff Pabsu pa... in the morning itself you started.. leave me... kids are here.. behave..

D got an idea. He called Pranitha and Nisha who came running to him.

LS: What is it nanna ?

D: Let's play hide and seek. You, Nisha, myself and amma...

And he got a pat on his cheek !

D: Ouch ! You also want to play ??

He cooed to his son who responded the same way.

LS: Huh.. but he can't run on his own and hide like all of us nanna ! He can't count !! He is still a baby!

Ni: But he'll feel left out no when we are all playing without him ?

LS: You are right but what do we do ?

S: I have a solution. He will be my team. I'll carry him and hide or count.

D: Perfect ! So who goes first ??

LS: Me ! Me ! I want to count!

Little super counted while D hid with Nisha and S with little rebel.

LS: ..29...30... Ok here I come !!

It didn't take long for her to find her nanna whose long legs extended from under the bed. She bent down and caught him.

LS: Nanna... I found you !

D: Oh no ! Why did I grow so tall I have no place on this earth to hide..sob...sob...

Because Nisha was with him she also got exposed so both had to count. D and Nisha pressed their foreheads on wall and held their palms on either sides of their face to shield the view.

D: 20..25...30...35....

Ni: Uncle, you are missing the count ! We're at 17...

D: Huh..uh...mmm... 17..21... 33....

Ni: 🙄

They finished counting and decided to part and search. Nisha went to get Pranitha while D went to catch his chicken tandoori...erm...Sweety tandoori.
He actually cheated and saw her running to the kitchen so he went there and found her hiding behind the kitchen door with little rebel.

D: Sweetuuu ma.... I found you !

S: Oh no... see baby nanna caught us... ok come let us go and count..

But notorious D didn't allow her to move. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his torso against her front which made her blush. Baby was clueless and stared at the proximity between his parents.

S: Chi Pabsu pa.... what is this ? In front of baby ?

D: He won't remember a thing... how many times we have romanced infront of him...(Looking at his son) Nanna, now your nanna is going to kiss your amma... you can choose to see or look away up to you but no disturbing.

Baby looked on as his nanna inched towards his Amma's lips.

LR mv: What is he trying to do ??

Possessive LR didn't like anyone, even though his nanna, getting close to his amma. When D came closer, LR patted his chest constantly trying to push him away and made an angry face. He had become jr. heysaa rudhrasaa.

LR mv: Aadadani onti meeda cheyesthe narakalsindi vellu kadu... thalaa! (If anyone tries to misbehave with a woman not his fingers, head has to be chopped off !)

D: Reyyy ! What is this ra ? I am your nanna!! If I didn't do this you wouldn't have set foot in this world !

He went closer again. LR protested. He had to guard his Amma. S giggled at their antics. Finally D came up with a plan.

D: I know ! Even I was like you, very possessive didn't want anyone to touch my amma and always stuck to her until I found a doll! You are my son so I know how to tackle you!

He gave Pranitha's pretty girl doll to his son who grabbed it happily and gave it slobbery kisses.

D: See, you got your bommali and I have mine. Now let's have a gentlemen agreement - not to disturb each other!

He shook hands with LR who was too busy with his saree doll that he didn't care what his parents were up to.

S: Oh god, what are you teaching my son ?? Notorious Pabsu and your son is also shameless!

D: Hee...hee...hee... like father, like son! Now don't waste time, come!

His lips brushed hers when Pranitha and Nisha's squeals broke them apart!

Ni: Yayyy ! We found you !!!

D: Gggrrr !!! Why couldn't you come after 5 mins ?? Go and count again..this time up till 100 ! By then I will finish my work.

LS: No no no ! That is cheating ! We found you so you have to count.

S: Since nanna already counted, let him hide. Amma and baby will count this time.

So S began to count seeing her little rebel also mumbled something in his baby language trying to imitate her.

S: Aaawww my baby is helping amma to count..good boy... 23..24...

After completing the count, they went to search for the rest.

S: Pranitha... Nisha...Pabsu pa... here we come...

D pulled her aside and hugged her.

S: Oh dear you started again !

D: Going to finish what I left unfinished hee hee hee...

As he went closer, they heard another roar, a familiar one. D pulled apart.

D: Gggrrrr !!! It is the milk man...haven't you settled his balance ??

S: Uff ! Pabsu pa that is bro ! Move...

R: Nisha !!!!!

Ni: Daddyyyy !!!!!

On hearing her nanna's voice she came running out of her hiding and landed on her his arms. He hugged and lifted her. DS came out to welcome him.

S: Bro !

D mv: Gggrrrrr !!! Always hell bent on ruining my moments onscreen and offscreen!!!

D: Hee hee heee... hello bava...

R: Hello bro, bava.... how are you feeling now baby ?

Ni: I am good now daddy ! Sweety aunty took care of me. We're playing now...

S: Her fever went high last night bro now she is ok.

R: Thanks bro, bava I don't know what I would have done without you guys... (Looking at Nisha) Where is your mother??

The tone in which he asked wasn't fine. DS knew that R was turning to Bhallaladeva. DS prayed Tr shouldn't return anytime soon but,

Tr: Sweety !! Nisha baby !!

Tr entered smiling from ear to ear. She was glad to see her husband and child. DS had blank look on their faces.

Tr: Hi my love ! When did you return? Oh baby...how are you ??

S: Pabsu pa what is going to happen now ?

D: Bomb is going to blast.


He yelled at the top of his voice. Tr was taken aback. Pranitha ran and hid behind her nanna. Little rebel stared at R for the sudden outburst but it didn't affect him as usual he was clueless and went back to fiddling with the buttons on his amma's top. The poor girl got scared and hid her face on her father's chest. He rubbed her back consoling her.

R: Sorry baby sorry...

Tr: Why did you shout at me now ??

R: You want me to dance with you for what you have done ??

Tr: What did I do ??

R: Why did you leave our child and go ?? Didn't you know she was unwell ??

Tr: Yes I did. I had to attend Shruthi's bachelorette party, I couldn't take her along so...

R: Shruthi's bachelorette party!! Is that very important than your daughter??

Tr: Of course my daughter is important but I had promised Shruthi. I had left baby with Sweety I know she would take care so why are your creating an issue ?

R: Who is her mother, you or bro?

Tr: What a nerve to ask me this ?? Can't I go for a party ??

And the argument continued. At one point Nisha escaped from her dad's arms and ran to Pranitha who hugged her. DS who were worried that the verbal spat might turn physical, rushed to them. D tried to calm Tr while S held back her bro.

S: Bro.. bro... pls bro... calm down...

R: Look at her audacity bro !!

D: Chitti, chitti... listen to me chitti...

Tr: I won't bujji! How dare he talks to me like that ? If you're so concerned why don't you stay and look after her ?

R: Hello, I went for work unlike you who went for entertainment !!

The kids were witnessing the tussle.

Ni: Does your parents fight like that ?

LS: Not like this...

Ni: Then ?

LS: I don't know I don't see but I can hear noises from their room at night sometimes.

Ni: A different fight maybe.

LS: Maybe.

Tr: There is no point talking to you ! I am leaving to Chennai with my child!

R: I don't care where you go ! You aren't taking my daughter anywhere she will be with me!

D: Hey what is this ? For this you want to leave???

S: We can sort this out !

DS notice the girls staring blankly at the ongoings.

S: (In hush tones) Guys, calm down..kids are watching us we forgot about them.

Both stopped fighting and looked at their direction and smiled.

D: Hee hee hee nothing children... just for fun....

Ni: Why are you both fighting ? Is it because of me ?

R: No dear not because of you... eerrr...

Tr: Of course not baby, we love you a lot !

D took Tr and R's hands and joined them in a handshake.

D: See they are shaking hands, they are beshttt fraandsss.Hee...hee..hee...

The kids looked at them in disbelief.

D: Huh... uh... they're not believing...mmm... idea!

D held their hands and the four formed a circle.

R: What are you doing bava??

D: Sshh... all of you just follow me.. Ringa ringa roses, pocket full of posies... hush-ah...bush-ah... we all fall down ! See children, no fights...we're playing...all are happy...

R, Tr and S smiled accordingly. The girls were happy. Later when they were away,

D: Kids were watching us ra so I did like that. Poor thing they got scared.

R: My fault bava I should have calmed down.

Tr: No bujji, it is my fault... when he was yelling I shouldn't have reacted.

S: Both of you are at fault. We should not fight infront of kids. Whatever the issue, we can sort it out in their absence.

They agreed. Tr and R apologized to each other and reconciled.

LS: Amma, amma....Pranitha and I want to play hide and seek!!

R: Yaayyy !!! We'll all play hide and seek !!

So they split themselves into teams. Pranitha and Nisha would count while the rest hide. LR was rubbing his eyes and hitting his head on her chest so S fed and put him to sleep.

D: Children, this time you have to count till 50 because there are more of us and we need time to hide...mmm...count slowly ok...

LS: Ok nanna!

Ni: Ok uncle!

The innocent kids unaware of their notorious nannas plans began to count while their parents hid.

Tr: Why don't you go and hide somewhere else ?? They'll catch us easily if we are together ! 

R: Mmm...what's the fun in hiding alone when you're there ?

He hugged her. Hamsa Nava 2 started. 🙄 What about 1? Let's take a look !

D: Jujujujujujuju Sweetuuuuu ma....

He kissed her cheek.

S: Started! You cheap fella ! You sent bro with Tr and now attacking me ! It was your plans to play hide n seek like this na ?

D: Who said this is hide n seek ? This is hide n kiss ! And here I come !!

Hamsa Nava 1 also started. 🙄



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