Macbali vs Bahubali

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Darling returns home after a shoot. Just as he was about to ring the bell, Sweety opens the door.

S: Pabsuuu pa !!!! 😃

Lr: suuu paa !!!! 😃

She was carrying little rebel(lr) on her hips. He was wearing a white onesie that had a pattern of a little rabbit nibbling a carrot in the center(like how his nanna nibbled his amma's lips in the magnum opus🙄) and imitates his amma squealing to surprise his nanna.

D: Whoa! What a welcome !!

He walks in, takes baby from her hands and coos to him. Baby gives him slobbery kisses. They settle on the couch. Sweety sticks to him leaning her head on his shoulder while baby is on his nanna's lap playing with his long fingers.

D: Sweetu ma! You seem to be in a happy mood !

S: Yes I am ! Guess what it is ??

D: You bought a new saree ??

She shakes her head in denial.

D: Mmm... oh no you put up all my dubai market flea haul shades for sale ?? Ahh !!

S: How I wish... but no one would buy them just a waste of time and energy.

D: Haa! Our neighbours survived after eating the fish curry you made last night ??

She shoots him a fierce look.

D: Huh..uh.. mmm... I think I spoke too much.. I mean... what could it be that she is so excited about?? Sweetu ma congratulations!! We are pregnant for the second time !!

S: Your head! Be serious Pabsu ! Ok I'll give you a clue - someone I cherish the most !

D: (keeping a sad face) Your singapore crush ? Why bangaram ?? 😕 My son and I will be orphaned...he doesn't even drink bottle or cow milk where will I go for his next meal??

In his mind he pictures S leaving them and he carrying little rebel to his female co-actors houses.

D: Shraddoo, shraddooo my little rebel is hungry can you pls give him milk ??

*POW* 👊🏼

With a blue-black eye, he goes to Pooja's house.

D: Poo, poo... can you spare milk for my hungry Mahendra??


D: Waahhhh no one wants to give my son milk... waahhhh!!!

S: Pabsu pa what happened ???

She shakes him by his shoulder. He realises he was day dreaming and looks at his son who is playing happily on his lap.

D: Huh..uh..I imagined you leaving us with singapore guy and me taking our rebel to Shraddoo's and Poo's house requesting them to feed him but they punched and slapped me Sweetuuu !!! No one takes pity on me and my son. 😭

S: Karma...karmaa(slaps her forehead) is it chocolate or ice cream to take from the fridge and give the moment you ask ? Thankfully they didn't kill you ! And you think I would go away with someone leaving my child with you ? No way !

D: (Grinning) Then what it is it Sweetuu... you bought lotuses in bulk for tonight ?? 😉

S: Uff ! I give up ! Pabsu pa we have a guest! And it is non other than....*drumrolls*

D mv: Oh ho... it must be her father... gggrrrr !!! Always comes to check on me as if I am some beast torturing his little princess!!

S: Mac Shetty !!

Bhali bhali bhali raa bhali sahore bahubali jai harathi neeke pattali pattali

With that bgm hero Macbali, marks his entry as he comes running from inside and leaps onto Sweetamma's lap. Making a full turn, he lunges on her chest sticking his tongue out. S hugs him and kisses his head.

S: Ooohhhh my Mac !! I missed you so much !!

D opens his mouth wide giving a shock reaction.

D: (Disgusted look)What this fella ?? What is he doing here ??

S: Amma and papa are going to our native for a month amma asked if I could look after him and I said ok. This morning 'banni' mama came and dropped him here.

'Banni' means 'come' in kannada. Once when Darling visited her place her uncle welcomed him saying 'banni banni' and so that stuck on D's mind hence started addressing her uncle as 'banni' mama. (Made up this one 😛)

D: Uh-hu...mmm... why do you do all this without asking me ?? As is this place is cramped, there is no space for us let alone this guy.

S: (raising an eyebrow at him) Are you for real Pabsu?? This house can accommodate a small town, it is just you me and baby living here an addition won't do any harm.

Mac jumps from S's to D's lap extending his paw to give his idol and mistress's grumpy husband a pawshake.

S: Aaaww you know Pabsu pa he is your fan... he wants a handshake. Give him na !

D hugs his son to his chest shielding him from Mac.

D: Go away you petty fella ! Are you trying to scare my son and me off ?? That won't happen!

He shoos him. Mac feels disappointed and retreats to his mistress settling himself on her lap showing his bums to D.

S: Aawww Mac.. Pabsu pa ! Why are you rude to him ?? He was being nice to you both.

D: We don't need him to be nice ! We just need him to leave !

D gets up with little rebel and goes to his room. Seeing father-son leave, Mac lifts his head and barks at them as if saying 'pls come back.' S strokes him.

S: It is ok Mac. My Pabsu is good a guy and he loves animals especially dogs but for some reason he is being cold towards you. Don't worry you are a nice chap he will be alright with you soon.

Darling n Sweetu's bedroom:

D, upset with Mac's arrival is lamenting to his son who is listening patiently and consoling his nanna with his "ooo-ooo".

D: You know baby... I love animals and pets dogs are my fav but I can't stand this guy because he takes my place whenever he is around your amma drools over him as if I don't exist I feel so miserable what does he have that I don't ?? Oh no!

He keeps a face as if he is going to cry. Seeing that baby begins to wail.

D: See, you feel for me you can't see your nanna upset. You are my son ra, my Mahendra I know uppalapati blood runs in you...

He hugs his son and his wails get stronger.

D: Oops.. he wasn't crying for me.. he is hungry. Gggrrr !!! (Looking at baby)Aren't you sad for your nanna??? Shouldn't your blood boil seeing me hurt ?? Are you taking after Shettys ? No wait actually you are a true blue uppalapatian - food first, damn the rest.

S hearing her baby's wails comes in running and takes baby from darling.

S: Oohhh my baby is hungry don't cry da..amma is here only.

She coos to him and settles on the bed with baby on her lap. Once baby had latched on,

S: Pabsu, Mac is feeling bored. Can you take him out for a stroll ?

D: What ? Me ? No way ! Ask security anna to take him.

S: Why should we trouble anna for this ? Just a stroll. Pls Pabsu pls.

An idea strikes him.

D: Huh..mmm...ok since you are requesting so much I will do it.

He puts the leash on Mac and takes him to the park near their house. Once there, D sits on a bench. Mac sees other pet owners and their dogs. Seeing his fellow mates, Mac gets excited and barks at them. D could feel Mac pulling him.

D: (With a sardonic smile) Mac, do you want to play with them ??

He barks in response to D. This was exactly what he expected and unleashes the pet who joins his friends. Hoping some kind pet owner would take him to their house, D looks around if anyone spotted him and seeing none he quickly runs out of the park.

D: Phew ! Got rid of my sautan! Of course puppy ma will be devastated but I am there for her. She will lean on my chest crying and I will console her after that carry her to the room and impress her with Pabsu talents she will forget Macbali and kiss this Bahubali oh no I feel shy....

D goes to the flower shop and buys a bunch of lotuses from there to the sweets shop and gets a box of sweets. When he returns home,

S: See baby, throw the ball like this...Mac, go catch !

S with baby on her lap is throwing a soft ball and Mac runs to catch it.

S: Good boy Mac ! (She pats his head)

On seeing Mac again in their home, D is horror stricken and drops the box of jalebis on the floor. Seeing that Mac runs and devours the contents that fell out of the box.

S: Pabsu pa, where you went ?? Why so long??

D: Uhm..mmm... I went to buy laddoos for Mac. Erm.. how did he come ??

S: He knows our house Pabsu. He is a very smart dog he has to see the place only once and he will find his way. Come baby let us fill water in Mac's dish.

She takes baby and goes in. D is still not out of shock he looks down and sees mac licking on the crumbs. D crouches on his knees and looks at Mac.

D: I underestimated your talent. You are smart. No wonder puppy ma is head over heels for you. Hmm..

He extends his hand and Mac pats his paw on D's palm.

D mv: But the girl is mine ! I will think of a better way to oust you..hee hee hee.

Next morning, D wakes up to a wonderful sight - his beautiful bommali in figure hugging yoga attire doing suryanamaskar before him.

D: Wow ! What a view !!

He continues to drool at her but from his peripheral vision he feels someone else ogling at her he shifts his gaze to spot Macbali also admiring bommali's beauty with his tongue lolled out. He presses on the remote of the music system with his paw.

Kaatuka kallunu choosthe pothunde mathi pothunde...Chaatuga nadumunu choosthe pothunde mathi pothunde...

D mv: Look at his guts! In my room using my music system he is wooing my wife that too with my song !! Gggrr!!! Macbali !!!

Mac notices D glaring at him.

Mb mv: Ha ! If looks could kill, I would be a heap of ash by now ! Jealously fellow... see his nose rhino nose flaring..

S: Aaawww Mac !! You are awake ! Come here !

And within seconds he is on her lap and she strokes him.

D: This one another one ! I am awake instead of romancing me she is cuddling that fella. No respect for for husband. Uff !

Days pass but not Dunna's jealously over Macbali. He used to dream of himself and his Sweetu sailing on Hamsa Nava but now he sees Macbali in his place, in his blue costume and his bangaram holding him in her arms and prancing around the ship.

D: Aaaahhhhh !!!! No !!!!

S: What happened Pabsu pa ?? Are you ok ??

D: Sweetu... I..I had a bad dream... I...mmm....

S: Oh dear. It's ok Pabsu pa calm down. I am there beside you.

They go back to sleep. She places her hand on his chest gently patting him to sleep. D stares at Macbali who is asleep on his comfy cushion stuffed basket.

D mv: Tomorrow is the last day you will be in this house and in my Sweety's arms.

Next morning when S is out with baby D messes up the entire hall. When S returns and sees her living room like a garbage dump she loses her cool.

S: Who did this ??? 😡

D: Huh.. uh... Sweetu ma what happened ?? Oh no our hall you had kept it so neatly how is it like this ??

He feigns a shock expression.

D: Must be Mac who else would do this...

S: Mac ! Macbali !

Mac who is watching Baahubali 2 for the umpteenth time on tv runs down hearing his mistresses voice.

S: Mac, did you do this ?

Mac barks at D who keeps an innocent face.

Mb mv: You ! You are the culprit ! With this face you trapped her !!

S: Why are you barking at my Pabsu pa ?? Tell me you messed the place ?

He keeps a sad face.

Mb mv: No sweetu I didn't !

D: How will he tell bangaram ? We only should understand. He doesn't like me he doesn't like the house so he did like this.

Mb mv: This fella is worst that Bhalla n Bijjala put together how he is turning her against me. Gggrrr !!

S kneels before him.

S: Macbali, since you were a naughty boy I am calling mama to take you back to Bangalore.

Mb mv: Oh no no Sweetu !! That is what your Pabsu pa wants to separate us. Don't do this pls !

He barks at her as if saying he doesn't want to leave her but when she insists he relents.

Following the footsteps of his idol Baahubali, he bows before his S once and then turns and strides off proudly.

D: Gggrr!! She is Rajamatha and he is Baahubali, that's the way he behaving! Look at his attitude !! He acts well though. Must give him a chance in my next movie.

D flashes an evil grin at Macbali feeling victorious that he ousted him and revels in the feel that Sweetu belongs to him and his son completely but smart Mac switches on the tv which displays the footage of what was recorded in their cctv. S sees D messing up the place.

D: Oh no !! In my urgency I forgot to switch off the cctv camera !! Gggrrrr !!!! Pabsu you can't even plot properly... waste!

S: Pabsu pa !!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡

Lr: suuuu pa !!!!!! 😡

She gets furious and D begins to tremble.

D: Sweetu....sweetu ma....I can explain..😰

S: So bad you are Pabsu !! Doing such a cheap thing and accusing Macbali!! In what way has he wronged you ?? Such a innocent fella you don't like him from the time he stepped foot into our house.

D: Yes I don't like him ! He is close with you ! You hug him, cuddle him and I feel left out. You belong to me and my son only !! So I did like this.

S: Huh ? Pabsu ! He is a little puppy you competing with him ??

D: Puppy or parrot I don't care I am not sharing you with anyone. You are my bangaram! MINE !!

He plops down on the sofa and S joins him with baby in her arms.

S: Pabsu pa you and baby are my two eyes but my world can't only consist of the two of you right ?? There is amma, pappa, my family, your family. Likewise Mac.

D: Mmm true but....

S: You don't have to feel insecure. Sweetu ma is your bangaram always!

She embraces D in one arm with baby in their middle. D feels guilty of his actions.

D: Mac...Macbali....

Mac comes running and jumps into her lap.

D: I am sorry Mac. Let us be friends.

Mb mv: Aawww that's ok my idol ! I am sweet like our sweetamma so I forgive you and friendship accepted !

He extends his palm and Mac places his paw on it. Sweetamma, the sweetest amma, embraces her Bahubali, Babybali and Macbali. 😍



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