Part 1: Bb2 party

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RT - Raveena Tandon
K - Kannika
SK - Shraddha Kapoor

RT and her hubby are the first few to arrive at D's guest house. D is a busy host making sure everyone feel at home and are taken good care of however he is restless and keeps looking at the entrance as his special someone who promised to come early hadn't arrived.

D mv: If I am the host then she too is but I am entertaining the guests and she is not here. Will she come ?? What if she doesn't turn up ? Should I call her ? Come soon sweetu ma...

R: Bava, I love you bava! I missed you so much... you have lost so much weight you know...

D: The whiskey bottle is in that cabinet, 3rd shelf.

R: Hee hee hee thanks bava... you're not joining us ?

D: You start first I'll join you guys in a while.

R: Bava... mmm...mmm I know I are awaiting bro right ??

R tickles D at his hips.

D: Ai chee shameless fellow shut up and go entertain them.

R: Bava, you also come it will be boring without you.. when bro arrives you can come down...what will they think if you are here alone ?

D: Why do you think I invited you ? I am still learning Hindi whereas you are a pro ! Your job is to keep them engaged.

R: Oh bava if SK came I would have done that what is there to talk to RT ra ?? You come no...

D: Oh you are my biggest headache ra...come..

Due to R's compulsion they go up to the terrace where drink party is going on. After 10 mins a car arrives. From above D sees Kannika getting out and runs downstairs.

D: Hi Kannika..

K: Hi darling..

They hug. D looks around.

D: Err.. where ?

K: What where ?

D: came alone ? Where is Sweety ?

K: She didn't come with me. I thought she came earlier.

The excitement on his face disappears.

D mv: What's this ? She said she would come all have arrived except her.. what happened?

S: BOOM !!

D jerks and turns back to see his puppy ma in blue jeans and a black loose top sans any make-up the nose ring is her only accessory. K laughs. D gets back his energy. They hug.

D: Sweety !!! When did you come ???

K: We both came together but she wanted to surprise you so she got out and sneaked in before you came down.

S: You thought I won't come ?

D: Hmm..kind of...ok come on ladies let's go up.

The party continues and all have fun. S goes down to get some more starters for the guests when she get pulled aside. It is none other than her Romeo. He scans her from head to toe.

D: What kind of dress is this ? Couldn't you come in a saree ??

S: (Giggles) You and your craze for sarees...I wanted to be casual da besides it is our house so I don't have to be decked up.

D: Fine but you could have worn a bindi atleast... look at your forehead empty as if I am dead!

S: Shh pabsu !! How many times should I tell you not to talk like that ?? Here look, I am wearing a nose ring instead of bindi. My husband is alive. Ok ?

He smirks and pins her to a wall and buries his face on the curve of her neck starts nuzzling,

S: Chee what are you doing ?? ...leave me da...

D: I am doing what a husband does...Mmm... you've exposed so much skin around your neck.. mmm.. Pabsu no control...

S: Uff...later da... not now...

He stops and looks up to her.

D: Later ?? Really ?? Devasena promise ??

S: Huh..uh...Raveena mam !

D turns and S seizing the chance pushes him escaping from his hold and makes funny faces,

S: Hahaha tricked you !

D: Gggrrr!!! Go,go I will catch you ninnu vadala bommali ninnu vadala...

S: Po ra Pabsupathy!

She giggles and runs upstairs.

Back at the terrace,

D goes to refill his glass and S discreetly follows him.

S: Pabsu, enough ! This is your 3rd round.

D: No Sweetu I only had 2 glass just one more... pls ma...

S: Liar ! I was keeping count this is your 3rd round I know. Before I came how much you gulped down who knows.

D: Ok ok cool...last one...pls...

S: This better be the last one else I will make sure you have cold bath.

D: Ok ok... Amarendra promise last one...

S: Mmm...

D: Want some ?

He winks his eyes.

S: Chee I have my fruit punch. Cheers !

D: Lol... cheers!

After booze all get back to the dining hall for a buffet style dinner. D has a lavish and delicious feast arranged for his guests.

RT: Wow this is amazing...finger-licking good !! I am going to visit Hyd just to have this food again...

D: You're always welcome mam !

R: This fella kills everyone with food and mam you are the latest victim.

RT: I don't mind getting killed this way ! Lol..

DS steal glances at each other. He sees S going to get food he follows her.

D: Puppy ma!

S: Ssshh... talk softly...

D: Puppy ma.. peek-a-boo I see you...

He hides his face with his hands and then flapping it open looks back at her, his eyes travelling to her chest. S doesn't understand at first thinks he is up to some mischief but following his cue she notices her top had gone down exposing her cleavage she pulls it up immediately.

S: Oh dear I would have walked around like this if you hadn't told me... thanks da...

D: Mmm... see that's why you need me with you always.

S: Yeah right only you notice such things in me.

D: (Giggles) I am the owner so only I get to see it, no one else!

S: ☺️☺️

D: That's all.. you are eating so less.. why don't you take biriyani and chicken??

S: Hmm here I am trying to lose weight and you are hell bent on making me a plump goat again. Chapathi and dhal is enough for me.

D: Oh no Sweetu don't restrict yourself eat what you want how much you want then workout you will be fine. Look at me how I am devouring the food.

S: Haan you will what for you, you put on weight or lose it no one cares unlike my state... you like stick figures no.

D: No I prefer plump goats !

He slides his hand around her waist pulling her to him.

S: Chi take your hands off people are around..

D: Ok ok fine. Puppy ma...mmm... mmm...

S: What mmm...mmm... ???

D: Stay with me ton...

R: Bro !!!!!

D: Came... kabab main haddi... 🙄

S: What bro ??

R: Mam was asking for you...

S: Oh ok...

S takes her plate and goes leaving the two men behind.

R: Bava... tonight I'll stay here.. we both can watch movies I got some good DVDs in my car.

D mv: I am planning to increase Hyd population and this lurch (Adams family) is trying to pour water on my attempts.

D: Huh... err.. bava you haven't brought your nightwear and other stuff I don't have extras too then how bava ? You come someother time.

R: Don't worry bava for brushing I know you use tooth powder I'll substitute the brush with my finger. As for clothes just give me one of your over sized t-shirts and pajamas will do.

D: Err...all has been put to laundry.

R: No problem I'll ransack your wardrobe am sure I will find something to wear else I'll sleep in my boxers...chill bava!

D mv: Thoo karma karma shameless guy oh god pls save me from this haddi!!

Dinner is over and all are having desserts. Wherever S goes D follows her like a hutch puppy. She sits on the couch meddling with her phone D fills his bowl with gulab jamuns and goes to her,

D: Bangaram give me some space I want to sit there.

S: You sit that side da it will be cramped here.

He doesn't listen and squeezes himself in the little gap beside her.

S: Ufff..why are you always coming and falling on me ? Give me a break ! There is a sofa that side still you want to stick to me.

D: Don't get angry sweetu ma that is for the rest for me it is always with you see this jamun its so yummy open your mouth aaa...

S: No I don't want !

D: No you shouldn't say that when I am giving you with love either you eat or I'll call Raveena mam and feed you infront of her.

S: Oh no.. fine.. aaa...

D: Good girl !! Wow look at your jeans... Sweety chutki...your ripped jean is ripping my heart pls stay back no...

S: Yeah right so that you can rip it off completely huh... no way! Stay away from me !

RT: Hey come on guys let's take a selfie !

DS stand beside each other his arm around her waist and her arm bent at his shoulder K stands next to S.

K: Where is our selfie stick ??

R: Yo! Right here !

RT: He is the selfie stick ??

S: Yes whenever we take a group pic and bro is there he becomes the selfie stick.. lol

RT: Oh ok.. cheese ! I'll upload this in my Twitter!!

DS get alerted and look at each other alarmingly. S catches Kannika and pulls her back to stand in between herself and D.

Smile ! Click !

Momento presentation

RT presents the sword to all the cast / crew of Bb who attended the party now its D's turn.

RT: Here Prabhas this is for you..

But D is a little reluctant to receive it as he notices S hasn't got hers yet. He feels embarrassed to ask but his conscience doesnt allow him to accept it without S getting hers so,

D: Erm.. for Sweety ??

RT: You take this first Prabhas !

D: Usually it's ladies first right.. you can give Sweety first mam I'll take mine after that.

S: It's ok Pabsu you take first.

D: But Sweety...

RT: Mmm actually we didn't make one for Sweety...

D: It's ok mam pls give this to Sweety. I will be happy.

S: No mam you pass it to him he deserves it !

D: Sweety ! You don't know !! Mam, she took up this project st the peak of her career and agreed to act as my mother which actress will do this ?? Pls give it to her !

S: Mam, don't mind him. What I did was nothing compared to his hard work and dedication pls hand it over to him.

And the you-no-you game continues for a while until RT's husband Anil cuts in,

A: Tell you what, you both receive this together and later we'll get one done for S. How about that ??

R: Perfect !

RT: Yeah I agree !

So both DS receive the momento from RT and her hubby together.

R: And now pls pose for a photo !

They get to their positions with DS in the middle holding their memento. R takes their pics.

RT: Erm.. Prabhas.. just check if your spelling is right..

Both DS peek over to see the name,


is inscribed on the plate. That is when DS realize it was all their plan and they were playing along the whole time. Both exchange looks and feel shy while the rest cheer them and clap their hands.

RT: I wanted to get it done for Sweety but it was Rana's idea to hand you a single one since you both are one ! I too noticed it throughout this party. Congrats !! Happy for you both!

She hugs both of them.

D: Thank you so much mam!

S: Thanks mam I wouldn't have felt this happy if I got a separate one. Thanks bro !

R: Anything for bro !

D: Rey bava !!

R: Whack me later ra bava. Now I have some important work I am going to upload this pic on my twitter so...

D&S: Nooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S: Take another pic bro pls bro pls bro !

So S tactfully covers the name plate with her fingers and R takes a pic. This is the version we got to see.🙄😖

After the party all leave except Kannika, R and S.

K: Come Sweety I'll drop you.

S sees D entwining his fingers begging her with a puppy face to stay back.

S: Erm.. that.. errr I'll help Pabsu clean up and then leave. You carry on.

Kannika looks suspiciously at D who looks elsewhere.

K: Hmm ok Sweety but be careful. Take care.

S: Yeah thanks da. Take care.

They hug and K leaves. S helps D to clean up and R walks in with his DVD collection.

R: Bro ! You still haven't gone ?? Come I'll drop you.

S: Huh... that.. mmm..

D: She'll stay a while longer.

R: Oh ok. I am staying here for the night. Tell me when you want to go bro I can drop you. Don't go alone late at night.

She looks at D helplessly. D feels like throwing something hard on R's head to make him unconscious. R is busy checking all the dvds. S slowly pulls D aside.

S: What is this da ?? Bro is here. How to... I think I better go home.

D: Nooo sweetu pls pls pls I want you with me tonight we'll find a way out to chase him away. Ggrrr !! This pest !! He knows how to open his blabber mouth to RT mam about us but can't use his brains to give us privacy.

S: I feel bad for him he wanted to stay over with you. Chey.. all because of me.

D: Not because of you bangaram past few days has been hectic for me with this Sahoo shoot and.. hey wait a minute.. who is the heroine in Sahoo.. her name I forgot !

S: Huh.. Shraddha Kapoor.

D: Right ! (Snaps his finger) I got an idea !

D takes out his phone and pretending to talk to SK loudly for R to hear,

D: Haan tell me shraddhoo... oh no you are lost ?? Can't find your way back to your hotel ?? Oh dear ! Wait wait hang on there I am coming..

R: What happened bava ??

D: Erm that... Shraddhoo she went out somewhere alone and now can't figure her way back to the hotel. She is scared. I have to reach her now. Poor girl she is new to the city and unfamiliar of the place we only have to help her no. You take your bro home, I'll go drop SK safely at her hotel and come then we can watch movie together ok ??

Heart signs flying all around R. He is lovestruck and wants to be knight in shining armour to save the damsel in distress.

R: Huh..uh.. Bava.. in normal daylight itself you can't see properly let alone night.. thinking of SK you might pick someone else I think it's better I go. You send bro home.

D: You will drop her and come back right ?? I will be waiting for you to watch movies.

R: Huh.. um.. no Bava I don't know how long it might take and if the poor girl is frightened she might want me to stay by her side for the entire night also. I can't leave her like that and come no bava doesn't look good. Movie we can watch someother time but SK is more important.

D: You are right ra bava how smart you are ? There is no one as intelligent and thoughtful as you are. On screen I might be Amarendra but in real you are the one ! Saviour of women! I am so proud of you !!

R: Oh don't praise me Bava this is just my duty. Ok tell me the details where she is.

D cooks up some story and tells a place quite far from his vicinity.

R: Ok Bava no worries. Goodnight guys and Bava take bro home safely ok ?

D: Goodnight ra ! You don't worry about your bro she is my responsibility.

He winks his eyes at S who smiles shyly.

R takes his car and goes off in jet speed humming 'Teri galliyan' and dreaming of SK. D locks his door and smirks at S unbuttoning his shirt while making his way to her. She steps backwards until her back hits the wall D places his hands on either side of the wall blocking her so she cannot run away. He looks into her eyes and she lowers her gaze unable to meet his.

D: All gone...only you and I ...

S: Mmm...

He moves forward closing the gap between them he takes her face in his hands and smacks his lips on hers. After a long passionate kiss he draws back slightly both gasping for air.

S: Can I leave now??

D: Ammaa bommaliii...

He mimics 'Pasupathy' from Arundathi movie.

S: Aaahhh !! Pabsupathy go away !!

She pushes D and runs around the hall with him chasing her finally he gets hold of her and scooping her in his arms he takes his lady love upstairs to their room.

D: Ninnu vadala bommaliii...vadalaa...

Instead of mouthing her 'nuvvu nannu em cheyyalevu raa' (you can't do anything to me) Arundathi surrenders to Pabsupathy and playfully punches his chest mumbling on the way,

S: Naughty pabsu, dirty pabsu, fraud pabsu, flirty pabsu...

He just laughs at her childish sweet talk and once in the room shuts the door behind them.

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