Part 2: Bb2 party

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Next morning, in DS room:

His head snuggled on her bosom, her arms wrapped around him both sleeping peacefully under the covers. The sun rays falls on her face stirring her from sleep. She caresses his hair.

S: Pabsu baby...wake up da... it's morning..

D: Mmm...let me be no.. don't disturb.

His eyes still closed he hugs her tightly.

S: But you have a shoot today..

D: I'll call and tell I can't make it. Very tired...

S: I'll go get you something to drink or eat....

D: No I don't want you also don't go let's just remain like this.

S: For how long?

D: Mmm... the entire day...

S: Chi.. without brushing, bathing eating whole day to stay on bed like this ? Not good da.

D: I don't know all that we are going to be like this that's it !

S: Ok atleast let me go to the bathroom.

D: No need.

S: What ?? You crazy ?? Move Pabsu !

She tries to push him but he doesn't budge.

S: Uff...Which idiot said you lost weight you still weigh like a bull !

He chuckles but still doesn't move.

S: Pls da Pabsu.. its very urgent!

He rolls on to the side.

D: Ok go but come back right here!

She smacks him and rushes to the bathroom and once out she sees him fast asleep like a baby sucking his thumb. She pecks his forehead and pulls the quilt over him. She ties her hair into a bun and goes to the kitchen. Picking the newspaper from outside and fixing herself a cup of coffee she returns to their room. Leaning against the headboard sipping her coffee, she flips the pages of the newspaper. The aroma of fresh coffee awakens D.

D: Mmm... for me ??

S: Oh I thought you were sleeping so I only made for myself wait a sec I'll get for you.

D: No need. This will do.

He wiggles to her and leaning his head on her arm he takes the mug and sips the coffee.

D: What's news ?

S: Hmm usual stuff... Will Prabhas marry Anushka ??

D chuckles almost spurting the coffee.

S: What so funny ??

D: How many times to marry the same girl? So boring.

S: But this neither the world outside nor our folks know! Till we announce they will keep scribbling like this.

D: Bah I don't care, I'm not marrying you again...we'll have babies straightaway. What say ?

S: Keep blabbering like this my appa will get me married off to some Shetty guy then you can have our kids also onscreen.

D: No way ! I want our kids for real so I will come to your house and we can continue our 'I spy' games to produce the football team.

S:(Giggles)Oh no my poor 2nd husband.

D: Why poor ?? Even a kid can tell we are together. Inspite that if he marries you fault is his. I will put for him hamsa nava last bit in loop, give him a box of laddoos and keep a tissue box next to him. Let him munch those,wipe his tears and watch the video while I pull you into the bed like this...

He leaves the empty coffee cup on the bedside table and tossing the newspaper away, drags her under the covers and gets on top of her pulling the quilt over them. He kisses her lips and she caresses his stubble,

S: Then why show him the video when he can watch it live.

He looks intently into her eyes and they both break into laughter.

D: You naughty girl... whole world thinks you are so sweet, so innocent only I know what my bangaram is.

He plants kisses on her cheeks, jawline and neck.

S: Oww Pabsu no.. leave me... you said you were tired... sleep no...

D: Not anymore I feel rejuvenated after gulping coffee made by you! Get ready to sail on hamsa nava again my feisty queen.

S: Aaahhh no...pls da give me a break.

D: Mmm... you went to washroom, sipped coffee, read paper not even in school they give this much break but I have given you now what ?

S: Notorious Pabsu can anyone win you ??

D: Mmm..yes.. you..

They fondle each other when the door bell rings.

S: Who Pabsu ?? This early ??

D: Must be the helper. You don't come out like this stay here I'll be back.

D runs to open the door but to his dismay its not the helper but his bava leaning against the doorframe looking disheveled and shagged.

D: What happened ra bava ? Why do you look as if hit by a tornado??

R: Reyyyy bava!!!!

Seething with rage he pushes D inside onto the sofa and whacks him.

D: Ow ow ow! stop it ra its hurting me !! Why are you beating me now tell me !!

R: Haan... don't you know ??? You lied to me that SK was lost ! I went around the entire city searching for her reached Tamilnadu border when I came back it was morning !!

D: You reached Tamilnadu ? Lol.. you could have gone to Trisha's house stayed with her for a few days and come back slowly what was the rush ??

R: Reyyyyy bavaaaa !!!!!

R strangles his neck.

D: Aaahhhh bava pls don't ra your bro will become a widow... have mercy on my life growing in her !!

R:(Pauses) What ?? Bro is pregnant ? 😃

D: Erm... not yet.... we're 2030 he will definitely be there to susu on your face... I promise you !

R: You !!! 🤬 I called Pramod and he told me SK went back to Mumbai last night!!!!You liar !!! Here take this !!

D: Sorry Bava sorry !! A small mistake happened... don't blame me ra pls... sorry..

R: How many times to call you raa... you didn't pick the call... sob...sob...

D mv: If I tell I him I switched off my phone on purpose knowing he would call bava will kill me ! Better not!

D: Huh... uh... that my phone slipped and broke ra... ouch ouch stop pls...

R already exhausted has no more strength and falls on the couch beside D.

R: Huff puff.. I don't even have energy to beat you.

D: Sorry bava...sorry...

He places his hand on R's shoulder and he shrugs it off.

R: Go away !! I hate you !! I am going to tell bro about you !!

D: Sorry bava pls ra don't be like this I will take you out, buy you shawarma and beer ok ?? Ummah...

R: Hmmm ok then but still I will tell bro !! Sob...sob...

D: Ok ra ok ra calm down...calm down... shall I get you something to drink?

R: Yes I want water ice water.. lots of it!

D gets him water and R gulps it down like he has never seen a drop for ages.

D: Slowly ra... slowly you will choke..

R: Thanks bava! Btw, why are you like this walking around shirtless in your shorts ??

D: That.. err... I was going to bathe then I heard the bell ring.

R: Oh yes bath ! I need to bathe first I stink like a skunk. I'll go first then you go.

He walks upstairs. D runs ahead of him.

D: Hey where are you going ??

R: To your room Bava...

D: No no no don't !

He blocks R's path.

R: But I need to bathe !

D: You.. use the bathroom downstairs.

R: Why suddenly ?? I usually bathe in your bathroom no.

D: Yeah but not today pls...

R: Bava you don't sound right  from last night I sense something fishy in your behaviour hmm brought a girl to your room without bro's knowledge eh ??

D: Chi no way !! You know I am lord Ram in such matters I will never look at another apart from your bro.

R: Then what is your problem ??

D: No nothing !! bathe in the bathroom downstairs for today!

R: No way ! Move..

Unable to control R any further D decides to alert S. In a loud voice,

D: Mahishmati yashwadalam maharaja vandanam....

R: Rey mental, it's over no.. why you saying it now ??

D: Hee hee hee still you are the king so.. wherever you go I will say it hee hee ... Maharaja Bhallaladeva vijayeebava!

S: Why is he reciting that dialogue now ??

She gets up and opens the room door slightly to see R and D climbing the stairs.

S: Oh shucks !! Bro is here !! I have to hide!!

She panics and starts going hither and tither.

S: Idiot fella has thrown our clothes all over the place..uff...!

Picking their clothes, she hides in his wardrobe.

R opens the door and D looks around not seeing S he heaves a sigh of relief.

R: Haayeee bed !!

He jumps on the bed and pulls the quilt over him.

D: Rey you came to bathe no?? Go bathe and get out fast !

R: Hmm your bed is so comfy ra bava I change my mind I want to nap for a while. Will bathe later you go if you want.

He pulls a pillow under his head and snuggles. His hand feels something,

R: Bava, what is this ra ? Hairband...

D: Errr... that... mmm.. that is mine ra... I bought it to tie my long hair during bahubali days..

R: Oh ok.. ouch.. what's this a nose ring..

S can see the ongoing from the gap in the wardrobe door and she slaps her head.

S: That's my nose pin ! I begged that moddhu not to remove it he didn't listen to me ggggrrr!

D: Hee hee hee this is... this is also mine ra!

He picks the nose ring from R's hand and pins it on his nose.

D: When I am at home I wear this. How do I look ?? Like Devasena ??

He puts his little finger in his mouth and sways like a shy girl. R gives a weird look.

R: Erm.. I thought you were a man but now.. huh.. poor bro anyway all the best bava but pls stay away from me I am straight.

D: Chi no bava it's not like what you think. These days men also wear. If you want you try..

R: Err no thanks you only wear them and prance around I need to catch some sleep. Goodnight !

After R dozes off D searches around for S he looks in the bathroom, under the bed, behind the desk but he doesn't find her.

D: Where is she ? She couldn't have gone out of the room but I don't see...

S: Ssshhh Pabsu.. here look.. your wardrobe..

D: Puppy ma ! What are you doing here ??

S: Hmm playing hide n seek you idiot ! Why did you bring him into the room ??

D: Oh bangaram don't I know you are here how would I let him in ?? How much I tried to dissuade him he didn't listen he only came up what you want me to do atleast I gave you signal no...

S: Yeah whatever now how am I supposed to come out like this ??

D: Mmmm... what's wrong in this you look sexy in this bedsheet too my sweetu...

He winks his eyes and pouts leaning forward to kiss her she slaps him lightly.

D: Ow ! Why bangaram night you bite me morning you beat me I am paapam no ?

S: You are right ! Not you, I need to hit myself for falling in your trap!  Fine! Hereafter I am not meeting you clandestinely. No more I spy until we publicize our marriage.This is your punishment for putting me is this state!

D: Sweetu... pls don't say like that ma...I get reminded of Amma telling me no biriyani until you pass your exams. See my face once...

S: No I won't !

D: Pls pls pls bangaram see my face once... just once...

She looks up at him and he keeps the most innocent baby face ever that would melt even the hardest of hearts but it was not just that, she noticed her nosepin was still stuck on his left nostril.S loses the battle!

D: Hee hee hee my sweetu laughed finally....

S: Not for that...

She pulls it from his nose.

D: Ouch...

S: This!

She puts it on and hits his chest playfully.

S: Pls da tell me how to get out I can't wait until he wakes up, bathe and leaves its very suffocating in here!!

D: Let me think...hmm..haan! He is asleep you slowly run down to the other room, change and be ready. I will drop you home ok ??

S: Aaww my Pabsu you are brilliant!

Just as she is about to step out of the wardrobe,

R: Rey bava ! Who are you talking to ??

She goes back inside and he shuts the door.

D: Huh.. no no nothing bava just seeing what to wear.

R: Get me a towel no bava... and also some tshirt of yours.

D: Ok bava ok !!

R goes to the bathroom and as soon as they hear the shower,

D: Bangaram he's bathing now is the time !

He holds her hand and they rush downstairs to the room in the 1st floor when,

KRG&wife: Nandhu....

D: Aaahhhh Peddananna!! Peddamma!!

He screams in a dramatic manner like yesteryear heroines covering his mouth with the back of his palm almost fainting to the floor when S catches him in time.

D: What do we do now Sweetu??

S: Very simple Pabsu ! Your folks are here I will go greet them and take their blessings.

D: Like this ?? In bedsheet ??

She nods her head. He holds his chest in shock.

D: Dil of Uppalapati clan welcoming her in-laws in bedsheet !! News will spread like wildfire in my family, Amma will hang me upside down and whip my ass !!

S: Let it be! Your family thinks you are this innocent baby who has not stepped out of the cradle let them see their little baby boy is capable of turning his cradle into a bed and dragging bommali in !

D: Mother goddess jejamma don't even think of doing something like that take pity on your hubby and our future football team amma..pls go into the room like a good girl ummah you are my shraddoo..err I mean my bangaram no...

She pecks his cheek but he is on no mood for anything he is tensed.

S: Don't keep your face like that da as if you were asked to liplock with Shraddha..

D: Huh.. that would have been much better than this situation.

S: What did you say ?? Repeat!

D: Ooohhh Sweetu pls I didn't mean it !! It came in a flow.. pls ma don't start again go in now!

S scurries to the room while D runs to the main door.

D: Peddanana!! Peddamma!! Come...

KRG: What is this ra ?? Why so long ??

D: Eerrr... I didn't hear the bell ring so...

SDG: Why are you roaming around like this ?? Wear a shirt ra..

D: Yeah peddamma... I was going to bathe what brings you both here ?

KRG: She made biriyani and Sweety's fav fish curry.... we came to pass it to you.

D's heart sinks to the bottom. He swallows hard.

D: But...but...Sweety is not here.

SDG: Don't we know that... after seeing you we're going to her place.

D: Phew ! Ok then...

R shouting from the room,

R: Bava my towel ra !!

KRG: That is Rana's voice...

SDG: Yes. What's that half-trouser doing here ??

D: He..he was free... so he just came by this morning... having his bath...

SDG: Why ? His house doesn't have a bathroom ??

D: Oohh you know no peddamma he is a bit mental.. don't mind him..

R: Bava !!!

D: Oh coming ra !!! You both take a seat I'll be back.

SDG: Hmm that mental is having shower here instead of his house this mental is running up to give him towel as if his wife nothing is right...

KRG: Kids these days...

D enters his room,

R: Rey bava how long to wait inside pass me the towel quick !

D: Wait ra peddamma and peddananna have come was talking to them..

He goes to his wardrobe and when he opens another shock awaits him !

D: Sweety has left her clothes behind aaahh !!

He quickly picks a towel and tshirt passes it to R and runs down.

KRG: Where are you going now ?

D: Hee hee hee just to that room...

He smiles sheepishly and goes to the room where Sweety is. She is sitting on the bed cross-legged with a pout on her face trying to solve a rubix cube.

S: See Pabsu I managed to get one layer right !

She waves the block excitedly. He plods down on the bed facing her.

D: What are you doing bangaram?? (Imagine FB chat reaction of D when she tried to show tribes) All hell has broken loose out there and you are coolly sitting here and doing this.

S: I forgot my clothes in your wardrobe da ! What do you want me to do ?? I can't come out neither can I call you to get them! I was feeling bored so I took this. Have they gone ??

D: No. They came to pass me biriyani and you fish curry!

S: Peddamma's fish curry, yum !! But how do they know I am here ??

D: They don't ! They will be going to your home next.

S: Oh no !! We are doomed !! Pabsu...Go get my clothes or else I will come out like this !!

D: Sweetu.. how to bring your clothes now it's not like some pin or phone that I can hide and bring they are both sitting in the hall prying like vultures if peddamma sees me with ladies clothes that's it !!

S: Fine ! I'll come out like this then !

D: Oh no sweetu pls my honour lies in your hands I beg you pls don't come out like this. You give me a while I will think of someway and get your clothes to you.

He goes out again and sees R chatting with his parents. Scratching his head he joins them.

KRG: There he came... he doesn't look alright something is wrong..

SDG: Exactly...he seems disturbed what is it Nandhu ? Aren't you feeling well ?

D: Oohh nothing peddamma... I just... mmm... last night we had party slept late so... tired... reyy bava you had your bath no what are you waiting for, leave...

R: My shawarma n beer... you promised me...

D: I will buy you later you go now...

SDG: Why are you chasing him away now ? Rana you also have the biriyani there is sufficient for both of you.

R: Thanks peddamma...

KRG: Ok then we'll make a move...we have to go to Sweety's place.

D: No no no wait... erm... don't go yet...

SDG: Why ??

D: Sweety... she's not at her house err I mean she told me she was going out...

SDG: Oh ok....but I made these for her...

D: I will pass it to her later.

KRG and wife get to up to leave when suddenly he holds his leg and yelps in pain.

R: What happened Peddananna ?

KRG: Can't move my leg I think it's a muscle catch.

He slips back into the couch holding his leg and his wife heads to the room where S is and D runs ahead to stop her.

D: Peddamma...peddamma where are you going ???

SDG: To get the heat rub it's it that room. 

D: Huh..uh... wait I'll get it for you..

SDG: Why are you acting weird ?? Move... I'll only get it.

D: No no no peddamma plsss listen to me !!

Not minding him his aunt barges into the room and D follows her behind preparing himself mentally for the grilling he is about to get but,

SDG: There, got it. For this you were making a fuss.

She walks out of the room and puzzled D goes in but doesn't see S anywhere.

D: Omg !! Where would she have gone ??? She doesn't have her clothes with her as well !!! Aaaahhh!!! Tomorrow this news will be out on papers along with that news of my suicide !!!!

KRG: Aah...I feel better now we can leave Shyamala... Bye Nandhu...

But D is no mood his mind thinking of his bangaram.

R: Bava they are leaving ra !!

D: Huh..mmm...

S: Peddananna !! Peddammaa !!

S wearing a light green salwar neatly dressed comes in and hugs D's parents and bro. D is stunned to see her.

SDG: How are you ma??

S: Fine Peddamma... you just came ??

KRG: No we were leaving we wanted to see you but he told us you weren't at home.

S: Oh yes peddananna I had been to see a friend...besshtt fraand...

D stifles a laughter. She glares at him.

R: Huh... what was that for ??

D: No nothing.... just.. like that..

Just then his uncle coughs and S immediately rushes to the kitchen to get some water. D follows her.

D: Excuse me, are you Sweety's twin ??

S: What's wrong with you ?? It is me only your bangaram !

She smacks his head and he scowls. Rubbing his head,

D: How did you manage to escape that too with clothes ??

S: Thankfully I remembered I had some of my clothes kept in the cupboard I changed quickly and jumped out of the window of that room and came in.

D: (Laughs) You are notorious !

S: Darling's wife has to be so !

She winks her eyes at him and he chuckles. They return to the hall and S hands his uncle the glass of water. They have a casual banter for sometime.

SDG: It's time we got to go we'll come over to your place another day. Sweety, wear a bindi/bottu next time ok ma?

S:(Biting her tongue) Oops.. forgot.. ok peddamma.

KRG: Reyy, she has come to see you look after her well.

D: Ok Peddananna.

Shyamala garu pats S's cheeks and bidding the trio farewell the elderly couple leave. R is staring at the biriyani dabba smacking his lips while D moves beside S.

D: 2 down one more to go. See now how I chase him... Haan bava Trisha called she is.....

R: Enough ! I am leaving...

Both DS exchange looks.

D: Huh bava ??

R: Yes bava.... last night you dropped bro home now she has come to spend time it with you it won't look good if I stay here like a haddi so you guys carry on I'll make a move.

D: Oh thank you so much bava ! I owe you a shawarma and beer !!

R: Yes but for now I am taking these (biriyani n fish curry) with me.

D: It's all yours ra !

R grins and waving them goodbye he leaves. D puts a "not at home" sign on the knob and locks the main door. Smirking, he advances towards S who is standing shyly. He circles his arms around waist. She places her palms at his chest and they join their foreheads.

D: Sweetu...

S: Mmm....

D: Remember Peddananna's words... I have to take care of you Sweetu.... we have to obey elders no pls allow me take care of you.

S: You already took care of me last night Pabsu...

D: So what... I want to take care of you again and again and again...

S: Mmm...ok then...

D: Yaaayyyy !!!


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