S for Sweety

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Puthandu Vazhthukal !
Vishu Ashamsakal !
Happy Baisakhi !


One day on the sets of Saaho, in D's caravan,

D is giving dreamy looks staring at something when,

R: Bava !!! Oh Bava !!!

D mv: Gggrrr !!! Why is this lamp post here at this time ???

D quickly hides it in the drawer and closing it positions himself infront of the  drawer.He sees R walking in all smiles.

D: Hi bava!! How come you are here ? You came without informing...

R: Bava, when have l informed you ? When I feel like seeing you or brotheru l find my way to you guys. Miss you ra bava !

He hugs D squeezing the breath out of him.

D: *Cough* *Ouch* easy Bava easy...l missed you too...

R leaves his hold on D.

R: Bava, I saw you hiding something when I came what was that?? 

D: No... no... nothing ra.. just...

D tries to shield the drawer.

R: Ahaah ! So the stuff is inside the drawer. Move I want to see...

D: No no no bava don't !

R: I know, I know it a new liquor bottle and you don't want to share with me so you are hiding it! Oh I am feeling nostalgic now. Remember the innumerable nights on Bb sets where we emptied bottles together, got drunk and slept on the ground over each other until SSR poured buckets of water in the morning to wake us up ?? Those were the days...sigh...After Bb2 you have become so selfish bava I don't care we are finishing this one 50-50 and don't worry I won't tell bro!

D: It's not that ra listen to me I...

R pushes D aside and he pulls open the drawer to find a black slate board, a chalk piece and a telugu for beginners book. Taking those stuff,

R: What is this ra Telugu beginners book, chalk and slate are you planning to start some school ??

D: Mmm... that...mmm...

D bows his head and putting a finger in his mouth sways shying like a new bride,

R: You are blushing... that means... Bava congratulations!! Bro is pregnant and you got this for baby ?? Oh bava you made it ra I am so happy for you !!

D: No ra bava... you got it wrong! This is not for baby or sweetu... this is for...

Again blushes.

R: For ??

D: You know Shraddha doesn't know telugu... she wants to learn so...

R's eyeballs pop out at the mention of her name and heart signs appear around him like we see in cartoons.

R mv: Shraddha!! I have to whisk this chick away from this fella.

D: Mmm... I told her I will teach her and she in return will teach me Hindi.

R: You want to learn Hindi l can teach you why must it be her ??

D: Who wants to see your bear face and learn ?? She is so cute when she smiles I will learn fast seeing her pretty smiling face also she will hold my hand with her soft, tender palm and help me to write...that feel I won't get from you...

R: Does bro know this?

D: No...

R: Isn't it wrong what you are doing ?

D: Hey what wrong ? You're talking as if I am cheating on your bro! My Sweetu is the one and only love in my life I can't imagine anyone in her place but I am teaching Shraddooo because she is my co-star, she is a girl and it is important she mouths the dialogues correctly!

R: Oh how sweet of you! Taking the initiative to teach your co-star. I appreciate your noble intentions bava but my telugu is better than yours l'll teach her. So long as she learns the language is fine doesn't matter who teaches.

D: Bava ! You are crossing your line!
She is my co-star I will only teach !

R: Rei bava you are already married what will you achieve by teaching her I am the eligible bachelor now!

D: So what if I am married I shouldn't teach ?? I am still in demand amongst girls.

R snatches the board, chalk and book and tries to run but his path is blocked by D. He grabs the stuff from R's hands. A tug of war ensues between the mighty Bhalla and great Baahu.

D: I will teach !!

R: No me !!

D: No way!

Exhausted, they give up.Finally,

R: Ok cool we'll both go to her and let her decide whom she wants to learn from.

D: Ok.

Both of them go to Shraddha who is sitting on a chair sipping juice and reading her lines in Hindi. They gape at her.

D: She looks like a doll in that blue frock no ?

R: Yes ra bava.. like a mannequin.. I will lift her, put her on my shoulder and take her to Mahishmati, my kingdom!

D: It's mine! You took it by deceit!

R: No ! You took the lady so the throne is mine !

D: Ok don't start again come let's ask her.

R: Ok ok come..

D: Hi Shraddha!

R: Yo Shraddha!

SK: Hi guys Rana you are here what a surprise?

R: Yeah just dropped by and I heard you wanted to learn telugu, I can teach you.

SK: Oh thank you Rana but Prabhas said he would teach me.

R: Hey my telugu is way better than his! He doesn't know anything infact he copied his friend and cleared his telugu paper...

D crosses his arms at his front keeping an innocent face. R continues jabbering and speaking in Hindi trying to impress her.

SK: Hmm Rana you are fluent in both languages but Prabhas needs help so I'll teach him and with whatever telugu he can manage let him coach me.

R: Huh.. but... but why ??

SK: Look at him... he is so naive, so innocent, such a baby aaww...
come sit here Prabhas and let's start.

R mv: Gggrrr she too chooses him over me! What does he have that I don't?? All girls want him only and I am destined to remain single whereas even though married he has all beauties surrounding him curse my fate... sob...sob..

R is upset. D rubbing his stubble leans towards his Bava, 

D: Wonder how I managed to do this?? I'll tell you a secret... girls prefer innocent guys than smart ones... you wasted your energy talking so much showing off to her whereas without moving a muscle I just kept a baby face and she fell for it. Adi Pabsu talent!!

R: Gggrrr... this is how you managed to lure my bro also ??

D winks his eyes at R.

D: Of course bava ! Those were the days my Sweetu and I were getting along I used to purposely fumble my lines and she would move in closer to me to correct my mistakes though she was still learning. The thrill you get when you know everything but act dumb and the girl teaches you...ahaaa...you have to experience to know it. You're still young you have a long way to go bava!

SK: Come Prabhas let's start.

D: Oh coming Shraddha.

D sticks his tongue out at R and happily takes his seat beside Shraddha annoying R.

SK: Let us start with telugu first then hindi.

D: Hmm ok.. here hold this slate and chalk.

He holds her hand and writes,

D: A for Arunda...

A thought bubble appears to D,

S: Nuvvu nanna em cheyyalevu raa!!

He visualises S as Arundathi/Jejamma mouthing the dialogue and freaks out. He leaves her hand.

D: Ammo !!

SK: What happened ?? Are you ok ??

D: Huh.. mmm... yeah..I meant to say A for Amarendra. B for Bangaram...

SK: What is bangram ??

D: Not bangram, b-a-n-g-a-r-a-m it means gold like you...

SK: Me ??

D: Yes you... !

SK: Oh how sweet Bangaram...You are also a bangaram!

She pulls his cheeks he blushes.

D: Oh thank, you thank you !

R who is watching all this feels jealous and he decides to take his revenge. Pulling his phone out of his pocket he calls S,

R: Yo bro ! What are you doing ??

S: Nothing bro I am missing my husband so just leafing through the pages of my wedding album...

R: Forget about the photos, looks like your marriage itself is on the rocks situation here is getting worst!!

S: What are you saying bro ??

R: Ohh no time to explain you come soon to the spot. Bye!


D: Shraddha what a beautiful name just like you...

SK: Ohh thank you dear.

D: Hmm I'll call you Shradooo and you call me Pab...

Another thought bubble appears. Sweetu twisting his ear with one hand and brandishing a rolling pin infront of his face,

S: If at a I catch any other girl calling you Pabsu, you will get smacked !!

Bubble bursts and D comes out of his thoughts.

D: Uh..uhm..you can call me darling.

SK: Darling..Very nice. Ok ok you continue..

D: Yup so S for...

SK: Sweety

D: Chi no why you talking about her now? Concentrate Shraddooo! S for

SK: Sweety !!

D: Where are you looking ??

He turns to see S fuming with her hands bent at her hips and R grinning behind her. D is shocked and jumps to his feet.

D: Puppy ma !! You here ?? I was just talking to Shraddooo hmm I mean Shraddha about you... see didn't I tell you my Sweets is a very sweet girl... hee hee hee..

SK: No you didn't.

R laughs and S glares at D.

R: Bro, we all learnt A for apple B for ball but bava was teaching her A for Amarendra, B for bangaram...

D: Shut up ra bava ! Uh..hu sweetu ma I said like that so that she would understand better you don't get angry.

He places his hand on her shoulder but she shrugs it off.

S: Black board, slate, book... not even once you took this much effort to teach me!!

D: Sweetu ma you are a teacher and you are smart I know you would master the language but she is dumb so she needs my help. We have to help those is need no Sweetu...

R: (Whispers in her ears)Don't trust him bro, he is lying!

She smacks D's head.

D: Aaahh !!

SK: Wait did you just call me dumb ?

R: Yes he did!

SK punches his nose.

D: Ammmaaa !!! Orei bava!!!

R: 😀😀

S: Why are you chiding him ?? Bro is good you are the fraud ! I trusted you and look what you are doing with her?

D: No puppy ma l didn't do anything l was only teaching her l swear!

S: Yeah you and your teaching I have been seeing you for the past 12 years living with you for 5 years don't I know you ? I saw it with my own eyes now. I am leaving to Bangalore I will see you in court! 

D: Erm.. bangaram food court or tennis court ? No need for hamsa nava wherever you call me l'll come. I am your prisoner for eternity Mechindile Amarendra... !!

He grasps her pallu but she pulls it back angrily to wipe her tears.

S: Sniff..sniff... law court !!

Rubbing her tears, she walks away. He goes after her.

D: No no no puppy ma we have made plans for a football team if you leave how can we accomplish that ??

S pushes him and getting into her car she goes home. D follows her. Once at home, she takes out a suitcase and throws stuff into it.

S: Sniff..sniff... so many proposals..all nice guys were after me but I rejected only for this oaf.. he trapped me with his baby face.. sob..sob.. all my fate !

D comes and seeing her packing he rushes to stop her.

D: Oh no bangaram !! Please don't leave me !!

The helper aunty carrying little rebel knocks on the door of their room. S calls her to come in.

Helper: Amma, he just woke up.

S takes him from her and she goes. Little rebel rubs his eyes and hits his head on his Amma's chest. S cuddles him.

S: I am taking him with me!

D: Aahhh...Sweetu no !!! Pls sweetuu !! I want you and my son I can't live without you both. Pls give me another chance I will behave.

Baby squirms and flails his arms wanting to go to his nanna. D takes him from her.

S: For the sake of my son l'll give you a second chance.

D: Thank you sweetu ma you are so kind. My little rebel star, nanna's pride! Gals surely going to drool after you..

Little rebel, like his nanna is shy at the mention of gals and hides his face on D's chest.

S: Ooohhh like father,like son. Look, just go act and come if I catch you flirting with her that's it we are off to Bangalore never to return again !

D: Mmm ok puppy ma but what about teaching her, she is paapam no... ??

S: You still don't feel remorse for your actions don't you?

D: That..erm...hee hee hee... ☺️☺️

Seeing him his son gurgles.

S: 🙄Fine! I have a way out!

Next day,

R: Bro, bro ! I heard bava has gone back to teach her telugu!

S: Yup. I only sent him.

R: But...but how ??

S: You see you will know.

R goes and sees D teaching SK with little rebel on his lap, one hand around him securing him closer and other hand shaking a rattle to keep the little guy occupied.

R: Lol what is this bro, you have sent baby with him today??

S: Until this movie shoot is over l will send baby with him to keep him in check. Baby will remind him to behave himself.

R: Very good bro !

S: 😎😎

SK: S for ?

D: Sweety...

Little baby squeals on hearing his mother's name.

D: Mmm... this you do correctly ra, amma's chamcha...

SK: Aaawww so cute !!


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