Part 1 : Bava Bangaram

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Note: This will be a five-parter. 😁

⚠️Some parts contain mature content. Kindly read at your own discretion.

One fine day, on the sets of Bahubali during break time D, S and R are as usual creating havoc.

SSR : What are you guys doing ?

R : Look, he's sitting on my throne ! Ask him to get up sir!!

D : Hey, it's mine !! You took it by deceit.Right Sweety ?

S : I agree. Amarendra is the true heir of Mahishmati. Not you !!!

SSR : Haiyooo stop this !!! Darling pls come with me I have to discuss a script. Sweety you too.

Three of them stop playing and follow SSR. SSR notices R tagging along.

SSR : Hey, where are you coming ?

R : Script discussion you said.

SSR : (In a irritated tone)Are you Darling, no are you Darling I am asking ??

R : No, (bewildered) but what's wrong in coming along...I can also give my inputs..(places his arms around D's shoulder)

D : Yeah Raj he is right, he gives good ideas you know.

SSR : Oh god, given a chance you'll want him to be present for that scene also. This is regarding Amarendra Devasena fn. I only want Darling and Sweety for this discussion.

R : Oooh oooh ooohhh reyyy baava goddess of luck is favouring you... enjoy ra enjoy... (tickles D at his hips) though you are elder by age in such things I am your senior...if you need my help don't hesitate just shout out ra I'll come running.. (winks eyes at D)

D : (Wriggles) Hey bavaa, stop it ra !! Look at him Raj..(trying very hard to contain his excitement)

Sweety seeing all this smiles coyly and walks ahead separating herself from the men.

SSR : Ok ok enough of your games. Come, let's finish this.


In the discussion room,

D and S are seated side by side while SSR is opposite them.

SSR : I have asked Rama to come. She will explain to Sweety.

DS nod their heads. Rama garu walks in.

SSR : Let me come to the point, I need you both to do a bold scene again.

S : Another liplock ??? 😲

Ra : No. He means like the one in Pacha Bottesina.

S : Topless ?? That too with this fella, no way man !!

D : Hey, I swear upon our unborn Mahendra (brings his palm near her belly)that was not topless !! Her body was covered. It was all camera tricks.

S swats his hand and looks at him in disbelief.

SSR : Yes Sweety it was. Don't worry your scenes won't be needing you guys to expose your skin but I want it to be intense. It will include hug, kiss, some caressing.

D turns his face the other side covering his mouth to muffle his laughter.

S : Erm... but we already did one in Hamsaa Navaa right isn't that enough why again ??

D : No comments.

SSR : We did but that was just a teaser. Your scenes after marriage are going to be less so to cover up for that and also we have to show something between a wedding and seemantham (baby shower) right ? There is a difference between dream and reality.

D : I agree. If not how will the world know Mahendra is Amarendra's son ??

Ra : Abbo.. if not for that no one will believe?

S: 😆😆

D : Still. Just giving the answer won't do. We have to show the workings right Raj ? If not it will be another trending topic like #WKKB, #HDMC (how did Mahendra come)

SSR : Oh what an explanation !! Darling, I see a halo glowing behind your head !

D smirks at S and she rolls her eyes.

S : Nothing doing. If you want, you do it pretending I am there or with a mannequin resembling me.I can't take the risk.As it is we are being linked, to fuel that further we went for a liplock and now this ?

SSR : I expected this. 😞

D : Why do you care about people ? We are actors it is our duty to do what director tells us. It is not a vulgar one, a passionate love scene I am sure it will go well with the audience.

S : But...

D : (Taps her shoulder) Relax bangaram, we share a very good comfort level.. (shoots her a cheeky smile)we'll be able to pull it off, trust me.

Sweety melts at his touch and mesmerised by his husky voice agrees.

SSR : You sure guys ??

D gives a double thumbs up. S nods her head reluctantly.

SSR : Ok then get ready early tomorrow we'll shoot this.


That night in RFC guest house,

Sweety's room,

Sweety is tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep.

S : Oh what has come over with Pabsu pa? Why did he agree for this ? As if that is not enough he made me accept it too..In all these years we have never done anything like this.. now all of a sudden.. uff !!

Comes a text.

D : Hi bangaram, awake ?

S : Yeah..

D : Tensed for tomorrow??

S : Mmm...

D : Don't worry ma, it will be fine.

S : Hmm ok...pabsu pa...

D : Yes bangaram ?

S : This is the first time we are doing a fn scene together. Let's just follow SSR's instructions ok ?

D : Ok.

S : You shouldn't breathe at the crook of my neck ok ?

D : No Sweety, I won't (Mv: hmm what's wrong with her ? Why is she telling me all this ?)

S : Very important... your hands should stay away from my hips. I become speechless when you catch my waist. Do you understand?

D : Of course I do Sweetuuu. (Mv: Ahaa ! She is giving me ideas and I was a tubelight! *Slaps his forehead*) What else should I not do bangaram ?

S : He mentioned a hug right ? A light one will do, don't squeeze me like I am your teddy bear, got it ?

D : Sure, your highness ! And...

S : And...mmm ah..don't you dare look into my eye in an intense gives me an adrenaline rush so close your eyes... ok ?

D : Lol...ok manohari...and ??

S : And...(thinks)

D : Don't tickle the sole of your feet, correct ?

S : Oh yes, I forgot that one ! Good boy you remember it.

D : Ahem ahem... anything else ?

S : I have but for now only this. The rest... later.

D : Later ??

S : After our marriage... I mean the real one.

D: Marriage ?? Ours ?? Are you kidding me ??

Her heart skips a beat. She stops texting and calls him.

S: Pabsu pa...

D : (Laughing) Sweety? Are you serious? Our marriage? Com'on !

S : Yes, (becomes serious) we will be getting married right ?

D : Who said so ? People ?? Fans ??

S : Who should say ??We have known each other for years, been with each other through highs and lows, you always say I am special to you.

D: Bangaram, hang on.. it's not only you I have known for years.. I have friends from my childhood who I am close with even now. They have been with me during my ups and downs as well...yes you are special to me but not the way you think.

S: Huh...then why did you get close to me?

D: Don't you do that with your besties ? It's the same way.

S: Don't you feel we have a good chemistry ??

D: We have ! I also had a good chemistry with my other co-actors can I marry all of them ?

S: Am I the same to you as them ? When I hurt my leg that day, you carried me in your arms to my room ?? Is that not love ?

D: When Esha lost her pet, she cried on my shoulder I consoled her... Reena was new to Hyd, I took her around the place and dropped her at her home late at night... Sajna had a high fever when we were shooting in Europe, I was by her side looking after her. No one had any issues. That is my nature,to be there for one and all.. you know that as well so how could misinterpret that as love Sweetu ?

Tears starts rolling down her cheeks. More than his rejection all these details ripped her heart apart.

S: Huh..uh..well...playing mother to someone of my age is not something which every one does. I accepted this role for you mainly you know!

D : Oh Sweetu, this role was a good one and I felt you would do justice to it so I suggested you but looks like you took it otherwise. Look, you are an awesome human being, a wonderful co-star and the best buddy one could ever have. That's all. I have never looked at you that way. I am sorry if I unknowingly built up hopes in you.

Angry, devastated and hopeless.
S feels a lump stuck in her throat.

S : Sorry ??? Oh..ok..then.. I.. I am feel..feeling..ver..very sleep...good...night (cuts the call even before his reply)

D : Good.. oops she hung the phone..hmm...

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