Part 2 : Bava Bangaram

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S's dam breaks and she falls on her bed crying inconsolably onto her pillow.

S: You idiot ! You cheat ! You creep ! I trusted you so much you dashed my hopes... never ever have I felt this miserable... if you had no intentions to be with me why didn't you tell me earlier ??? The way you looked at me, cared for me, teased me... is that all mere friendship ?? Esha, Reena, Sajna... who else ?? In the end you added me to their list. Have I become so ordinary to you???

She gets up and strides to the long mirror. Looking at herself, she begins to rant.

S: What do I lack ??? I have the perfect height to suit you, I am educated,cultured, I am the only one who can put up with your laziness, manage your tantrums and take all that you throw at me with a smile.You think others would do that ?? If you can't live with me who else will you live with da idiot ?? Fine! Get married to some village bumpkin chosen by your folks! She will be short, horrible, have lies on her head, dig her nose, chew betal leaves and spit on your tshirt....marry her, she will breathe behind your neck constantly nagging making you pluck your hair and run off to the streets then you will know this Sweety's value ! It is not my loss, it is yours Mr.!!

She stomps back and plops on her bed. Lying on her stomach and clenching her pillow,

S: Oh no.. I scolded my Pabsu pa.. what is his fault ? If he never saw me that way why should I hate him ?? It's his life, his wish. I reacted too childishly. Oh dear in a fit of rage I said he shouldn't get a good wife. Oh god, pls don't make that true. My Pabsu pa is a nice guy he should get a good, loving and understanding wife who goes after him calling 'bavaa bava' with affection.Let him be happy.

She continues blabbering.


His name quivering on her lips she closes her eyes but just as sleep is about to engulf her, she hears a knock on her room door. Sweetu quickly gets up, wipes her tears and opens the door. She sees D leaning against the wall with a chocolate cake in his hands. More than that it was his smile, the smile which makes girls go insane that caught her attention. The man she so wanted to strangle a while ago made her melt into a puddle but she is 'Devasena' so she kept her head high.

S : (Sniffling)Today is not my birthday. Not yours either then why this ?

D : Oh, I didn't know only birthdays were celebrated with cakes, may I come in ?

She allows him in.

S : Look, I am very tired and we have a shoot in the morning. I can't put up with your games anymore whatever it is be quick and leave.

Her voice is jittery and he could make sense the pain in her tone. She averts her gaze not wanting him to see her teary eyes.

D places the cake on the table.

D : Today is the day we met on the sets of Vikramarkudu and got introduced to each other. It has been 10 years. Happy anniversary bangaram !

S : Oh huh..Happy anniversary.

She says nonchalantly as she didn't know how to react.He eyes her to cut the cake. She reluctantly goes. Blowing the candle she takes the knife to slice a piece but feels him standing closely behind her, his breath fanning her back. He places his right hand over hers and his left arm griping her firmly across her shoulder.

D : Actually wait.. let's cut this together.

She so wants to push him and run away but the sensation of his body brushing against her back felt good that she didn't feel the urge to resist. They cut the cake. He takes a piece to feed her when she turns her face away from him and goes sits on a sofa in a corner of her room. She begins to sob.

D : What happened ? You don't like this flavour?

He asks unperturbed.S has had enough.Her face turns dark pink and she erupts!!!

S : Flavour ??? I am completely shattered because of you and you think it's because of a stupid flavour ?? Why are you hellbent on torturing me ?? Just leave me and go !!!

D : Go where ?

S : Huh.. you're asking me ?? Go to hell !!!!!

D : Ok come let's go..

S : Why are you calling me to go with you ? I don't want to go hell. I'll..I'll go to heaven !!

D : Ok come let's go there then..

S : Gggrrr why are you tagging along ?? I don't want you with me sob...sob....

D : But I want you with me !

S : Yeah an awesome human being, wonderful co-star and...

D : best buddy, my better half and mother to my 3 children.

S : What ???

D : Yup, you heard me right.

S : Huh...but earlier you said..

Walking up to her, he kneels down infront and holds her hands at his chest staring deeply into her eyes.

D : I said and you believed me ?
Is that all you have understood me ?? Can't my bangaram see my love for her?

Kisses her hand.

S: No, you are playing with me I know.. leave my hands!!

She protests but isn't able to as he is holding on to them firmly.

D: No! I am not leaving you!

S manages to pull out her hand and begins to whack him.

S: Go away! Go to your Esha, Reena or whoever you like. Go and serve them, celebrate with them I don't want to you!!

D takes all her blows with a cute smile.

D: See this is 102 kg body, your soft, tender palms which is not even used to dishwashing is going to hurt a lot. Here, take this.

He grabs her water bottle on the coffee table beside the sofa and passes it to her she snatches it and whacks him more. It is aching but he endures it because seeing her puffy eyes he roughly knew how much agony he had put her through in the past few minutes. The pain in his body felt less compared to the hurt that was showing in her beautiful eyes. It is her love for him. He proudly stares into her eyes as she continues ranting and hitting him. Soon she gets tired and stops.

D: That's all ? So soon ??

S: Gggrrr!!! How shameless can you get ?? You are getting bashed by me and yet you are unmoving like a stone ?? Are you made of blubber?? Doesn't it hurt ??

D: It is but I will take it because it is coming from my bangaram. You so remind me of amma who asks the same after getting beaten by her when I was a kid. That time I used to snuggle in her lap and look up to her. Seeing me that way her anger would cease and she would take me into her arms rubbing my flesh to soothe the pain.

Saying so D goes closer, places his head on S's lap wearing the innocent baby look on his face. Who wouldn't fall for that?? Sweety is no exception but she plays hard to get. She crosses her arms at her front but does not push his head away from her lap.Keeping a stern face,

S: I am not your amma to comfort you and ease your pain.

D: Hmm true that. You are my wife, you can do much more than that... Ouch !

Sweety sees Darling rubbing his neck and pushing his hand away she examines the part.

S: Pabsu pa, you are bleeding !!!

D: No that's nothing... just a prick.

S: No da... looks like my nail scratched you in the process.

Worry and concern takes over her pride. Picking the end of her dupatta, she takes his head to her bossom gently dabbing the cloth on the part of his neck. Notorious Darling seizes the chance and presses more onto her chest looping his arms around her waist. Shutting his eyes he revels in the feel.

S: Is it very painful ?? Tell me ok if I am hurting you...

D: Mmm... bangaram it is giving me a nice feeling...

S: Nice feeling ah ?

She realises he had come too close to her. She shoots him a sharp look and he reciprocates with a puppy face. Expecting her to push him away, he slowly relaxes to pull off from her but she hugs his head pressing it close to her bossom again. Ruffling his wavy mane and kissing on on top of his head,

S: Sorry Pabsu pa....wait I'll get a plaster.

D: No need ma, it is just a light scratch leave it, it will heal on its own.

S: It must be paining for you no...

D: What ?? You call this pain ?? Then what about the shoulder bone surgery I underwent ?? I have gone through more than this ma trust me I am fine.Besides didn't I tell you can do much more to ease my pain, you are doing it so I don't mind.

She stops suddenly.

D: What happened bangaram ?

S: No this is not right, you treat me as your friend only I shouldn't be doing this for you.

D again kneeling infront of her, places her hand on his chest making her feel his heartbeat.

D: My moddhu bangaram, do you think what I spoke earlier was all coming from here ? (pointing to his heart) No. Sweety, it is true you are my buddy but it has been ages since I started seeing you more than that, don't ask me when I don't know exactly but I had made up my mind that you were the one for me. I could sense you too had feelings for me that is why you allowed me into your space. I am sorry I made you cry. I promise you that this hand I hold, I will never leave it come what may. Trust me and come with me as my wife. Will you Ms.Sweety Shetty?

Her eyes glisten and she throws her around his neck hugging him closer to her planting kisses all over his face.

D: You didn't answer me ?

S: You asked Ms.Sweety. I am Mrs.Prabhas.I'll close my eyes and come wherever my husband calls me to.

They both laugh. He sits on the floor stretching his legs. S is seated on the sofa hugging him from behind resting her chin on his shoulder. His hands above hers.

D: Happaa finally all ended well!

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