Chapter 1: Hadrian meets The Lords

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After Hadrian James Potter was left for dead in the forest thanks to his so called brother the boy who lived and lied about his brother being dead when he told the parents that he was killed by a bear and never seen again in which the Potters believed their precious son and left. But what they didn't know was that Hadrian survived the fall though had cuts and scratches as well as cold due to the rain but then soon he met a man named Palpatine who was kind enough to help Hadrian and show him some compassion and convert after the hell he has been through with the Potters and Palpatine offered Hadrian to come with him to his home so he could get food as well as a place to stay since his family already forgotten about him and don't want him no more. Hadrian took Palpatine's offer and decided to go with him to his home in which the two of them were walking back to the home where Palpatine lives.

Hadrian: Excuse me sir may I ask something.(Hadrian saids while holding Palpatine's hand while they walked in the forest together)

Palpatine: Why of course my child what would like to ask of me.

Hadrian: What are these guest you spoke about like?

Palpatine: Oh they are absolutely magnificent young Hadrian and you will enjoy their company and I am sure they will like to meet you.

Hadrian: Really are they wizards?

Palpatine: Why yes of course they are as well as myself and they have a special gift they made them what they are now.

Hadrian: Really what is it?

Palpatine: Oh you will know when the time is right but first things first we must intend to your need and it looks like you need some rest, change of clothes, as well as a nice bath along with food because no child should suffer like this not even you.

Hadrian: Thank you so much sir.

Palpatine: You are quite welcome young Hadrian, ah here we are home sweet home.(Palpatine saids as both him and Hadrian and looked up at a really nice looking castle on top of the hill in which Hadrian was looking at it in awe and amazement)

Hadrian: You have a very amazing home sir!(Hadrian saids with excitement in which made Palpatine smile at the boys joy)

Palpatine: Why thank you now let us go inside before it starts to rain once more because we don't want you to catch a cold out here now do we.

Hadrian: No sir absolutely not.

Soon both Hadrian and Palpatine went up towards the castle in which the young boy was admiring everything around the castle including the castle itself in which he has never seen such beauty and craftsmanship like this castle in which Palpatine cane see from how the boy was acting around him, he was enjoying himself and what he was thinking that the guest that Palpatine told Hadrian would like him very much including that power within-side the boy itself. Once inside and Palpatine gave Hadrian a blanket to stay warm and once they were inside the castle completely, Hadrian was in awe of what he was looking at of what it is like inside the castle itself.

Palpatine: Welcome to my home young Hadrian which is now your home since you once called family no longer wants you after what they did that is if you want to stay or go back to them it is your decision.

Hadrian: No......I don't want to go back to them ever again especially not where that twisted and stupid brother of mine. I hate him so much as well as those so called parents of mine and I want nothing to do with them.(Hadrian saids with such sadness and hatred in which caught Palpatine's attention in which he can feel the boys anger and hatred)

Palpatine: Then it is decided this will be your new home for now on young Hadrian.

Hadrian: Thank you so much sir, you are very kind and wise.(Hadrian saids in which made Palpatine impressed with the boy next to him)

Welcome home my lord and I see you had a pleasant walk around the forest I see.(A man saids in which got both Hadrian and Palpatine's attention in which they looked to see a man walking towards them in which Hadrian was thinking that his was one of the guest that Palpatine told him about)

Palpatine: Greeting Lord Dooku, are the others still here?

Dooku: Unfortunately no my lord they went off to train and will be back soon.(Dooku saids to Palpatine in which he nods in understanding then looks towards the young boy next to him)

Palpatine: Young Hadrian allow me to introduce you to one of my good friends Count Dooku or may call him Lord Dooku if you like, Lord Dooku this is Hadrian.

Hadrian: Hello sir it is an honor to meet you.(Hadrian saids and bows his head to show respect)

Dooku: Greetings young one, I must say my lord this is unexpected where did you find this child and what brings him here?

Palpatine: It would seem that this child had been through so much of his life and was left for dead in the hands of his former family who only cared about the other child more then the other in which young Hadrian told me everything that his family and brother did to him and the poor child was injured as well cold in the rain and needs a place to call home since he refuses to go back to those awful people.(Palpatine saids to Dooku in which the lord was shock of what this child went through and how dare those who thought were his family treat with such disrespect)

Dooku: I am deeply sorry that you had to go through that torture with those people young one but rest assured that you are in better hands now.(Dooku saids as he knees down to meet Hadrian's height)

Hadrian: Thank you for your wise words Lord Dooku.

Dooku: You are a very strong young boy Hadrian even more so and I can see greatness inside of you as well as something else in which we will know sooner or later.

Palpatine: Lord Dooku there is something I must to attend to in my office would you be so kind is to get our new guest here cleaned as well as some fresh clothes and some food after all he was left all alone in that forest and he could use something in his belly and look fresh once again.

Dooku: As you wish my lord come young Hadrian let us get you cleaned up and filled up.(Dooku saids and hold out his hand for Hadrian)

Palpatine: Go on my boy I will join you shortly.

Hadrian: Okay and thank you once again sir.(Hadrian saids with a smile and bows his head to Palpatine then took Dooku's hand and left to get cleaned up)

Palaptine: Hmmm....what else is there besides this boy besides being abandoned by his family, I need to look into this.(Palpatine saids while looking at the boy he met in the forest then went towards his office to think before joining Hadrian and Lord Dooku)

Back with Dooku and Hadrian in which they were near the bath area in which the lord handed Hadrian a fresh of clean clothes as well as a towel so that he can get himself cleaned and told that he will wait outside until Hadrian is done in which Hadrian thanked him and went into the bathroom to get cleaned up in which he was amazed of how the bathroom looked and couldn't wait to get cleaned in a real bathroom and not like the one at his old home with the Potters.

Hadrian: feels so good to be cleaned.(Hadrian saids while in the tub relaxing and washing himself since he knows how to for a long while)

While he was cleaning himself he was thinking about the man he met in the forest known as Palpatine or Lord Palpatine like Lord Dooku said in which Hadrian never met such a kind and compassion person like him before in which reminded of his god fathers Sirius and Remus in which he hoped that their alright and not siding with the Potters after what they did in which he believes that they will not want to get involved with the Potters as well as their precious little boy who lived.

Meanwhile with the Potters who came back from the camping trip in which had to be canceled after what James Jr said about a bear killing his brother in which he lied that he was the one who ended Hadrian's life so that he can have more attention. Then soon when both Sirius along with Remus and his wife came to see their favorite godson Hadrian in which they asked James and Lily to see where he was until they told them that he was killed by a bear in the woods while they were camping and couldn't do anything to save him but luckily James Jr was safe but for Hadrian he didn't make it and that was until a uproar happened in the Potter mansion.


James: Sirius easy....


James: Sirius it was too late for any of us to do anything besides at least James Jr is safe and unharmed.

Remus: JAMES ARE EVEN LISTENING!!! WHAT ABOUT HADRIAN DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT HIM!!!!(Remus yells while his wife was crying in sadness after the loss of Hadrian in which Remus comfort his wife)

Lily: Remus please think about James Jr, think about what could of happened if that bear got to him we could loose the best hope to save the world if the dark lord ever returns.(Lily saids while hugging the boy who lived who is a stupid selfish brat)

James: She is right James needs us more than ever besides the squib wasn't going to last that long anyway......mph!(James saids then covers his mouth of what he just said in which got both Sirius and Remus's attention)

Sirius: WHAT.DID.YOU.JUST.SAY.ABOUT.MY.PUP.......(Sirius saids with a glare)

James: Sirius listen we.....

Remus: What did you do to Hadrian while we were away....(Remus saids with some venom in his voice)

Lily: Remus, Sirius we.....

Nymphadora: Did you bring harm to that precious little boy that I love so much...ANSWER US!(Nymphadora saids with anger while tears were coming down her face)

Both Potters were sweating in which Sirius along with Remus and Nymphadora were shock that what they were looking at meaning that Hadrian was harmed by his own parents and they didn't know and now they found out that he is no longer alive all because of these people standing before them.

Sirius: Remus we're leaving.....

James: Sirius wait a minute would you just!......

PUNCH!(Sirius punches James in the face and landed on the ground)


Remus: And considered us no longer friends because we despise you now, come on my love let's start a search party and try to find Hadrian.

Nymphadora: I will have everyone that we know look high and low until he is found.

Lilly: Wait stop please we only did what was bes..............


James: Sirius, Remus!.....James Jr needs his godfathers you cannot just leave!!

Sirius: Were no longer friends Potter and we're not your sons godfathers no longer and besides Hadrian was far more better.(Sirius saids in which James Sr looked down in hatred and guilt while his son looked in anger that Sirius and Remus loved Hadrian more)

James Jr: Stupid dead brother.....(James Jr saids in thought and hate)

Then soon Sirius along with Remus and his wife left the Potter mansion for good and no longer want anything to do with them after what they have done to poor Hadrian in which Sirius will spend the rest of life to look for his godson as well as Remus and they will not rest until he is found and brought back to them in good hands and away from those horrible parents of his as well as their spoiled rotten brat of son who thinks he is the boy who lived.

Now back to Hadrian who just finished up getting cleaned and dried off and took the clothes the Lord Dooku gave him in which he found the clothes to be quite unique and not only that but he really admired the gray and black colors.

Hadrian: Wow these look amazing, I never seen clothes like these before but who cares I think they are fantastic and I really like the gray and black they match quite well.

Soon after Hadrian came out of the bathroom and threw away the old clothes he had on and went to meet up with Dooku who was patiently for him and then once he looked at the boy who was now all cleaned up and dressed in his new outfit it brought a smile to the lords face that Hadrian looks marvelous.

Dooku: I see you are finished with your bath young one and I see the clothes fit perfectly.

Hadrian: They sure do Lord Dooku thank you and I really admire the grays and blacks but not only that but the outfit itself looks so cultural which I really like the most.

Dooku: I am please you do Hadrian, now before we go down to dinner with Lord Palaptine tell me is there anything that interested you?

Hadrian: Hmm...well I do love to read a lot in the library as well as perform spells with my magic.

Dooku: Well then why don't we head over to the library together because I myself am interested in reading.

Hadrian: Okay!(Hadrian saids with excitement in which Dooku is very fond of the boy)

Hadrian along with Dooku walked around the castle in which the young boy was taking in the amazement of how big the inside of the castle was and really admired the artwork and statues all around the halls and not only that but the structure itself was very well created and got the Dooku's attention that the young boy was starting to like his new home already then after a while now both of them came to a large door that lead to a room in which Dooku opened the door and what was behind it was the most incredible site that Hadrian has ever seen in which was a huge library filled with so many different books as well as spells, defense and combat spells that Hadrian could not wait to sit down and read so many of them.

Hadrian: Wow........(Hadrian saids in awe of how amazing this library was)

Dooku: It would seem that you like what you see young Hadrian.

Hadrian: This is the most amazing site that I ever seen, there is so many books here that contain so many different spells.

Dooku: Well then hows about we sit down and enjoy some reading together.

Hadrian: I would love to Lord Dooku.

Hadrian and Dooku went into the library together and once inside Hadrian was taken in everything around him and started to walk around the halls and search what kinds of books he wants to read in which Dooku helped him find the books that would be suited for Hadrian in which the young boy thanked the lord for his kindness and so the two sat down and started to read in peace just the way Hadrian always wanted and not have to deal with that brother of his who always bothers him when he is trying to read something.

With Palpatine who was in his office doing some research on Hadrian is to why the boy was alone in the forest and was told that his parents want nothing to do with him and not even his brother until he came across something that caught his eye and it was in the daily profit.

Palpatine: saids here that in 1980 that the Potter's family house was under attack by the dark lord himself of who should not be named in which he casted a killing curse at one of the children and then all of sudden the curse bounce off and deflected right back at the dark lord himself in which caused him to disappear and the one who was responsible for looking after the children was the friend of the Potters who turned out to be a traitor and is now being hunted down. Then Headmaster Dumbledore declared that the boy who defeated Voldemort was none other than James Even Potter Jr the son of James and Lilly Potter but why doesn't it have anything about young Hadrian unless they discarded him for that ugly looking red head son of theirs and what I can tell is that this James Potter Jr couldn't have defeated Voldemort so that means Hadrian was the one and I can feel his power but why is it blocked for some reason I need to get to the bottom of this maybe I will take him to gringotts to have his identity check because these fools are hiding something from Hadrian and I think he has the right to know.

Is something troubling you Lord Palpatine?(A man saids and came into the room along with another person wearing armor and a cloak)

Palpatine: Ah, Lord Maul and Lord Revan you have returned from your training and it would seem that I need to discover something very important and involves our guest that I encountered in the forest.

Revan: Guest my Lord?

Palpatine: A young boy, I felt his presence and what I felt is exactly what we have but for him his power is great and he had such sadness, hatred and anger inside of him.

Maul: Is this true Lord Palpatine?

Palpatine: Indeed my friend, this boy has potential and is very wise for his age though he suffered a great pain at the hands of his former family members and left him for dead in the forest in which I decided to bring him hear so that we can see how the boy will turn out because I know he will become something far more greater than anything I could ever imagined.

Maul: Where is the boy now my lord?

Palpatine: He is with Lord Dooku as we speak in which we will join them for dinner soon.

Revan: What is the child's name Lord Palpatine?

Palpatine: He goes by the name Hadrian James Potter and of course I know you both know of the Potters.

Maul: Those fools show nothing but disgrace towards magic and only care about being famous and getting attention just like their little savior.

Revan: I agree with Lord Maul but I didn't know that the little hero had a brother and the Potters never mentioned about having another son why is that?

Palpatine: Because my friends Hadrian was abused and left for dead in the hands of his family in which his brother pushed him off a mountain and left him to his fate and what I can tell is that the Potters showed now love or compassion for Hadrian in which I felt his anger when I told me everything that his parents and brother did to him.

Maul: Disgusting...filths they have no right for doing that to a child!

Revan: I would be surprised if they would just died because they show no honor or compassion of what it takes to be wizards or parents of that matter.

Palpatine: Yes I agree Lord Revan and you are right Lord Maul those arrogant fools will pay for what they have caused to young Hadrian but it is not our time yet to reveal ourselves yet.

Maul and Revan: Yes Lord Palpatine we understand.

Palpatine: For now I will be taking the boy to gringotts to have him checked out to see why I was sensing that there is something blocking him because even though I felt the power within him all of sudden his magic core seems to be blocked.

Maul: What could it be my lord?

Palpatine: I will know once I see the results of the child's history.

Revan: Shall we meet the boy himself I would like to see him for myself my lord.

Maul: As do I.

Palpatine: Very well then let us leave my friends.(Palpatine saids as he along with Maul and Revan leave the office to go meet with Dooku and Hadrian)

Hadrian and Dooku have finished their reading in the library in which both enjoyed the peace and quiet together especially Hadrian who learned so much while reading all different kinds of books for spells, potions, dada, ruins, and mystical creatures in which Dooku was amazed of how the boys learning was growing at a young age and once they left the room they headed towards the dinning room to have dinner with Lord Palpatine.

Dooku: Please take a seat Hadrian while I'll fetch the house elf to prepare our dinner with Lord Palpatine.

Hadrian: Very sir I will.(Hadrian saids and takes his seat)

Dooku: Grievous!(Dooku saids as a house elf appears before him)

(I decided to name a house elf Grievous after General Grievous because I thought it would fit perfectly with the story)

Grievous: Greetings my lord what can I do to serve the lords.

Dooku: Bring dinner for our lords along with our special guest here if you don't mind.

Grievous: As you wish my lord.(Grievous saids then disappears into the kitchen.

Hadrian: He is your house elf here?

Dooku: Yes indeed young one why is something wrong?

Hadrian: No it's just that I never seen a house elf so properly dressed in which I think he looks very mature and respectful for his kind.

Dooku: Indeed he is unlike the other house elves who wear those awful bags for clothing it is a disgrace.

Hadrian: For once I agree with your words Lord Dooku.

Dooku: I am glad we have something to agree on young Hadrian.

Then after a while Lord Palpatine came into the room along with Lord Maul and Lord Revan following him behind in which Palpatine looked to see Hadrian who was all cleaned up and in such fresh clothes that Dooku gave him and went to greet the boy.

Hadrian: Hello sir.

Palpatine: Hadrian my boy seems gotten yourself all cleaned up and dressed.

Hadrian: Indeed in which I really admire the outfit very much thanks to Lord Dooku.

Palpatine: Glad to hear it so how was your time with him Lord Dooku.

Dooku: He is a very interesting child my lord especially when it comes to reading in which he has an interest of learning so much.

Hadrian: Yes and I appreciated you taking me to the library lord Dooku thank you.

Dooku: My pleasure young one.

Palpatine: Before we dine, Hadrian there are two friends of mine I would like you to meet and they wanted to meet you as well.

Hadrian: Are they the other guest you told me about?

Palpatine: Yes indeed come and I will introduce you to them.(Palaptine saids to Hadrian in which he got up from his seat and went over to meet the other lords)

Maul: So this is the boy that Lord Palpatine told us.

Revan: I can feel his power it is magnificent.

Maul: Indeed and I can also feel the block as well in which I want to know what that is when Lord Palpatine finds out about the boy.

Revan: And I as well Lord Maul.

Palpatine: Hadrian allow me to introduce you to Lord Maul and Lord Revan.(Palpatine saids as Maul revealed his face to Hadrian while Revan looked down towards the boy)

Hadrian looked at the two in awe and amazement because he has never seen a person with horns on their head or such rare tattoos as well as such marvelous armor and mask that made Hadrian admire the two beings in front him.

Hadrian: Hello my lords, my name is Hadrian it is an honor to meet you both.(Hadrian saids as well as bowed his head to respect the lords in which they both bowed as well)

Revan: So you are the boy that Lord Palpatine told us about young one.

Hadrian: Yes and what I can tell is that he told you what I went through is that correct?

Maul: Indeed in which those parents and brother of yours are a disgrace for doing to a child.

Revan: I agree with Lord Maul no child deserves that kind of treatment especially not someone like you Hadrian in which we can sense a greatness in you and know you will become something far more greater in due time.

Hadrian: Thank you Lord Revan and I really admire your armor and it shows such wonders as well as culture.

Revan: Your words pleases me young Hadrian.

Hadrian: And Lord Maul your appearance brings magnificent into my eyes in which I never seen a being with horns before and such rare and detailed tattoos as well as those eyes that burn like blazing sun itself.(Hadrian saids to Maul in which the lord was liking the child by the minute)

Maul: Thank you young one no one has ever said such honorable words to me in years.

Hadrian: Well I might be the first.

Palpatine: Come let us have dinner together my friends as well as you Hadrian.

Hadrian: Yes thank you sir.

Soon Grievous came out with the food in which the food looked absolutely delicious in which Hadrian thanked the house elf for what he did in which Grievous was pleased by the boys kindness towards him and soon the lords along with Hadrien sat together and had dinner.

Palpatine: It would seem we are missing another?

Revan: Sigh..he is late as always my lord.

Hadrian: Who?

Dooku: Lord Bane he is our teacher who taught us everything there is to know.

Hadrian: What is he like my lord?

Maul: He is very wise and very powerful young Hadrian in due time you meet him for yourself.

Revan: He traveled north to a meeting wont be back till the following week.

Hadrian: Was he a great teacher to all of you?

Palpatine: Indeed Hadrian, Lord Bane taught so many things in school in which he taught us so many wonders of the world itself and we wouldn't be able to become what we are today.

Hadrian: I would like to meet him when he returns sir.

Palpatine: What I can tell is that Lord Bane would admire you very much Hadrian very much indeed.(Palpatine saids in which brought a smile to the young boys face)

Soon after dinner was finished, Hadrien was feeling tired right now in which he said good night to the lords and thanked them for the food in which they bowed their heads in respect for the child and then Palpatine has asked Grievous to escort Hadrian to his new room in which Hadrian was excited to sleep in his own room and not have to deal with James Jr anymore.

Grievous: Here we are young master.

Hadrian: Thank you Grievous and thank you for the food it was delicious.

Grievous: I appreciate your words sir.

Hadrian: Good night Grievous.

Grievous: You as well young master.(Grievous saids and disappears)

Once inside the room, Hadrian looked around the bedroom and saw it was quite nicer then the one he had back in the Potter mansion and it was all his and he had to thank again Palpatine for giving him a real home.

Hadrian: I think I am going to like it here.(Hadrian saids in thought then changes into his sleepwear and got into his brand new comfy bed)

Then after a while now Hadrien started to drift off into slumber but also thinking about his two god fathers knowing that they must of found out what has happened with the Potters but Hadrian doesn't know but decided to just think about them for now while sleeping.

Maul: My lord you think we should tell him about what we are?

Revan: I agree I can sense that power within him my lord.

Dooku: What do have in my mind Lord Palpatine?

Palpatine: After I figure what is blocking his magic core and about who he truly is then when he is old enough he will be trained by all of us so that he will become the greatest being in history, I for-seen this in a vision in which Hadrian will become one of us and will bring down of those who deceived us as well of those who corrupted the world.

Dooku: When should he be trained?

Palpatine: When he turns of the age of seven he will be trained in magic and then he will be trained in the ways of The Sith.

Maul/Dooku/Revan: As you wish my lord.(All said in union)

Palpatine: Once more the Sith will be reborn and let nothing stand in our way.

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