Chapter 2: The Truth of the forgotten Potter!

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The sun began to rise in the home of Palaptine in which young Hadrian himself was getting ready to meet with the other lords who were waiting in the dinning hall to greet the boy in which Hadrian got up from his comfy bed that he really enjoyed sleeping on and put on some new clothes that were given to him by Lord Dooku who thought that the boy would look more decent in the clothes that he was given in which Hadrian found the clothes to his liking far more better than what he had in the Potters mansion. So right now Hadrian is up and dressed and made sure to look his best for the lords and made sure he didn't leave anything behind in which he didn't and soon he put on his new clothes as well as a black robe since the lords wore them why not Hadrian wear one as well.

Hadrian: I have to admit the lords here really know how to wear such magnificent clothing and these actually feel more comfy to wear and the robes they feel so light and warm.(Hadrian saids while looking himself in the mirror while checking out the clothes that he put on)

Knock! Knock!

Hadrian: Yes?(Hadrian saids as the door of his bedroom opened to reveal Grievous)

Grievous: Greetings young master.

Hadrian: Oh Grievous hello and good morning to you.

Grievous: Same with you as well young master, the lords are waiting for you downstairs.

Hadrian: Alright I was checking to make sure to look my best towards them.

Grievous: Well what I can tell you look very decent young master they will approve of your appearance.

Hadrian: Thank you Grievous shale we get going.

Grievous: Very well just follow me young master Hadrian.

While Hadrian and Grievous were walking out of the bedroom and heading towards the dinning hall to meet with the lords in which the lords themselves are in the dinning hall discussing on the matter of what they are going to find out about the boy and why his magic core is blocked for some reason.

Palpatine: Does everyone know of the plan for young Hadrian.

Dooku: Yes indeed my lord, the boy will grow into the most powerful being and let nothing stand in his way.

Palpatine: Excellent, lord Maul and lord Revan you two along with lord Dooku will be his mentors when the time comes to tell him about our history.

Maul: As you wish my lord the boy will be trained well.

Revan: Indeed he will and I sense he will become very powerful.

Palpatine: Indeed he will but first we must know why his magic is blocked so that is why I am taking him to Gringotts to do have an inheritance test to see who the boy really is.

Dooku: Well we know he is the son of those fool Potters in which I would like to strike them down for abandoning such a gifted child such as Hadrian.

Maul: And I bet their precious little chosen one will fear for his life when the time comes.

Revan: I already sent a message to Lord Bane himself in which he was surprised at first but turned to anger when I wrote about the boy being abandoned by those idiot Potters in which he would like to meet Hadrian in person after he returns from his journey.

Palpatine: Very good, now it would seem that young Hadrian is on his way now.

Knock! Knock!

Palpatine: Come in.(Palpatine saids in which Grievous made his appearance)

Grievous: Hello my lords, young master Hadrian is awake and is ready to greet you all.

Palpatine: Very good send him in Grievous and your work in finished.

Grievous: Yes sir right away, young master they are waiting for you inside.(Grievous saids to the lord then at Hadrian who was waiting behind the door)

Hadrian: Thank you Grievous.

Hadrian then walked into the dinning hall to meet the lords themselves in which they all took in Hadrians appearance in which the lords such as Maul, Revan and Dooku found the young boy to be quite decent as well as seeing that he looks so much like a younger version of Lord Palpatine at that age. When Palpatine looked at the child more closely he too can see that Hadrian looked like a younger version of himself then shrugged it off and went to greet Hadrian with a smile on his face.

Palpatine: Hello Hadrian I see that you had a good nights rest I see.

Hadrian: Hello sir and yes I did in which I thank you for as well as you my lords.(Hadrian saids with a smile and bows his head to Palpatine as well as the lords in which they did the same)

Palpatine: Good very good and you are quite welcome my boy but there is something that we found out about yourself during your stay here.

Hadrian: What is it sir?

Dooku: It would seem that somehow your magic core is blocked for some reason in which we do not know.

Hadrian: It is how?

Maul: We are not sure young one but there is a way to check to see why the blocks are there in the first place.

Hadrian: Really how?

Dooku: Lord Palpatine will be taking you to a place called Diagon Alley and I am sure you heard of such a place young Hadrian.

Hadrian: Yes indeed I been there couple times with........them.(Hadrian in which he didn't want to mention his old family because of what they caused him)

Palpatine: I see so that is why I will be taking you to a place called Gringotts in which we will sort out of what is troubling you my boy and surely we can have those blocks on your magic core removed.

Hadrian: Thank you sir when do we leave?

Palpatine: Hows about we have some breakfast first then we can use Floo Powder to travel to Diagon Alley.

Hadrian: I never traveled by Floo Powder before in which I always wanted to too and now I get to.

Palpatine: Hehe you are full of spirit Hadrian come let us have some food together and then we can take our leave.

Hadrian: I would love to sir.

Soon the lords and Hadrian sat together like before in which Grievous came in with the food in which Hadrian was amazed yet again for the house elf's cooking abilities and thanked him for it in which it still pleases the house elf that the young master treats him with such respect. Then after breakfast was finished the lords took Hadrian to a room so that he and Palpatine can travel by Floo Powder to head directly to Diagon Alley to sort out why the young boys magic is blocked.

Palpatine: Take my hand Hadrian and stay very close we don't want you to get separated when we travel by Floo Powder.(Palpatine saids as Hadrian listen to him and took the lords hand)

Hadrian: I am so excited sir.

Palpatine: Well young Hadrian prepare to be amazed.

Dooku: We will wait for you return my lord as well as you young Hadrian.(Dooku saids in which the other lords bow their heads to their friend and Hadrian)

Hadrian: See you back soon my lords. I am ready sir.

Palpatine: Very well my boy, Diagon Alley.(Palpatine saids and threw the power on the ground in which both him and Hadrian engulfed in green flames and disappeared)

Once both Hadrian and Palpatine were engulfed in green flames and disappeared the next thing that happened was they were transported to the place that Hadrian went to a couple years ago with his former family in which both him and Palpatine came upon the place known as Diagon Alley in which many wizards and witches as well their children were walking around the shops.

Palpatine: Hadrian pull up your cloak like mine we don't want to draw attention to ourselves.

Hadrian: For once I agree sir besides I don't really like showing myself that much anyway.(Hadrian saids and pulls up his cloak covering his face just like Palpatine)

Palpatine: Very good Hadrian now follow me and stay close.

Hadrian: I will sir.

Palpatine and Hadrian were now walking towards the placed called Gringotts as well as not paying and attention of those around them because they want any distractions because Hadrian wants to know why his magic is blocked so he doesn't want to loose focus on the task at hand. Then after couple blocks and shops later they both came upon the place they were looking for in which was a while building that saids Gringotts which meant that Hadrian can finally find out what is wrong with him.

Palpatine: Welcome to Gringotts bank my boy here you will take your inheritance test so that we can get to the bottom of your condition.

Hadrian: Very well sir shall we go in together.

Palpatine: Yes follow me young one.(Palpatine saids to Hadrian in which him and the boy went inside the bank and saw what looked like a bank but had instead of people it had goblins)

Hadrian: Sir are those goblins?

Palpatine: Yes indeed they are but it would be wise not to speak rudely to them in which some can be quite you know what I mean.

Hadrian: Understood I will treat them just the way I treat Grievous in respect and compassion.

Palpatine: Very wise choice my boy now let us get your inheritance test.

Both Palpatine and Hadrian then began to walked towards the goblin at the very front to ask to take an inheritance test to see what is blocking Hadrian's magic core and have it removed.

Goblin: May I help you?

Palpatine: Yes I am here to sort out some problems with this young boy with me and I believe that his magic is blocked for some reason in which I would for him to take an inheritance test to be sure that everything is in order.

Goblin: Very well follow me please.

The Goblin then took both Hadrian and Palpatine to the office to meet with another goblin who was working on paper work until one of his fellow goblins came in with two people wearing black cloaks covering their faces.

Goblin: Ragnok this man would like to take an inheritance test for this young boy here.

Ragnok: Very well you may leave us.(Ragnok saids in which the other goblin nods and leaves both Hadrian and Palpatine with Ragnok alone)

Soon after the goblin left Palpatine removed his cloak and revealed himself to the goblin in which Ragnok knows the mans face from anywhere in which was Lord Sheev Palpatine himself and while Palpatine removed his cloak, Hadrian did the same.

Palpatine: I believe you already know who I am Ragnok.

Ragnok: Lord Palpatine what do have the honor of having you back at Gringotts?

Palpatine: Like I said to your goblin I would like to take an inheritance test for this young boy right next to me in which we want to know why his magic is blocked and have them removed.

Ragnok looked at Hadrian more closely in which he got up from his desk and walked towards the two.

Ragnok: Very well then, young boy I would just need to prick your finger because I would need three drops of your blood to we can do inheritance test.(Ragnok saids and holds out a knife so that he can get the blood from Hadrian)

Hadrian: Of course sir as you wish.(Hadrian saids and holds out his finger in which the goblin cut his finger and let the three drops of blood fall on the paper for the inheritance test)

Ragnok: The results will appear on this paper so that you can see for yourself child.(Ragnok saids and hands Hadrian the paper that contain his information about himself)

Name: Hadrian James Potter

Siblings: James Evan Potter Jr

Birth Parents: Lilly Evans Potter and James Charles Potter

Status: Pureblood

Grandparents: Fleamount and Euphemia Potter(Deceased)

God Parents: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin

God Mother: Nymphardora Tonks Lupin

Heir: Gryffindor(Blood), Slytherin(Blood), RavenClaw(Blood), Hufflepuff(Blood), Black(Blood), Potter(Blood)

Blocks: Magic Core 80%(Blocked by Dumbledore), Parseltongue 98%(Blocked by Dumblerdore), Potion Making 100%(Blocked by Dumbledore), Beast Whisper and Dragon speaker 100%(Blocked by Dumbledore), Wandless Magic 100%(Blocked by Dumbledore), Martial Arts 90%(Blocked by Dumbledore), Swordsmanship 100%(Blocked by Dumbledore), Animagus(Black Fire Drake) 100%(Blocked by Dumbledore), Familiars(Wolves) 100%(Blocked by Dumbledore)


All money transferred to the Potters, Molly Weasley, 100%(Illegal by Dumbldore)

Potions and Spells:

Loyalty potion to Dumbledore and Potters, Hogwarts

Hate Potion: Death Eaters, Slytherins, Voldemort(By Dumbledore)

Spells: 100%(Blocked by Dumbledore and Potters)

Soul Fragment:

Half of Voldemort Soul(Horcruxes)

When Hadrian finished reading the paper his eyes widen in pure horror and shock to know who put those blocks and potion on him as well as finding out that he has a soul fragment inside of him in which the young boy was showing signs of tears and yet anger but more like pure rage in which everything in the room became cold and the room started to shake in which Palpatine was feeling the boys anger and hatred as well as his power.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Hadrian's power in which everything around him was crumbling and breaking)

Palpatine: My boy what is the matter?(Palpatine who was calming the boy down in which Hadrian looked up at the lord with tears in his eyes)

Hadrian: I....I.....😢sniff....I found out why my blocked....

Palpatine: Let me see for myself.(Palpatine saids as Hadrian gave him the test paper)

When Palpatine looked over at Hadrian's test results he was furious and he as absolutely angry for what those idiots and that old coot have done to the Hadrian in which he would have all the blocks permanently removed as well as that soul fragment but also have all the money that belongs to Hadrian moved to the volt of Palpatine. Then Palpatine had an idea of what to do next, that it will not only make Hadrian feel better but also make sure he is never alone.

Palpatine: I want all of these blocks and soul fragment permanently removed from this boy at once and I want to perform a blood adoption as well do I make myself clear.

Ragnok: Yes sir right away and what of the money in the volts?

Palpatine: Removed them from those idiots and that old coot and have the boys money be transferred into my volt.

Ragnok: Yes sir right away, child would follow me so we can have those blocks and soul fragment removed from you.

Hadrian: Sir?(Hadrian saids while looking at Palpatine for an answer)

Palpatine: Go ahead Hadrian and have those blocks removed at once while I wait for you.

Hadrian: Ok I am ready to go Mr.Ragnok?

Ragnok: Yes follow me and we will have you sorted out and have those blocks gone in no time.

Hadrian: Thank you sir.

Ragnok: If you don't mind me asking why are you not with the Potters?

Hadrian: They...they disowned me, beaten me up, punished me for no reason, my brother became jealous of me and started to do awful things while I was living with them, Then came the abused and torture as well as the part of my stupid brother who decided to end me by pushing me off the mountain ending my life and lied about it to my former parents in which now I hate them with everything that they have caused me.

Ragnok: I knew those Potters weren't trustworthy even that old coot in which I am sorry for what they have caused you. I read the profit and it said that the second child of the Potters died during a camping trip in the forest and was killed by a bear.

Hadrian: Yea thats what my ex brother said....

Ragnok: Well now hows about we get you unblocked and have that soul fragment gone from your body.

Ragnok then took Hadrian to a room to have the blocks and soul fragment removed from him in which was a painful experience in which the boy screamed for a while now but due to the hidden power within him he was able to endure it and once the blocks and soul fragment of Voldemort was removed from Hadrian he felt lighter and can feel his magic returning to him. Hadrian felt more stronger and more powerful than ever with his magic restored. Then after Ragnok gave Hadrian a vile to help with the pain he thanked him and the two went back to meet up with Lord Palpatine who waiting patiently for Hadrian to be done.

Palpatine: Hadrian how you feel right now?

Hadrian: I feel more lighter now and I can feel my magic returning to me sir thank you for doing this for me.

Palpatine: Your welcome in which I have something I want to ask of you.

Hadrian: Sure what is it sir!

Palpatine: How would you like to become my heir in which I would like to blood adopt you into my family since those Potters no longer want anything to do with you and I feel bad for how you turned out and I want to give you a new life in which I want you to become my son.(Palpatine saids to Hadrian who was not only shocked but filled with such happiness and joy in which all his life he wanted nothing more to be loved and cared for and now he has the chance)

Hadrian: 😢sniff....Rr...really you want to adopt me into your family sir.(Hadrian saids with tears of joy)

Palpatine: Yes indeed in which you will no longer have the blood of Potter but the blood of a Palpatine what do you say Hadrian or should I say my son.

Hadrian: YES!....Yes yes...thank you thank you!...I will be honored to be your heir as well as your son in which I always thought of someone like you as a father figure when your first found me in the forest and gave me a home.(Hadrian saids in happiness and hugs Palpatine in which the lord did the same)

Palpatine: Then it is decided you will become a Palpatine, can we get the blood adoption ready Ragnok.

Ragnok: Of course sir right this way please.(Ragnok saids in which both Palpatine and Hadrian follow the goblin to a room to perform the blood adoption)

All three entered a room in which Ragnok has asked Hadrian to step in the center while Palpatine gives the goblin his blood so that he can have hit transferred into Hadrian in which Hadrian's blood will start to change and he will no longer be a member of the Potter family but the heir of Palpatine instead. After the blood adoption sequence was finished and Hadrian no longer has the traits of the Potters anymore his appearance changed in which his hair and eyes still looked the same from before but his facial features changed to look more like Palpatines at a younger age in which made the lord smile that he has an heir of his own who looks so much like him.

Hadrian: do I look?

Palpatine: You look like a true heir of Palpatine in which you look so much like myself at that age my boy.

Hadrian: Thank so much sir I mean father.

Palpatine: Welcome to the family my son would you like a new name since you are now a Palpatine.

Hadrian: Yes I would want one since Hadrian James Potter died in the forest and I want the chance to start a new life with my new family.

Palpatine: Good good, as of this day you will be known as Ren Palpatine does that sound splendid to you my son.

Hadrian: Ren Palpatine...Yea! yea I love it thank you father.(Hadrian who goes by now Ren Palpatine hugs his new father with so much love)

Ragnok: Would you like your new inheritance test my lord.

Palpatine: Yes and may I keep the old one.

Ragnok: Of course my lord, young Palpatine if you would please.

Ren: Understood sir here is three drops of my new blood.

Ragnok: Thank you and your new inheritance test should appear right now.(Ragnok saids and hands Ren the new test results)

Name: Ren Palpatine

Parent: Sheev Palpatine(Blood Adopted)

Status: Pureblood

God Fathers: Lords Count Dooku, Revan, Maul, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin

God Mother: Nymphardora Tonks Lupin

Grandparent: Lord Bane(Adoptive Grandparent)

Heir: Gryffindor(Blood), Slytherin(Blood), RavenClaw(Blood), Hufflepuff(Blood), Palpatine(Blood), Sith(Blood), Black(Blood)

Animagus: Black Fire Drake

Magic Blocks: Removed by Lord Palpatine 100%(Blood)


All money transferred to Palpatine Volt(By Lord Palpatine)

Potions and Spells: Blocks removed as well as spells restored by Lord Palaptine 100%

Half of Voldemort Soul(Horcruxes)Removed 100%

When Ren looked at his new test results he was absolutely happy that Lord Palpatine was his father now and that the lords were his godfathers along with Lord Bane as his grandfather but he was also happy that he had Sirius and Remus along with his wife still his godparents but he looked confused about the the heir part in which he doesn't know what a Sith is.

Palpatine: So everything came out alright my son.

Ren: Yes indeed in which I am happy that the lords of my godfathers and lord Bane is my grandfather but what is a Sith because that is on the heir part of my test results.

Palpatine: Myself and the other lords will tell you when the time is right my son.

Ren: As you wish father and why is Sirius Black and Remus Lupin along with Tonks on the test results I mean they were my original god parents and loved me before my incident with those Potters so why are they are my new test results.

Palpatine: Well you see my son is that the Blacks and Palpatine were good friends for my years to come in which Sirius Black is an old friend of mine from school along with Remus Lupin and I thought having their names back on the results will please you.

Ren: In which it does and thank you so much for making me very happy father.

Palpatine: Your welcome my son now shale we take our leave and introduce the lords to the new heir of the Palpatines.


Ragnok: Oh one more thing here are your rings to the heirs of each house in Hogwarts young Palpatine.(Ragnok saids and shows Ren the rings of each house at Hogwarts)

(Heir of Hogwarts Rings)

Ren: Oh thank you so much sir and thank you for everything.(Ren saids and bows his head towards the goblin)

Ragnok: You quite welcome Mr.Palpatine and here the rings heir to both the Blacks, Palpatines as well as the Sith.

(Heir of Sith Ring)

(Heir of Black Ring)

(Heir of Palpatine Ring)

Ren: Thank you so much sir and farewell for now.

Ragnok: See you as well Mr.Palpatine and you as well my lord.

Palpatine: Thank you for your time Ragnok come along my son let us go home.

Ren: Coming father!

When Palpatine along with his son Ren Palpatine formerly known as Hadrian James Potter left Gringotts and headed back to the castle to tell the other lords the news in which Ren was excited that he finally has a real family that cares for him and a father who loves him and treats him like his own and is now his heir. As soon as they got back home they were greeted by the other lords and asked if everything went well with the inheritance test.

Dooku: Welcome back my lord as well as you young one.

Palpatine: Hello my friends we have the test results and found out why the boys magic was blocked.

Maul: What did you find out my lord?

Palpatine: A very big mistake that old coot and those Potters made and will pay for their insolence.(Palpatine saids in anger and shows the lords the original test results in which they were filled with pure rage and hatred)

Revan: I knew that old coot was up to no good and those Potters how I despise them even more!

Maul: Their deaths will soon be upon them.

Dooku: I knew Dumbledore was foolish but this is barbaric even those Potters are no better than he is in which I will be glad if all of them will fall. Young Hadrian I am sorry you had these blocks and that soul fragment in which we will make those who made you hurt suffer.

Ren: I am pleased lord Dooku but I am afraid that Hadrian James Potter no longer exist.(Ren saids in which confused the lords of what Ren just said)

Revan: What do you mean young one?

Ren: My lords I used to be called Hadrian James Potter but not anymore for now on I am known as Ren.

Palpatine: Indeed in which my lords I would like you to meet my blood adopted son Ren Palpatine formerly known as Hadrian James Potter the heir of Palpatine and the heir of the Sith.

Ren: In which you are still going to tell me what the Sith right?

Palpatine: As promise we will when the time comes my son.

Dooku: If you are saying what is true my lord then that means..

Ren: It means that I am no longer a Potter in which I am now a Palpatine and you my lords are my godfathers while Lord Bane is my grandfather.(Ren saids in which surprised the lords in which they all bowed to the new heir of Palpatine)

Maul/Revan/Dooku: My Lord!(All bowed in respect of the new Palpatine)

Palpatine: Rise my friends and greet your godchild.

Soon the lords got up and walked towards Ren with open arms and welcomed him as one of their own and will swore to protect him and train him well as a powerful wizard as well as a Sith like their friend Palpatine said they would. They also checked out his new test results in which they are very pleased of how Ren turned out to be and will no longer be part of those who deceived him.

All Lords: The Force is strong with him!(All said in thought while feeling the power within the child and sense he will become the most powerful Sith in the world)

Ren: So my new life begins and I cannot wait to get started as Ren Palpatine.

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