Chapter 11: The Mirror of Erised!

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During break Ren learned a lot from the Vampires and Lycans as well as finding out about the person who Lord Marcus has lost in which was his twin brother William who was the first lycan in history and was said to be magnificent just like his brother but when Marcus told Ren about how his own flesh and blood was killed by wizards because they thought that William a beast of brutal savagery and had to be put down but Marcus told the young Sith apprentice that his brother was in complete control of his form but the wizards that deceived them didn't listen and by doing so they killed William and Marcus swore revenge on those who killed his brother. Ren felt bad for the Lords lost and he will help him get his revenge when the time goes and it brought Lord Marcus and other lycans apperception. Ren learned so much about the vampire clans and was able to have teachings taught by Sonja and Selene who offered Ren to be trained while Lucian along with Michael and Raze showed him the ways of the lycan even though he wasn't a lycan he stilled wanted to learn about the species including how powerful they are when it comes to fighting their enemies. Viktor was impressed with the boys skills as a Sith apprentice as well as a wizard who prefers to study hard and learn more about the world around him. The vampires and lycans came to care for the boy so much that they would honor of giving Ren their protection but Ren said that he was fine for now but he ever needed their help he will call upon them for aid and both clans excepted the boys decision. As for Eve daughter of Michael Corvin and Selene, ever since she confessed her love for Ren and he excepted her feelings, she never wanted to leave his side ever and when they shared their first kiss under the full moon it brought happiness and joy towards Eve's heart as well as that Ren promised to keep her hybrid abilities a secret while Eve kept the secret of Ren being a Sith apprentice to show that she wants to respect her lovers choices. Then after words Ren and his father along with the other lords headed back home after spending weeks at Castle Cornivus and Eve told Ren she will see back at school in which Ren did the same for her as well as said his goodbyes to both the vampire and lycan clans and look forward to seeing them again.

Once the holidays were over, Ren packed all of his things as well as his school supplies and took the port key back to the train station and decided to go himself since he was more mature enough to leave on his own but before saying goodbye to his father as well as the other lords in which they wish him a fund farewell as well as Kylo who was with his master and the two of them took the port key and arrived at the station. When he got on the train, he met up with his friends as well as his first girlfriend Eve who was pleased to see her lover on the train and when all of them got into the compartment, each of them told each other about their winter break and they were all amazing and they thanked Ren for the gifts that he gave them as well as Luna who was wearing a beautiful Slytherin bracelet that Ren designed himself and Luna told Ren that she will never take it off because she wants to have something to remember him as did Daphne who was wearing her Slytherin necklace that Ren gave her after they left Hogwarts for break. When the students arrived back to Hogwarts and settled back in and had their breakfast all of them headed towards their classes to start a brand new year in school.

During the time in school Ren spent the days trying to figure out where the sorcerer's stone is located in the castle so when he had the time for himself he would walk around the castle area's and try to find a place where they would keep something very valuable. But so far Ren came into a dead end and couldn't find where the stone was located until he decided to do some research in the library because surely something in the schools library will help him find what he is looking for.

Ren: Hmmm...surely I can find something about the stone in this library that is if this school has any information.(Ren saids in thought while checking out each section about anything on the Sorcerer's stone)

Ren looked at each section of the room but still couldn't find anything until something came to his mind about what the lords said about looking inside the restriction section of the library and that got the young Palpatines attention and decided to go to the restriction section. When he arrived at the section of the library he looked to see the section was closed off in which he didn't care but just to make sure no one was around him as well as see what he was going to do, he cast himself an invisible spell that made his entire body invisible so that no one can see him.

Ren: Evanesco.(Ren saids the spell and turned invisible)

Ren made sure the spelled worked and looked to see his entire body disappearing in a blink of an eye and then proceeded into the restriction section and unlocked the door and carefully opened the door and closed it as well as locking it for now so that after he is finished he will use a spell to unlock the door and leave without anyone knowing. Inside Ren went to look for anything that is related to the sorcerer's stone until he spotted something that he was looking for and they were books that had chains on them and a mans name that saids Nicholas Flamel.

Ren: Nicholas Flamel and The Sorcerer's stone, I think this what I am looking for.

Ren picked out the book and opened it in which was filled with knowledge of the stone as well as the man who created it in which was the man whose name was on the book, Nicholas Flamel.

Ren: It saids here the Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's stone. Interesting this man created such a stone but what is it used for that Voldemort needs it in order to get his body back. It saids here that the stone itself can transform any known metal into pure gold as well as produces the Elixir of Life basically speaking it cane grant anyone to become immortal so that is why Voldemort needs the stone so that he can become immortal and help regain what he has lost. Now that I know what the stone is used for I might as well keep on looking for it so that I can deliver it to the Voldemort himself.(Ren saids in thought while reading about the stone and the man who created it)

Ren got the information and put the book back onto the shelf with the others and then left the restriction section and to make sure no one was around and used an opening spell to unlock the door and lock it again after he was done with his research and undid his invisible spell to make his body appear once again. Ren then left the library to continue on with his task of finding the stone itself until all of sudden he felt something that the presence was close and it was giving off such magic energy. Ren followed where the magic was coming from until he spotted a door that could lead to somewhere and towards where he was sensing the magical presence.

Ren opened the door that led to an empty room with windows but still sensed the magical energy that was coming from the room until he looked towards his right and saw what looked like an ancient mirror of some sort and Ren went to take a closer look at it.

Ren: Never seen a mirror like this before? There is some inscription on it that saids Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru on wohsi. It's a good thing a can translate it in which it saids I show you not your face but your heart's desire, hmm basically this mirror can show me what my heart desires might as well as give it a try and see what happens.

Ren walked closer towards the mirror and once he was near it all of sudden he saw his reflection but not just his but he also saw a reflection of his father and the other lords in which Ren knows it is not really them behind him just in the reflection but it did brought a smile on his face at seeing his father and the lords standing behind him until he looked at reflection of himself who was reaching into his pocket and pulling out something and what his reflection just pulled out of the pocket was the Sorcerers's stone itself. Ren's reflection was holding the stone in its hand and gave Ren himself a smile and a wink meaning that the stone will come to him and later Ren looked to see his reflection putting the stone back into his pocket. Ren smirked at himself in the mirror and stepped back from the mirror itself and felt something in his pocket and then took it out to reveal the Sorcerers's stone in palm of his hand.

Ren: So this is the great Sorcerers's stone of legend created by Nicholas Flemal. The one that can give the person immortality as well as life and now it will be brought to Lord Voldemort but I might as well as wait until the right moment to give it to him in the mean time might as well made a fake stone to fool anyone who is out looking for the stone.

Ren did a spell and made a replica of the Sorcerers's stone and hid inside the mirror itself so that if anyone looks into the mirror and sees them holding the stone while it turns out to be fake then that will fool them all while Ren himself keeps the the real stone to have it delivered to Voldemort who is waiting for Ren to give it to him. After words Ren left the room and used a teleportation spell to have the stone put inside his trunk that locked and so when he receives word from Voldemort he will get the stone out of the trunk and hand the stone to Voldemort when Ren see's him again and he probably will have Quirrell sent a note to Ren of where he wants to meet.

Ren then headed out into the garden area and found his friends chatting to each other and decided to join them for some time together as well as spending some time with Eve while she was petting Kylo who was relaxing on the the girls lap until Kylo saw his master approaching and decided to greet him.

Bark! Bark!

Ren: Hehehe, hello Kylo sorry I didn't show up sooner or later, I was very busy with something important.

Draco: Ren there you are, we've been looking all over for you. Where've you been?

Ren: Sorry Draco, I was in the library doing some research on some ancient wizards that existed in Hogwarts and I wanted to know more about them.

Draco: Understandable, come I saved you a seat next to myself and Blaise.

Ren: Thank you, hello Eve has Kylo been treating you wonderfully.

Eve: Yes he has, in which he slept like a new born puppy.(Eve saids to her lover as well as Kylo who went back to sleep on Eve's lap)

Ren: Thats good to know, he does enjoy your company.

Eve: Just like how I enjoy yours my love.(Eve saids in thought)

Ren: So how you all doing in classes so far?

Crabb: So far so good though Potter is feeling better now and getting more annoying by the minute.

Pansy: I just wish the fall during the Quidditch match would do more than landing on his pride.

Blaise: If he broke his legs or his arms or his whole boy then that would be pleasing to know.

Daphne: Not to mention his spoiled mother and father, they are a disgrace to the wizard world and only care about themselves and their precious chosen one who is nothing more than a bully and spoiled rotten brat.

Pansy: I think Lilly Potter gave birth to the wrong thing because how could that chubby disgusting thing be this worlds savior I mean really how can that thing be a hero.

Draco: Potter is a nobody even my own family agrees to it.

Ren: Same here my friend. Tell me do you guys think that his brain is the size of walnut because during the time in Hogwarts I never seen him do a perfect spell or be able to do anything at all except for shouting his name in glory as well as trying to make himself that he is superior to others in which he is not.

Goyal: Hehehe..maybe or maybe he is just plain old stupid just like Weasley.

Blaise: Speaking of Weasley I heard that he suffered a concussion after getting hit by that bludger and it said that he will not be returning to school until the house cup ceremony.

Eve: You think we will win house cup?

Draco: With all the house points we are getting I am sure we will be able to win.

Ren: Don't get your hopes up Draco there is a catch.

Daphne: What would that be Ren?

Ren: One word Dumbledore and what I can tell is that he will start something and award points to a certain someone who barley did anything in this school except bullied, yelled, acting like an idiot and a fool as well as being a spoiled little rotten brat who thinks he is better than anyone.

Draco: When you put it that way Ren it would make a lot of sense for Dumbledore to make that move.

Daphne: I can tell that he award Potter points for doing absolutely nothing as well as that forsaken Granger as well as that Weasley.

Ren: Doesn't he realize that giving points to students randomly is against the rules so if would to do that then he will be breaking the rules and once that is broken those points will not count or be received to anyone.

Blaise: He's right I read the rules and it saids the same exact thing so either Dumbledore is out of his mind or he is just plain old dumb.

Pansy: Well he does the first four letters in his name so I think he is dumb, you know what I think I will call him Professor Dumb for now on since he is clearly stupid along with Potter.(Pansy saids that made everyone smirk and laugh of what she said about Dumbledore)

After a while now Ren fished his time with his friends who talked for more than three hours and decided to take a nice walk with Kylo in which Eve decided to tag along because she wanted to be by her boyfriends side and Ren didn't mind her tagging along with him since he enjoyed her company very much. When walking together Kylo was smelling something near by and decided to take off with Eve and Ren following him behind to see where the wolf was running off too until they both see Kylo running around the grass area with a black boarhound dog in which both Ren and Eve see that Kylo found himself a playmate.

Eve: Aw looks like Kylo found himself a friend to play with.

Ren: Seems that way, never knew Kylo would get along so well with a dog until now I guess he senses something he likes about this dog.

Kylo then looked towards his master and his lover watching him and his new friend play and decided to bring his new friend over to meet his owner and his love life. Ren and Eve looked to see the dog and Kylo coming towards them both of them kneeled down and started to pet the dog who was very friendly and so sweet.

Eve: Aww aren't you just the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life besides Kylo of course which I know your cute as well.(Eve saids while petting the dog as well as giving Kylo a pet as well)

Ren: It saids your name is Fang on your collier so I take that you belong to someone.

Eve: Hey isn't that the gate keeper of Hogwarts?(Eve saids while looking at the small hut near the dark forest)

Ren: Oh yes thats him, I think his name was Rubeus Hagrid. The same person who lead us to the castle when we all arrived at Hogwarts.

Eve: Should we bring Fang back to him because I don't think leaving an adorable animal alone is a good idea.

Ren: I think that would be a wise decision. Good thinking my dear Moon Star.(Ren saids and kisses Eve on the cheek that caused her to blush and giggle)

Eve: Hehehe..

Soon Ren and Eve headed over towards Hagrid's hut where the gentle giant was sitting down playing his small flute until he spotted two students coming towards him with his dog and a wolf next to him.

Hagrid: Why hello there I never knew I was excepting company.

Eve: Hello sir, sorry to drop in but me and Ren found you dog and we decided to bring him back to you in which he is the most precious thing I have petted in my life and he is so soft and very friendly.

Hagrid: Fang I told you stay near the hut, honestly what am I going to do with you. How did you find him if you don't mind me asking?

Ren: Actually it was my familiar Kylo here who found him and decided to play with Fang in which I can see that Kylo and Fang will become great friends to each other.

Hagrid: My that is a fine wolf you got there mind if I.

Ren: Not at all sir, Kylo if wouldn't mind.

Kylo went towards Hagrid and sat in front of him and bowed his head in which Hagrid started to give the wolf a pat on the head that was very pleasing to Kylo that Hagrid touch was very pleasant as well as the scratch on the chin.

Hagrid: I can see that he likes being pet by others as well as show great manners.

Ren: Only those who he can trust and it looks like he can trust you sir.

Hagrid: Please my name is Rebeus Hagrid keeper of keys and gates of Hogwarts but of course you can just call me Hagrid a lot of people do.

Ren: I am Ren and this is Eve.

Eve: Hello nice to meet you.

Hagrid: Oh yes Ren Palpatine and Eve Corvin, I heard a lot about you two in school. Ren you have such incredible knowledge and skills while you Eve show kindness and full of wonders that makes you special.

Ren: Your words honor me Hagrid thank you.

Eve: Thank you sir.

Hagrid: Say I am having some tea tonight in my hut and as for a thank you bringing Fang back would you two like to come over and have some tea.

Ren: We would be honored to have some tea with you Hagrid.

Eve: I would like to come over as well.

Hagrid: Great I will see you both tonight.

Ren: Oh I think it would be wise to write us a note and an invite so that if a teacher would ask of us of where we have been we can show them proof of where we headed during the night.

Hagrid: Brilliant thinking laddie, I will be right back with the note and an invite.(Hagrid saids and goes into his hut to prepare an invite and note for Ren and Eve)

Hagrid then came back out with the note and invite and gave it to Ren in which both him and Eve thanked Hagrid and left the hut to go back to the castle and continue on with their classes until night comes so that they can have tea with Hagrid. When both Ren and Eve finished up their classes with their friends and earned more points for good attendance while some who made a mockery of themselves like Potter and Granger who earned no points for their houses for behaving rudely as well as treating other students with such disrespect. Night then came upon Hogwarts and Ren along with Eve and Kylo headed out to meet with Hagrid for some tea in which Draco asked where they were going and told them everything and asked if he wanted to join for some tea in which Draco excepted the offer and headed out with Ren, Eve and Kylo.

When all three of them including Kylo headed over towards Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door, all of them looked to see Hagrid who was preparing the tea inside.

Ren: Hello Hagrid hope you don't mind but we decided to bring an extra friend with us if you don't mind of course.

Hagrid: Not at all Ren please come in all of you, and I will get the tea ready.

Ren along with Draco and Eve took their seats while Kylo sat with Fang near the fire place to keep warm and as for Hagrid he was preparing everyone their tea. While they wait for their tea all of sudden Ren looked to see something inside the pot under the fire in which he heard some cracking sounds coming from it.

Ren: Pardon me Hagrid but whats in the pot under the fire because I am hearing cracking sounds from it.


Draco: Yea I hear it too?

Eve: You cooking something?

Hagrid: Oh heavens me is it time already.(Hagrid saids and goes over to the pot that lefts the three confused until Hagrid opened the lid and held what looks like an egg)

Ren: Is that what I think it is.

Draco: Yea thats what it is, I seen one of those before. How did you get your hands on one?

Hagrid: I won it from off a stranger I met somewhere and was quite glad to get rid of it as a matter of fact?

The egg itself started to shack more in which everyone backed away from what is about to happen next and then a second later the egg exploded and out came a tiny baby dragon that caught the attention of the three as well as Hagrid.

Eve: cute it's a tiny baby dragon.

Draco: Thats not an ordinary dragon, I should know my father and I seen these in person. That right there is Norwegian Ridgeback they are commonly well known in Romania.

Hagrid: Isn't he beautiful. Oh bless him look he knows his mommy.

Ren: Hehehe uh Hagrid thats a girl not a boy.

Hagrid: It is?

Draco/Eve: Really?

Ren(Dragon): Hello there, little one welcome to the big world.

A speaker, it is nice to meet a speaker in person.

Ren(Dragon): Likewise.

Draco: Ren what..what was that you just spoke?

Ren: I spoke dragon to this little one here, you see I am a dragon speaker basically I can speak to any species of dragon in the wizard world.

Draco: Amazing so thats how you were able to tell which gender this dragon was.

Hagrid: Well if you say what is true Ren, she is going to need a name. I was going to name it Norbert but I don't think that would be suitable for this little one since its a female.

Ren(Dragon): Do you have a name little one?

I just hatched from my egg and no I don't think I do but I would like to have one speaker.

Ren(Dragon): Hows about Artemis it means hunter, would that be a perfect name for you.

Artemis, yes I like that name very much. Thank you speaker.

Ren(Dragon): You can call me Ren if you like.

Artemis: Then I will call you Ren..yes that name sounds very pleasing.

Ren: Hagrid her name is Artemis it means hunter and she agrees to have it.

Draco: It is a very suitable name for a dragon.

Eve: I agree and it's very honorable.

Hagrid: Hehehe little Artemis, aren't you adorable yes you are yes you are.(Hagrid saids to the dragon and gives her a soft pet under the chin until all of sudden Artemis hiccuped a small breath of fire and burned a little bit of Hagrid's beard)

Ren and Draco: Pfff...

Eve: Are you all right Hagrid?

Hagrid: looks like she would need to be trained.

Ren: Seems that way though I think you should take her to Romania.

Draco: Exactly in Romania has a colony where people help train dragons through childhood to adulthood.

Eve: And I get the feeling that having Artemis in Hogwarts wont be safe because if people find out that there is a dragon here they might take her away.

Hagrid: You may have a point there, I will take her to Romania first thing tomorrow morning and of course I will be able to visit her time to time to see how the little fire breather is doing. I just hope the other dragons will treat her well.

Eve: Don't worry Hagrid I am sure they will and who knows she might even befriend some of them.

Hagrid: Thank you Eve that means a lot to me now, I knew you were very special.

Eve: Thank you.

Ren(Dragon): Artemis tomorrow Hagrid here is going to take you to Romania to live in a colony with dragons of your own kind so that you will not be taken away by the school.

Artemis: Really..will I ever get to see you again speak...I mean Ren.

Ren(Dragon): Of course I will visit you time to time and so will Hagrid.

Artemis: Ok I will go with him and I would like to see you again Ren as well as your friends here.

Ren(Dragon): I will bring them along.

Eve: What did she say Ren?

Ren: She said she will go with Hagrid if we promise to visit her in Romania time to time.

Draco: I can agree to that.

Eve: Me too.

Ren when was about to say something when all of sudden he sensed two people approaching Hagrid's hut from the outside and decided to take action.

Ren: I am sensing two people coming towards the hut, Hagrid hide Artemis keep her out of site until you leave in the morning.

Hagrid: Right come on little one time for night time.(Hagrid carries Artemis in his arms and placed her inside a wooden cage and then soon Artemis looked at Ren to which he gave her a sign to hide and not make a sound and Artemis nods and drifts off to sleep)

Once Artemis was hidden and fast asleep, Hagrid brought out the tea for everyone to enjoy so that they acted normally until all of sudden two people were looking through the window of the hut that caught Ren's attention and the people he saw outside of the hut was both Potter Jr and Granger.

Hagrid: Whose that looking outside my home?

Ren: That would be Potter and Granger.

Draco/Eve: Figures..

Kylo: Grrrrrr.....

After Ren saw both Potter Jr and Granger leave the hut both Ren along with Draco, Eve and Kylo thanked Hagrid for the tea and his time and looked forward to visiting again and soon all four of them headed back to the castle together. When they all arrived inside and were about to head towards their dorm all of sudden they spotted Professor McGongall and behind her were Potter Jr and Granger who Potter Jr was giving them a smirk because they think that were going to be in trouble.

Minerva: May I ask why three students are doing out this late at night and past curfew?

Ren: With your permission Professor I would like to speak.

Minerva: As you wish Mr.Palpatine you may.

Ren: Myself along with Draco and Eve were invited to have tea with Hagrid of which we all excepted his offer to attend and of course he has given us a note and an invite to dine with him and I must say his tea was absolutely delicious.

Minerva: May I see the note and invite.

Ren: Why of course ma'am.(Ren saids and takes out the note and invite and hands both of them to the Professor)

Minerva looked over the invite and note from Hagrid in which was his hand writing and signature and was said that Ren and Eve as well as a friend were invited to his hut for tea tonight meaning that Ren and his friends will not be in trouble but for Potter Jr and Granger its another story.

Minerva: Well seems like everything here is in order and this is from Hagrid, I should know I recognize his hand writing. You and your friends Mr.Palpatine wont be punished since you brought this note and invite with you at all times and you all may return to your dormitory.


Minerva: Mr.Potter! I will not have that foul language in my presence and I would remind you that both you and miss Granger that you two don't have permission to walk around the school grounds at night there for as punishment for your actions fifty points will be taken away from Gryffindor from the both of you.

Hermione: But Professor we just....


Minerva: No they were invited to Hagrid's for tea which they had an invite and note signed by Hagrid himself so that a teacher would know where that student went to and who allowed them to stay until their time was finished. But you Mr.Potter and Miss Granger don't have any of those and once again I will be taking one hundred points for your bad behavior Mr.Potter towards me as well as Mr.Palptine and his friends.

Hermione: Thats not fare Professor.

Minerva: Do you want me to make it two hundred points Miss Granger or you Mr.Potter. Honestly I thought you would change your behavior Mr.Potter towards the other students but I guess I was wrong and you Miss Granger I am very disappointed. Do you two have something you want to say towards me.

Hermione and James Jr: No.....

Minerva: I thought not, Mr.Palpatine you and your friends may take your leave while I attend to these two.

Ren: Very well Professor have a good night.

Minerva: You as well and Hagrid's tea is absolutely delicious I had it once or twice.

Ren: Glad you and I agree on something. Draco, Eve, Kylo lets us return to our dormitory together and get some sleep.

Draco/Eve: Sure.

When Ren and his friends left the room to head back to the Slytherin common room, McGongall then focus on stare onto Potter Jr and Granger who didn't like what the Professor was going to say next to them.

Minerva: I can't say I have never seen such disrespect towards me as well as the other students. For causing a scene and for using foul language in front of a teacher and three students the both of you will receive detention and if I hear another bad language coming out of your mouth Mr.Potter you will be receiving another detention and this time it will be with Professor Snape do I make myself clear.

James Jr: Yes.....professor.........stupid old hag....stupid slimy snakes.(James Jr saids and whispers the last two parts to himself but McGongall was able to hear it)

Minerva: And now you just award yourself to another detention and it is with Professor Snape.

James Jr: I DIDN'T SAY ANY......

Minerva: I heard your whisper Mr.Potter and I know what you said about me and the three students who went back to their dormitory. Another one hundred points will taken away from Gryffindor and you will be having your first detention with Hagrid and the other with Professor Snape. Now I will have Mr.Filch escort you both to your detention with Hagrid and I better not hear another word out of either of you do I make myself clear and I mean it this time.

Hermione and James Jr: Yes Professor McGongall.

Outside of the room Ren along with Eve and Draco heard everything in which they all smirked and couldn't wait to hear what is going to happen to both Potter and Granger during their detention but they are going to laugh when they hear about Potters detention with Professor Snape. Ren, Draco, Eve and Kylo arrived at the Slytherin dormitory and said the password to enter and they all said their good nights to each other headed off to bed to get some sleep as well as thinking about how much torture Potter Jr is going to get now as well as how his house finds out about the many points they have lost all thanks to James Evan Potter Jr The Fat Boy Who Lived.

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