Chapter 12: Slytherin Wins House Cup!

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After Ren found the sorcerers stone, he looked to find the perfect moment to give to Quirell so that Lord Voldemort can get a body. He also found out that Hagrid was able to bring Artemis to Romania without anyone knowing which was good to hear about since he sent a letter to both Ren along with Eve who were pleased that the baby dragon got to Romania safely and looked forward to visiting Artemis whenever they have the chance.

Right now Ren along with his friends just finished classes and were about to head to their dormitories when all of sudden Ren sensed something and told his friends that he forgot something in class and told them he will meet them back in the dormitory in a while and they all nod and headed back to the Slytherin dorm. Ren sensed the presence of the idiot Potter boy along with Granger and Weasley who were running towards Professor McGonagall class and he went to see what was the commotion about.

Ren: Let's hear what Potter Jr and his two minions are up.

Ren uses his invisible spell to turn himself completely invisible like before and went into McGonagall's classroom where she was writing down notes until she was interrupted by the three idiots.

James Jr: We have to see Professor Dumbledore admittedly!

Minerva: I am afraid that Professor Dumbledore isn't here, he received an urgent owl from the ministry of magic and left immediately for London.

Hermione: Do you know when he will return Professor?

Minerva: I am not sure miss Granger?


Minerva: Mister Potter do not address with your foul mouth again, or do you want to remember what happened last night do you when you yelled in my presence.

Ren: So Dumbledore is gone thats good to know and Potter acting like an idiot even more. This day couldn't get even more better.(Ren saids in thought while continuing to listen)

Minerva: Now what is that you three want to ask of Professor Dumbledore.

Hermione: We wanted to see him because we discover something very important.

Minerva: And what would that be miss Granger?

Hermione: The Sorcerers stone and we believe someone is trying to steal it.

Ron: It's true.

Minerva: How did you three know about the stone?

Ren: So they figured out the stone, shame is that I have the real one with me while I planted the fake one in the mirror.(Ren saids in thought while still in invisible)

James Jr: It doesn't matter how we found out about it, we believe someone is going to steal it thats all that matters.

Minerva: I don't how you three found out about the stone but I can assure you it is well protected now why don't you three go back to your dormitories quietly and it would be wise not to get involved with anything that you don't know about.

James Jr: ARGH!.....Come on guys we wasted our time with this living fossil.

Minerva: Mister Potter! Another fifty points will be taken away from Gryffindor.

Ren: Idiot.(Ren saids in thought)

Potter and his two minions left the room and Minerva went back to her studies, and when no one was around Ren undid his invisible spell and hid behind the pillow to hear the conversation of the three morons.

James Jr: I know it's Snape, because I know he was the one who jinxed my broomstick as well as the one going after the stone, so he has to be him.

Ron: I never trusted that teacher in the first place and the way he looks at you it make sense.

James Jr: Exactly and that means he knows how get pass that three headed dog that is guarding the trap door.

Hermione: And with Dumbledore gone we cannot warn him about the stone being taken.

Ren: Hehehe..they are seriously blaming Professor Snape, geez how stupid can these three get. And speaking of Snape here he comes behind the three morons this should be good.(Ren saids and looks to see Snape walking towards Potter and his minions)

Snape: Good what would three young Gryffindors such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this.

Hermione: Uh...we...were just....

Snape: Being careful...people will think you're up to something.

Snape then leaves the three idiots while Ren was smirking at how scared the three Gryffindors were from the professor after he spoke to them. Then soon after he left Ren when to hear the last part of Potter Jr's conversation with his friends.

Hermione: Now what do we do?

James Jr: We go to the trap door tonight and make sure no one follows us because we need to get to the stone before Snape does.

The three then soon left and Ren came out of his hiding with a smirk on his face meaning that he was going to the trap door before them so that he can give the real stone to Voldemort who awaits for the young Palpatine to give the lord the stone to help get his body back. Ren then headed back to his dormitory to get ready for tonight to head to the trap and meet with Professor Quirrell. When Ren arrived back to the dormitory he looked to find Eve sleeping on the couch that made Ren smile to see his lover sleeping peacefully and decided to take her up to the girls room.

Ren: Hey there Moon Star.

Eve: Mmm...R..Ren?

Ren: Shhh...don't wake up, I am going to take you to your room so you can get some sleep.

Eve: Yawn......carry me..

Ren: Hehehe..come on.

Eve: I had a splendid dream...

Ren: You can tell me whenever you feel like talking but for now, a lovely young lady such as yourself deserves some sleep in a comfy bed.

Ren walked up the stairs while carrying Eve in his arms and once he was near the girls room, he gave the door a knock and the door opened to reveal Pansy as well as Daphne who looked to see Ren holding Eve in his arms.

Pansy: Hello Ren what are you....

Ren: Shh...Eve is sleeping, I found her past out on the couch in the common room and decided to bring her up to bed.

Daphne: Poor thing must of fallen asleep after finishing her studies.

Ren: Mind if I come in and put her to bed.

Pansy: Sure thing Ren, her bed is right next to mine and Daphne's.

Ren: Most appreciated.

Ren walked towards the bed that Eve sleeps and gently placed her into the bed while also tucking her in to make sure she is comfortable and once she was fast asleep in the bed he gave his girlfriend a kiss on forehead that made Eve smile and then began to leave the bedroom while saying goodnight to both Pansy and Daphne. Ren headed back to the boys room and told his friends and Draco that he found what he forgot and soon all of them stayed up and studied as well as play some games until the sun began to set and everyone began to head to be except for Ren who sneaked out of the room and used his invisible spell as well as creating a fake version of himself in the bed so that no one would notice him leaving the dormitory.

Ren headed towards the same direction where he found the room where Fluffy was being kept and once he used the spell to open the door like before he undid his invisible spell and looked to see Fluffy sleeping peacefully until all three noses caught Ren's scent and the three headed dog woke up to see Ren standing in front of the dog.

Ren: Hehehe, hey Fluffy miss me boy.

Fluffy began to nuzzle towards Ren while also giving the young Palpatine small licks to the face meaning the three headed dog missed their new friend.

Ren: I missed you too boy, but I need to head down to that trap door near your paw because someone is waiting for me so would you be a good dog and remove your paw so I can enter and in return I will give you three more juicy steaks as well as a chew toy.

Fluffy responded and remove the paw from the trap door so that Ren can enter it and once he opened the trap door he awarded Fluffy with three more yummy steaks as well as some chew toys to play with that are his size. After giving the three headed dog some more pets for a thank you as well as played a little song for him to fall asleep after he finishes his food, Ren jumped down into the trap door and found himself in a pile of living plants and not just any plant Devil's Snare.

Ren: Devil's Snare, might as well keep myself calm so it would be easier to pass through without causing the vines to acted up because something tells me that the three idiots will panic when they see this.

Ren relaxed his body so that the Devil's Snare wouldn't attack him and after he relaxed himself he simply slipped through the Devil's Snare and fell to the bottom that leads to a tunnel and to the next room. Ren headed towards the next place where he found a door and when he opened it, he looked see a room filled with flying keys hovering around the area as well as a broomstick meaning you have to fly and get the key that fits the door handle on the other side.

Ren: Hmm..seems like one of these keys fits the door and I believe I just found it, the one with the broken wing.

Ren found the key that he was looking for to open the door in which instead of just flying after it, he used the force to bring the key to him while not causing the others to startle and once he got the key in his hand, he opened the door and allowed the small key to fly with the others while also fixing its broken wing. Ren headed to the next room and what he found was broken and smashed pieces of statues on the side lines but when he got closer towards the area that he was in he saw that he was on giant version of Wizard's Chess meaning that statues are the chess pieces.

Ren: Not that much of a fan of Wizard's chess, might as well just keep moving forward.

Ren walked towards where the other door was until he was stopped by the chess pieces who were armed with their swords meaning that Ren couldn't get through them.

Ren: Oh for Merlins sake, I don't have time to deal with these chess pieces might as well do it my way.

Ren then used the force to push the statues pieces out of the way so that he can get through without playing some ridiculous chess game in which the young Palpatine grabbed all of the chess pieces using the force and smashed them into the walls destroying them completely.

(Pretend its Ren smashing his way to get to the door behind the chess pieces)

Once Ren looked to see no more chess pieces in his way and was now in front of the door, he then took out his wand and repaired the damages to the chess pieces because since Potter and his minions are coming down they would need to get pass the levels they will encounter.

Ren: Can't leave anything destroyed otherwise the idiots will be on to something and luckily before I went into the trap door I played a little song for Fluffy to make him fall asleep after he finished his food. Now let's see where this door leads to next.

Ren opened the door and looked to see stairs that leaded down to somewhere and so he followed them down to see where the small passageway leads and once he was down stairs he looked to see someone standing in front of the mirror that Ren saw in the castle when he found the stone. When Ren got a closer look at the man standing in front of the mirror it was known other than Professor Quirrell himself.

Ren: Good Evening Professor Quirrell.

Quirrell: Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: I see that you have founded the mirror.

Quirrell: Indeed, I have been looking into to mirror for a while now and I know what I seek for my master.

Ren: That is quite interesting because I already have what your master seeks and the mirror showed me it.

Quirrell: You have the stone?

Ren: Indeed I do sir but may I speak to your master, I would like to discuss of how I found the stone he was looking for.

Voldemort: Let me speak to him.

Quirrell: As you wish master.

Quirrell undid his robe hat that covered his head and revealed Voldemort behind his head who looked pleased to see the young Palpatine again.

Voldemort: Hello again young Palpatine, I take that your task has been completed.

Ren: Yes, Lord Voldemort I was able to find the history of the stone that you are looking for in the forbidden section of the library and I made sure nobody knew I was there and once I was finished I came upon this mirror that you are looking before you and saw my reflection and what I saw was me holding the stone and placing it into my pocket.

Voldemort: Impressive very impressive, you have your fathers intelligence. Do you have the stone with you?

Ren: As promised my lord, the sorcerers stone that will allow you to regain your body back.(Ren saids and takes out the stone from his pocket and shows it to Voldemort himself)

Voldemort: Excellent work young one, you have showed me that you have kept your word as promised.

Ren: Was there any doubt my lord. Here is the stone Professor Quirrell.

Quirrell: We thank you for your assistance Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: Also to make sure that no one knows about the stone, I planted a fake one inside of the mirror to fool them thinking that they have the real one.

Voldemort: Very good, now that I have the stone I will be able to get half of my body back.

Ren: Half you say?

Voldemort: Yes, the stone will be able to give me a body but it will only be weaker until I perfume a ritual that will restore my body to its full potential as well as restore my powers.

Ren: When the day comes I look forward to seeing you back to your former self my lord.

Voldemort: As do I young Palpatine, I thank you for your help but know this we will meet again.

Ren: And we shall Lord Voldemort. But I must warn you about something.

Quirrell: What is it Mr.Palpatine?

Ren: Potter Jr and his two friends figured out about the stone and are planning on coming down here to find it and they think it's Snape who is after it.

Voldemort: Pathetic fools especially that over weighted Potter child.

Ren: I couldn't agree more.

Voldemort: Quirrell will show you the path back up to the castle while we take over leave.

Ren: Very well but first I would need to make a copy version of Quirrell so if Potter tries something the copy version will stall him while the real one escapes with his master undetected.

Voldemort: Wise idea Palpatine.

Ren created the copy version of Quirrell that looked exactly like the original and once the real one with his master still attached to his head showed Ren the path back up to the castle, Voldemort said his farewells to Ren and will see him again and Ren looks forward to seeing Voldemort back and restored to his former self with all of his powers. Ren took the path back to the castle that lead to the library and to make sure no one spots him, he took out his wand and made himself invisible once more and headed back to his dormitory.

Ren looked around his room and saw all of his friends still asleep and once it was cleared he undid his invisible spell and climbed into his bed to get some sleep without the other Slytherin's knowing where he was or what he did.

The next morning word got out about what happened down dungeons between Potter Jr and the fake Quirrell who turned into dust when Potter touched him meaning that everyone thought that Potter destroyed him but Ren planned the whole thing as well as how the fake Qurriell was going to be destroyed so that the real one leaves the castle unnoticed with Voldemort at his side and now everyone thinks the Quirrell is dead because of what Potter Jr in which after what happened his parents along with Dumbledore found the Potter boy along with his friends injured and were taken to the hospital to recover while the stone that was the fake one was destroyed and they all didn't know it wasn't the real one but a total fake made by Ren himself to fool them all. Even though word got out of what James Potter Jr did down in the dungeon, the students at Hogwarts still didn't like him because he was still acting like a spoil brat and acting like he was better than everyone in which he is not.

Soon the house cup ceremony was going to begin and Slytherin earned a lot of points for what they all did in school while Ravenclaw came in second, Hufflepuff in third and Gryffindor in last thanks to the lost of points that Potter lost thanks to his ego. Ren knew that Dumbledore was going to try something and gives out points in which he came up with an idea to make sure that the old goat wouldn't try something and so before the ceremony began, Ren turned invisible once more and put something inside of Dumbledores drink so that he wouldn't give out free points to any of the houses in which was Gryffindor and Ren thought Dumbledore was going to give away points to Potter for doing absolutely nothing during his stay in Hogwarts and give the other points to his friends who didn't do well in school and just took Potters side.

Draco: I get the feeling Dumbledore is up to something and I don't like it one bit.

Blaise: I agree but what is his planning I am wondering?

Draco: Probably is going to give out points to those Gryffindors for all I know.

Pansy: They don't even have that many points to begin with thanks to Potter Jr.

Daphne: True but you know Dumbledore is with the Potters and I am guessing he is going to give the house cup to them.

Luna: What do you think Ren?

Ren: Let's see and find out. After all Potter and his minions hardly did any progress during school only to show off and bully others which is a disgrace.

Crabb: Ren's right and not to mention what they been doing to the other houses besides Slytherin, how can they possibly be able to attend Hogwarts?

Ren: Easy spoiled parents, fame, money and pleading for the old goat obviously.(Ren saids that made all the Slytherins nod in agreement)

McGonagall then banged onto the glass up with her spoon to get everyones attention so that Dumbledore can speak and before he got up from his throne, he took a sit of his drink that Ren put something inside of it to make sure that Dumbledore didn't do what he had planned for the house cup.

Dumbledore: Another year gone and now as I understand it the house cup needs awarding and the points stand thus in fourth place Gryffindor with 98 points.

Gryffindor clapped lightly at the points they got and pissed about not getting any higher all because of the certain boy who lived who earned many glares from Gryffindor table who now see the so called chosen one nothing more than a spoil rotten toad.

Dumbledore: Third place Hufflepuff with 360 points.

Hufflepuff clapped for the points they all earned during the school year in which the other houses clapped for them.

Dumbledore: In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points.

Ravenclaw clapped for getting higher points for their house and Ren clapped for them since his godfather was a Ravenclaw himself so he earned that house with respect.

Dumbledore: And in first place, the house who have earned the most highest points for the entire school year as well as did absolutely well in their classrooms with their teachers. The house with the number of 557 points goes to Slytherin House meaning that Slytherin wins the house cup once again.

Ren: Hehehe looks like my idea worked like a charm.(Ren saids in thought)

Admittedly Slytherin cheered in greatness that everyone on the table cheered for winning the house cup again that made Professors Snape, Black and Lupin clapped for the house who earned lots of points for their house. Soon Slytherin began to throw their hats into the air for their victory win along with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff except for Gryffindor who their so called boy who lived looked livid and ready to blow a gasket and his minions Granger and Weasley slammed their heads on the table for defeat. Ren looked to see the Potter Sr getting angry that his precious chosen ones house didn't win and went off to blow off steam while Ren smiled at seeing Potter Sr look like fool while Lily Potter went to calm her husband and then soon Ren went back to cheering with his friends.

The school year had ended and everyone was packing up their things to head home for the summer as well as prepare for another year at Hogwarts in the fall. So Ren along with his familiar Kylo were at the train stop with their friends who were boarding the train to head on home and spend time with their families.

Hagrid: Come on now, you'll be late..train is leaving go on.

Ren: Hagrid.

Hagrid: Oh hello Ren and to you as well Kylo.

Kylo: Bark!

Ren: Well this is it until we come back after the summer.

Hagrid: Indeed it is Ren, I look forward to seeing you again, oh and due stop by and pay Artemis a visit she really misses you as well as Eve so don't forget to stop by Romania and check on her.

Ren: I will do that Hagrid and thanks for your hospitality at Hogwarts and I would like to have more of that splendid tea of yours when I come back.

Hagrid: I wouldn't have it any other way Ren and do bring Eve with you, I like that little lady very much. She is something truly special.

Ren: That she is Hagrid, I will make sure to bring her again.

Hagrid: Great, now best be off don't want to miss the train.

Ren: Will do, farewell Hagrid.

Hagrid: See you again Ren and you too Kylo you very charming wolf.(Hagrid saids to Ren and then gives Kylo a pat on the head that made the wolf pleased)

Ren said goodbye to Hagrid and got on board the train with Kylo and the two of them went ot find a compartment to sit in until Ren spotted Eve along with Daphne and Luna sitting together and thought about sitting with them.

Ren: Ahem..hello Moon Star, Ice Princess and Angel.

Eve/Daphne/Luna: Ren!(Both said with excitement)

Ren: Mind if myself and Kylo join you.

Luna: We would be delighted you join us and you as well Kylo.

Ren went inside the compartment with the girls along with Kylo who laid down on Luna's lap and was giving pets to make him fall asleep. Ren went to sit with Eve who cuddled into her lovers shoulder that got the look from both Luna and Daphne.

Luna: It seems that you and Eve have gotten together Ren.

Ren: How did you figure that out?

Luna: From the way that she has been spending time with you as well as what you have done for during school it is kind of obvious in which I think you two look quite lovely together.

Ren: Thank you though why do I feel like something is bothering the two of you and don't bother denying it because I can see it in your eyes.

Eve looked at both Daphne and Luna who were blushing and looking away from Ren after he questioned them but for Eve she knows why the girls are acting differently when ever Ren is around it is because they to have feelings for him and Eve didn't really see a problem to it after all both Luna and Daphne treated Eve with such kindness and befriended her along with the other Slytherins that made her very happy even when she was around Ren.

Eve: I think...I know why they are behaving like this Ren.

Ren: You do?

Eve: would seem that they both developed a romantic attraction towards you Ren.

Ren listen to Eve's words and then looked at both Luna and Daphne who were both blushing as well as playing with their hair meaning what Eve said is true that both blondes had feelings for the young Palpatine all this time and he didn't know until now.

Ren: Is this true, do you both feel the same way of how you feel about me.

Daphne and Luna: Yes......

Ren: When did you start feeling this way?

Daphne: During our time together at Hogwarts and after you saved me and Eve from the Troll, all of sudden I didn't know what I was feeling inside of me but I knew deep down that I started to developed feelings for you Ren and I couldn't stop thinking about the times you had our backs and said such wise words towards us Slytherins.

Luna: You are full of compassion and will do anything to keep those close to you safe and after I got to know you and for the gift you gave me I have never met anyone like you Ren. I kept thinking about you day and night even when I am dreaming that one day will could be more than just friends and classmates.

Daphne: I had the same feeling too.

Ren: Eve what do you think?

Eve: They express how they truly feel about you Ren just like how I did and I wouldn't mind having them be with you, I trust them with my life and I wouldn't mind them sharing you with me because you make me feel special and I don't want my two friends to feel bad or upset.

Daphne and Luna: Eve...

Eve: As long as you two feel the same way about Ren just like I am, I don't mind letting him being in a relationship with two more girls because I like you both very much and I want to see you both happy.

Ren: That was nice Eve. So what do you say girls wanna join the relationship and become my girlfriends. After all I do find you girls very beautiful and quite lovely just like Eve.

Both Daphne and Luna were brought to tears of joy and got up from their spot and engulfed Ren into a hug while thanking him for excepting their feelings in which Eve smiled at the girls and looks forward to being together with the man all of three of them love.

Ren: Allow me to give you both something to show my affections towards you.

Daphne: What would tha.....mph.(Daphne was cut off as Ren kisses her on the lips that made her eyes widen but soon melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Ren's neck)

Ren: A beautiful Ice Princess deserves a kiss from your Dark Prince.

Daphne: My Dark Prince....

Ren: And now for you my Angel.

Luna: Please allow me my Shadow.

Luna took Ren's cheeks and kisses him on the lips and the two kisses passionately and once separated both Luna and Daphne looked upon their Ren with love in their eyes and know that he will take good care of them.

Daphne and Luna: I love you Ren..

Ren: And I love you my Ice Princess, my Angel as well as you my Moon Star.

Eve: I love you to my Knight.


Both Ren along with the girls and Kylo looked towards the door and saw Pansy cheering with joy while Blaise, Crabb, Goyal and Draco pulled out money from their pockets and gave it to Pansy.

Ren: What's going on here?

Blaise: Apparently we placed bets with Pansy on rather or not that Eve, Daphne, and Luna will fall over heels for you and it looks like we just lost the bet.

Pansy: Yup and more money for me!

Draco: And we knew that they would get together with you Ren sorry for not mentioning it, we wanted to wait until you were ready to tell us but we already figured it out.

Ren: It's all right Draco I forgive you. Speaking of which whats going on between you and Pansy if you don't mind me asking.(Ren saids with a smirk that made everyone giggle while Draco and Pansy were blushing red)

Pansy and Draco: WHAT?!!!

Ren: Oh don't be like that, I can tell there is something going on between you two and I see how you two look at each other day after day.

Blaise/Crabb/Goyal: Pffff.....

Luna: I think that is so sweet.

Daphne: Never knew Malfoy had it in him.

Eve: Pansy are you and Draco?


Draco: Merlin help me...

Ren: Hehehe all right everyone I think we teased the lovebirds enough for today.

Pansy and Draco: WE'RE NOT LOVEBIRDS!!!

Ren: Right sure you aren't come on in everyone we save you seats.

Blaise: Say while we wait until the train takes us back to nine and three quarters there has been something that has been bugging me.

Draco: What is it?

Blaise: Did anyone notice how Dumbledore was acting when he awarded Slytherin the house cup because for some reason I thought he was going to award Gryffindor more points and allow them to win.

Crabb: I have been wondering the same thing.

Goyal: Same here it sounded like he wasn't himself.

Pansy: Was he under some kind of spell?

Daphne: If he was we wouldn't known about it or felt it.

Eve: Maybe he decided to make the right decision since Gryffindor lost a lot of points due to Potter and his minions.

Ren: Or a certain someone put something in his drink that will allow him not to give out points because he is nothing but an old goat who sits on that throne like he is some kind of king without a crown and to make Potter look like an idiot as well as seeing the looks of his spoil parents faces after they found out what Dumbledore said to the crowd.

Draco: Ren how can that.....oh Merlin you did not.(Draco saids then wore a smile on his face)

Pansy: What are you guys talking about?

Ren: I've may or may not put something in that old goats drink to force him not to give out any points to those looser Gryffindors meaning Potter, Granger and Weasley. And soon after words the effects wore off and he has no memory of what he did and the thing I put in the drink vanished without a trace so there could be nothing to prove.

Everyone looked at Ren with their jaws hanging down from what they just heard and finally knew what happened with Dumbledore after he gave Slytherin the house cup.

Blaise: Whoah....

Crabb and Goyal: Yea....

Pansy: Ren you are one evil evil and totally amazing genius!!!

Daphne: Did you plan this from the start!

Eve and Luna: So cool....

Ren: Yup I knew that old goat was going to pull something on us during the house cup so I created a plan to sabotage his idea to give the points to Gryffindor and allow Slytherin to win the house cup since we earned those points for our perfect attendance.

Draco: Ren you really know how to make us Slytherins proud, and Dumbledore got what he deserved as well as Potter, I mean didn't any of you see that over weighted chosen one scream like a rotten child.

Everyone: Yup!

During the whole train ride back to the station, Ren talked among his friends and his lovers about what they are going to do for the summer and would send letters to each to tell one another what they have planned and after a while now the train arrived at nine and three quarters and so many parents were waiting outside to see their children and ask about their school year. Everyone began to get off the train with their things and go and meet with their families and loved ones where Ren waved bye to his friends who looked forward to seeing them back in school in the fall.

Eve: Bye Ren...I will see you back in school. 💋(Eve saids and kisses Ren on the cheek)

Ren: You too Eve, tell your parents I said hello.

Eve: I will, I love you.

Ren: Love you too Eve.

Ren looked to see Eve off and find her parents until he spotted them near the pillar and both Selene and Michael hugged their daughter and went to tell them all about her school year. Soon Daphne and Luna came up to Ren and went to say their goodbyes as well.

Daphne: Write to me, promise.

Ren: I will, safe travels home Ice Princess.

Daphne: I will my Dark Prince, I love you. 💋(Daphne saids and kisses Ren on the lips)

Ren: Me as well, see you back in the fall.

Daphne headed off and saw her family waiting for her and she went off with them but no before blowing a kiss to her boyfriend meaning she is going to like seeing Ren again now that she is his girlfriend along with Eve and Luna.

Luna: I will think about you my Shadow, you and Kylo take care of yourselves.

Ren: You too Angel, I will write to you girls during my time with my family.

Luna: I look froward to hearing from you, enjoy your summer. 💋(Luna saids and kisses Ren on the cheek and runs off to her father)

It would seem that you have found romance my son.(A voice saids from behind Ren who turned out to be his father Sheev Palpatine who wore a smile on his face at seeing that his son has found such lovely women in his life)

Ren: Father!(Ren saids with excitement and hugs his parent who hugs him back)

Palpatine: How was your year in school my son.

Ren: It was quite enjoyable.

Palpatine: I can see that as well as that you have such beautiful girls besides miss Corvin in your life, I must say my son I am very pleased you also chosen Miss Greengrass and Miss Lovegood to be in your life they are very special ladies treat them well.

Ren: I will father.

Palpatine: Tell me did you find you know what for you know who?

Ren: I did father and no one suspects a thing and I planned everything including a fake a stone while I gave the real one to him in person.

Palpatine: Well done my boy.

Ren: Though the stone would only give him half of his body but not the whole thing because he needs to do a ritual that will not only restore his body to the way it was before but also his powers included.

Palpatine: I see, then we can discuss the rest of it when we return home.

Ren: Absolutely, I miss the lords and grandfather.

Palpatine: And they look forward to hearing what you did in school including myself my son.

Ren: While we return are we going to continue my training.

Palpatine: Indeed we are Ren. Come let us head on home.

Ren: As you wish father.

Ren and his father along with Kylo headed back home to the manor to see the lords and inform them about what happened at Hogwarts and soon the next school year would give Ren absolute knowledge as well as make more allies and unlock hidden secrets.

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