Chapter 14: Back to Hogwarts!

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Today was the day that Ren goes back to school with his friends and especially the so called chosen one the fat boy who lived in which Ren got all of his school supplies as well as his books and Kylo. Soon after he woke up early and had breakfast with his father and the lords, he asked that Lord Dooku will take him to the station since his father has plans for today. Dooku excepted the offer to take his godson to the station. Soon after everything was packed and ready for departure, both Dooku and Ren along with Kylo used the same teleportation to arrive at the station on time before it leaves around eleven. Once they arrived they looked to see that they were early and half of the students came to the station and got on board the train.

Dooku: You have everything you need Ren.

Ren: Yes I do and thank you for taking me and Kylo to the station.

Dooku: My pleasure young one, good luck in your second year and make sure to write to us.

Ren: I will, see you soon.

Dooku: Goodbye Ren, and tell Severus I said hello.

Ren: I will do that sir.

Dooku: I will take my leave now and if you find anything in the school that could be useful let us know.

Ren: You know I will my lord. Come along Kylo best to find a compartment.

Kylo: Bark!

Once on the train both Ren and Kylo looked to find a compartment to sit until they spotted Eve, Daphne and Luna sitting together. Ren wore a smile on his face to see his lovely girlfriends all together and has decided to sit with them.

Ren: Hello my m'ladies how lovely it is to see you all again.

Eve/Daphne/Luna: REN!!!❤️

All the girls got up and engulfed Ren into a hug in which he hugged all three of them back until each of them kissed him on the lips showing how much they missed him. Ren did the same thing to them and soon they all sat together while Kylo sat down and rested.

Ren: I take that all of you had a wonderful summer.

Daphne: We did though it would have been greater if you would there with us.

Ren: I'm sorry but maybe next time I will spend the summer with you girls and I will make that a promise.

Luna: What's you been doing all summer my shadow.

Ren: Training as well as studying for Hogwarts since we are getting new courses but also spending time with my family.

Eve: Speaking of Hogwarts did any of you besides me and Ren hear that were having Lockhart as our defense against dark arts teacher.

Daphne: Oh for Merlin's sake not him, I read all about that fool he is nothing but a fraud.

Ren: He is especially those things he did in his books, taking credit for other peoples work and changing them making them think he did those spells, adventures and so on.

Luna: How could Dumbledore let someone like Lockhart teach a class.

Ren: Because the old goat doesn't have a sense of humor nor doesn't care what he does. Just like Potter who fell for what Lockhart did and believed the stories in his books.

Eve/Daphne/Luna: Potter.(All said with venom in their voices)

Knock! Knock!

Ren got up and walked towards the door and opened it to see three new faces that he never seen before but they have great magical aura's inside of them. The group was one girl and two boys.

Ren: Hello my name is Ren, is there something you three need?

Hello Ren my name is Ben Kenobi and this my adopted brother Anakin Skywalker Kenobi and our friend Reva Sevander. We were wondering if it would be all right if we sit in the compartment since the other students are coming board now.

Ren: Why of course and I can tell that your three are new that correct.

Ben: Yes we are.

Ren: Come on in.

Ren allowed the three to come into the compartment with Eve, Daphne, and Luna and soon all of them sat together and started to have their conversations.

Ren: I think introduction shall be in order wouldn't all agree.

Anakin: Yes, my name is Anakin Skywalker Kenobi pureblood and adopted brother to Ben Kenobi it's a pleasure to meet you.

Reva: I am known as Reva Sevander like Anakin I am also a pureblood just like my father who works in the ministry of magic. My mother was also pureblood though she past away a long time ago.

Ren: Sorry for you loss.

Reva: Thank you.

Ben: Hello there, my name is Ben Kenobi and yes I am pureblood as well and heir to the Kenobi manor as well as Anakin. It is my pleasure to meet you all.

Daphne: I am Daphne Greengrass please to meet you three.

Luna: I am Luna Lovegood very charmed to meet new faces.

Eve: I am Eve Corvin, nice to meet you three.

Ren: I am known as Ren Palpatine son of Sheev Palpatine and heir of Palpatine manor.

Reva: No way! I am truly honored to meet the heir of Palpatine. My father has told me so much about Lord Palpatine and I can't believe I am meeting his son oh I truly humbled to meet you.

Ren: Hehehe please you don't have to be so formal you can just call me Ren.

Ben: I have read about your father in my studies, it was said that he was the greatest wizard in Hogwarts history.

Anakin: Don't forget about that others as well like Dooku, Maul, Revan, and Bane.

Ren: That's interesting because Lord Bane is my grandfather while the lords themselves are my godfathers.

Reva and Anakin: Whoah....

Ren: I can tell that you three admire my godfathers correct.

Ben: Yes, I was admirer of Lord Dooku his skills and knowledge are the reason why I like to study hard and become what I am great at. I always wanted to meet him in person though never had the chance.

Ren: Well if ever come across each other again I will introduce you to him in person.

Ben: That would be delightful I thank you.

Anakin: I admired both Revan's and Maul's skills as a fighter which I like to practice after my studies with Ben, I spent a couple days training to be the best and so far my skills are improving remarkable even our parents were impressed of what I can do.

Eve: Do you train as well Ben?

Ben: Of course me and my brother always like to train after our studies and practice our skills in fighting in case we come upon a dangerous threat.

Reva: My father told me stories of your father Ren as well as Lord Bane. I always wanted to me such very powerful wizards who are both wise and mindful.

Ren: Thank you Reva.

Daphne: Any idea what house you three are going to be in?

Ben: We were suppose to go to Hogwarts for our first year but we skipped ahead and moved onto the second year and I was thinking of being sorted into RavenClaw.

Anakin: Same goes for me, I admire RavenClaw for their brains and knowledge.

Luna: What about you Reva?

Reva: Slytherin, since both my parents were in that house together I thought why not follow in their foot steps.

Ren: Well if you do end up in Slytherin house, I will be the first one to welcome you into our house.

Eve: All of us are Slytherin and we would like to have you as our friend.

Luna: Same goes for you Ben and Anakin we would like to have you as our friends.

Ren: Making new friends is always the best.

Ben: We would be honored.

Anakin: As long as we're not friends with the chosen one because I heard the stories about him and I have to say he's nothing more than an over weighted snot nose brat.

Eve/Daphne/Luna/Ren: Agreed.

Reva: I heard about what he did in the first year and I have to say he is not what I expected to be the worlds hero, I mean are we sure he is the chosen one and not some kind of idiot who only cares about being famous and is only doing this for the money and glory just like his parents.

Ben: For once I agree, something doesn't seem to add up. How could that thing possibly be the chosen one who can't even do a simple spell without causing a tantrum.

Ren: That's Potter for you always the whiner.

Reva: Say Ren is this your familiar because I think he's kind of cute.

Ren: Why yes Reva that is my familiar. His name is Kylo who is a black wolf and very protective.

Kylo: Bark!

Kylo got up and started to lick Reva's face that made her giggle while Ben and Anakin petted the wolf on the head that made Kylo relaxed until Ren informed them about the bond that Kylo will give him his protection so that his new friends wont get hurt and so all three formed the bond with Kylo and now they have his protection.

When it became eleven o'clock the train with all the students on board began to leave the station and head off towards Hogwarts but unknown to them that two idiots couldn't get on the train nor get through the magical wall that leads to the station so they will have to find another way to get to Hogwarts which is both stupid and idiotic. Back on the train itself Ren was having a conversation with Ben and Anakin while Even, Daphne and Luna were having conversation with Reva.

Anakin: Seriously why did Dumbledore had to pick that moron to teach a class I mean really what could Lockhart possibly teach us.

Ben: I serious doubt we will be expecting great things from the all great and mighty Lockhart.

Ren: Hehehe bet you guys that he's going to give us a quiz about his personal life and what he does.

Anakin: Oh Merlin help me.

Ben: I would prefer Severus Snape to teach since it was his dream to teach defense against the dark arts even though I admired his knowledge of potions, I think he would do marvelously as the defense against the dark arts.

Ren: I agree Serves Snape is a wise wizard even his speeches are so full of wonders and compassion as well as strength. I can see why my father and him were such good friends in school.

Anakin: There is also one teacher I really like and that is Professor Minerva McGonagall.

Ren: Yes, I really admire her very much, she is both wise and very generous.

Ben: That she is, I wouldn't mind having class with her and know what she will teach.

Ren: You will like when she teaches class I should know.

After a while the train trolley lady by with snacks for the students where Ren asked for some chocolate frogs while the other got whatever they wanted and once Ren open the box and ate the frog and looked at the called he looked see that he got one of the four founding members of Hogwarts and that was Salazar Slytherin.

Daphne: Wow Ren you got one of the four founders of Hogwarts.

Ren: Salazar Slytherin.

Luna: Not many were able to find that card but it looks like you found him Ren.

Ren: Looks that way.

The chamber you must seek it....come to the chamber.(A male voice saids within Ren's mind)

Ren heard a voice from his mind and looked around and didn't see anything but his friends and then looked towards the card and saw Salazar gone.

Ren: The chamber, what chamber?(Ren saids in thought)

Ren then looked out the window to think until all of sudden he saw something flying around the train and it looked like a blue car in which Ren rubbed his eyes together to see if he was dreaming but he wasn't because there is a flying car outside of the window and when he looked to see who was driving it, it was known other than the bratty Weasley and the fat boy who lived.

Ren: You have got to be kidding me.

Eve: Whats wrong Ren?

Ren: Everyone if you look out the window you will see two idiots that has red hair and one who is fat driving a flying car around the train like a bunch of morons

Daphne: Is that Potter and Weasley?!

Reva/Ben/Anakin: What in Merlin's name?

Daphne: Looks like the morons missed the train and decided to take a flying car, how stupid are these two.

Ben: That looks like the same car that I saw parked out of the muggles parking lot.

Anakin: Looks like they stole it and possibly just expose magic to the world.

Ren: Seems that way.

Reva: Think they will get expelled?

Ren: No and I know why.

Everyone: Dumbledore.

Ren: Yup, he will just leave them off with a warning and thats it. Say hows about we have some fun with them.(Ren saids and takes out his wand)

Anakin: You gonna do something out of the ordinary aren't you. I like it.

Ren: Let's see how they like when their car does tricks. Objet Possede!

Ren shot the spell that flying car that was invisible to everyone until all of sudden they looked to see the car doing flips and twirls followed by moving up and down and crashing into trees. They all looked at the car they back at Ren who was moving his wand in different ways and what they saw was Ren took control of the flying car and was making the morons inside look like fools who were trying to take control of the car but couldn't.

Anakin: Hahahahaha! Now this is what I call a show.

The girls were enjoying the show very much especially when Ren moved the car down towards the chicken farm where everyone saw the Weasley and Potter covered in feathers as well as screaming for their lives until Ren decided to call off the spell and watch the car turn back to normal until all of sudden the car crashed again into a tree that left a huge dent in the front.

Ren: Well that was fun. Now we can relax and arrive to Hogwarts without any distractions.

Ben: What spell did you use to take control like that?

Ren: I used an object possessed spell it allows a wizard to take control of anything object and bend it to its will.

Ben: Incredible.

After a long of traveling, the train made the stop and all of the students came out to see Hagrid like before so that he can take them to Hogwarts and while the student came out of the train, Hagrid looked and spotted both Ren and Eve and went to greet them.

Hagrid: Ren, Eve how it is nice to see you two again.

Eve: Hello Hagrid.

Ren: Good evening Hagrid.

Kylo: Bark!

Hagrid: Yes and hello to you too Kylo, you got a lot bigger than the last time I saw you.

Ren: How you been Hagrid.

Hagrid: Oh I am doing just fine thank you and say did you pay a visit to Artemis in Romania.

Ren: We sure did and got to say she's getting quite bigger the last time we saw her.

Hagrid: That is wonderful news to hear, now come along I will take you all to Hogwarts.

Hagrid then took everyone towards the castle in which Ren bumped into his best friend Draco who was happy to see his friend along with the others and he told Draco that there will be a new member of Slytherin house joining them who is a pureblood like everyone else and that pleases Draco and the other Slytherins. Ren then introduced his friends to Anakin, Ben and Reva in which all of them became good friends toward each other and look forward to learning together. Once they all arrived inside the great hall and got settled both Anakin along with Ben were sorted into RavenClaw and Reva into Slytherin in which both houses clapped for their new arrivals.

Ren: Reva welcome to house of Slytherin. We welcome you to the house that shows strength and skill.

Reva: Thank you Ren for welcoming me into the house.

Draco: My father is good friends with your father in the ministry of magic. I am honored to have you as my friend.

Reva: Thank you.

Pansy: Say did any of you seen that flying car outside of the train?

Crabb: I saw it too who would be stupid enough to drive that thing.

Ren: Potter and Weasley.

Draco: Wait Potter and Weasley were in that thing?

Ren: Yup and I may or may not had some fun with them where I crashed them into trees, the lakes, and chicken farms.(Ren saids with a smirk)

Blaise: You are one wicked genius Ren though how did you get control of the car?

Eve: He used a possessed object spell to take control of the car and bend it to his will.

Draco: You got to teach us that spell it might come in handy.

Ren: Of course anything for my fellow Slytherins.

Goyal: Speaking of Potter and Weasley where are they?

Draco: Probably got lost. Like we care.

Ren: Or they're still in the flying car.

Luna: How do you know?

Ren: Because there's a car flying around the castle windows and it looks like it's out of control.

Everyone looked out the window and saw a car flying around the castle that caught the attention of the students and the professors as well as Dumbledore in which after they looked to see the car going down and crash, the teachers had the prefects take the students to their dormitories while the professors and Dumbledore attend to the morons flying that car outside. After going to their dormitories everyone began to unpack their things and get settled in.

Reva: So this is the Slytherin dormitory not bad.

Daphne: Would you like a tour me and girls will be honored.(Daphne saids in which Luna, Eve, Pansy nod in agreement)

Reva: I would love a tour.

The girls took Reva on a tour around the Slytherin dormitory while the boys sat on the chairs to relax and talk among themselves.

Ren: Anything new happening Draco.

Draco: As a matter of fact I am planing on joining the Slytherin quidditch team.

Ren: Thats great Draco, congratulations what did they made you?

Draco: I was made a chaser, been practicing over the summer and when my father saw my talent he offered me a spot of the team.

Ren: Look forward to having you on the team Draco.

Draco: Thanks, what have you been doing during the summer.

Ren: Spending time with my father and the lords as well as training followed by studying have to keep myself busy so I learn as much as I can to improve myself.

Blaise: Like father like son.

Crabb: Can't believe we are having that Lockhart teach us in school.

Blaise: I agree with you, why can't Professor Snape teach that class, he would do an excellent job better than Lockhart.

Draco: Lockhart is fool and for Merlin's sake I hope he gets his memories erased and forgets who he is.

Ren: Thats not a bad idea.(Ren saids in thought)

Goyal: Speaking of fools how much trouble you think Potter and Weasley are going to get after that car incident.

Ren: They will get off with a warning thanks to Dumbledore and will tell them to never do it again and will probably laid off easy besides Potter is the chosen one who is a brat and stuck up moron like his friend Weasley.

Boys: Figures.

The door of the dormitory they opened and came in Professor Snape in which Ren decided to greet the head of Slytherin.

Ren: Good evening Professor Snape.

Snape: Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: I take that Potter and Weasley got off the hook with Dumbledore.

Snape: Apparently so, those boys should have been expelled for exposing the wizard world while driving that infernal contraption outside of the school.

Ren: Let me guess they got the Dumbledore pass card as well as a day of detention and thats it.

Snape: Indeed.

Ren: Sigh, those two are an embarrassment to the wizard world. How can that Potter be the chosen one I mean really, he can hardly does anything except show off like fool he is.

Snape: I agree but that wont stop us Slytherins for rising to the top while Potter lyes below us.

Ren: True, oh my god father Lord Dooku saids hello to you and he would like if you two would get accredited like old times.

Snape: It has been quite a while since I last spoken to Lord Dooku, I will write him letter of when we can meet again. Thank you for informing me Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: My pleasure sir though one more thing before I head off to bed with my snakes.

Snape: What would that be?

Ren: I believe that you should teach the defense against the dark arts because you have what it takes to teach that class.

Snape: Really.

Ren: You are very wise, cunning, smart and has the backbone to do anything. You are our head house Professor Snape you can do anything, you are remarkably wizard and a good friend to my father Lord Palpatine. I would be pleased that you took the job and not Lockhart.

Snape: Your words honor me Mr.Palpatine I thank you.

Ren: My pleasure sir, good night.

Snape: Good night Mr.Palpatine see you in class.

Ren: You as well.

Ren headed up to his room with his snakes and once he arrived he got his school stuff together for classes to start in the morning and once he took his shower and put on his sleep wear, him and Kylo headed to bed and await to get ready for school along with their friends.

Chamber...come to the must seek the chamber.(The same male voice saids like on the train)

Ren heard the same voice again and looked around and saw no one but his fellow snakes asleep and once he looked around one more time he drifted off into sleep while thinking about that voice he heard and about some chamber that he would need to know more about.

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