Chapter 15: Lockhart What a Loser!

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Today it is the second of Hogwarts and all the students from different classes are getting ready to start their day where Ren and his fellow Slytherins as well as his beloved girls Daphne, Eve and Luna went off to Professor Sprout to begin class. As soon as they arrived in class they had to wear gardened robes that was written in their papers. When everyone else came in along with The Fat Boy Who Lived and Weasely who had food stains all over their faces, it made the girls disgusted while Ren rolled it eyes at the two idiots stupidity until that all stop when Professor Sprout came in.

Sprout: Morning everyone, good morning everyone!

Everyone: Good morning Professor Sprout!

Sprout: Welcome back to GreenHouse three, second years. Now gather round everyone. Today we're going to re-pot Mandrakes.

Ren: I heard about these in my studies they can cause a person to fall unconscious or worse kill that person who hears the scream of the Mandrakes.(Ren saids in thought)

Sprout: Now who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrakes root? Yes Miss LoveGood.

Luna: The Mandrakes or better known as Mandragora is used to return those who've been Petrified to their original state. It is also very dangerous in which the cry of the Mandrakes can cause fatal to anyone who hears it.

Sprout: Excellent work Miss LoveGood ten points to Slytherin.

Ren: Well done angel.(Ren whispers to Luna)

Luna: Thank you my shadow.(Luna whispers back to Ren)

Ren looked over and saw Granger glaring at Luna but then stopped when Ren gave her a death stare meaning do something to Luna and it will be your life on the line and that made Granger pale and backed down.

Sprout: Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedings their cries wont kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours. Which is why I've given you each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection. So could you please put them on right away?

Everyone picked up their earmuffs like the Sprout told them and put them on their ears while Ren gave his friends and his girls some sound proof ear protection right before putting the earmuffs on which they thanked their friend for it since he told them about what will happen if they heard a Mandrakes cry.

Sprout: Flaps tight down, and watch me closely. You grasp your Mandrake firmly. You pull it sharply up out of the pot.


All the students except for the Slytherins who are wearing the sound proof ear protection heard the screech from the Mandrake and it was so loud that he caused half of the students to cover their ear muffs. Ren looked over and saw Potter and Weasley who looked like they were going to pass out and die but mostly past out.

Sprout: Got it? And now, you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm.(Sprout saids while putting the Mandrake back into the pot and covering it with soil while it was still screeching)


After a second later both Potter and Weasley couldn't take it anymore and soon both of them fainted which earned smirks and giggles from the other houses that the two idiots fell unconscious.

Sprout: Sigh...looks like Potter and Weasley been neglecting their earmuffs.

Seamus: No ma'am they just fainted.

Ren: Hehehe that was a good show for us to see those two idiots faint in front of us.(Ren whispers to his friends who giggled as well as Neville who also was offered some ear protection from Ren and is too giggling at the embarrassing of Potter and Weasley)

Sprout: Yes well, just leave them there. Right, on we go. Plenty of pops to go around, grasp your Mandrake and pull it up.


When then all pulled up their Mandrakes everyone of them unleashed a loud cry that made half of the student shriek under the cry except for LongBottom who Palpatine and his fellow snakes wearing the ear protection. Ren was able to calm down his Mandrake while giving the creature some pets as well as some compassion in which his snakes followed what he did and soon their Mandrakes calmed down and were placed into the pots that earned a smile on Sprouts face.

Sprout: Mr.Palpatine how were you able to calm your Mandrake down as well as the others?

Ren: Mandrakes have a soft spot under their necks so if you give the Mandrakes a pet under their necks it calms them down completely meaning no cries. As for the others my fellow Slytherins just followed my instruction as a matter of fact why not all of you try it and see for yourself. After all I did learned about these creatures during my studies with my father.

Admittedly everyone took Ren's advice and a second later all of their Mandrakes calmed down and were place into the pots and covered with soil while Granger was angry that Ren knows so much but he didn't care what Granger was doing while Sprout was amazed of Ren's performance.

Sprout: Magnificent work Mr.Palpatine another ten points for Slytherin and five points to each of the houses.(Sprout saids to Ren who smiles as well as the other students who got points while some like Granger who didn't like it)

Ren: Oh Miss Granger I think you should calm your Mandrake down before it awakes the others.

Hermione: HOWS ABOUT YOU DO IT!!!!(Hermione saids in anger and throws the Mandrake at Ren)

Everyone in the room gasp in shock of what Hermione did even Professor Sprout but then saw that Ren caught the Mandrake and went to calm it down while glaring at Granger for her selfish act.

Ren: That was uncalled for Granger, creatures like these have feelings you know, shh there there little one the mean bushy hair girl wont harm you anymore. There is no reason to cry.(Ren saids while petting the Mandrake on the neck while it started to calm down)

Luna/Eve/Daphne: That is so sweet of him.(All said in thought while looking at the beautiful scene)

Sprout: Miss Granger twenty points from Gryffindor and detention with me after your classes. I will not have that attitude in this class and it was extremely rude of you to throw a Mandrake, you could have killed it.

Gryffindors: Moron.(All whispered to Hermione who looked shocked and paled for what she did and not to mentioned earned glares from those around her)

Ren: All right little one let's get you into the pot and covered with soil so you can go back to sleep just like the others.

Ren places the Mandrake back into the pot and covered it with soil and once he finished he looked upon Professor Sprout who admired him for what he did and not just her but the other students as well even his best friend Draco. Soon after class ended Sprout awarded Ren fifty points for not only saving a Mandrake but also treating it with such kindness and respect.

Luna: That was beautiful Ren.

Draco: Who knew my best friend had it in him.

Ren: All did was calmed down the Mandrakes and help you guys get points for the houses.

Neville: True but also thanks for giving us these ear protection they really helped with the lesson.

Eve: Those words you said the Mandrake it almost sounded like you were acting like a father figure to it.

Ren: In the books it saids that many wizards use the same technique to calm down a Mandrake so I used the father figure technique to calm the Mandrakes down so either of us wouldn't have to hear their cries.

Daphne: You are truly remarkable my prince 💋.(Daphne saids and kisses Ren on the cheek)

Ren: Thank you.

Draco: Oh Ren I forgot to tell you that I have great news.

Ren: What is it Draco?

Draco: I was excepted into the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Ren: Draco congratulations what they made you.

Draco: I'm a chaser.

Ren: Well I would be the first one to welcome aboard the team my friend. I know you will help us bring victory this year.

Draco: Thanks Ren.

Eve: Yea congratulations Draco, we know that you will do amazing.

Draco: Really appreciate the honesty.

Ren: Come on let's all head to our next two class then we can go and get lunch together.

Ren and his friends went to their next class which was Herbology and so far it was all right which Ren was able to get Slytherin house ten more points while also helping the other students that got them points included which made the teacher impressed. Then they went to Potion class for Professor Snape where they had to make an invisibility potion and so far the only ones who failed were Potter, Weasley and Granger who messed up the potion and caused an explosion that made Snape sneer at the three idiots but luckily Ren helped repair the damage to Professor Snapes potion room while using a repair spell that made everything in the room fixed like it was never destroyed and the professor awarded Ren twenty points for Slytherin with an additional of thirty points for making a perfect invisibility potion that made a students body disappeared completely. Ren and his friends then soon headed down the great hall to have lunch together while also being impressed by how many points they earned in the second year.

Draco: Can't believe how many points we earned for this year.

Pansy: I'll say and it was all thanks to Ren.

Ren: Please you guys done some good as well and earned points for yourselves I just gave you all a helping hand.

Blaise: You should be professor Ren, I think you are cut out for it.

Ren: Nah, I am not really into the sort of position but I'll keep it in mind.

Luna: What ever you decide Ren it is your choice.

Ren: Thanks Luna.

Eve: Hey did anyone get a letter by any chance.

Daphne: No why?

Eve: Because there is an owl coming towards the hall.

Reva: Whose owl is that and it's flying pretty fast?

Ren: I would believe that letter might be for one of the Gryffindors and I think I know who exactly is getting a letter.

The owl flew down towards the Gryffindor table but then crashes into a bowl of chips while one of the Gryffindor took a picture of the bird crashing into the chips.

Ren: Ooh looks like that owl needs some more flying lessons.(Ren saids that made the Slytherin table laugh)

Ron: OH NO?!

Seamus: Look everyone! Weasley got himself a howler!

Ren: Hehehehe oh this going to be good.

Reva: I heard about howlers from my father and they quite loud very loud when opened.

Admittedly the hall began to laugh that Weasley got a howler and they all know what a howler does in which Seamus told Ron to open the letter while Ron was freaking out and scared to open the letter until a loud male voice was heard that made Ron drop the letter.


Ren: That sounded like Arthur Weasley.

Eve: I believe it is and it sounds like he is not too happy.

Ren: Well his idiot son did steal a flying car and exposed magic so yes his father would be pissed.


Ren: Whistles....Arthur Weasley is all right in my book.

Draco: Young Weasley deserved to be punished for doing something idiotic.

Slytherins: Mhm...

Howler(Arthur): Also one thing Fred, George keep your sister out of trouble and keep Ronald from doing something stupid because Merlins beard I know he will do something foolish. When you get home Ronald, you and I are going to have a long talk.

The howler then started to rip itself apart while also leaving a pale Weasley who looked ready to wet his pants and faint again. Soon the whole great hall burst into laughter that Weasley made himself a bigger fool even his own brothers laughed at their little baby brother and is going to get the punishment of a life time. After lunch was done and everyone calmed down from their laughs they all headed to their new classroom. Ren got up from his spot and headed out but then bumped into Professor Black.

Ren: Sorry Professor Black.

Sirius: No need Mr.Palpatine I wasn't looking where I was going. So what was all that screaming in the great hall?

Ren: Let's just say Weasley got himself a howler from his father who sounded pretty pissed of what he son did.

Sirius: Oh yes stealing his fathers flying car while also exposing the secret of magic had to figured.

Ren: Yup and it was good laugh out of all of us. You would be on the floor crushing your stomach with such laughter if you heard what Arthur Weasley said while his son looked ready to wet himself.

Sirius: Hehehe I am sure I will get a good laugh. So where might you be heading to?

Ren: Sigh....unfortunately my last class is with Lockhart. Merlins name that I am not going to enjoy having that fool teach a class.

Sirius: For once I agree, we tried to ask Dumbledore not to hire him as a teacher but there was no such luck. All those things that Lockhart did in his books are nothing but lies.

Ren: I know basically everyone of those chapters that were stolen from other wizards and he took their credits and made it his own thinking he did those things but it was the other wizards who did them not him. I would be surprise if he knows any spells at all nor is even smart.

Sirius: No not really.

Ren: Yea well might as well get going, sorry for bumping into you Professor.

Sirius: It's quite all right Mr.Palpatine enjoy your day.

Ren: Thank you sir.(Ren saids and was about to leave when Sirius spoke again)

Sirius: Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: Hm? Yes professor?

Sirius: Never mind, you just remind me of someone I used to care for a long time ago.

Ren: I get that a lot anyway I should get to class, see you around Professor Black.

Sirius: You too Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: I will see you again Padfoot and we will be reunited once more.(Ren saids in thought then goes off to his class)

Ren then walked towards his final class which was Defense Against The Dark Arts. He looked around and saw the students sitting down and found an empty seat next to Daphne and decided to sit with her while Luna and Eve sat behind them.

Daphne: Hello my prince.

Ren: Hello to you to Ice Princess. As well as you two included MoonStar and Angel.(Ren saids with a charming smile that made his girls blush and giggle)

Daphne: Can't believe we have to learn from this moron. Why can't Dumbledore have Professor Snape teach this class.

Ren: Because the old goat is stupid and for Lockhart he's a bigger one. Though I agree having Professor Snape teach this class would be a whole lot better and I really admire the man for his work and studies.

The door of the teachers room began to open and out came Lockhart himself which half of girls were smiling at him well mostly Granger since he adores the man. The Slytherins and the others all rolled their eyes at how ridiculous Lockhart looks when he steps out of the room.

Lockhart: Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against The Dark Arts

Ren and his friends: Merlin help me.(All said in thought while looking annoyed)

Lockhart: Gilderoy Lockhart...Order of Merlin, third class, honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League and five times winner of Witch weekly's most charming smile award.

Pansy/Daphne/Luna/Eve: I think I am going to be sick.(All said in thought while feeling disgusted of Lockhart)

Lockhart: But I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him. Now I see some of you've all bought a complete set of my books while some have not. For the those who have well done. Now, I thought we'd start today with a little quiz.

Ren: I can tell this quiz is going to be about him and only him and his made up adventures.(Ren whispers to his friends who shook their heads while annoyed once more because of Lockhart)

Lockhart: Don't worry yourselves, you have nothing to be worry about. Just to check how well you've read my books. How much you've uh taken in.(Lockhart saids and hands everyone a quiz which stuff about him and only him)

Ren: Sigh...I wish I can just force grip him and end him here and now.(Ren saids in thought while not liking what he was reading)

Daphne: Look at these question. They're all about him.

Ren: Told you.

Eve: What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

Daphne: What is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?

Draco: This fool is ridiculous!!!(Draco saids in thought while reading the quiz questions)

Lockhart: You all have thirty minutes.

Everyone took out their feathers and began to write the answers while some like Ren and his friends were not liking the idea but they had to do it even if they hate Lockhart. Soon after the thirty minutes was up and everyone turned in their papers, Lockhart went to review them.

Lockhart: Ts...Ts..hardly any of you remembered that my favorite color is lilac. But miss Hermione Granger knew that my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and market my own range of hair care potions good girl.

Ren and his friends looked at Granger and they all felt sick to their stomachs while she was giving Lockhart a smile and blushing in which they almost barfed but kept it in until the class is over and they don't have to deal with this creepiness again.

Lockhart: And so it is time for a lesson in which I will demonstrate to you all why you are here in this classroom. Now, be warned it is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to the wizard kind. You may find yourselves facing your worst fear in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to might provoke them.(Lockhard saids while revealing to the class a cage filled with blue pixie creatures)

Ren: Lockhart you really are an idiot.

Daphne: Are those what I think they are?

Ren: Yup Cornish Pixies, they are flying around maniacs who like to start trouble and bring havoc to anything they come in contact with. I read about them in my studies as well.

Seamus: Are those Cornish Pixies?

Lockhart: Freshly caught Cornish Pixies Mr.Finnegan. But pixies such as these can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them.(Lockhart saids and unleashed the the pixies and they all came flying out of the cage)

Soon all of the pixies came swarming into the room and attacking the students while some were trying to defend themselves. The pixies started to do some damage to the room as well as cause chaos wherever they go.

Ren: It's official Lockhart lost his mind.

LockHart: Come on now, round them up. They're only pixies.

The students began to leave the classroom while some like Potter and Weasley got hit in the head with some objects that the pixies threw at them leaving them unconscious and as for Hermione she ran away like a baby even if it a good laugh out of Ren and his friends who were still in the class room with the pixies. The pixies then grabbed Goyal and lifted him up into the air and handed his shirt onto the lantern.

Goyal: Can someone get me down from here!

Pansy: Hey Professor any time to give the students a helping hand!

Lockhart: Uh..right Peskipiksi Pesternomi.....(Lockhart said then saw his wand get taken away)

Ren: (Facepalm).....That wasn't even a real spell.

All of them then saw the pixie with Lockhart's wand and shot the metal that was holding a dragons skeleton in place and the whole thing came crashing down onto the floor.

Lockhart: I'll ask the renaming of you to just nip the rest of them back into their cage.(Lockhart saids then locks himself in his office)

Daphne: COWARD!!

Eve and Luna: Disgraceful..

Pansy: IS HE FOR REAL?!!!

Crabb: What do we do now?

Ren: All right thats it I had enough of this.

Ren got up from his spot and walked towards the front of the room and then cleared his throat and then spoke with his beast whisper to make him speak in pixie language.

Ren(Pixie): ATTENTION!!!!!!

The all room was silent and the pixies stop what they were doing and looked towards Ren who was eyeing them while his friends and girls look upon Ren and seeing what he is doing.

Ren(Pixie): Enough all of you, you're acting like a bunch of idiotic maniacs.

Pixie: A whisperer! Everyone he's a whisperer!

All the pixies stop what they are doing and flew towards Ren and landed in front of him while Ren's friends were both shock and in awe of what they were seeing except for Luna, Eve and Daphne who know what Ren is doing.

Draco: What's he doing and what language is that?

Daphne: He's communicating with them.

Blaise: Hows that possible?

Eve: He's a beast whisperer just like his father.

Pansy and Crabb: A beast whisperer...

Draco: I read about them, there are some wizards in the world that communicate with beast in which they have the ability to talk in their own language. I never imagined Ren being able to doing something like this.

Daphne: How do you think he dealt with the troll during first year.

Blaise/Pansy/Crabb: That is so cool..

Ren(Pixie): Sigh...look guys I get you wanted to have fun and mess around but do you realize that could have hurt someone or worse its just not right.

Pixie: We were only teaching that moron human who locked us up in that cage a lesson.

Ren(Pixie): True but you didn't have to take it out on the students here. I tell you what if you behave yourselves and don't cause anymore chaos I will offer you all the delicious plants and insects that you can eat.

Pixie: We except just don't let us go back into that cage its too crapped in there.

Ren(Pixie): Not to worry my little friends I got you covered, I been working on my craftsmanship spells for quite some time and I think I know the perfect place where all can go inside without being crapped together.

Ren took out his wand and while thinking clearly if pictured what he wanted to make for the pixies and when he got the idea in his head he went to say the spell.

Ren: Enchante Glorieux!

Ren said the spell and the next thing that happened was a life size mini version of a mansion appeared in the room that will not only fit the pixies but also keep them from being cramped instead of being in a small cage. The spell left Ren's friends jaws hitting the ground while Eve, Luna and Daphne was amazed of their boyfriends talent.

Ren(Pixie): There you are boys, a life size home just for you, think of this as your new happy little home and not a small cramped cage.

Pixie: We thank you whisperer!

Ren(Pixie): Go on in and have a look inside the place.

Pixie: Come on boys let's enjoy ourselves!

Ren(Pixie): Before you go in can you get my friend down from the lantern.

Pixie: Of course whisperer.

The pixies got Goyal down and the pixies went inside their new place and locked their small door and inside Ren can hear that the pixies were enjoying themselves and then looked at the classroom a mess and has decided to repair the damages.

Ren: Reparar!

Ren repaired the damages to the room and looked to the whole place fixed. Everything was spotless again and not completely destroyed. Ren then put his wand away and looked at his friends who were in awe and his girls were smiling brightly for how their boyfriend dealt with the situation.

Ren: Well, that was fun.

Draco:'re a beast whisperer and dragon speaker?

Ren: I was going to tell you all but I wanted to wait for the right moment. The only ones who knew were Luna, Eve, and Daphne as well as Professors Snape, Black, and Lupin.

Pansy: Wait he can speak to dragons as well.

Crabb and Goyal: Whoah....

Blaise: This is a lot to take in.

Ren: I don't usually do it that often I only use it for emergencies only.

Luna: You did a good thing Ren, thanks for clearing this mess up.

Ren: I do what I can to help.

Pansy: Are you sure the pixies can fit all themselves inside that house you made?

Draco: Is it a little too small to be a house for them?

Ren: You may think that the house I created looks small on the outside but on the inside it's actually quite larger.

Daphne: Like those magical tents! Small on the outside but larger on the inside.

Ren: You correct. Took me about a month to learn this spell and I am proud of what I can do with it.

Eve/Luna/Daphne: There is a reason why I fell in love with him.(All saids in thought while smiling and blushing at their boyfriend)

Seems like you achieve so much Mr.Palpatine very impressive.(A voice saids from behind Ren and looks to see Professors McGonagall and Professor Snape)

Ren: Hello Professors McGonagall and Snape.

Ren's friends: Professors.

Ren: I take that you both heard and saw everything happening in this room.

Minerva: Indeed we have Mr.Palpatine, and I must say this is probably the second time I have seen a beast whisperer here at Hogwarts. You must learn so much from your father.

Ren: Thank you Professor.

Snape: The pixies where are they?

Ren: In their new home that I made for them. They didn't want to be cramped inside that little cage it was making them crazy so I offered them a new place to stay.

Snape: I see that you mastered a lot of different spells during your break Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: Indeed I have sir.

Snape: There is a reason why you are one my best students along side Draco. Tell me where is Lockhart?

Ren: Where else inside the office of his.

Minerva: He didn't offer to help did he.

Ren and friends: Nope.

Ren: He practically had us deal with the situation instead. Is he even a teacher or even say what it is true in those books of his.

Snape: I knew Dumbledore would go down this low to hire someone who has no idea what he is doing.

Minerva: Sigh....Lockhart. Mr.Palpatine why don't you and you classmates head to dinner while we deal with Lockhart.

Ren: Very well Professor though I still think that Professor Snape would be more suitable for the Defense Against The Dark Arts.

Snape: Thank you Mr.Palpatine, now run along while we deal with Lockhart.

Ren: Yes sir, come on let's head to dinner. And Professors do give that man a huge scolding he needs it.

Minerva and Snape: Indeed.

Ren and his friends left the room while also not knowing that Potter and Weasley were still unconscious but they didn't care and just headed down to the great hall to have dinner with their fellow classmates.

Reva: Hey what happened in Lockhart's class?

Ren: He made us do a quiz about himself, unleashed hundreds of pixies in the room while locking himself up in his office and left us to deal with the situation.

Reva: What an idiot.

Slytherins: Agreed.

Ren: Yea but don't worry McGonagall and Snape are gonna give him a huge scolding.

Reva: Good he needs one for what he did.

Ren: Yea but lets not worry about him and just have a nice relaxing dinner with our friends and fellow snakes.

After dinner was done, all the students went back into their dormitories and got ready for bed while Ren stayed up and did his work so he can get a head start on his studies. While he was working he heard the same voice from before.

Seek the chamber......find the chamber.....the secrets will be revealed...

Ren: Secrets? What secrets? I definitely need to know what chamber that voice I am hearing is talking about. I might figure it out another time but for now I will just keep on doing my work until something comes up.

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