Chapter 22: The Chamber of Secrets!

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The sun was starting to set at Hogwarts today in which was the day that Ren goes into the abounded bathroom to find the hidden chamber within the castle. He decided to go alone, he didn't want any of his friends getting hurt neither his girlfriends, but he will also take with him the diary that belong to Tom Riddle it might come in handy. After he finished his school work, he left the dormitory and roam the castle until he heard announcement from Professor McGongall. 

McGongall: All students are to return to their house dormitories at once, all teachers to the second floor corridor admittedly.

Ren: Might as well see whats on the second floor, possibly another message. 

Ren uses his invisible spell and heads towards the section of the castle where he looks to see all the teachers running down the second floor and looked to find another message written in blood. When he got the second floor he looked to see McGongall talking about a student being taken to the chamber by the beast within.

Minerva: As you can see the heir of Slytherin as left another message. Our worst fear has been realized a student has been taken by the beast into the chamber itself. 

Ren: I wonder who was taken?(Ren saids in thought)

Minerva: The students must be sent home, I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts.

LockHart: So sorry dose off, what did I miss?

Ren: Sigh..LockHart.(Ren saids in thought while rolling his eyes while still invisible)

Snape: A girl has been snatched by the beast LockHart, your moment has come as last. 

LockHart: moment.

Snape: Weren't you just saying last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the chamber of secrets is?

Minerva: That's settled, we'll leave you to deal with the beast Gilderoy. Your skills after all are legend.

LockHart: Very well, uh uh I'll just be in my office getting um..getting ready.(LockHart saids then takes his leave)

Ren: I am so erasing his memories, no one would miss him except for his pathetic fans.(Ren saids in thought)

Nurse: Who is it that the beast has taken Minerva? 

Minerva: Ginny Weasley. 

As soon as the teacher left, Ren came towards the wall to read the message that was written in blood. 

Ren: Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever. Wonder why that girl was taken to the chamber? I thought it would be Granger. I think I will know once I enter the chamber and see for myself. But first I will take care of LockHart before I enter the chamber, that moron is getting out of hand with his fame. 

Ren leaves the second floor and goes to the dark arts room where he will find LockHart and once he entered the room he goes up towards the fake teachers room and look to find LockHart packing his things in a hurry.

Knock! Knock!

LockHart: Whose there?!

Ren: Hello Professor. 

LockHart: Oh Mr.Palpatine, what brings you here?

Ren: I was gonna ask you for something but what are you doing? Are you going somewhere?

LockHart: Uh well yes um urgent call unavoidable, I gotta go. 

Ren: Is something that matter?

LockHart: Oh it's nothing dear boy, I am just um well..okay you think you can keep a secret I promise to do anything.

Ren: Of course.

LockHart: Okay...apparently everyone wants me to go slay the beast in the chamber of secrets but unfortunately...I don't have what it takes.

Ren: What about the stuff you did in the books, your adventures, all the things you did.

LockHart: That's what people what to think of me, but the truth is I am nothing like the other wizards the only spells I could do is memory charms. 

Ren: So you lied to so many wizards thinking you were some kind of hero because you wanted to be appreciated for something that you couldn't do. So by doing so, you wrote these make believe stories to get people's attention so that would look up to you.

LockHart: Exactly and that is why I cannot well,  you know. You promise you wont say a word about this to anyone would you?

Ren: Oh no sir, I wont.

LockHart: Oh thanks heavens. 

Ren: Because you're not gonna remember anything or anyone not even yourself. Obliterate!

Ren shoots the spell at LockHart that erases his entire memory. Once he wakes up he wouldn't have a clue of who is he in which Ren wrote down a note to LockHart to let him know what he needs to do once he wakes up because its not only funny but also embarrassing but will have to wait until tomorrow. 

Ren: Now that this moron is taken care of, time to enter the chamber of secrets. 

Ren heads towards the bathroom where he met with Myrtle and when he returned he looked to see Myrtle hovering and moaning until she heard someone coming in. 

Myrtle: Oh whose there? Oh hello again Ren. 

Ren: Hello Myrtle.

Myrtle: What brings you back here?

Ren: I wanted to ask how you died?

Myrtle: Oh, it was dreadful it happened right there inside that cubicle. I'd hid because a group of students were making fun of me about my glasses and chased me until I locked myself in the cubicle. I was crying and then I heard another person come in. 

Ren: I can tell that you didn't see this person did you not.

Myrtle: No I am afraid not, but for some reason I heard this person say something funny a kind of made up language and I realized it was a boy speaking and when I went to see who it was those students who were making fun of me came back into the bathroom and I asked them to go away but then the next thing I knew I have just died. 

Ren: Do you know how it happen or do you remember something before you died?

Myrtle: I remember hearing a hissing sound almost sounded like a snake and then I saw a great pair of yellow eyes over there by that sink.(Myrtle saids while pointing to the sink)

Ren: You were accidentally killed by the basilisk, Myrtle.

Myrtle: Accidentally? 

Ren: Let's just say I found information about what happened 50 years ago. I know how you truly died and the boy who spoke those words was the one who unleashed the creature within the chamber of secrets but the creature was suppose to attack those use their magic for their own selfish needs basically those students who bullied you were suppose to be the targets, you accidentally looked into the eyes of the snake and died. It was meant to be those students chasing you, and the boy blamed himself for what has happened to you and felt sorry. 

Myrtle: Oh, so that is what really happened. Thanks for telling me this Ren.

Ren: My pleasure.

Myrtle: You are going down there aren't you.

Ren: For some reason Myrtle something been calling me there and I must know the secrets. 

Myrtle: Well if you die down there, you will be more than happy to share my toilet.

Ren: Uh thanks Myrtle but I think I will be all right though I will still come and visit time to time.

Myrtle: I would really like that, it's gets lonely when it's me here. Take care of yourself Ren, bye.(Myrtle saids then leaves)

Ren looks towards the sink that Myrtle was talking about and see what he can find until he saw a symbol on the sink in which showed a symbol of a snake. After seeing that this was entrance to the chamber of secrets, Ren decided in order to get the thing open he would have to speak the languages of the snake.

Ren(Parseltongue): Open!

Soon the entrance started to open where the top piece lifted up into the air and the sinks around started to open up more and the sink with the snake symbol started to lower itself until being covered with metal hatch. Ren then looked down and saw the tunnel that leads into the chamber. 

Ren(Parseltongue): Stairs!

Ren summon stairs and headed down the hole and once he was below the entrance, he looks to find himself in the hidden catacombs as well as death animals bones lying around which means he was at the right place. 

Ren: This place really needs a cleanup. Might as well find the second entrance. 

Ren follows the path that leads to possibly another entrance to the chamber until he spots something in which was a large skin shed that belong to the basilisk and snake that size to shed it's skin was over sixty feet long. 

Ren: So this is how long the snake is, not bad for a creature that live for hundreds of years. Now I know it's real and it looks like I just found the second entrance to the chamber.(Ren saids then looks at a door with snakes on it)

Ren(Parseltongue): Open!

Ren saids the language of the snake and the door opens and once Ren enters he finds a stair case and climbs down and then looks to see where he is. He was now in the hidden place known as The Chamber of Secrets. 

Ren: It is more magnificent in person. It's no wonder they call it the chamber of secrets because it's well hidden beneath the castle. The carvings are these snakes are so life like and that statue in front, that is the great Salazar Slytherin himself. And it looks like i just found the Weasley girl.(Ren saids then looks to find Ginny Weasley in the center of where the head of Slytherin is)

Ren walked towards the girl but also hears the same voices from before, it was from both the Basilisk and a male voice but still doesn't who it belonged to.

Basilisk: He has come at last...

Male: All secrets shall be descendant.

Ren hears the voices then they fade when Ren comes towards the girl who looked to unconscious, he check the girls purse and sees that she was alive but in some kind of trance preventing her from waking up.

Ren: Why would this Weasley girl be taken down here?

To lore someone who was suppose to come and save her.(A male voice saids and Ren looks to see who it was)

Ren: Tom Riddle? You're Tom Riddle from the vision I saw in the diary. 

Tom: I was excepting it would be that Potter boy coming down here to save the girl but I never excepted to see you here.

Ren: Well one thing is for certain I didn't come here for the girl. She's not dead is she?

Tom: She's still alive, but only just. 

Ren: I sense that you're some kind spirit, are you a memory from the diary.

Tom: I am, I was preserved in the dairy for 50 years. 

Ren: I have seen what happened 50 years ago, it was not your fault that the girl died. She was just at wrong place at the wrong moment. I told what has happened, and I can tell that she would forgive you for what took place.

Tom: I except that from her and you probably know what I had to do to keep the chamber secret as well as the Basilisk. 

Ren: Is it here?

Tom: It will only appear once it's called. 

Ren: I see, and yes I know what happened the school were gonna think that Hagrid spider killed that get and you were trying to help him keep his friend safe in which I met Aragog in the forest and he told me everything. 

Tom: Hagrid been a good friend to me at Hogwarts during my time there, it's the least I can do for what he has done. 

Ren: Hagrid is a good person, and his tea is marvelous. But there is something that puzzle me, why did you think Potter would have come all the way down here?

Tom: I thought about the markings on the wall would  get him to come here as well as kidnapping the girl he really likes. 

Ren: No offense but Potter isn't like by others not even the girls, he's stuck-up spoil brat whose fame made him an embarrassment and he can hardly come up with a spell. Do you really think that someone like him would come down to this dark place trying to save this girl. He will wet himself and cry back to mommy. He's been doing that since first year. 

Tom: You know for once I highly agree. How could someone as pig headed as Potter be so famous while in reality he nothing more than a child who treats magic like he owns it. So that is why I decided to come up with a plan to make him miserable. 

Ren: You unleashed the basilisk upon those who treat magic wrong. 

Tom: Yes but in order to do that, I needed someone to open the chamber for me while my spirit remained in the diary. 

Ren: You used the Weasley girl. You used her to write the words on the wall with blood and had her open the chamber. But how could she have done all that unless you had something to do with it.

Tom: You might say she was in a trance, when she discovered the diary she's been writing to me and I put her into a trance which I used my soul to over shadow her to open the chamber then had her write the messages on the walls.

Ren: That's a very interesting ability. And you got away without anyone knowing or seeing the Weasley girl doing those things. I also can tell that the girl ClearWater and the cat were mistake victims correct.

Tom: Yes, but one of the the victims was the brother of this girl here and he deserved to be petrified for how ridiculous him and that brainless Potter have been acting, thinking they are all high and mighty just because he thinks he destroyed the greatest wizard of all time. 

Ren: That moron couldn't even save himself from doing the most stupidest things at Hogwarts. But I agree there is no way he could have defeated Voldemort. But anyway after the girl did your bidding, what happened after words.

Tom: The power of diary started to scare her and she tried to dispose of it in the girls bathroom and I thought someone would come in and find it basically I thought Potter would find it but it would seem that you have found it instead. 

Ren: Potter was getting suspicious of what I was planning on doing so I decided to sabotage his idea of finding the chamber as well as discovering the diary I found in the bathroom.(Ren saids and takes the diary out)

Tom: You kept it with you. 

Ren: I thought it might come in handy, so I know why it was used for until now. Not to worry I will keep safe in my position. Something like this shouldn't be lying around whose know would take it. 

Tom: Well I know for a fact that someone like you would keep it safe. Though might I ask what brings someone like you to the chamber.

Ren: I been hearing voices, voices that have been telling me to come to the chamber and that I must seek it. 

Tom: I wasn't the one who called you here. 

Ren: No you weren't, it was the basilisk in which I can tell by the hissing through the walls and the other sounded like a man by the voice sounded ancient. 

Tom: Ancient you say. 

Ren: I don't know if this is true or not but I think the voice belonged to the great Salazar Slytherin himself. I kept on hearing the words the secrets will be revealed my descendant. Is it possible that the spirit of Slytherin was calling to me.

Tom: I am not sure if that is true myself, when I was in school I didn't hear any voices besides the basilisk. Making contact with one of the four founders seems impossible. How long have you been hearing the voice of Slytherin?

Ren: Since my arrival for second year. It happened on the train when I got a card of Slytherin himself and then the next couple months I been hearing the voices echo through my mind. 

Tom: It would seem that his true heir has returned. 

Ren: His true heir but I always thought Voldemort was his heir. He's a descendant of Slytherin and he can speak Parseltongue just like the great snake himself as well as grew into one of the most powerful wizards in the wizarding world before he lost his powers. 

Tom: Yes how is that the most greatest wizard of all time could be defeated. How could Lord Voldemort powers be destroyed.

Ren: His powers were destroyed called by the curse rebounded. His body was destroyed but not his soul. His soul is still intact, and he is planning for his return though I do not know how long the process is taking him to get his body back after I helped him get the stone in first year. He told that the stone would only give him half of a body not fully meaning that he has gain his full strength. 

Tom: Lord Voldemort will return and very much alive. The process of his return is slow but he is getting stronger each day as time passes. 

Ren: How do you know this? 

Tom: May I see your wand, Ren.

Ren gives Tom his wand and started to write his full name in the air for Ren to see what Tom was planning on doing.

Tom: The reason how I know he will return Ren, is because...

Ren looks at Tom's name until it changes into something that he knows and couldn't believe who he was standing in front of him. The words turned from Tom Marvolo Riddle to I Am Lord Voldemort.

Ren: Lord're him. 

Tom: Yes, but the person standing in front of you is just a part of his soul. 

Ren: A part of his soul?

Tom: What you are holding is a artifact called a horcrux. 

Ren: Wait I have heard of that word before, when I took an inheritance test to show my former self before I became a Palpatine there was the word horcrux.

Tom: Yes you used to have a soul fragment of the Lord Voldemort inside the scar that you once had before you became what you are now. There is about seven horcruxes containing a piece of Voldemort's soul but now there is only six since you removed the one from the scar you had when you were once called Hadrian James Potter.

Ren: Yes but that name died years ago, it no longer exist within me. I grew hatred towards the Potters ever since. For that I decided to help Voldemort retake back what is his as well as the sorceress who have lost everything but are now reborn.

Tom: Yes, The Sith. I know for a fact that you will rise and clam your place among those who came before. Your power is growing and soon Voldemort's power will grow the same. 

Ren: I take that this diary is a horcrux correct. 

Tom: Yes, and I know you will keep it safe. If destroyed then a part of Voldemort's soul will be destroyed and he will be weakened. 

Ren: I will keep it hidden so no one can find it. 

Tom: You are very much like your father, both wise and very powerful. 

Ren: It will be wise that everything that we speak about stays a secret, we can't let anyone know not even Dumbledore. 

Tom: Dumbledore is someone not to be trusted, he likes to manipulate others to get what he wants. 

Ren: I know that already after I discovered he put those blocks on my magic core, all I ever wanted to do was force choke him and leave his body on the ground but he isn't my true target no I will leave Voldemort to deal with because there is somebody I else I want to see destroyed.

Tom: Potter. 

Ren: I swore revenge for what he put me through when I was my former self. When the time comes I will crush him and those who oppose a threat to me. 

Tom: Yes but it is not yet that time. For now I think it would be wise to see if the voice of Salazar Slytherin you been hearing are true. Though I think you might be able to find some secrets inside his hidden studies.

Ren: Where can I find it?

Tom: It's somewhere in the chamber, I haven't looked but I am sure you will be able to find it and know your purpose in all of this. As for myself I shall return in the diary I cannot keep my form out for much longer. 

Ren: I understand and I will keep it in Palpatine manner inside a hidden room to be kept safe.

Tom: Good, though it would seem the basilisk has also found it's new master, since it's been calling you, you shall be the one to summon it. 

Ren: Then I shall. 

Tom: Farewell for now Ren Palpatine until we meet again soon.(Tom saids and goes back into the diary)

Once Tom goes back into the diary and Ren uses his magic to teleport the Weasley girl back up to the castle with no memory of what she did or what happened. Ren stood in front of the statue of Salazar Slytherin and called out the beast within.

Ren(Parseltongue): Come forth great serpent of Salazar Slytherin!

The mouth of Slytherin started to open and soon came out the beast within the chamber of secrets in which Ren gazed upon the snake with awe that the basilisk was truly a remarkable creature for living for hundreds of years.

Basilisk: Are you the one who has summoned me.

Ren(Parseltongue): Yes, great serpent. I am known as Ren Palpatine heir to Salazar Slytherin. 

Basilisk: Yes I can sense him within you, you are his heir. You have found the chamber and now you know the secrets from the great Slytherin himself.

Ren(Parseltongue): So he has been calling me, but how? Why am I his true heir, I always thought Voldemort was his heir.

Basilisk: You both are his heir but Slytherin was waiting for his true heir to appear, the true heir would be able to learn the secrets within the studies of my former master. Inside the studies the true heir will have access to the books and spells of many the great Slytherin himself has mastered over the years he was at Hogwarts but also allow myself to keep the heir safe.

Ren(Parseltongue): So I really am his true heir and he's be waiting all these years for the heir to return to keep his noble work hidden so that no one can know the secrets he has kept within the castle. But also allowed yourself to keep the heir out of harms way by killing those who would treat magic wrong. 

Basilisk: Yes, I have been waiting for you, young master.

Ren(Parseltongue): There is no reason for you to call me master, you may call me Ren.

Basilisk: Hmm..then I shall call you Ren, yes that name sounds very pleasing to use.

Ren(Parseltongue): Do you have a name?

Basilisk: Unfortunately I was never given one.

Ren(Parseltongue): I see, well hows about I call you Ventress since you are female I think it's a perfect name for you.

Basilisk: Ventress, yes that is a perfect name and I will honor it mas..I mean Ren.

Ren(Parseltongue): I will even except you as my familiar since I have two of them, I don't mind having another one, especially one that very beautiful as you Ventress.

Ventress: I will except to be your familiar, let us form the bond. 

Ren and now the basilisk named Ventress make the bond where Ren touches the snakes head and soon the giant beast started to glow and shrink down to the size of a cobra and slither towards Ren and lay on his shoulder.

Ventress: We have formed the bond, Ren. I am now yours. 

Ren(Parseltongue): Good, and do you know where Slytherin's studies are located?

Ventress: Enter the mouth of Slytherin and inside you will find a door that will take you to my former masters studies. 

Ren enters the mouth and inside he looks to find the door that Ventress talked about and when he opened the door he looked to find a rare sight to be hold and that was Salazar Slytherin study room filled with such knowledge and so many spell books.

Ren: Salazar's studies. 

Ren went to look around and saw so many books even books that were hand written by Slytherin himself. Ren can see that all of this was his now but he doesn't think it would be wise to keep it to himself no he decided to share this with those closes to him so that they can learn as well as have place where they can hangout together. 

Ventress: I see that you like it Ren.

Ren(Parseltongue): Yes I do Ventress but I think I should share it with my fellow snakes, they are Slytherin too and us snakes shouldn't keep something like this secret. 

Ventress: It is your decision Ren, whatever makes you happy I will allow it.

Ren(Parseltongue): Thank you Ventress, though as much as I want to see more of this place I need to get back up the castle. Is there a way out?

Ventress: Take secret passage way near the steps, it will take you back up to the castle. Slytherin will talk to you when ever you decide to come back.

Ren(Parseltongue): Thank you, also I have a spider familiar that I got last night don't scar her. Be friendly with her as well as my wolf Kylo.

Ventress: As you wish Ren.

Ren and Ventress took the secret passage way back up the castle and once there, they headed back to the Slytherin dormitory without anyone knowing. Ren had Ventress sleep in his trunk because he didn't want his friends to get scared of seeing a deadly snake in the room, Ventress didn't mind and felt good to get out of the chamber. Ren put on his night clothes and drifted off to sleep and cannot wait to return back the chamber to check out his ancestors studies. 

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