Chapter 23: Speaking with Salazar and End of Second Year!

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Ren decided to go back to the chamber to speak with his the great Salazar Slytherin to know more about why he was the true heir to him and more. When night fell, Ren uses a spell to make a copy version of himself in bed so no one will know that he left the dormitory and then used his invisible spell to go back to the bathroom to open up the chamber of secrets.

Once in the bathroom, he spoke in the same snake language that made the sink open again like before and then summoned stairs to go down. He walked through the tunnels and came to the same snake door and told it to open. He walked towards the statue of Slytherin himself and opened the mouth that led to Salazar's studies.

Ren: It is truly remarkable that all of this belong to Salazar himself.

Ventrus: I am pleased that you admire it so much mas...I mean Ren.

Ren(Parseltounge): Thank you Ventures, but tell where can I speak with my ancestor?

Ventrus: He is waiting for you in the room above the stairway.

Ren(Parseltounge): I see.

Ventrus: He will tell you everything there is to know about being his true heir.

Ren(Parseltounge): I am looking forward to it.

Ren goes up the stairs like Ventrus instructed and when he was near the room that his familiar said, he opened the door and inside was a bedroom with such ancient books as well as other things that belonged to Salazar Slytherin himself.

Ren: This must be Salazar's private room. Looks like this place hasn't been touched in centuries.

At long last my true heir has returned...

Ren(Parseltounge): I am here great Slytherin, but where are you?

I am here young snake, look behind you.

Ren turns around and looks to see a painting of Salazar Slytherin himself who was moving meaning that Ren will finally get the answers he needs from his ancestor.

Ren(Parseltounge): Salazar Slytherin, I am truly honored to be in your presence. I have read so much about you my ancestor.

Salazar(Parseltounge): I have been waiting for you my heir, you have grown strong with both magic as well as the force. The Sith are training you increasingly well.

Ren(Parseltounge): You know of the force?

Salazar: Indeed I do, I was good friends with ancient Sith Lords from centuries ago. They told me all about the living force and how they harness their power.

Ren: My father told me that you and the other founders were allies of the Sith during the great wars though it was ashamed not many survived.

Salazar: Indeed, the wizarding world is becoming more chaotic than it once before now that those who use magic for power and greed are destroying the balance of it.

Ren: I know of that and I seen people who use their magic to do terrible and idiot things. But I would like to know something oh great Slytherin.

Salazar: You want to know why you are my true heir.

Ren: Yes. Also I thought Tom Riddle was your heir since he too can talk to snakes.

Salazar: He is but he is the second heir, you Ren Palpatine formerly known as Had...

Ren: Do not speak that name. That name no longer has any meaning for me.

Salazar: I see that name that you were once called no longer exist, I understand. As I was saying you Ren Palpatine are my first heir because your magical core is stronger than any wizard that came before as well as having the power of Sith that came before you. I have waited for centuries to know who my true heir was who will not only bring balance to the wizarding world but also destroy those who bring harm to it and that someone is you.

Ren: Dumbledore....

Salazar: Yes but also the corrupted wizards of the ministry of magic who kept dark secrets from everyone so that they will not know what goes on. I am most displeased by the lack of knowledge as well as how they are bending the rules of the wizarding world. They are following in the footsteps of those who fought against us as well as hunted down and brought the Sith lords to brink of extinction.

Ren: I never trusted those fools. Them along with Dumbledore are the worst but those idiotic Potters are even more pathetic especially their precious little chosen one.

Salazar: I agree, they make me sick.

Ren: But tell me something my ancestor. If I am truly your heir, your first one; what do I gain for being your true heir?

Salazar: For being my true heir of Slytherin, you will gain knowledge like no other wizard could, you will learn new abilities as well as become something far more powerful besides being a Sith lord. You will become a wizard with unstoppable power that will level on the same power as the great Merlin himself as well us founders.

Ren: Incredible.

Salazar: Yes but you are still young, you should continue studying your magic as well as Sith training but once you get into your teenage years, you will come back here and read my books so that you will gain such marvelous knowledge as well as learning to do spells not many wizards can create.

Ren: I guess that is true. There is also another I been meaning to ask.

Salazar: What would that be my descendant?

Ren: How is that you are able to contact me?

Salazar: True our bodies are longer part of the living but our spirits however can move in many places, this taught by the previous Sith lords that came before you. When they died centuries ago their spirits become one with the force and would appear to help guide the next generation. In other words they became force ghost while we founders can move through magical paintings but for me I was able to do what the Sith can do after learning so much about their heritage.

Ren: Wait does that make you force sensitive?

Salazar: Indeed though I chose to remain with the founders instead of being a Sith lord because even though the Sith are powerful, I still wanted to use magic and continue on with my studies.

Ren: My father was right about one thing, the force works in mysterious ways.

Salazar: When the times comes Ren, you will take your place as not only my heir but also become a full fledge Sith Lord.

Ren: I know I will, I will do what I can to make sure there is balance as well as avenge those who have fallen to those who hunger for greed and power.

Salazar: Spoken like a true Sith Lord.

Ren: I thank you for telling me this my ancestor.

Salazar: You're practically my heir and share my blood so you may call me grandfather.

Ren: As you wish grandfather.

Salazar: Before you leave, there is something I would want you to have. Go over to my desk there and tell what you see.

Ren goes over to the desk and looks to see what appears to be a wand but a wand he's never seen before and it looked ancient.

Ren: Amazing, I have never seen a wand like this.

Salazar: What you see before you my grandson, is my wand.

Ren: This was yours.

Salazar: Yes but now it is yours to keep. Go ahead try it.

Ren picked up the wand and the next thing he knew that he was being engulfed in a green magical aura that was surrounding him and he can feel its power.

Salazar: The wand and you are now one.

Ren: I thank you for this grandfather, I will take good care of it.

Salazar: I know you will and I know you will take care of my Basilisk.

Ren: Yes, I named her Ventrus.

Salazar: A suitable name for her. Now must be off, you have classes to finish before school ends.

Ren: Indeed, until we meet again grandfather and thank you.

Salazar: I will always be with you if you need me.

Ren smiled at his grandfather then he along with Ventrus headed back to the Slytherin dormitory to get ready for his final classes at Hogwarts. Ren decided to keep Salazar's wand a secret and have it placed into Palpatine manner along with Tom Riddle's diary. Many days later everyone who have been petrified were cured and freed from the hospital much to some of the students disappointment because they preferred Granger and Weasley to remain petrified because they were nothing but spoil brats like Potter Jr who was blabbering being all great. Right everyone was gathered in the great hall to enjoy their feast in which Ren friends were chatting to each other about how many points they earned.

Ren: How did you enjoy your school year Reva?

Reva: It was good Ren though listening to the idiot trio on the Gryffindor side was not so good. They are both idiotic as well as stubborn they even called my a death eater but luckily Ben and Anakin were there to back me up.

Ren: I do enjoy their company, Ben and Anakin are improving quite marvelous and their skills are amazing.

Draco: I agree, and they both come from ancient families and support those who have the right to be what they are.

Ren: You are correct about that Draco.

Pansy: Hey by any chance does anyone know what happened to LockHart?

Daphne: Now that you mentioned he hasn't been seen in classes for a couple days. But we were pleased that Professor Snape was able to teach for the defense against the dark arts.

Ren: Oh how I enjoyed his teachings, I knew he would make a great teacher for that class.

Eve: I really admire his knowledge as well as his potion teachings. But still whatever happened to that fool of Lockhart?

Blaise: Heh probably ran away because of the beast, I knew that guy wasn't a hero even in his books those things he did are nothing but lies to gain popularity.

Ren: I always known he was a fake.

Luna: You think he quit?

Ren: We might not know but who cares.

What no one knew was that Ren was smirking because after what he did to Lockhart before going to the chamber days ago, he wrote the brainless moron a letter to do something once he wakes up from having his memory erased.


Minerva: Can I have your attention please.

Dumbledore: Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey whose mandrick juice has been sold successfully and ministered to all have been petrified.

Ren: Still wished that both Granger and Weasley would remained petrified.(Ren saids in thought)

Dumbledore: Also in life of recent events, as a school treat all exams have been cancelled.(Dumbledore saids as everyone clapped for the news)

Ren: And the show shall be starting in about two minutes.

Eve: What are you talking about Ren?

Ren: Oh you will know soon my love. Just sit back and enjoy the moment that is going to happen.

Dumbledore: Further more I would also thank Professor Lockhart and his teachings at Hogwarts, thank you Professor. Hm? Professor Lockhart?(Dumbledore saids then looks to see Lockhart not in the seats next to the teachers)

Minerva: I am afraid the Lockhart is running late as usual also he hasn't been in classes for a couple days but luckily Professor Snape was willing to teach the defense against the dark arts in Lockharts place.

Dumbledore: Have any of you seen or know where Professor Lockhart would be?


Admittedly everyone turned towards the hall doors and when they looked and saw who came in, their eyes widen of the most shocking and disturbing site they were seeing that made everyone's except Ren's jaw hit the ground because standing near the door was a bald headed Lockhart wearing a red cape and wearing nothing but his white underpants that made the girls cover their eyes while the boys looked disgusted of what they were seeing.

(Imagined this being Lockhart)

Dumbledore: P..pp...Professor Lockhart?

Lockhart: Who is this professor you speak of, for I am Captain Lockhart Underpants! Here to save the day whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!(Lockhart saids while running around the hall like a lunatic while acting like a superhero)

Everyone in the great hall except for the idiot trio as well as Dumbledore began to laugh at the idiot professor and not just them but Black and Lupin burst out with laughter while holding their stomachs. Lilly blushed red and covered her eyes while James Potter Sr felt like he was going to throw up just like his son who turned shades of green. Minerva and Snape reverted their eyes of seeing the site because it was starting to blind them.

Draco: Hahahahaha! Father is never going to believe this.

Goyal: Now this is classic entertainment and the best part Lockhart is making a fool out of himself.

Blaise: Oh Merlin I wish I had camera right now.

Daphne: Tell me when this is over I refuse to look any further.(Daphne saids while covering her eyes as well as the other girls)

Pansy/Reva/Eve/Luna: Same for us.

Dumbledore: Professor Lockhart! What is the meaning of this?

Lockhart: GASP! The bearded hat man! We meet at last.

Dumbledore: Bearded hat man?

Lilly: Lockhart what has gotten into you!

Lockhart: Fear not beautiful young maiden I shall save you from this bearded hat man. But first.

Lockhart grabbed Lilly and smashed his lips onto her that made Lilly gasp in horror shock while James Sr jaw dropped to the ground that his wife was being kissed by Lockhart. James Jr fainted from site while Granger burst into tears that her favorites teacher betrayed her.


James Sr gets up from his seat and runs over to Lockhart who drops Lilly then delivers James Sr a hard kick to the balls.

Everyone: OOOH!

Lockhart: Haha! I have defeated your minion of evil now bearded hat man prepare to meet my maker! HAAAAAAA!

Lockhart runs to Dumbledore and tackles him over the table and into the ground behind the teachers which Snape enjoyed the scene as well as Black and Lupin who laughed at the scene of Lockhart tackling the headmaster.

Lockhart: I got you now bearded hat man now fear the wrath of my frying pan of justice!

Lockhart took out a frying pan and when Dumbledore got up he was whacked in the head by the frying pan and fell unconscious.



Anakin: Hahahahahaha! Now that was funny.

Ben: Even though it was crazy and bizarre but I have to admit it was quite the show Anakin. I must thank whoever did this to Lockhart.

Minerva and Snape: STUEFY!

Both teachers stunned Lockhart who fell unconscious now but the students however laughed at seeing the idiot professor pull something so crazy and yet made everyone except those who are loyal to Dumbledore who has too many names laugh with joy.

Ren: Sigh..that was a wonderful performance.

Luna: Hehehe, you had something to do with it didn't you my shadow.(Luna whispers to Ren)

Ren: Don't tell no one it will ruin the excitement.

Luna: Cross my heart, darling.

After Lockhart was taken away and Dumbledore to the hospital, Minerva took charge of the feast and everyone calmed down to enjoy their food while Potter Sr was growling at in anger that his wife was kissed by Lockhart and Lilly was trying to get the taste of Lockhart of her mouth because the kiss was both disgusting and vile. Granger's love for Lockhart was now broken and will never feel the same anymore, and as for James Jr well Weasley had to slap him out of his faint in which it worked and just decided to eat and try to forget Lockhart kissing his mom in front of him. By the end of the school year, everyone got on the train to go back home and look forward to their summer vacation and another year at Hogwarts.

Inside the train compartment, Ren was telling Eve and Luna about the chamber of secrets as well as telling them that he was Salazar's true heir and gained himself two new familiars which both girls loved seeing such a cute little fluffy spider as well as meeting the creature that lied in the chamber itself.

Eve: Amazing, you are Salazar Slytherin's heir and you even made Ventrus your familiar that is absolutely brilliant my knight.

Ren: It was a lot to take in.

Luna: Do you plan to tell the others about this.

Ren: When the time is right, I will and I will also allow them to visit my grandfathers studies. I wish to share it with my fellow snakes even with you girls.

Eve: Take your time. But seriously your familiar Blanche here is so cute! I never seen a spider species like her before. Where did you find her?

Ren: I met her when Hagrid took me to meet his long time friend Aragog king of the spiders.

Luna: He sounds like a great king.

Ren: Indeed he is and I made him a promise that I will keep him and his family a secret from the outside so no body would harm them.

Luna: That is so sweet of you. She is also very soft and fluffy.

Kylo: BARK!

Luna: Hehehe you are too Kylo, you are very soft and fluffy as well.

Eve: Do you plan to tell Daphne about all this.

Ren: Well actually...

Don't bother my prince I heard everything.

The girls and Ren looked to see Daphne standing near the compartment door with a smile on her face and goes sit next to Ren.

Ren: I knew I was sensing someone near the door.

Daphne: Yes, and don't worry I will keep this secret as well because I trust you 💋.(Daphne saids and kisses Ren on the cheek)

Ren: Good to know.

Daphne: Is this really the creature that lived in the chamber?

Ren: Why yes it is. Her name is Ventrus.

Daphne: I think it is a beautiful name.

Ventrus: I like this one Ren.

Ren(Parseltounge): I knew you would like her.

Daphne: Your pareltounge?

Ren: I am a lot more than that ice princess so much more.

Daphne: Hehehe I will probably figure it out soon but for now, I want to spend this train ride back home with the boy I love.

Eve and Luna: Us too.

The girl cuddle up to Ren while Ventrus along with Kylo and Blanche rolled their eyes at their master being hugged by his lovers and decided to sleep for the time being until the train arrives at the station. The train soon arrived at the station and Ren said his farewells to his friends and girlfriends and looked to see both his father and Lord Dooku waiting for him.

Ren: Hello father, and Lord Dooku.

Dooku: I see you have completed your second year young one congratulations.

Ren: Thank you.

Palpatine: You getting better every day my son and it seems you have gained some new familiars while at school.

Ren: Father, Lord Dooku, this is Ventrus the basilisk from the chamber of secrets and Blanche daughter of Aragog king of the spiders.

Dooku: It would seem that you found out about your heritage to Slytherin well done.

Ren: You knew?

Palpatine: We sensed it through the force itself my son. You have made me very proud as well as Salazar Slytherin. I also see that you have discovered Tom Riddle's diary and it's a good thing you kept it because if it fell into the hands of the enemy there is no telling what they would do with it.

Ren: Yes father. I wish to have this sealed with the manner to be kept safe.

Palpatine: Wise decision my son. Come let us return home so that you can continue with your training.

Ren: Absolutely father.

When they were about to take their leave through the portkey all of sudden Palpatine sensed a presence in the force in which he eyes looked towards both Daphne Greengrass and Luna Lovegood. He used to the force to sense them and when it did he felt such great potential inside them.

Palpatine: The force is very strong with those two. Do you sense it to my friend.

Dooku: I can feel them my lord, does Ren know?

Palpatine: No, but soon he will once he see's them do something out of the ordinary. I foresee a great future for the those two and they would be a great help to Ren on his quest of becoming a Sith.

Ren: Father did you say something?

Palpatine: It is nothing my son, come we must be off. Lord Maul and Revan are waiting for your training session.

Ren: As you wish father.

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