Chapter 25: The Dementor encounter then back to school!

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On the train to Hogwarts Ren went to tell the girls about Peter Pettifgrew who is still at large and everyone is looking for him even the Ministry of Magic. So far Ren only discovered that Pettigrew was last sited in Egypt but got away before any wizard could catch him.

Daphne: So let us rethink this over, Peter Pettigrew the one who betrayed the Potters and is secretly working for you know who and is still at large and could be anywhere by now.

Eve: But they will catch Pettigrew won't they? I mean what happened years ago when you know who was defeated.

Remus: It is not that easy Miss Corvin, Pettigrew is sneaky and can hide in plain site. I should know I used to go to school with him. We thought he was our friend but it turns out he's been a spy for Voldemort for years. After what happened that night, myself along with Sirius Black went looking for him but we couldn't pick a trace nor find out where he is located or what part of Britain he attends to hide.

Ren: How does he managed to slip away all the time sir?

Remus: He uses invisible and cloaking spells to hide his appearance but that's the only thing he can do. Like Professor Black and McGonagall, Peter Petigrew is also an animagus.

Daphne: He's animagus, I didn't know about that.

Luna: Neither did I, how about you Ren?

Ren: This is something new to me. He is a registered animagus?

Remus: I afraid he is not, after what happened with you know who, he never registered as an animagus and fled. The only thing we could find out him was a finger, nothing more. We all thought he committed suicide or plan to hide his track so that everyone in the Ministry thinks that Peter is dead. But I have a hunch that he still out there.

Ren: What kind of animal does he turn....

When Ren was about to say something all of sudden the whole train began to stop for some reason. Everyone on board was confused of what was happening, Ren went to look out the compartment as well as some other students until the whole train shook.

Eve: What's going on? We couldn't have arrived just yet.

Ren: I don't think so. However I do sense something and it's coming towards our location.

Remus: Best to stay put, I will go have a talk with the driver and see what's going on.(Remus saids then takes out his wand and leaves)

Luna: I see something moving.

Ren: What do you mean?

Luna: I don't know but it looked like some kind of floating shadow like a ghost but pitch black.(Luna saids while looking out the window)

Daphne: I don't see anything?

Eve: Me neither, though why does it feel like it's getting cold in here.

Everyone started to feel the coldness within the compartment in which Ren senses something coming towards the train and now on board after feeling another shake. Ren then looks towards the window of the compartment door and looks to see a black shadowy figure appearing and after reading the books of magical light and dark creatures he knew actually what this creature was.

Ren: A dementor.(Ren saids in thought and takes out his wand)

The girls get frightened of seeing the dementor while Kylo growls at the creature near the door but Ren stands with no fear in his eyes and points his wand at the dementor and saids a spell that makes the dementor vanished before it could do anything to anyone in the compartment.

Ren: Expecto Patronum!

Once the dementor leaves caused by the light of the patronum spell Ren called out. The train and everyone on board was safe and the train started to move again. Ren put away his wand and comfort his girls who were calming down after what they all just seen but was happy that Ren step in and took care of the situation. Lupin came back in and saw Ren and the girls all right.

Remus: What happened I saw a flash of light down the hall of the train?

Ren: A dementor appeared.

Remus: What?

Ren: It's gone now, I sent it away before it could do anything.

Eve: What was that?

Ren: It's a dark magical creature called a Dementor. I read about them in my studies at home. They are a gliding wraithlike creature and considered to be one of the foulest dark creatures of the wizarding word. In the history books they attend to feed on human happiness and thus generated feelings of depression. The only way to sent them away is with a patronum spell in which was that bright light you all saw.

Remus: You mastered an Expecto Patronum spell, that takes years of practice.

Ren: I mastered it until I turned nine years ago. My father and the lords taught me everything there is to know about the patronum spells as well as dark creatures and how to lore them off. Just like how I did with the dementor just now. I could have talked to it with my beast whisper but I didn't want anyone in the compartment to know what I was a beast whisper I like to keep personal things secret.

Remus: Mr.Palapatine, you are by far the brightest young wizard I have ever came to know and teach. I would like to see the patrinum again so I know for myself.

Ren: Absolutely sir.

Eve: Would it be all right if we learn how to use a patronum spell just in case we ever encounter those creatures.

Remus: I don't see why not girls. But I would like to see Mr.Palapatine's before I teach you three.

Eve/Daphne/Luna: Thank you Professor.

Soon after hours later the train arrived at the station and Hagrid was waiting for the students to be taken to the castle. Now off board the train Ren looks to see Hagrid who he and Eve go over to meet with the fellow giant.

Ren: Hello Hagrid.

Hagrid: Ren and Eve, my I am so happy to see you both again as well as you Kylo.

Kylo: BARK!

Eve: It's lovely to see you too Hagrid. So how are we getting Hogwarts now?

Hagrid: Oh you will all be riding in carriages. Come I will escort you there.

Ren! Hey Ren!

Ren looks behind him and saw his best friend Draco coming up to him with both Crabb and Goyal along with Blaise, and Pansy.

Ren: Draco, hehehe it is so good to you my friend as well as the rest of you. How was your summers.

Draco: Brilliant though it would be interesting if you visited. My mother wanted to meet you since I told her so much about you.

Ren: I will put on my schedule. By the way seems like you changed your hair style it looks good.

Eve: It suites you Draco.

Blaise: At least he doesn't look like Dracula now.

Ren and friends: Pffft.....

Draco: I did not look like Dracula! Did I?

Ren: Uh...oh look at that we must be on our way to school, Eve, Daphne, Luna shall we.

Eve/Daphne/Luna: Yes.(All said and leave with Ren)

Pansy: Uh Draco, you did look like Dracula because he always combines his hair all the way back. Hehehehe.

Draco: Hmph.

Now on the moving carriages Draco and the others asked Ren about his summer as well as what happened on the train and the strange light they saw. Ren told them about his summer which was great and he told them about the dementor as well as why it was there. They were impressed that Ren was able to perform a patronum spell as well as made a dementor leave before it could cause a problem to the other students. Now once inside the castle and everyone got seated into the great hall with their foods and drinks out Dumbledore with too many damn names made his speech after Hogwarts crier before their song to the students.

Dumbledore: Welcome! Welcome! To another year of Hogwarts, now I would like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast.

Ren: Yawn more gibberish.(Ren saids in thought while rolling his eyes)

Dumbledore: First I am pleased to welcome Professor R.J Lupin who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher. Good luck professor.

Lupin took a stand and bowed to everyone to clapped for him even Ren along with Sirius Black who was clapping for his best friend but some who clapped lightly meaning both Lily and James Potter who we all know don't give a damn about neither their loser son James Jr who was drooling over the food and wants to eat it now.

Dumbledore: Now for our teacher Silvanus Kettlburn that we all know for many years has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately I'm delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none of other than own Rebus Hagrid and Professor Sirius Black who both agreed to take on the role of teaching students about magical creatures.

Ren clapped that both his godfather and Hagrid will be teaching for magical creatures this year and he knows that Sirius knows a thing or two about magical creatures since he told Ren stories about them when he was young before he used to a Potter. Everyone clapped as well for the two until Dumbledore went back to his speech.

Dumbledore: Finally on a more describing note at the request of the Ministry of Magic. Hogwarts will until further notice play host to the Dementors of Azkaban.

Ren: They lost their minds. Having Dementors at Hogwarts will cause huge problems. The next thing you know they will suck out someones soul because they attend to do that.

Draco: My father works with the ministry and he too thinks its crazy. Honestly what is Dumbledore thinking.

Reva: This is going to be one hell of a year at Hogwarts.

Friends: Mhm.

Ren: Though if a Dementor does suck out a soul, I hope it's Potter.

Draco: That we could agree on. Though I hope it's Granger first.

Dumbledore: Until a such a time Peter Pettigrew is captured. The Dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities. Though a word of caution, Dementors are vicious creatures, they will not distinguish between the one they hunt and they one who gets in their way. Therefore I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you.

Ren: Good thing I know about those creatures and how to avoid them as well as use a spell to have them move away.(Ren saids in thought)

Dumbledore: It is not in their nature of a Dementor to be forgiving. But you know happiness to be found even in the darkest of times while only remembers to turn on the light. Now let the feast begin!

Everyone now settled in and got their food though some were still disgusted of seeing Potter eat like a pig as well as Weasley, some of the students tried to held in their food in their stomachs while the others try to look away until Ren had enough and whispered a sleeping spell into the food that Potter and Weasley were about to eat and when they munched on the food like wild animals the next minute their faces are lying in the plate of eaten and un-eaten food. Their house didn't pay any mind to them and ate their meals in peace. None of them even seen Ren shooting a spell into the food because he used both an invisible and sleeping spell at once. When the students had their fill and were leaving the great hall, the Potters saw their son and Weasley still knocked out and went over to see what was wrong while Ren smirked at seeing the two idiots get what they deserve.

Now back at the Slytherin dormitory, Ren decided to stay up for a while and get some reading done before classes start tomorrow and he wasn't the only one. Draco along with the others decided to stay up a little bit with Ren to get some reading done so that they can be prepared for classes.

Draco: Say you all got this same book right?

Ren: You mean this one. The one that looks likes a man eating spider that saids Monster Book of Monsters.

Pansy: How do you even read something from this without getting your hands or head bitten off?

Ren: Oh I found out about how to avoid that, you have to stroke the spine so that you will be able to read inside the book. Because the last person who didn't got almost eaten or bitten by the books teeth.

Blaise: I am glad we have someone in Slytherin who knows more about these things. Thanks Ren.

Ren: No probably besides I have a book like this back home minus the monster cover feature. Also it's good to get a head start of studying and reading so we can come prepare for what we are taking in classes.

Everyone: Indeed.

Ren: All those except Potter and his lackeys. Who we all know don't know anything in school and just fool around thinking they are the best.

Everyone: Here here.

Once finished reading they all headed to bed but not before Ren gave his girls kisses on the lips for good night and they did the same for him. They wished him good luck in classes and cannot wait to see what he does this year.

Ren: I still didn't get to ask Moony about what kind of animagus Peter Pettigrew turns into. I might ask him during some point at Hogwarts when we are alone. Though I should keep my guard about the Dementors around the school and keep those close to me safe from them so they won't have their soul suck out of them.

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