New Addition to Harem: She's a Pirate and a Witch!

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Say hello to Jaclyn Maria Sparrow, daughter of the Pirate Wizards Jake Sparrow(PureBlood) and Maria Riverton(PureBlood). Jaclyn is the descendent of the famous pirate Captain Jack Sparrow who sailed the seals with his crew for many years while being captain of the beloved pirate ship known to man The Black Pearl. Jaclyn will feature in fourth year where she come to befriended and falls in love with Ren who which she shares her heritage with him about who she is and where her family comes from.

Jaclyn is actually the youngest captain of The Black Diamond. The Black Diamond is like The Black Pearl but with more cannons and bigger than the original ship, speaking of the ship, after the passing of Jack Sparrow, the pirate captain sealed the ship in a glass bottle so that it will be past down to many generations of Sparrow's to come and Jaclyn was one of them to be given the bottle of her great great great great grandfather(Not gonna go with so many greats)pirate ship. She was told many stories from her family about her great grandfather and wanted to be just like him. With lots of training, she became captain of The Black Diamond and made herself her very own crew which are skeleton men who follow her and only her orders. At Hogwarts she is sorted in RavenClaw due to the fact that she is smart and very clever just like her great great grandfather except for the rum drinking she prefers tea. Also to show that she is a Sparrow, everyone of her family that has been past down are given the mark of Sparrow like the one Jack had on his wrist but Jaclyn has it on her neck.

Appearance:(Hogwarts, RavenClaw)

Adult year:

Sword and Wand: (The wand was made from a piece of the Black Pearl ship)

Black Pearl In Bottle: (Valuable family treasure)

The Black Diamond Pirate Ship:

Jaclyn's Skeleton Crew:

Jaclyn's Theme:

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