Chapter 8: An Outstanding Slytherin!

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When everyone was enjoying themselves to their meals for Halloween all of sudden the doors busted open and came in a screaming Professor Quill who was running in a hurry that got everyone's attention.


Ren: So that is what I was sensing.(Ren saids in thought while seeing the professor coming into the great hall)

Everyone even the headmaster along with the professors looked towards Quill who had a look of fear on his face meaning what he said about being a troll in the castle was true until he spoke again.

Quill: Thought you ought to know......(Quill saids then faints on the floor)

All the students except for Ren started to scream in panic and run for their lives until Dumbledore hollowed out to the great hall that made everyone freeze.

Dumbledore: SILENCE!!!!!

The great hall stood in silence like Dumbledore said in which all of them even the teachers themselves await for the headmaster to speak while Ren looked and listen to hear what the old goat had to say as well in which he doesn't trust the idea of what is going to come out of that mans mouth.

Dumbledore: Everyone will please not panic. Now prefects will lead their house back to dormitories while the teachers will follow me to the dungeons.

Ren: He's out of his mind.

Draco: What do you mean?

Ren: Our dormitory is in the dungeons so basically you know what that means Draco.

Draco and the others Slytherins heard Ren and when they put two and two together meaning that the Troll is near their dormitory and if they all go down there then they will all end up dead meaning Dumbledore sentence them all to their doom.

Blaise: He's right our dorm is in the dungeons and the Troll itself is down there!

Draco: My father will hear about this sooner or later.

Ren: I will talk with Professor Snape and have him allow us to remain in the great hall.(Ren saids that made the Slytherins like the idea that their friend had in mind)

Ren walks over to meet with Snape and once the teacher saw his student walking towards him, he went down from his spot and headed over to meet with Ren.

Snape: Yes Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: Professor it would be wise if the Slytherins remain in the great hall due to the fact that the dungeons is where our dormitory is located so we wouldn't want any of our fellow snakes to get hurt or killed by the troll so I think we should remain here until further notice.

Snape: Yes that would be a wise decision, you are very smart and wise like your father.

Ren: Thank you Professor.

Ren headed back with his snakes and informed the prefect that Slytherin will remain in the great hall since the Troll is most likely in the dungeons so remaining in the great hall would be mush more safer. The prefect was in agreement with Ren as well as the other Slytherins in which they all stayed in the great hall until the situation is taken care of.

Ren then all of sudden remembered that both neither Eve nor Daphne have returned meaning that their still in the girls bathroom and it clicked inside of Ren's head that the Troll might be around the area meaning the girls were in danger and he needed to get to them and make sure they were alright.

Ren: Draco, Eve and Daphne haven't return yet so I am going to find them and make sure they're alright.

Draco: Want us to come with you?

Ren: That wont be necessary Draco, I will go myself just keep our fellow snakes company until I get back with both Eve and Daphne.

Draco: Very well just watch yourself and watch out for the troll if you see it.

Ren: I will, I'll be back.

Ren look to see all the remaining students leaving the great hall and blended himself with them so that he can leave the hall as well in which once he was in the clear, he headed towards the direction where the girls bathroom is located so that he can find his friends and not allow them to be killed by the troll.

After a while now Ren spotted the hall where the girls bathroom was located and once he was near it, he heard the sound of the troll coming towards the direction of where the girls bathroom was in which the young Palpatine hid behind the wall and looked to see the troll itself and heading inside the bathroom where Eve and Daphne are still are.

Ren: Might as well take care of the situation myself since I don't see any of the teachers coming any time soon. Let's seen what made this thing so grumpy and why is it in the castle in the first place.(Ren saids in thought then started to head towards the girls bathroom where the troll went)

Meanwhile with Eve and Daphne who were still the bathroom, both of them were talking to each other of what happened with Potter Jr and Weasley as well as talking how Ren help defend them from the two idiots in which they couldn't stop talking about him.

Daphne: Hehehe and the way his familiar was growling at the idiots almost looked like they were about to wet themselves.

Eve: Hehehe..

Daphne: Hows your cheek by the way?

Eve: It feels better now thanks to Kylo's kisses that he gave me and with the help of some water I feel all better now.

Daphne: Thats good to know. Though it was very pleasing for what Ren did and how he treats us with such respect and dignity.

Eve: Ren....(Eve saids while blushing of the boy who stood up for her in time of need)

Daphne: Ehhh...what is that awful smell?

Eve: I smell it too? Where is coming........

All of sudden both girls looked towards the ground and saw what looked like huge feet and then when they both moved their heads up slowly, what they saw brought shivers down their spines because in front of them was a massive troll with a clobber and the beast didn't look too happy nor did the girls who are now frighten and scared.


Daphne: Eve......move back very slowly....

Eve: Ok........

Both girls moved away very slowly while the troll itself moved closer while raising its weapon at them, then when the girls looked to see the troll about to hit them with its weapon both of them headed into the girls toilets and closed the door but it wasn't going to block the trolls might when it began to smash the doors in the bathroom.

Eve and Daphne: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Both girls were screaming for their lives when the troll attacked again and hit the doors once more in which the wood were falling on top of the girls.


Eve: Please......😢

Eve and Daphne saw an opening the crawled out of the rubble and headed towards the sinks but the troll saw them and slammed its weapons towards them again and the girls continued to scream in fear while also being missed by the weapon that almost hit them.

Daphne: HELP! HELP!

Eve: 😢sniff.....I don't....I don't want to die.....😢sniff......

Daphne: It's alright Eve were going to to get out of this just hangout a little longer!

Daphne was holding Eve for dear life and trying to shield her so that the troll will not hurt her but there was no chance because once the troll hits the both of them there is nothing they can do until they both looked to see the troll about to hit them where they are in which both of them closed their eyes to await the hit until all of sudden a voice was heard.


A spell was cast and it hit the trolls weapon in which the whole turned into dust and was gone from the trolls grasp and it made the beast very confused of what just happened. When both girls opened to their eyes that were showing tears they both looked towards the direction of where the voice and spell came from and saw was a student that had his hood up and his wand out while showing no signs of fear towards the beast in front of him.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Daphne: Who...who is that?

Eve: Can....can it be......(Eve saids while tears coming down her face while looking at the hooded student in front of her and Daphne)

Gel!(The hooded student saids a freezing spell towards the troll that made the beast stood like a statue)

The girls looked to see the beast not moving a muscle except for his eyes and mouth in which it was safe to come out of their spot and move towards their rescuer.

Daphne: Thank you so much....

Eve: 😢sniff...I was so scared.....

The hooded student removed his hood and revealed himself to be Ren who looks to see the girls were alright for now while the girls on the other hand gasp in shock that Ren was here and defended them from the troll.

Ren: It seems that you two are alright that good to know.


Ren: I figured that you two haven't came back to the great hall after Quill told us about the troll so I came to get you both to make sure you were alright but when I saw the troll coming into the girls bathroom I step in and decided to take action into my own hands.

Eve: Ren...😢sniff...thank you.....thank you......thank you!(Eve saids with tears and hugs Ren while placing her face into Ren's chest)

Ren:'s alright Eve I am here everything is going to be ok.

Daphne: Thank you for saving us Ren but what are we going to do about the troll here?

Ren: Thats where I come in. Eve mind letting me go for a while I need to do something.

Eve: Ok.....😢sniff....

Ren: Dry those tears away a moonstar like yourself shouldn't be crying in which you should be happy that you are a live and well.(Ren whispers with a smile that made Eve stopped crying then caused her to blush of what the young Palpatine called her and just nods)

Ren then moved towards the troll itself and looked directly at it and the beast did the same and then all of sudden the girls heard something that made them speechless because what they heard was Ren speaking to the troll in its own language.

Ren(Troll): I am sorry I had to do that to you great beast but I couldn't allow you to harm these two girls who have done nothing to cause you any harm.

Troll: You can understand me? Then that means you are beast whisper.

Ren(Troll): Yes I am, now tell me what are you doing in the castle and why were you in the dungeons then came into the girls bathroom?

Troll: I was trying to find out who has interrupted my slumber in which I heard this loud noise coming out of nowhere and I looked to see a being running towards this castle and let the doors ride open so I went in to find who woke me up from my beauty sleep so I can teach them a lesson.

Ren(Troll): I see so you thought the girls were the ones who woke you up from your nap but they have been in this bathroom the entire time and never left so the being could be else where and long gone.

Troll: I just want to go back to sleep and enjoy some peace and quiet.

Daphne: How is Ren doing this?(Daphne saids in thought while in awe that her and Eve's savior is communicating with an actual troll)

Eve: Amazing.....

Then all of sudden three people came into the bathroom as well in which were Professors Snape, Lupin and Black who looked to see three students and a troll in front of them and they all pulled put their wands towards the beast.

Snape: Ms.GreenGrass and Corvin what are you two doing here?

Daphne: Professors Snape, Lupin and Black. We're sorry we didn't know about a troll being in the castle myself and Eve were finishing up here until this beast came in and almost tried to kill us.

Sirius: Well it is good to know that the two of you are safe but who is that student standing in front of the troll and why isn't it moving or attacking the student?

Ren: Oh Professors Snape, Lupin and Black very pleasing to see you three here while I am finishing up my conversation with the troll here.(Ren saids and turns to see the teachers who were surprised to see Sheev Palpatines son in front of the troll)

Lupin: Mr.Palpatine...quick move away from the troll and we will deal with it.

Daphne: Professor, Ren is already dealing with the troll as we speak.

Lupin: What do you mean?

Daphne: Ren found out that myself and Eve were not in the great hall with the others so he came to look for us and spotted the troll coming into the girls bathroom in which the creature almost killed us but Ren step in destroyed the trolls weapon as well as used a freezing spell to make the troll stand still like a statue so it wouldn't cause any harm to us.

Snape: Is that true Mr.Palpatine?

Ren: Indeed it is sir now I must continue my conversation with our friend here.(Ren saids and points to the troll)

Sirius: Your conversation?

Ren(Troll): As I was saying I understand you want to sleep but you cannot take your anger out on innocent students like that it is wrong even more a great creature such as yourself.

Admittedly the professors were speechless of what they just heard from Ren and looked to see the troll understanding what the student is saying and all three of them lower their wands and listened to what Ren is saying to the troll.

Troll: I just want something to help me sleep so that I don't have to wake up and mad because us trolls need sleep so that we are prepared for mornings.

Ren(Troll): So all you want is something to help you sleep better and not have to deal with the noise going all around you is that right.

Troll: Yes indeed and I apologize for my anger and harming those girls behind you.

Eve: He can speak to a troll? How is that possible?

Lupin: Could he be a beast whisper?

Daphne: Beast Whisper?

Sirius: Beast Whispers are people who have the ability to communicate with many different species of beast in the wizard world and only few can speak the language.

Snape: Yes indeed in which Lord Palpatine himself is one and his son must of inherited his fathers ability.

Daphne and Eve: Incredible...(Both were in awe while looking at Ren)

Sirius: He really is a Palpatine.

Lupin: A very wise one as well.

Ren(Troll): I accept your apology and I have just the thing you need to help you sleep better.

Cache Oreilles!(Ren saids a spell and what appeared next to him were giant pairs of sleeping ear muff made for a troll)

Ren(Troll): These are magical sleeping ear muffs I think these will help you sleep more better and you will get more peace and quiet.

Ren lifted freezing spell from the troll and the beast itself took the ear muffs from Ren and placed them on its ears and once they were on, the troll couldn't ear anything in which caused the beast to feel more relaxed and more calm.

Troll: Sigh.....peace.....

Ren(Troll): There you go something to help you sleep better and it will block out the noises around your area.

The troll took off the ear muffs and gave Ren a small pat on the head and decided to go back to its home to get the sleep that it always wanted.

Ren: Professors I think it should be wise to see to it that the troll leaves the castle in peace so that it can return back to its home where it can sleep in peace.

Sirius: I will see to it. Very remarkable skills you have Mr.Palpatine and thank you for defending your fellow students out of harms way.

Ren: I do what I can to help my fellow snakes.

Snape: You are very wise like your father Mr.Palpatine, I award you fifty points for the deed you have done.

Lupin: And I give you twenty for striking a remarkable conversation with an actual troll. Your father would be proud as well as the other lords.

Ren: Thank you for your words Professor Lupin as well as you Professor Black and thank you Professor Snape. Now I believe that myself along with the girls should head back to our fellow Slytherins.

Snape: I will escort you three to them myself while Black and Lupin attend the troll and make sure it leaves this castle peacefully.

Ren: Very well, Eve, Daphne come let us rejoin the others.

Both girls smiled at Ren and moved close as the three of them along with Snape headed back with the others while the other two teachers escorted the troll out of the castle. Once they were back with the other Slytherins many of them question where they were until Snape told them that Ren dealt with the troll himself to defend the girls in which many were in shock and amazed in which Draco wanted to know everything that happened in which Ren told him and their friends everything that happened and they were amazed that their friend is a beast whisper who made peace with a troll without getting killed or being scared and helped earn more points for their house for doing a great deed to them. When they all were allowed to head back to their dormitories when the troll was gone, both Eve and Daphne were in their beds and couldn't stop thinking about the boy who saved their lives and protected them and made their hearts beat with so much warmness.

The next day Ren was out with Flint who the both of them were outside the school carrying a trunk filled with the quidditch balls that are used for the games.

Flint: Professor Snape informed the rest of us of what you did with Troll, and I have to admit it was very impressive that you have the ability to communicate with beast.

Ren: I get it from my fathers side.

Flint: A beast whisper is a very rare ability and I surprised that you inherited from one of the greatest wizards in history.

Ren: I been getting that a lot lately. So Quidditch you were saying a minute ago.

Flint: Ah yes you see Ren, quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players, three chasers, two beaters, one keeper and the seeker.

Ren: The seeker would be myself correct.

Fint: Correct.

Both Flint and Ren stopped and laid the trunk on the ground in which Flint then opened up the trunk to reveal three different sets of quidditch sports balls.

Flint: Now these are three kings of balls, this one in the middle is called the Quaffle.

Ren: I see and I take that the chasers are the ones who goal is to put it in one the three hoops in order to get points for their houses.(Ren saids to Flint then looks at the three hoops at the Quidd stadium)

Flint: Exactly, myself who is the keeper protects and defends the hoops.

Ren: I am starting to understand and what are the other balls for?

Flint: Allow to show you but first how good is your hit?

Ren: Pretty good why?

Flint: You may wanna take this just in case.(Flint saids and hands Ren a small bat)

Flint then unlocked one of the smaller balls in which it went flying into the air so fast it started to come down again and then when an opening came Ren hit the ball so hard with the bat it went flying so far away not even Flint couldn't spot it.

Flint: Whistle...not bad Ren thats some arm you got there. I think you might make a magnificent beater instead.

Ren: Well with all that training I did with my father and the other lords I guess I have a lot more strength than anyone.

Flint: Indeed.

Then soon they both see the ball coming back to them and it looked like it was going to hit one of them but luckily Ren waited for another openeing and hit the ball again so hard that it hit the solid ground in which Flint use his strength to get the ball back into the trunk since it was putting up a fight but luckily it was able to get locked up and tight.

Flint: Now those balls you have be aware of Ren they are called Bludgers, nasty little suckers and they can do serious damage.

Ren: Judging by the way it was acting just now I had to figured.

Flint: Just watch out for them during the games and they attend to cause lots of pain.

Ren: Noted and whats in the small little compartment there?

Flint: Ah that is where you come in Ren since you are now our seeker.(Flint saids and opens the smart compartment that contain a small golden ball)

Ren: Quite an inserting looking ball.

Flint: Yes and what you Ren need to worry about is this kind of ball called the golden snitch.

Ren: Intersting and what I can tell is that this ball is very special for the game.

Flint: That it is Ren. It one of the most fastest quidditch balls you have ever seen and very impossible to see with your own two eyes.

Ren: What would happened if someone catches this ball?

Flint: Well before the other team seeker catches it, if you catch this ball Ren the game is over and our team will win.

Ren: Well might as well keep an eye on it and try to catch it so that our house will win the points.

Flint: Thats what I like to hear from you Ren. Your father was a seeker too and if he can do it so can you, it is in your blood.

Ren: Just imagined Potter getting on a Quidditch team.

Flint: Hehehe yea that would be something I bet he can't even ride broomstick.

Ren: He got wracked in the face by one and I doubt he can fly one with all that weight he has I bet he will either fall off the thing or better yet crack it in half.

Both Ren and Flint shared their laughs of Potter being a quidditch player for his house who despise him for being an idiot and a spoil brat for loosing points and getting into trouble with the other students as well as the teachers. Then after the lessons about quidditch as well as how the teams works, Ren decided to walk around the castle more and see what secrets lye in the place.

While walking up the steps where the paintings to explore the castle all of sudden Ren felt one of the stairs moving the other way in which the young Palpatine remembered what the prefects say that the stairs like to changed on their own. Ren then looked towards the door in front of him and decided to check it out and find out where it leads to and looked to see no one around so he proceeded into the room.

Ren: Hmm, this must be the forbidden floors that old goat informed everyone about. He's idiot of course students are gonna find out about these rooms and I don't understand why he told everyone about them in the first place. I guess he is getting too old for his age.

Ren looked around the room some more and found the place not that bad looking and then spotted another door further back and it looked like it leads someone or possible another empty room but Ren decided to check it out anyway. When he was close to the door all of sudden it was locked but that didn't stop the young sith apprentice in which he took out his wand and said the words to open the door.

Ren: Alohomora.

Once the spell worked the door began to open itself and Ren step in and went to see what was in the room in which the place looked empty until all of sudden Ren felt a presence inside and looked to see what looks like a dog but with three heads and it was starting to wake up.

Ren: Well thats something you don't see everyday. How did they get a cerberus into the castle?

Once the dog woke up all three of its heads looked towards Ren in which the boy wasn't showing no signs of fear towards the three headed dog but the dog itself started to growl but it didn't budge Ren at all.


Ren: Oh please.(Ren rolls his eyes at the three headed dog and then stuck out his hand and used the force towards the dog)

Ren used the force on the three headed dog in which the creature heads were going into some kind of trance in which they couldn't resist and the next thing that happened was that it rolled on his back and laid down in which Ren found the dog charming.

Ren: Good boy, I am not going to harm you, I just wanted to gaze upon your magnificent as well as seeing you behave like a loyal guard of the castle.(Ren saids while giving the dog a tummy rob that made the ceberus happy and excited)

Ren began to rub the dogs tummy so many times that the ceberus was enjoying the touch and pets from Ren even the head scratches and neck rubs where the dog like being petted the most. Once finished the three headed dog gave Ren small licks on his face in which Ren excepted the creatures respect and checked out the name on its tag that saids Fluffy.

Ren: So your name is Fluffy. Not saying I am judging what your name is I think it works for you.(Ren saids while petting Fluffy's heads)

Ren then soon looked under Fluffy's paws and saw what looked like a trap door of some sort that could lead to a secret hidden place but remembered that he should get back with the others but will keep the trap door in his head another time. But before leaving he decided to give Fluffy a nice juicy steak while using his wandless magic he made a huge steak appear out of nowhere and gave it too Fluffy since it looked like the dog could use something to eat. Ren then soon left the room and locked the door and headed out of the third floor room and decided to head back to his dormitory to continue to focus on his studies for his classes.

Once back in the Slytherin dormitory he looked to see his fellow snakes gathering around something and it looked important and when he was close he looked to see his friend Draco along with the others surrounding what looks like a package of some sort.

Draco: Ren your back, you got mail!

Ren: Mail you say?

Crabb: It came while during breakfast, we were going to wait for until you get back but you haven't shown up so we brought back to the dormitory instead.

Ren: Well thanks but whose it from?

Pansy: It came with a letter.(Pansy saids and hands Ren the letter)

Ren took the letter from Pansy and began to read it and it looks like it was from his father.

Dear Ren,

I heard the quidditch game is starting and I heard you were made seeker in which I am very pleased to know that you have done well in school as well as did a great deeds for your house as well as earned lots of points for Slytherin please except this as a gift and it will help you in your efforts to win a perfect game of quidditch.

Your father, Sheev Palpatine.

Ren: I wonder what he got me.

Ren walked over towards the the mail that his father sent him and once he was near it he began to unwrap the paper surrounding whats inside in which it was known other than a broomstick but not just any broomstick it was the Nimbus 2000.

Goyal: The Nimbus 2000!

Slytherins: Whoah......(All saids in awe of what their friend received in the mail)

Daphne: Ren congratulations! This will surely brings us a great victory to our house.

Ren: Not bad not bad at all.

Draco: With this and you as the seeker Slytherin will win a swift victory.

Ren: I am sure we will but do tell me who are we facing if you don't mind me asking.

Blaise: Those pesky Gryffindor's.

Pansy: And get this the so called chosen one was made seeker can you believe that.

Ren: Wait Potter as a seeker for real?

Draco: It happened during breakfast, when word got out that you were made seeker that Potter begged his parents to allow to compete for quidditch in which they allowed him to become seeker even Dumbledore agreed to it.

Ren: Figured those idiot Potters and that old goat will get involved.(Ren saids in thought)

Daphne: He thinks that he is so high and mighty all because he defeated you know who.

Ren: We don't have to worry about Potter besides he will not so well in the game anyway.

Draco: What makes you think that?

Ren: Well due to the fact that he is a spoiled brat who only cares about himself and that the fact if he could even ride a broom due to all the fat on him it is possible that he could easily fall off or better yet snap the broom in half making him look like a bigger fool than he already is. After all he is James Evans Potter Jr The Fat Boy Who Lived.(Ren saids with a smirk that made all of the Slytherins laugh)


Draco: Yea I guess that is true.

Ren: Exactly. Slytherin will win and Potter will fall like the fat idiot he is.(Ren saids in which all his fellow snakes nod in agreement)

Snape then came into the dormitory to see how his fellow snakes are doing and looked to see Ren with his nimbus 2000 and went over to greet him and wish him luck for his house.

Snape: I see you have received your new broomstick for todays match Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: Yes I have Professor Snape and I will be sure to bring Slytherin as great victory.

Snape: I am sure you will now that you have proven yourself worthy of being a true Slytherin against the troll and now a game of quidditch will prove that you have what it takes to be a seeker like your father before you.

Ren: Thank you Professor Snape.

Snape: Good luck today Mr.Palpatine

Ren: Thank you sir.

Snape then nods his head towards his student and his fellow snakes and headed off to get ready for the game of quidditch while the others did the same.

Eve: Good luck...Ren...I believe in you.

Ren: Thanks Eve most appreciated.(Ren saids and pats Eve on the head that caused her to smile and giggle)

Pansy: We'll be cheering you on Ren and let nothing stand in your way.

Ren: I will do that Pansy and thank you.

Luna: I know you will do great Ren.

Ren: I will Luna thank you. I might as well get ready for the game see you all there.

Draco: Win this for our house Ren.

Ren: I will Draco.

Ren then soon headed out of the dormitory to go with Flint and the other quidditch teams to get prepared for their match against Gryffindor. Ren was going to enjoy this the most especially when he sees Potter and how ridiculous he is going to look during the match against Slytherin.

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