Chapter 9: Slytherin Vs Gryffindor!

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After Ren left the dormitory along with his new broomstick, he along with the other members of the Quidditch team headed to get ready for todays game against Gryffindor. Once they all arrived at the arena all of them headed into their locker room and began to changed into their Quidditch uniforms in which Ren was finishing putting his on and looked to see how he looked.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Flint: You ready Ren.

Ren: I was born ready so shall we Slytherins the proudest and noble house defeat our foe in a game of Quidditch and let Potter make a bigger fool out of himself.

Flint: I like your style and attitude Ren, yes we shall. Alright everyone gather around so we can go over the plans to win the game.

Flint went over the strategies to help win the game while Ren stood by to listen to his teammates idea's in which the plans that he heard were impressive that is if they work or not and Flint then explained to everyone about Ren being the seeker so they all put their trust in the young Palpatine to help win the game and not loose to those idiot Gryffindors.

After the plans were in motion everyone headed out of the locker room and proceeded to head into the field and they all were standing by the gate to be opened so that they will all mount their broomsticks and take off.

Flint: Bets you Potter is going to look ridiculous on a broomstick.

Ren: He is already ridiculous though I am wondering if he will fall off the broomstick or better yet get hit with a bludger now that would be quite the entertainment to see.(Ren saids that the teams to giggle under the idea of Potter falling and getting hit with a bludger)

Soon the gate started to opened and all the Slytherin team members as well as Ren mounted their brooms and took off into the sky and looked to see the crowd of cheering fans and students along with the teachers, staff, and others on the high stands looking to see both teams coming out to play a game of Quidditch.

Ren looked around and saw the crowd of students cheering for the team players and looked to see his fellow snakes that were cheering which brought a smile on the young Palpatine's face until it stopped when he heard a loud and yet annoying voice that was hovering over the stadium and it came from James Evans Potter Jr The Fat Boy Who Lived and by fat it means that there is a fat boy flying on a broomstick.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)


When the idiot cheered all of sudden the crowd stopped and didn't bother to cheer anymore because Potter was now looking like a moron and after everything he did no body wanted to cheer for him not even his house except for those who are still his minions like Granger, and Weasley who were cheering for him as well as his parents who were watching near Dumbledore who was clapping for his student but not the other teachers or staff because they know that the Potter boy is a spoiled brat who only cares about being famous like his so called parents.

Ren: I was right he does look ridiculous on a broomstick.

Flint: Hehehe and the crowd stopped cheering after what the idiot said now that was classic especially that fact that sooner or later that broom that he is on will snap in half and he will either fall to his doom or he will just complain to his mommy.

Ren: Kind of both doing the fact that he is a big cry baby.(Ren saids that made his teammates agreed to him)

On the stands where the teachers and headmaster were sitting the announcer who is a Gryffindor student named Lee Jordan gave out the announcement for the game.

Jordan: Hello and welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season. Todays game Slytherin vs Gryffindor!

Both houses from each side of the arena began to cheer for the their fellow Quidditch players and the crowd went wild for seeing the players out of the field to watch each of them play to win the game.

Ren flew around the arena and went to look at the view of the place in which was quite amazing to look at from the sky but soon had to stop and join his fellow snakes as each of them got into a circle along with the Gryffindors who were getting ready to start the game until Lee Jordan spoke once more.

Jordan: The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game!

On the ground Madam Hooch walked onto the middle of the field where her broom was as well as the trunk that contains the ball as well as the bludgers and the Golden Snitch.

Madam Hooch: Now, I want a nice clean game from all of you.(Madama Hooch saids while looking at each team players)

Madam Hooch looked to see the players understanding what she meant and then she kicked open the trunk and out came the bludgers as well as the golden snitch.

Jordan: The bludgers are up followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember the Snitch is worth one hundred and fifty points. The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game.

James Jr: Just you wait you slimy snake I am going to win this game and I will show you all that I am the best in the entire world! Because I am....

Ren: No one cares about what you say or do Potter even your own house. So just shut up and play the game otherwise you're making yourself a much bigger fool then you already are even your teammates are laughing at you right now.(Ren saids with a smirk that made both teams giggled at the idiot Potter)

When Potter was about to say something now that he looked angry like a spoil child who didn't get what he wants Lee Jordan spoke again and all teams looked to see Madam Hooch taking out the ball to start the game.

Lee Jordan: The Quaffle is released and the game begins!

The game started and the first one to grab the ball was a Gryffindor named Angelina Johnson who was dodging each Slytherin who were trying to take the ball from her as well as looking out for the bludgers who were flying towards her but missed and continued to fly towards the hoops in which she threw the ball into the hoop and scored points for her house.


Jordan: Angelina Jordan scores ten points for Gryffindor!

Slytherin: 000

Gryffindor: 010

Ren was above the arena and looked to see the opponent team score points for their house which he was impressed by the players but waited patiently to find the Golden Snitch so that he can catch it and win the game for his fellow snakes. While Ren was waiting patiently he looked to see Potter flying around like the stupid idiot he is, and trying to find the Snitch but no such luck because the Snitch and small and wicked fast that is not easy to spot so Potter is just waisting his time.

Jordan: Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint.

Flint catches the ball and flies towards the hoops while the Gryffindors follow him but could get close when Flint kicked one of them from behind and once close to the hoop he throws the Quaffle but a Gryffindor named Oliver Wood blocks it and hits the ball towards his teammate.

Ren: So he's the Captain of the Gryffindor team, I know that Flint will come up with something.(Ren saids in thought)

Then soon Gryffindor scored another point for their house when they used a team strategy that worked and earned ten more points.

Jordan: Another ten points to Gryffindor!

Slytherin: 000

Gryffindor: 020

Meanwhile in the Slytherin stands many of the students were not liking to see their house loose nor score any points but they couldn't let it down because they know what Ren said that Slytherin will not allow Gryffindor to win.

Eve: think we can win..this game?

Daphne: I am sure we will Eve you forget we have Ren up there who is preparing to find the Golden Snitch.

Draco: Thats true if I know my friend he will not let us down. He will bring Slytherin to victory.

Luna: Don't worry Eve, Ren is just waiting for the right moment to make his appearance.

Blaise: How do you know that?

Luna: A feeling isn't that right Kylo.(Luna saids while petting Kylo who was standing next to her and the Slytherins)


Luna: See even Kylo knows his master will do it.

Eve: I believe in you Ren.(Eve saids in thought while looking at Ren from the skies)

When they looked to see Slytherin about to try and score a point for their house all of sudden the same Gryffindor known as Oliver catches the Quaffle before it went into the hoop and throws it towards his teammate and Flint had enough of it.

Flint then grabbed his fellow teammates bat and saw the bludger heading towards him and used the bat to his the bludger at Oliver Wood in which the bludger hit Wood and he went falling to the ground and landed unconscious.

Ren: Ooh thats gonna leave a mark?(Ren saids while watching the team captain of Gryffindor fell to the ground but Ren sensed that the player was just unconscious)

Flint and the other Slytherins got back into the game and looked to see one of the Weasley twins in front of him and then once close Flint jumped over the Weasley and caught the ball and looked to see the hoop and threw it into the hoop and score points for Slytherin.


Jordan: Marcus Flint scores ten points for Slytherin!

Slytherin cheered for getting ten points for their house and Ren did the same when he saw everything from above and not just him but Professors Snape, Lupin, and Black clapped as well for seeing the Slytherins score points.

Ren then looked to see his fellow snakes trying to get another ten points in which they did after they created a diversion and trapped one of the Gryffindors between the other and grabbed the ball and toss it into the air and used the broomstick to hit inside the hoop that scored Slytherin ten more points.


Jordan: Another ten points to Slytherin!

Slytherin: 020

Gryffindor: 020

Slytherin cheered again for earning more points for their house and while they were cheering Ren who was above the arena was focusing and waiting for the right moment to move until he slowly open up his eyes and looked to see the Golden Snitch in front of him.

Ren: Hello little Snitch I see that you want me to try and catch you.(Ren saids while looking at the Snitch who was moving around Ren meaning the ball wants to be followed)

The way the Snitch was moving around Ren it looked like it wants to be followed by him and for that Ren nods in agreement and watch the Snitch fly away in quick speed with Ren following behind it.

When the students of Slytherin looked to see Ren going after the Snitch so they all cheered for him to catch it and win the game for them and thats what he was going to do for them until a loud mouth Potter saw and decided to head towards where Ren was flying near the Snitch.


Ren looked to see Potter coming towards him with a spoil brat look in which Ren rolled his eyes and continued with his chase to get the Snitch while the Potter idiot continued to yell like maniac.

James Jr: THAT SNITCH IS MINE!!!!!! I WILL NOT ALLOW A SLIMY SNA.......WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!!!!(James Jr saids in anger than stops when he sees his broomstick acting up)

Ren looked behind him and saw what the idiot on the broomstick was doing or wasn't doing and then sensed some magic was being used and it looked like someone was jinxing Potters broom and the young Palpatine looked towards the stands and senses the magic spell was coming from Professor Quirrell and that made Ren suspicious of what he is targeting Potter but other than that he was enjoying seeing his former ex brother try to gain control over his broom while still yelling at it to stop.

Ren: I might have to look into Professor Quirrell some more but for now I will just let do what he pleases while I continue getting the Snitch.(Ren saids in thought with a smirk and continues to fly towards the Snitch)


The broom continued doing what it was doing to James Jr and it caught the attention of his two minions Weasley and Granger who looked to see their friend in danger and were trying to figure out what was causing it until they think was Snape was just mumbling to himself and Granger told Weasley that she will take care of the situation while Weasley remained to look after his friend who was still struggling to get control of his broomstick. Once Granger was near the stands where Snape was sitting she used a spell to set a small towards him that caused one of the teachers to tell him that he was on fire and soon Snape got up from his seat and put out the fire while knocking over Quirrell who was the one casting the spell on Potter.

When the spell on Potter's broomstick was lifted, the shouting boy was free while still blaming his broomstick for doing that to him and then felt his stomach grumbling and decided to take out a piece of chicken that he save from lunch and began to eat it while not focusing on the game itself.

James Jr: Mmm..all this being the best in the world sure has made me hungry.(James Jr saids while eating the chicken in his hands but didn't realize something was about to happen)

All of sudden due to the weight that James Jr has on him was too much for the broomstick and it caused the broom itself to start to snap but James Jr wasn't paying attention until the whole broomstick broke apart and it caused the Fat Boy Who Lived to fall.


James Sr and Lily looked upon their son who was about to fall to the ground in which Dumbledore got up from his seat and was about to cast a spell to the boy but it was too late when everyone looked to see James Jr close to the ground but his legs were spread across when he was about to hit the ground and then all of sudden everyone even the team players heard a loud crack that echoed through the arena.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When James Jr landed on the ground while his legs were spread across all of sudden he landed on the ground but he landed on his nuts that caused him to scream enormous amount of pain as well as humiliation.


Everyone even the Quidditch players except for the Potters, Dumbledore, Weasley, and Granger: OOH!!!

James Sr and Lily: MY BABY/SON!!!!!

Admittedly the crowd of people at the arena began to laugh like none stop and couldn't help but look at how Potter just made himself look like the most biggest fool in the wizard world and now he was on the ground screaming in such pain after landing on his pride and it looked like hit hurt a lot more than when he got kicked twice.

Slytherin was laughing the most out of all everyone who they were happy and excited to see Potter make himself look like the fool he was as well as falling off the broomstick that broke in half due to his weight and landed on the ground where he hit his pride and screamed like dying lamb. But soon everyone decided to shrug it off and continue on with the game where Slytherin was gaining the upper lead in which Flint scored another point for Slytherin.


Jordan: Marcus Flint takes the lead for his team another ten points to Slytherin!

Slytherin: 030

Gryffindor: 020

Ren who was chasing the Golden Snitch was a couple inches away from grabbing it and once he was very close to the Snitch itself he did something that caught the attention of his fellow snakes as well everyone else in the arena when he looked to see the Snitch going up a little higher and that is when did it. Ren did a magnificent back flip and was able to catch the Snitch in his hand while everyone else except for the Potters, and two minions of Potter Jr were in awe of what they just seen.

(Minus the Ship and Replace Rey with Ren who was doing the jump)

Ren: Oof it's been a while since I did something like that but it worked in the end.(Ren saids while landing on the ground safely and check the inside of his hands and saw that he has the Golden Snitch)

Jordan: He's got the Snitch! Ren Palpatine receives one hundred and fifty points for catching the Golden Snitch!

Madam Hooch then came riding on her broomstick and pulled out her whistle to end the game where Slytherin wins against Gryffindor.

Madam Hooch: Whistle!....Slytherin Wins!

Slytherin began to cheer for victory as well as the team players who won the game all thanks to Ren Palpatine for catching the Golden Snitch in which caused the entire arena to cheer as well for a great game while some like the Potters, Weasley and Granger who didn't cheer went down to check on James Jr who was in so much pain and was crying for his mommy like always. In the the stands Professors Snape, Lupin, and Black were clapping for Ren as well as the Slytherins who won their first Quidditch game and they were impressed with the young Palpatine for what he did and to his fellow snakes who cheered for their team mate who helped win the game.

Ren: Father, Lords, and grandfather if you were here right now I can tell that you are proud that I have won the Quidditch game and Slytherin are victorious.(Ren saids in thought while looking at his team while holding up the Golden Snitch)

In the crowd all of Ren's friends were cheering for him that he kept his promise and won the game for them as well as earned them more points for their house.

Daphne: YES! YES!!!


Pansy: WE WON!! WE WON!!!

Luna: I knew he could do it.(Luna saids in thought while smiling at Ren)

Eve: He was magnificent...(Eve saids while blushing at Ren's smile at his team and towards his fellow snakes who gave them a thumbs up on a job well done)

Draco: Palpatine! Palpatine! Palpatine!...(Draco saids to the crowd in which they follow)

Slytherin and everyone else except the Potters, Potter Jr's minions, and Dumbledore: Palpatine! Palpatine! Palpatine! Palpatine!

Ren heard the crowd around him and saw so many houses cheering for him which was pleasing at first but he knew he wasn't into fame and glory but decided to just shrug it off and join his team who were on the ground and celebrating their victory until Weasley came over with an angry look on his that made Slytherin annoyed.


Ren: That was his own fault and besides due to the weight he had on him the broom couldn't hold the pressure and it caused the whole think to snap in half so basically speaking the fall was his own fault.

Ron: YOU LIE!!!!!

Thats enough little brother.(A voice said from behind Ron which belonged to his brother Fred as well as George who landed on the ground)

Fred: And besides.

George: Potter wasn't doing anything to help us win.

Fred: He was too busy eating a piece of chicken in his hands.

George: And we saw it with our own eyes and not just us.

Fred: But the entire team of which we saw Potters broom breaking in half.

George: Due to his enormous gut and fat buns and the amount of food he has eaten.

Fred: It caused the broom to snap in half.

George: So basically speaking.

Fred and George: It was his own fault that he fell so deal with it little brother.

Ren: There you have it, your brothers speak the truth and they are clearly smarter than you are.

Fred and George: Thank you friend.



Ron was about to say something when all of sudden he couldn't because now out of nowhere he gets hit with a bludger that knocked him out cold.

Ren: Well that was random?

Fred: Oh no George baby brother is out cold should we be worried.

George: Should we Fred?

Fred and George: Nah....he deserved it.

Flint: You think that hit to the head will make him smart now.(Flint whispers to Ren who smirked of the idea)

Ren: Maybe or maybe it will just make him more stupid and delusional than ever. Fred, George I think you should take the unconscious Weasel here to the hospital so that if they can check to see if he has any brain damage.

Fred: We will do that friend.

George: Come on Fred let's take little baby brother so they can see what goes on in the little tiny brain of his.

Fred: Right back at you George, see you around Ren.

Ren: You too.

Both twins dragged their unconscious brother away while the Potters did the same and decided to take their precious little savor to the hospital to be treated after his pride got injured. Ren can tell those idiot Potters are going to spoil their idiot son more and get him things that he wants like any spoil brat would.

After words Ren along with his team headed back to the Slytherin dormitory where all of their fellow snakes were waiting for their champions to arrive back and were ready to celebrate their first Quidditch victory. When they all got inside Ren looked to see his fellow snakes and Professor Snape clapping for winning the game against Gryffindor.


Ren: Quite the applause here.

Flint: Can't blame them after all we won our first game and you Ren brought us to victory just like you said you would and we would be honored to have you on the Quidditch team full time that is if you want to or not.

Ren: I would be honored, my father was a Seeker for Slytherin so I might as well honor his legacy.

Flint: Great to have you next years game.

Ren: Absolutely Flint.

Daphne/Luna/Eve: REN!!!!

Ren then was soon engulfed into a three way hug from Daphne, Luna and Eve who were smiling and hugging Ren for what he did in the Quidditch game and were thanking him for helping getting points for their house as well as amazed of his skills when caught the Snitch.

Ren: Hello girls.

Daphne: That was absolutely brilliant of what you did Ren I saw everything with my own eyes.

Luna: I knew you would make your appearance to us and I saw how calm and patience you were very wise to wait and listen for the right moment to strike.

Ren: Why thank you Luna those are very wise words of yours. And Daphne thank you as well.(Ren saids while petting both girls heads that caused them to giggle)

Eve: Ren...I never stopped believing in you...I saw what you did....and...and you were incredible.

Ren: Your spirit kept me calm and focus thank you Moon Star.(Ren whispers to Eve who caused her heart heart to skip a beat and blush at the same time)

Eve: Whenever he calls me that I can't stop my heart for thumping so much...he makes me feel so calm and full of happiness.(Eve saids in thought while thinking of Ren in her mind)

Draco: Ren I knew you would bring Slytherin to victory I never doubted you for a minute.

Ren: Thank you my friend you honor me with your words.

Blaise: That flip you did when you caught the Snitch that was the most incredible site I have ever seen who taught you that?

Ren: Lord Maul and Lord Revan of course.

Pansy: Thats true Lords Maul and Revan were highly skilled in combat as well as gymnastics I had to figured you learned that move from them.

Ren: I wouldn't be what I am if it wasn't for them nor my father or the other lords as well as my grandfather.

Goyal: Speaking of which did see Potters broomstick acting up during the game.

Crabb: Yea do you think the broom did that to him or that Potter got himself a rogue broomstick that doesn't like him.

Daphne: We might not know but he was funny to see him fall and land on his pride.

Pansy: He got what he deserved as well as Weasley after that bludger knocked him out cold.

Blaise: That is true I was hopping that Potter got hit by one but watching him fall and breaking his broomstick on his own was all I needed to get a good laugh.

Ren and his friends: Yes indeed.(All said together and laughed)

Snape: Well done today Mr.Palpatine for bringing us to victory for our fellow Slytherins.

Ren: Professor Snape, I made a promise to my snakes that I will help them achieve victory and I have just like my father did many years ago.

Snape: Indeed, you have your fathers strength and his wisdom he would be very proud of you as am I for my best student along with Draco.

Ren and Draco: Thank you sir.

Snape: Now I must attend to my studies enjoy your celebration with your fellow classmates and Mr.Palpatine you are just like your father maybe more than you know, I should know he and I were great friends when we went to Hogwarts together and I can see how you treat myself as well as your classmates with such respect and honor.

Ren: Your words about my father and myself honor me to the end Professor Snape thank you, and due please continue you're studies a magnificent Professor such as yourself should continue to study more and it can help calm the minds of a wizard.

Snape: Like father like son, good day Mr.Palpatine and to you my fellow Slytherins.(Snape saids with a small smirk then leaves his students to continue their day)

As soon as Snape left Ren decided to have a little chat with Professor Quirrell and talk about what happened during the Quidditch match with Potter.

Ren: Hey guys listen I am going to go for a quiet walk around the castle I could use some time for myself to help clear my mind of all things if that is all right with you.

Draco: Sure thing probably from all the people at the match chanting your name or it's probably that you need some fresh air I can respect that from you Ren.

Blaise: Yea sure Ren we don't mind at all.

All of his other friends agreed as well as the girls who gave Ren to have some time for himself in which Ren smiled at left the dormitory to head right over to Professor Quirrells room so that he can have the talk he wants.

When Ren was heading toward the Professors room and was about to go in and meet with him all of sudden Ren stopped and heard voices coming from the room in which one was the Professor himself and the other sounded like a dark voice that sounded like it was close to near death but was still alive.

Quirrell: I failed you master I am truly sorry...I failed to kill the boy as promised but something got in the way of doing it.

There will be another day to kill the boy...we just need to be patient.

Quirrell: I understand master but without the stone we can not achieve your our goal.

The stone is here somewhere in the castle and once I have it I can use to get my body back. We just need to figure out where it is and who has it.

Ren was listening to what Quirrell and the voice that was the mans master about some stone but what stone were they talking about he was wondering.

Child I know you're do not need to hide yourself.

Ren sensed that Quirrell's master knows that he was outside of the room and decided to make his appearance and go into the room where he saw Quirrell without his hat and was staring at the young Paplatine who was in front of him.

Quirrell: Mr.Palpatine...what brings you here?

Ren: I came to speak with you Professor but it would seem that your master has felt my presence.

Quirrell: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Ren: Your master was the one who told me to make myself known even ask him yourself.

Quirell: MM..master did you...

Yes I did..let me speak to him.

Quirell: But master you are not...

Do not question my order...I wish too speak with the boy in front of us.

Quirell: As you wish my lord..

Quirell turned around so that his master can speak with Ren and once Ren looked to see who was behind Quirell's head it was Voldemort himself but whats left of him was his face and he didn't look that well after what happened to him many years ago during that night.

Ren: Lord Voldemort I presume.

Voldemort: Yes my child this is what I have become and what I had to do to survive.

Ren: How is this possible it was said that you died years ago?

Voldemort: Yes they thought I perished but unfortunately only my body was destroyed not my soul.

Ren: I see so this was the only way for you to survive without a body but due to the damage you have sustain my lord how will you regain your body back. Does it have to do with this stone you are looking for?

Voldemort: Yes child it is called the Sorcerer's Stone. With it I can regain my body back to the way it was or only half of it until I come up with a better way to restore how I used to be.

Ren: And you said it is somewhere in the castle correct.

Voldemort: Yes indeed but I have no idea where it is or who has it. That stone can help me restore what I have lost.

Ren: What if I helped you find the stone my lord.

Voldemort: Hmm?...and why would you help me child even though you are the son of Palpatine as well as being a very skilled wizard when he and the other lords trained you what caused you to help someone like me.

Ren: Because once you knew me a long time ago by another name, a name that was long forgotten.

Voldemort: And who would that be?

Ren: The child that you were about to kill with your killing curse due to some ridiculous prophecy that old goat mentioned to the wizard world until the spell backfired and damaged your body but kept your soul in tact.

When those words hit Voldemort he was in shock as well as who was in front of him in which was the child that was going to kill but couldn't but had to when the prophecy was told but now that same child stands before him and wants to help him get his body back.

Voldemort: Hadrian James Potter...

Ren: No..Hadrian James Potter is dead I am what remains. I am now Ren Palpatine son of Sheev Palpatine and heir of Palpatine manor. The blood of the those idiot Potters is no longer inside of me because I despise them with all of my hatred and want nothing more to see them dead as well as that old goat.

Voldemort: I the Potters lied about their forgotten son being dead and only cared about that other Potter boy such a disgrace. What has happened to you child if you don't mind me asking?

Ren told Voldemort everything that has happened to him years ago about the Potters abusing him, torturing him and treating like nothing, kicking, punching, yelling, and hating him in favor of their precious James Evans Potter Jr who Ren told the lord that his former brother wanted nothing to do with Ren when he was Hadrian and decided to end the boys life by pushing him off a cliff during a camping trip and left him for dead and blamed the whole death thing on a false claim that Hadrian James Potter was killed by a bear and there was no signs of the body and no trace. After words he told Voldemort about his magic being blocked by Dumbledore as well as why his magic was not working right and that made the lord very angry at the old goat as well as those Potters who treated a child with such disrespect to the wizard world.

Voldemort: Those bastard Potters and that old goat do they not have any shame at all. I am truly sorry for what they have done to you Ren and I can see that you want revenge and so do I.

Ren: Yes I do but not just me my lord but my father as well as the other lords included.

Voldemort: And why is that?

Ren: Because we want to rid the world of those who was deceive us and brought nothing but destruction to our kind but that is all going to change when the time comes for us to rise again.

Voldemort: Who will rise again?

Ren: The Sith..

Voldemort: The Sith...impossible we thought that our most trusted allies have been dead for many generations, could it be that they have somehow survived.

Ren: There is not that many of us but yes the Sith have survived in which I am being trained as an apprentice to them.

Voldemort: So thats what the hidden power I was feeling inside of you child, you have the same gift as them.

Ren: Yes and we are working up a plan to take back what is ours and destroy those who have robbed us and punished those who have done us wrong.

Voldemort: Yes this brings greatness inside of me, once again I will get my body back and together with the combine power of both races we will crush those who destroyed everything we ever created.

Ren: Yes and my father has foreseen this and awaits when the time is right to strike our enemies.

Voldemort: are just like your father young apprentice of the Sith and I can tell he is a Sith Lord as well and the lords themselves.

Ren: Yes, Lord Voldemort.

Voldemort: I accept your help young one and I trust that you will find the stone for me so that I can get a body.

Ren: Yes I will do it though should my father be informed of your survival.

Voldemort: I will have Quirrell send a letter about what has happened to me and for what you are doing to help gain my appearance back.

Quirrell: I will see to it my master.

Ren: As for Potter Jr leave him to me because I would want to be the one to kill him for what he has done to my former self but the old goat you can have him.

Voldemort: Very well as you wish young Palpatine. And what of the parents?

Ren: I will think of something for them when the time comes and when I take my place as a Sith Lord.

Voldemort: Then we are partners and await for the right time to strike down our enemies and take back what is ours.

Ren: Yes but for now I must be going, I will keep your survival a secret towards others and I will search for the stone you seek.

Voldemort: Good and thank you Ren Palpatine, I am looking forward to seeing you again in due time.

Ren: And you as well my lord farewell.

Voldemort: Goodbye...young apprentice of the Sith.

Ren left and headed back to his dormitory while thinking of ways of where he can find the Sorcerer's Stone to help Lord Voldemort to regain a body so he will spend most of the days and nights finding out where to look for the stone and once he has it he will bring to Voldemort so that he can use the stone and if Dumbledore figures anything out then Ren will come up with a plan of action and by that he will create a fake stone while he hangs onto the real one when he finds it for Voldemort. Soon the holidays will coming up and Ren will be back to spending time with his father and the other lords to continue his training.

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