Chapter 6

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My mood drops right after seeing that photo in the papers. I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of my shift either. All the calm I was enjoying for the last two days is gone and the anger is here in full force. I didn't get to kill him and the cops will be coming to ask questions anyway. 

Not that I regret the weekend I had. It was great, but I really wanted to have this one. I would've asked him some questions, take my sweet time. I know I would've thoroughly enjoyed. I should have taken him when I saw him on Friday. Why do I always listen to Merle anyway? The times when he held all the answers for me are long gone. Sure, after his time in the military, he taught me some useful stuff again, but that doesn't mean he knows everything better. I toss away the small part in my hand in frustration.

Several heads turn in my direction. "Everything okay, Daryl?" Joe, being the closest to me, asks.

I grunt, nodding my head, then checking the time. Only two hours left 'till the end of my shift. I can't wait to get out of here. Everyone's getting on my nerves more than usual and today's heat doesn't help any. I see Merle giving me a look, but he says nothing.

"Is she giving you trouble?" Joe continues with the questions. My head snaps to him. What? He motions to the car in front of me. Right!

I shake my head. "Almost finished with this one."

"When you are, go home! Cool off or sleep off whatever this is. In any case, I don't want to see this shit here tomorrow."

Fine by me, I can't wait to get out of here. "You're the boss." I wipe the sweat off my face and go back to this damn thing to finish as soon as possible.

When I do finally get home, Lumen's car is already there. I walk in and see her sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in her hands. For a second there I felt a little calmer, that was until I saw her expression. One word: worry.

"Hey," she greets me with a small genuine smile. Okay, seems it's not me that's making her worry. That's good. I go to the fridge for a cold beer, stopping by her side, I bend to give her a peck on her lips. My fingers bury in her hair, hers sneak to the back of my neck and hold me close to prolong the kiss.

"You are home early," she breathes out after she let go. It's not a question, just a statement of the obvious fact, so I don't say anything and go on to get my beer. Her eyes are following me.

"The police went to see me at work. Anthony's missing... my ex-boyfriend, I mean."

I open the bottle and drink almost half of it at once, it's heavenly cold. Then I look at her. "I've heard."

"You did?" she asks, confused, "When? How?"

I sit at the table with her, answering her questions, "Was in the papers. Merle showed me this morning."

She doesn't reply right away. Instead, she's biting her lip nervously while looking at her hands and sneaking glances at me for a minute before she leans closer to me as if someone could hear her. "Has he- do you think he has anything to do with it?" she whispers.


"Merle," she says his name even more quietly and it takes everything in me to not start to laugh.

"Darling, I'm sure it's safe to say that he has nothing to do with it. Why would you even think that?" I managed to hold back the laughing, but even I can hear the amusement in my voice. Merle-the-kidnapper, it has a ring to it. Her eyes drop to the mug in her hands and her cheeks redden.

"No, of course not, I'm sorry. It was stupid to even ask that." She glances at me probably checking if I'm mad at her for asking. I'm not and it must show because she visibly relaxes. I couldn't be angry with her in this moment even if I tried to be. I find it hilarious, her sitting here with me, discussing someone else's possible involvement in a person going missing. Luckily for me, her character reading skills are, well nonexisting.

She clears her throat before she began to speak again, pulling me out of my musing. "It's the cops, they just asked a lot of questions, said a lot of things too. Apparently, Anthony said to some friend about how he got beaten up, he didn't know the names, but they knew it was somehow connected to me." She looks me in the eyes then. "Daryl, they think I have something to do with it and that the person helping me is responsible for him going missing. They made their opinion quite clear. I think Anthony's family is pushing the issue somehow, they always hated me. God knows what they told the cops about me!"

Her eyes drop to the mug in her hands. I take hold of one and tug on it so she would stand up and I pull her toward me, making her lean against the table in front of me and rest my hands on her hips. Enjoying the sight of her in her short shorts.

"What did they ask?"

"They wanted to know everything! How did we meet? How was the relationship? Why did we break up? About the drugs, which I know nothing about except for his shitty treatment of me, by the way. When was the last time I saw him? What do I know about the 'assault!-'"

"-They don't know it was us seeing him before we got your stuff though, right?" I move trying to catch her eyes but she's doing her best to avoid the contact.

"I said I don't know anything about it. Only that he looked like hell when I went to the apartment to pick up my books. I told them he's probably just somewhere getting high." I see her bite her lower lip, then locking her eyes with mine, she whispers, "I lied to the cops Daryl! What if they find out! They did ask me to come to the station tomorrow after work. What if something really happened to him-"

"-What if it did?" I cut her off and stand up, getting her full attention.

"What do you mean?"

"How would you feel if something did happen to him?" I lean closer to her and whisper in her ear. "What If he's dead." I move back to see her reaction.

She's staring back at me as if she wasn't sure if I'm serious or not. "I- Why do you ask me that?"

"No reason, it's just a question." I plant a kiss on her forehead, caressing her legs and sides.

A look of disbelief shows on her face. "Daryl, he was an asshole to me at the end, yes, but that doesn't mean I wish he was dead!"

"Alright, alright! Don't get pissed now, but when I saw you together, for a minute there you just seemed to be ready to kill him yourself. You never talked about him, I was just curious, that's all."

"I don't talk about him because it just feels weird to do so with you. You don't talk about your ex-girlfriends either."

"Yeah, but the reason for that is, that there simply aren't any," I say as I lift her to sit her down on the table, kissing her, I ease her legs open, step between them and deepen the kiss. I can't get enough of this, even after what we just discussed I can feel all that frustration from the day slowly leaving my body and I want more. So I push her down, lying her back on the table and start to work her shirt up when her hands suddenly snap to mine, trying to shove them away, but I already saw. 

How did I miss this the other day? There is a huge scar on her belly, it looks like someone was trying to do a C-section on her, but changed his mind in the process and decided to gut her instead. She tries to sit up again, but I grab her by her arms and push her back down.

"Let me see." I start to lift her shirt, but she fights me on it.

"Daryl!" she stresses my name in a tone that makes me stop. I look up at her and she looks... scared. I don't like that look on her. I know all about scars, and I can guess what the problem probably is. So I lean over her, resting one hand by her head.

"It's alright." I raise my left to her face to caress her cheek. "What is it? What bothers you, me touching it? Or me seeing it?"

She squirms under me. "Neither, I guess. The scar itself doesn't bother me that much anymore. It's the questions that usually follow."

That makes me almost smile. "I won't ask then." Problem solved! I continue with the caresses for a bit and then move the hand down, over her chest to her belly. She grasps my wrist when I get to the hem of her shirt, the nervous tension is rolling off her in waves. I think she's not as okay with me seeing it as she thinks. "I got them too, you know." I try to calm her down. She gives me a puzzled look so I specify, "Scars... on my back, mostly." 

She doesn't move her hand, but she eases the grip she's got on me, so I slip my hand under her shirt. I find what I'm looking for in no time, the tissue of her scar feels so familiar, yet so very foreign, so different from mine. I follow the damaged tissue with my fingers while talking to her. "I don't share the stories behind them either. We can not talk about our scars together. How's that sound?" 

It seems to work because she lets go of me and allows me to explore, this time without protest. I move a bit so I can watch the imaginary trail my fingers are leaving behind when it occurred to me that maybe this is the reason... "Is this why you wanted to go slow?" She doesn't say it, but her sudden blush is an answer enough. So yes, this is the reason or at least one of the reasons, why she didn't want to rush things.

I don't think no more. I grab her by her arms, now to lift her off the table, then drag her to my room. She trips over her own feet in surprise, but I quickly catch her and before she manages to say anything, she's on my bed with me on top, lying between her legs. I start to kiss her right away successfully silencing any potential protests. I need this. I need her, whatever she'd let me have.

She seems to come out of her initial shock after a few moments, and I can feel her hands. She raises them off the bed and put them on my sides. For a second there I thought she's going to push me off again, but she doesn't. She holds onto me for a minute and then I can feel her hands move down. She's playing with the hem of my shirt before I feel her fingers slide under it and start to explore my back, a bit hesitantly. Right! Give and take! I know what she's looking for, so I let her explore, just like she had let me, never breaking the kiss I move my own hand down her body to her stomach. She reaches the first of my scars at the same time I plant my palm on her belly. I feel her fingers roam around it much like mine did hers in the kitchen and I don't mind it, I don't mind her touching it at all. Everything slows down, the kiss is gentler, the touches lighter, it feels like unspoken understanding passes between us.

She finds a second scar, then third and so on and I can't hold still no more. I press myself to her crotch and start to grind, pushing her shirt up to get it off her. She moves her hands, taking my shirt with them, stripping it off me in the process, then she helps me with hers. The peaceful bubble we've been in seems to crack, her hands go directly for my belt and mine to her breast. Our movements turn to be more rushed, more urgent, but she doesn't seem to mind the hasty pace since she has a smile on her face. Once she gets my pants opened I kick off my boots while she's pushing them down my legs. She manages to get them to my knees, when I kneel, pull her with me and get rid of her bra. I look around, searching for something to tie her hands. I don't even think about it. It's just what I do, how I've always done it.

"What?" She asks a little out of breath. I don't want to leave the bed, I don't want to use the plastic ties on her anyway. It doesn't feel right. So I just grab my shirt and rip the bottom hem from it while she's watching me, looking perplexed. "What are you doing?" You'll see soon enough. I push her back down and take her wrists in my hands, still holding the strip of fabric in one of mine, I raise them above her head and start to tie them together. At that moment she fully realizes my intention and starts to struggle, trying to get free. "Wait!" she whispers. But her struggles are nothing for me, I could tie someone up in my sleep and I'm sure she'll like this. "Daryl, wait!" she says a little louder. By then I already have her wrists bound together and am about to tie them to the bedpost when she shouts, "Stop it!"

That makes me pause, she's not one to shout. Keeping the hold on her hands, I lift myself on my elbows slightly, so I can see her, now rather panicked, face. "Daryl talk to me!" Huh? About what? I don't get it. Why is she freaking out? "Daryl, please!" She raises her voice, tugging to get free.

My eyes fall on our hands. I wasn't even aware I'm still pinning her down but at the same time, I don't want to let go. She'll run if I do if the way she's struggling under me is anything to go by. I have no idea how to calm her down. I want her to trust me, I want her to see she can trust me. But it seems that ship has sailed. What do I do, what do I do? I look back at her when I hear her whimper. "I wasn't gonna hurt you." I blurt out.

She stops moving and sniffs. I know I fucked up. "Yeah? It didn't feel that way! What the hell happened?" Yeah, my thoughts exactly. What the hell happened?

I shrug helplessly. "I like it this way." I let go of her hands and sit up. She, on the other hand, doesn't move an inch, keeping her hands on the pillow.

"What do you mean by 'this way'?" she asks quietly, still staring up at me, it's starting to get unnerving. I want her to be smiling at me.

I sigh again. "I like to be the one who calls the shots."

"But that doesn't mean you have to act like this!"

"Like what?"

"Like this, just doing things, ignoring me when I talk to you, it's creepy, and it's scary!"

She sounds like she's about to start crying, I sigh. "I've never had to explain what I wanna do to anyone." Things went from great to shit so quickly and judging by her expression, she only now realized what I really meant when I said I've never had a girlfriend before, hookers.

"Well, I'm not anyone! I thought there is something between us." She finally moves her hands and pushes them in front of my face hiding her chest with her arms in the process. "Get it off me." She doesn't sound as confident as she'd like to and when I make no immediate move to comply with her request, she adds a "please" that sounds too desperate to my liking.

I guess this is how being helpless feels. I just don't know how to handle this and frankly, I can't just keep her here like this. So I start to work on the knots, sneaking glances at her face to gauge her mood. She seems calmer but still shaken. The second the bounds are off her she sits up and tries to move away but I grab her hand, trying to keep the hold gentle. "Don't hide from me again." When she doesn't say anything, I take a page from her book. "Please." More silence, and I got what I wanted since she no longer looks at me. And I realize I prefer the unnerving staring from before to this. So I try again, the only thing that comes to me. "There is something between us, I feel better with you around. Just tell me what you want me to do to make it right."

"How about you start with letting go of me."

So I do. I slowly ease my hold on her and then let go. I expect her to run off right away, but she stays where she is, looking around her. I look too, even though I don't know what we are looking for. She then reaches for something and when I see her start to put her shirt back on, I become very aware of my own undress state, with the pants still half down my legs. So I stand and pull them up. I still have the damn hard on and it's obvious she's not gonna help me with it now. I'm not sure if I should go to her or not. She's still sitting on the bed, but she doesn't talk. Should I leave her alone? But it's my room so... I don't know. My train of thought is cut off when she starts talking, thank God because I'm lost here.

"So you don't talk to women during sex, at all?"

"I wouldn't say 'at all,' I do say things-" like, 'don't talk', 'keep that mouth away from mine', 'don't move', okay, not so thankful for that question. Nothing I answer to this will make this situation better. I test moving around the bed, closer to her. She's watching me but doesn't say anything nor she's moving away, she looks calm too, so I sit next to her. "-look, what I usually do isn't important here. It has nothing to do with us."

"I think it is important, and it has everything to do with us. If it didn't we wouldn't be sitting here, talking about sex, we'd be having it." Alright, my still half hard dick says she has a point. "I don't expect that much. Just talk to me when you wanna try something or do something. I'm not saying you should ask permission to do every single thing, but a little warning before you start to tie me up would be nice. Or when I ask you to wait, just put a pause on things for a moment. The point is to give me the chance to tell you if I'm okay with what you want to do."

Yeah, when you put it that way... I really should have given her a moment there. I try to reach for her and when she doesn't protest I rest my hand on her thigh, making small circles with my thumb. "Alright, I will," I assure her, but then I realize... "How do I know when to ask?"

She blushes before answering. "Well, when you want to do something kinky I guess."

I snort, that wasn't much of help. "How do I know what do you find to be kinky?"

Her eyes go briefly to the strap I made from my shirt and although I thought it impossible her face turns ever redder. "Right, um... well, just tell me what you want then."

"I don't think you want to know what I want right now." I'm still horny and through all this talking the only thing I can think about is her giving me a blowjob. I just need something to loosen up, to help me relax, some release after today.

"Try me." Her face is all red, but her eyes are brighter, and she's looking at me expectantly. Alright, let's give this talking thing a try. I take a deep breath before saying what's on my mind.

"What I really want right now?-" Damn, this is weirder than I expected. "What I really fucking need, is for you to suck me off."

Silence ... her mouth opens but nothing comes out. I sigh turning my head away. I knew this is bullshit. "No, wait." She reaches for me and turns my head back to her and leans in to kiss me, a small, brief peck on my lips. "We'll have to work on the delivery, but I'm glad you told me." She smiles a little and I let out a breath I didn't even realize I've been holding.

"So you'll do it?" I rasp quietly, sliding the hand still resting on her thigh up until I get to her shorts. I start to play with the hem of it from one side to the other, every time sliding a little bit more between her legs. 

Her hands moved from my neck to my shoulders and her breathing speeds up a bit, getting more shallow. 

I slide my hand directly to her crotch and press my palm against her through her clothes moving my fingers in small circles. She's soaking wet, probably mostly from before and I feel myself getting hard again. "I'll return the favor," I whisper in her ear. It's been awhile since I've done that, but I find myself really wanting to do it to her, for her, if she says the yes I'm still waiting for.

And then, just when I got that thought, she finally moves. Straddling my lap, she slowly grinds against me and I grasp her ass with one hand pushing her firmly even closer and starts to undo my jeans with the other. I barely had the first two buttons open when her hand joins the party. She slightly slaps mine away finishing with the buttons. 

I put both my hands on her ass, squeezing it and sliding into her pussy from behind while she shifts so she can reach inside my pants and get a hold on my dick, giving it few slow pumps.

I can't take my eyes off her hand and when I feel her start to climb off my lap I blurt out, "Wanna do it at the same time?"

That made her pause. "What?" She's looking at me like she doesn't get what I'm asking but a small smile is playing on her lips so I elaborate.

"You know, me eating you out while you'll suck me off."

She leans closer to me again, still working on my cock she whispers in my ear, "I wanna be on top for that."

I tighten my grip on her, stand up and turn to dump her on the bed with a smile of my own. "Get rid of the clothes then." I motion to her with one hand while taking my pants off.

"Again with the delivery." I hear her mutter. What did I say now? But she took her shirt off and is now opening her shorts, so everything seems to be fine. The second she's naked I bury my fingers in her hair on the back of her head and pull her up to kneel on the bed. My bed is not that high but she's still eye level with my chest. Not good enough so I pull again to get her on the ground before me.

"Just for a minute, then you'll go on top," I grumble taking my cock in my hand and guide it to her mouth pushing her head at the same time. She puts her hands on my hips and I feel her resisting the movement so I ease the hold on her hair a little and wait for her to decide how she wants to do it. She glances up at me, our eyes meet for a second and with the smallest smile she looks back down, leans forward and takes me in her mouth.

I feel her tongue flat against me, her mouth tighten around me and she starts to suck while slowly bobbing her head up and down. Sucking a little more every time she goes up. It makes me tighten my grip on her hair again. Closing my eyes I hear myself letting out a low moan. This is heaven. What she's doing feels so good, the thought of fucking her mouth like I usually do in these situations doesn't even cross my mind. 

I don't think about anything else, only her sweet lips and tongue and her pussy waiting for me, all wet and ready. I let out another groan at the thought. I push her quickly back on the bed and crawl on top of her. I force her legs open with my knees and press my palm against her pussy to check if she's ready. She's wet just like I imagined. I take her wrists and pin them above her head.

She looks up at our hands and then at me. "Don't-"

"-I won't," I reassure her. Not breaking the eye contact, keeping the hold on her wrists, I slip deep into her with one hard thrust. She lets out a strangled gasp, her eyes go wide and her legs wrap tightly around my hips to keep me still when I make a move to pull out again.

"Wait! Give me a second here," she breathes out. 

So I do just that. I wait, and while I do, I check out her body. Her breasts come into my sight, they are rather small, but beautiful, and I move my free hand to play with her nipple lazily, tugging on it gently. 

After a couple of deep breaths, she tries to roll her hips experimentally. "Okay, okay, I'm good," she tells me with a tiny nod. I sneak my hand between us from her breast to where we are joined. Finding her clit I push my finger firmly against it, causing her to gasp again and then I start to really move. I bend my head too and push my tongue into her mouth, kissing her deeply, mimicking the movement of my cock with it.

She's trying to keep up with the kiss but her need for oxygen forces her to turn her head to the side after some time, so I switch to kissing her neck, sucking and licking my way around it. I start to make small movements with the fingers pressed against her clit and it doesn't take too long 'till I feel her legs start to tremble around me. Her breathing speeds up even more and she start to struggle against my hold on her wrists, so I let go and move to grab her hair instead.

As soon as she's free she puts her arms around me, clenching to my back, she holds on for dear life, burying her face in my neck. After few more minutes, I feel her whole body tense and then shatter around me, I fuck her through it until I feel her body go limp under me. I move back so I could look at her. She's panting, trying to calm her breathing and she looks content, a small smile playing on her lips. I pull out of her and roll her to her belly by her hip.

"Come on, keep up with me for a little while longer," I murmur as I position her. Leaving her chest on the bed, I pull her ass up in the air, easing her knees apart. It usually doesn't take me so long to get off, but then again, I'm usually not making an effort to keep myself in check either. Not that I'm really complaining, because she does feel good.

I see her grip the sheets tightly to brace herself as I push back inside her and start at a pace a bit faster and harder than before. I close my eyes and let myself to get lost in this feeling. I didn't give her enough time to recover and she doesn't even try to meet my thrust now. She's keeping herself still, but only my hands grasping her hips are keeping her up now. She's making delicious little noises and I almost don't want it to end but at the same time, I can't wait to come inside her.

I don't think I've ever felt like this while fucking someone when suddenly, I feel her tense up again. Soon after, her pussy start to clench around me, and I hear her mumbling something I can't understand, and then she goes completely limp, not even holding the sheets anymore. She's just lying there, panting. So I let go of her hips to bend over her, putting one hand next to her head and with the other I move some hair from her face and then taking a firm hold on it, moving a bit slower inside her.

When I hear her whimper, I whisper in her ear, "Come on, darling, I'm almost there." It takes a few seconds but eventually I see her grasp the sheets again and push herself up on her hands and knees. "That's my girl," I praise her as I move with her, caressing her back. I keep the hold on her hair, tugging on it a little, gripping her hip with the other hand and I start with the pace I like.

I hear Lumen whimpering here and there, but she's taking it like a champ. My sweet Lumen. Once more I'm getting lost in the feeling I get only from being near her when I feel the tale telling tingling and then with a low groan I'm coming too. I make few more deep thrust and then stay still for a moment before pulling out and the moment I let go of Lumen, she collapses down. I lie next to her on my back and close my eyes, breathing out a satisfied sigh. Yes, this is exactly what I needed. I hear her moving around and moments after I feel her press against my side, laying her head on my chest.

"What happened with the sixty-nine I've been promised?" she asks slowly, quietly, making me chuckle.

"Couldn't wait. We can do it now if you give me a minute." I crack an eye open to see her reaction.

"Um... maybe later... or some other time, I think you worn me out for tonight." She bites her lower lip. "You know, you could go easy on me, at the beginning at least. I'm not sure I'll be able to sit down."

"I didn't hear any complaints." I look down at her, lifting my head a bit to see her better. Did I fuck up something again?

"No, I'm not complaining. Just saying, that next time, we could try it my way?" She turns it into a question. And why the hell not try it slow for once. I'm pretty sure anyway she lets me have her will be better than anything I got so far from hookers. This one certainly was.

"Alright." I kiss her forehead. "I'm hungry. Let's eat something."

She laughs to that. "Men! I can't move, can't you bring me something?" She lifts her head and smiles sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes at me.

I snort. "Good try," I say, giving her sharp slap on her ass. "Get up and come with me. There will be no eating in my bed unless it's me eating you out!"

Her face goes completely red and she hides it in her hand while she starts to get up. How can she still blush after what we've just done? I've got my pants on and buckled before she manages to get up from the bed. She's searching for her clothes for a moment and when she finds it, she sits back down on the bed to put it back on.

"I've never been in your room before," she states while looking around, "It's clean, I thought all guys were messy."

"You thought wrong. Come on, let's eat." I take hold on her arm and pull her with me. She sneaks her other arm around me and pulls me closer.

"Hey, Daryl?" I turn to her, raising eyebrows in silent question. "I really liked it. It was great."

"I could tell." I bend to give her a kiss. "Was great for me too. You can always join me for a shower after dinner if you'll be in the mood for some more." I wink at her and she giggles, actually giggles, making me roll my eyes.

Just as we enter the kitchen I hear Merle's bike.

I'm glad he didn't come fifteen minutes ago.

I hope you enjoy the story. If you do, feel welcome to push that little star to let me know, or better yet, leave me a comment ;)  

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