Chapter 41: Mercy

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We keep moving through the jail. The three other prisoners still look shaken up over Big Tiny's gruesome death, but Tomas doesn't show any sign of emotion. T-dog and Oscar take the lead while Rick, Daryl, and I take up the rear.

"We can't break formation like that again," Rick says. "Next time, it could be all of us, not just one person."

We enter a room full of old washing machines. There's a locked set of doors at one end and growling can be heard from behind it. Rick tosses Tomas the keys.

"I ain't opening that," he insists.

"Oh yes you are. You're the one who wants this cell block," Rick says. "Only open one, not both. We need to control this."

Tomas rolls his eyes and grabs the keys. He thrusts one into the lock and turns it.

"You bitches ready?" he asks.

He pulls on the door a few times, before finally, both doors fly open and walkers spill in.

"I said one!" Rick yells as he stabs a walker.

"Shit happens!" Tomas yells back.

We move quickly. Arrows fly, axes swing, and walkers fall to the ground. Tomas swings his machete, almost hitting Rick, but he dodges it and shoots him a look.

I stab another walker, and Tomas grabs one by its prison clothes and throws it onto Rick, pinning him on the ground.

"RICK!" I yell.

I push Tomas out of the way and sink my knife into the walker's head. Daryl is by my side immediately, helping Rick up as I shove the walker off of him.

When I turn around, Andrew smashes the last walker's head in, and it goes silent in the laundromat.

Rick glares at Tomas, and I do too.

"It was coming at me, bro," Tomas says, shrugging.

"Yeah. I get it. I get it," Rick says. "Shit happens."

They stand, face to face, staring at each other. I look between the two of them, as does everyone else.

That's when Rick swings his machete, planting it firmly into Tomas' head, then yanking it out, kicking Tomas' body to the side.

"NO!" Andrew screams.

He rushes forwards, his bloody baseball bat raised. Rick kicks him in the gut and he falls. Taking one last look at us, he scrambles up, disappearing down the hallway.

"I've got him!" Rick yells, running after him.

"Get on the ground!" Daryl orders, his crossbow aimed at Oscar's head. "Both of you!"

They lower themselves to the ground, hands in the air. T-dog has his gun trained on Axel's head.

"We have no idea what just happened! I swear we weren't in on it!" Axel says.

"Shut up," I order.

"Tell them Oscar," Axel begs.

"Just listen to the girl," Oscar replies.

I walk to the door, gun held up and ready. I can faintly hear someone's footsteps echoing down the hallway. Soon, Rick returns. He holds his gun up to Oscar's head.

"We didn't have anything to do with that," Oscar says, trying to stay calm.

"You didn't know? You knew. Daryl, let's finish this now," Rick yells angrily.

Daryl pulls his knife and holds it to Oscar's throat, and Rick holds his gun to Axel's temple.

"Rick! Don't!" I say. "Let them defend themselves."

"Sir! Please! Listen to her! Listen! We didn't know! It was them and it was bad. It wasn't us!" Axel begs, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Oh that's convenient," Rick spits.

"You saw what he did to Tiny," Axel says, his voice breaking. "He was my friend! Please! We ain't like that. I like my pharmaceuticals, but I'm not a killer. Oscar here, he was breaking and entering, but he wasn't very good at it. We ain't the violent kind, they were! Please! I swear to God! I wanna live!" He breaks down, whimpering.

Rick shakes his head and turns back to Oscar. "What about you?"

"I ain't ever pleaded for my life, and I'm not gonna start today. So you do what you gotta do," he replies. He stares Rick in the eyes.

"Rick, remember what you said at the farm? About honouring Dale," I say quietly.

Rick turns to me, and I cross my arms and look back at him. He looks back at Oscar and Axel and lowers his gun.

"Let's go to your cell block," he says.

We exit the laundromat, walking for a bit before we get to another cell block. Rick shoves Oscar and Axel into it and they stand there, looking around. Outside the lower cells is a row of prisoners, all with bullet wounds in the head.

"I knew these guys..." Axel says. "They were good men."

"Let's go," Rick orders.

"So you're just gonna leave us here? Man, this is sick," Oscar says.

"We're locking down this cell block. From now on, this part of the prison is your's, take it or leave it. That was the deal." Rick leaves the block, waiting outside the doors.

"You think this is sick? You don't wanna know what's outside," Daryl says.

"Consider yourselves the lucky ones," Rick adds before walking away.

"Sorry about your friends," Daryl mumbles. He follows Rick out, leaving me and T-dog.

"Word of advice, take those bodies outside and burn them," T-dog says, then he leaves.

The two of them look at me.

"If you ask me, I think you two seem like good guys. I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'll try to help," I say.

"Thank you miss," Axel says.

"Good luck," I say. I start to leave, but I stop at the door. "Sorry about Big Tiny."


When we get back to Cell Block C, everyone is hanging around near Hershel's cell.

"Hershel stopped breathing," Carl says. "Mom saved him."

"Good job," Rick says. He enters the cell.

"Did you find the infirmary?" I ask Carl.

"Yeah. I killed two walkers, it was no big deal," he replies.

"Did you get someone else to go with you?"

"No. I thought I could do it alone, and I did."

" could've been hurt."

"I'm sorry. Daryl and T-dog went with you and dad, and I felt I would be ok."

"I understand...How'd Lori take it?"

"She got mad. Could you talk to her?"



We look back into the cell, where everyone has gone silent. Daryl comes up behind me and looks in too.

We watch Hershel, and slowly, his eyelids flicker and his eyes open.

"Daddy?" Maggie asks.

"Daddy!" Beth says.

Rick unlocks the cuffs from Hershel's wrist, and Hershel reaches his hand out to him. Rick takes it, and they shake. I smile, and so does Carl. Lori leaves the room, and Rick moves aside to let Maggie and Beth be near their father.

"Lori? Can I tell you something?" I ask as she leaves.

She nods, stopping and moving closer to me.

"Carl, with the infirmary-" I start.

"How do you know about that?" she asks.

"I was the one who asked him to find it. I told him to get someone to go with him," I explain. "I knew that Hershel needed bandages, and I thought that he could handle it." Lori looks at me, not saying anything. "So, if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me."

"You did what was best for Hershel. Thank you," she says. "I'll talk to Carl."

"I'll see you later."

Lori walks away, and I lean against a wall. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh.

I walk outside, where the sun is starting to set. I close my eyes and feel the breeze blow across my face and I smile.

Maybe we have a chance for a normal life now.

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