Prologue Part 1

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Shido 1st Person POV

This was all supposed to be over... Things were supposed to have a happy ending by now... But something feels wrong... I have been seeing things... Every time I look at a corner, I see a clone... I thought it was all just a hallucination, but he seems.... real. I was talking to my best friend Hiroto about girls and stuff when the Spacequake alarm went off. I was surprised, as Tohka is the only spirit left. Hiroto then disappeared, but I didn't mind it. I went downstairs to go outside Saito University to find Kotori in Fraxinus and talk to her until I saw a dead body. I see more of my dead classmates until I see myself, a clone, alive. He is holding Tohka hostage.

"S-Shido, Help me!" Tohka said.

"LET GO OF HER!" I said.

"You will have to come here first." The mysterious clone said, so I did. When I come close to her, he slit her throat and she falls into my arms.

"T-TOHKA!!!" I cry. I hold a squishy ball that appears there for no reason and clench it. My supposed clone points a knife at me as the shockwave of the space quake appears.

"Shido," a familiar voice says. "wake up"

"AHHHH" I scream. I realize it was all just a nightmare. I am in my bed, and to my shock, a girl with very long, dark purple hair in the same shade as the color of the night, named Tohka. And to my greater shock, the 'ball' I was clenching was her right boob, so I let go of it and accidentally fall off the bed humorously.

"Are you okay? You seem to be having a nightmare" Tohka said.

"I'm fine... wait, what are YOU doing here?" I say.

"Oh? My dorm got destroyed while I was away, and Kotori said that couples like us sleep together, so she invited me to your house." She said. I smile a bit at her innocence but then frown because Kotori did that. I knew what she was doing. I facepalm. I eventually tell Tohka everything that happened in the dream.

"So you clenched my (censored) because in the dream you clenched a ball that randomly appears out of nowhere? Umu, okay I'll let you I guess if it makes you feel better"

"WHAT- n-no that ain't what I meant. And also that's not the point." I say, blushing.

"Yeah, I know. And also, I don't like the idea of myself dying, so let's not talk about it anymore." She says. She looks like she is excited to give me something.

"I agree," I say.

"Umu, okay. By the way, I wanted to give you something." She hands me over a light blue crystal, that looks familiar.

"Aww, thank you Tohka. It's even my favorite color!" I said, before kissing Tohka on the lips. "By the way, can you do me a favor?"

"I'm glad you liked it! And also, what favor??" She says.

3rd Person POV


"Hey Shido, Tohka. Wake up." Kotori, Shido's sister says while entering the room. She is surprised to see that Shido and Tohka are nowhere to be found. She finds Shido, acting injured.

"Kotori... Run while you still can... I am infected by the tickle virus, aka T-Virus!" Shido says.

"HAH! You think that I will fall for that again???" Kotori says, in a smug face.

Tohka appears, looking like she's infected too and she and Shido start tickling Kotori. Kotori screams very loudly. 

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