Prologue Part 2

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At Saito University...

"Thank you for the crystal Tohka! It's so cool it's gross" Mii said.

"Ya welcome," Tohka said.

"Btw Shido and Max are fighting again because Shido's idiot pervert friend has a crush on Stacey-"

"WHAT-" Tohka shouted, so she ran to Max and gave him a red crystal.

"Please don't hurt Shido-kun," Tohka said, looking at the bruised Shido.

"Ok, I accept," Max said, accepting the crystal and walking away.

"Are you okay???" Tohka said.

"yeah, its not much big of a deal" Shido said, lying. Tohka looks at him with a stern expression.

Meanwhile, at a DEM factory...

"Dad, here. I have the demon qlipha crystal, Lucifer." Max said.

"Good. If all goes well, I can finally have my revenge on the one who killed my brother. SH-02! Come here." Vincent said.

"Yes master." A teenager that looks like Shido, SH-02 said.

"Eliminate the target." Vincent said, pointing at the image of the target.

"Yes." SH-02 said, walking away.

"Let's make a spirit, my son"

The Target = Shido Itsuka

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