Chapter LI: Court

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In every court scene, five components were always existent: the judge, the jury, the lawyer, the two sides of witnesses and two at fault. It would be a case of murder, heavy accusations or business problems that involved fraud between partners. This morning, I was the witness, Mrs. Christina was sitting beside me in the large red-colored walls on the sides of the courtroom with four pillars holding the hall up. It was the kind of room that was as sacred as the prayers because the court decision would be based upon the truth and nothing but the truth.

Levy solemnly swore and the case was about to be opened. He stood up like the rest of us when the national anthem began indicating that it was only the beginning of revelations after it finished, we sat back down.

We waited for my aunt to burst through the door and prove her claim but there was nothing. We kept waiting and the jury looked at each other in confusion, probably wondering why my aunt didn't attend and the loud voices began to complain.

As if my brain quickly caught up, I was stiff when I realized something that could be a problem.

"Be right back, baby,"

My eyes went saucers at Levy's direction as my newly found, active brain caught the reason for my aunt's disappearance.

Levy killed her.

Mrs. Christina noticed my rigid posture and asked me what was wrong, I nervously chuckled and told her a fast reply that nothing was wrong.

The judge was angry that his time was being wasted on teenagers like me and Levy.

"Silence, people," it was as if the judge was the leader, they all closed their mouths in one second. "The case is cancelled since the other party didn't show and there is no proof, you can be all dismissed." although I was relieved, I couldn't help but feel brittle about Levy's inexcusable action, some parts of me knew that he wanted to kill her but it was a reckless move since he had another trial to attend to.

The people were displeased and rushed outside to deal with other obligations in their lives. Levy came back to us with an eloquent smirk like he knew this was going to happen.

Mrs. Christina did the honors on behalf of me when she slapped the back of his head and he groaned.

"That was a stupid move you did, son, the police will doubt the sudden disappearance and they will investigate further, you'll be in a bigger problem," his mom proclaimed in a hushed tone since the lawyer, Mr. Damien, was not too far away from us with a hand on his chin placed on the table.

"Who said I was the one who killed her?" he rhetorically asked. "Mom, you should have known this by now, I am smart and I knew if I killed her, the police would catch me so I let another person do it for me while I distracted her with my gun," he added with an eye roll.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, mister," she scolded and he did it again, only to receive another slap. "But it was a good move, it saves you from trouble," she praised and he smiled at his mom gratefully.

I was wordless at the whole ordeal just deep in my thoughts about my aunt, it was sad to see her changing to a prejudiced woman who believed mom religiously. It wasn't her fault, it was the bias she carried around to the extent to shoot me and helped her sister get her revenge.

"Let's go, kids," Mrs. Christina hollered when she finished talking to the lawyer and we followed behind her.

I felt an arm around me and I turned around to glower at a happy Levy. "What?" he demanded innocently and I gave him the silent treatment, turning my head to gaze out the window with my hands on my lap.

He caught me by surprise when he carried me on his lap in front of his mom. I was mortified at the sudden movement that Mrs. Christina gave us a naughty wink and I reddened even after she knew me for three years dating Levy.

He noticed my flushed state and of course, he just had to laugh at my shyness. "Babe, why are you mad at me?" he asked when he finished laughing.

"You didn't wake me up to go with you, I wanted to talk to her before your guys kill her," I said. His eyes glared at me like I did something wrong and his arms tightened around my petite body.

"I wouldn't let you come with me in the first place," he clarified and kissed my neck. I let out a laugh when the spot he kissed on tickled me.

"But why didn't you?" I pouted and he pecked my pout before looking at me.

"Because I knew you were going to make a whole deal about it when the problem is already solved," he answered as his fingers brushed my waist, shooting tingles along my spine.

Mrs. Christina dropped us off at the school since the first few classes were excused for us due to the court case. We held hands and grabbed our bags from the car with the other hand, only to be met by a wide range of curious eyes outside the school entrance.

"Levy, why are they looking at us like that?" I whispered, baffled at the colossal negative scrutiny that we received.

"It's probably some kids spreading rumors about us, stay behind me," he ordered as he maneuvered me to stand behind him.

I clutched the back of his gray shirt tentatively with tears welling my eyes from the crowds of people accusing us.

"You're a disgrace,"

"You don't belong here sinners!"

"Are you pregnant with his baby, you slut?"

I wiped my tears with my maroon colored sleeve but one accusation made me terrified.

"You are killers!"

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