Chapter LXII: Thread

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The stars twinkled divinely when we laid down on the hospital bed after everyone left us since the doctor announced that Levy was on bed arrest for one night here.

It was nights like these where we reminisced about our good memories together, just peacefully alone and together. "Babe, remember when we had our first kiss at Boardman State Park beside the beach?" his eyes excitedly gleamed when he recalled our special night and I nuzzled my face further into his neck.

I remembered it clearly, it was our first trip together and I felt like that happened yesterday from how fast time flew to meet us here.

"Yes, of course, I do," I replied with the biggest smile on my face. These cherished memories that we lived by every day warmed my heart, we were truly high school sweethearts and we would be college sweethearts after.

"Hey, do you remember when you stole my shirt for a dare?" I asked and he laughed as he tilted his head back, his chest vibrating against me in pure solace.

I laughed with him and stopped to gaze out the window in front of the hospital bed, which honestly amazed me since hospitals usually had the door in front of the patients' room rather than on the side but St. Billy hospital was different.

"Yes, I had a dare to act like a girl and I purposely embarrassed myself in front of my friends to make you laugh when you were angry about a fight with your best friend," he recalled, both of us chuckled when we reminisced crazy Levy with my bright pink shirt doing the Harlem Shake.

"Those were some nice memories we had," he commented when his sparkly amber irises intensified under the hospital fluorescent lights. His eyes were my favorite thing to look at, it was crazy how his eyes could change from bright under the lights to dimmer in the mornings.

"Yea, I hope we get to relive them again," I said with my own glimmered eyes since his eyes matched his mood.

We both went into comfortable silence, just in our own thoughts until Levy decided to open the subject again.

"I think it's weird how you found your aunt in the forest, maybe I am looking deeper into things but it wasn't a sheer coincidence," he thought out loud to me as I nodded with quizzical eyes.

"I think so too, we need to do more research about her," I concluded and he agreed with me by tightened his arm around my shoulder, bringing my face closer to his neck as his lips turned to meet mine.

"We will, baby, that man I tried to contact was dead," he informed me as I pulled my face away from his neck to stare up at him, "he was killed by your aunt and my men found him near the Oregon river today," my eyes widened even more.

"That's what she has been doing in the forest," I sat up and Levy nodded. "She killed the man before meeting Dimitria so she could remove her trail of evidence," I stated as another revelation was unleashed.

My aunt was really digging more into her own grave. Levy was going to tear her to shreds at the end. It was just a game for her now but what she didn't know was that Levy has more experience in those games than her.

"Let's just sleep on it, for now, I am tired," he whined and I felt my eyelids close in tiresome.

We both went into a deep slumber as we laid in each other's arms.

"Come to me, dear Lia," my aunt urged with her hand, "I have a surprise for you, bring that boy with you too, I would love to watch you both in pain," my feet trailed behind her like a spell.

"No! leave me alone!" I screamed but my feet were contradicting my words and I couldn't stop them.

My eyes recognized the abandoned place that used to be our first house in Portland, Oregon.

"Now you know the location, come to me," she whispered as her shadow was faded out.

I sat up, choking on air as my body started to deflate when it realized that this was another hallucination at four am. Levy was still in a deep sleep since he never had proper sleep these few days.

Could it really be my subconscious telling me that this was her location?

I wondered internally until I was wrapped around a strong arm pulling me back beside his sleeping figure.

My eyes sadly flickered to his restful face as he lightly snored with a cute open mouth, I aspired for a better life for myself and Levy. All our future plans would be affected if the killings were growing on us and changing us for the worst.

We had to wash away our sins and start a new life in college where we didn't have to cry and ache for an endless escape. At least, that was what I imagined after we end this case once and for all.

We had to go to Portland so I could finally discover if these hallucinations were really true and that she was actually in our first rotten house.

Noticing the scar on Levy's eyebrow up close made me melancholic because it was his first battle scar when he was with his dad at fifteen-years-old, who was cut by one of the biggest gangs in Columbia.

My eyes averted to the distracting sound like someone was tapping the window, my heart dropped when my eyes caught on a running silhouette from a few meters.

I quickly stood up and padded to the large window, my eyes scanned the whole hospital garden area and breathed heavily when I saw the silhouette again, I tried to press my face closer to the window but then went back to scream when my mom's face appeared, making the lights flicker on and off.

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