Chapter LXIII: Road Trip (I)

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The birds chirped and it annoyed me since I didn't have much sleep yesterday in my sweaty state, as if that wasn't enough, Levy decided to be my biggest pet peeve when he kept poking me and trying to tickle me so early in the morning.

"Levy, stop it," I groaned out and tried to turn to the other side with eyes closed, I was not a morning person especially when I didn't sleep much.

"Come on, princess, my mom is on her way," he nudged me again as he informed me and I let out a whale groan right when I opened my eyes, my cheeks reddened when I caught the nurse with a horrified expression.

"Sorry," I squeaked and she giggled at my awkward behavior when I sat up. What perplexed me more was the moment I remembered putting my long hoodie on the hospital table situated beside the bed right after I had the hallucination because I was drenched in cold sweat.

I covered the blanket over me, not wanting the nurse to realize that I was in my undergarments. Levy tried to contain his laughter but couldn't, making it more embarrassing than it was.

Receiving a slap on his arm from me, he stopped laughing and the nurse quickly changed the serum to new blood before she scurried out of the room like we were doing something nasty in front of her.

"Did you just see her face? you scared the poor girl," was the first thing Mrs. Christina exclaimed when she barged in on us with a gray pencil skirt and a professional button-up white shirt, her blonde hair shiny and silky.

"It was Lia, not me this time," Levy mockingly defended with open palms up.

He received another slap on his bicep. "Damn woman, slow it down, I am an injured man," he commented as he rubbed the red spot I proudly formed on his skin. We both laughed at the childish side of Levy.

I told them about what happened in the car on our way back home after we dressed up in the hospital. "So, we need to see for ourselves and go on a road trip to Portland," I finished breathlessly.

"How would we leave Dimitria and her mom in the mansion? we know that we can't trust them yet," Levy said and I nodded.

"I will take care of them," Mrs. Christina interjected while driving. "You both can go and I will appoint Cooper to drive you both there but be careful," she warned and we smirked at each other before looking at his mom with success in our eyes, she was easy to convince but tough when she had to be.

My hair was let down when we went back home to pack up some stuff in case we stay there to hunt my aunt down. It still amazed me how Levy was so calm about the police that still looked for any proof to get Levy in jail since he was almost eighteen in two weeks. I still remembered what the interrogator told me, it kept ringing in my mind.

Don't worry about that, we won't hold anything back until our dream works and we put Levy in jail.

I snapped back to reality when Levy walked in front of me with his crutches and still complained about how his legs hurt so much. I rolled my eyes at his whining and entered the bedroom when we finished trailing up the stairs.

Mrs. Christina told us that we needed to go early so it wasn't too late for us and we could stay at The Paramount Hotel in Portland for the night.

I turned on the water in the bathroom for a shower for Levy and myself. I was still frazzled by the whole ordeal, stress definitely wasn't a good look on me as I stared at my wary face in the mirror.

Feeling like this was an endless cycle of back-to-back problems, I sighed and undressed, "Levy, it's time for a bath, take off your cast," I hollered since I was already getting into the big steamy tub.

It was a usual thing for us to take baths but it wasn't like we did anything sexual inside, it was just relaxing to have a conversation in the tub with Lush scented water bombs and hot water that soothed our tight back muscles.

Levy went in after he left his crutches at the side of the sink and sat on the toilet cover to take off his clothes. After he managed in fifteen minutes, he got in the tub groaning at how good the bath was to his aching body. He was the top of the hot list of guys in Oregon with honey-colored eyes under the bathroom light and full plump lips, his broad chest showed the outlines of his chiseled abdomen and the taunting pale skin telling me to touch his chest.

"Eyes up here, missy," he jokingly snapped when my eyes went up to his and he scolded me further. "Stop making that face or I won't have any self-control," he murmured and I flushed, my shy eyes went down to the bubbles erupting from the pink bath bomb I put in the tub.

We always sat opposite of each other so we couldn't give in and it was a better way to communicate about our plans, it was like a fun chit-chat. That, and I could admire his eyes when he talks to me.

"Babe, are you sure you want to go with me to Portland?" he asked when his finger swirled on the water, "I mean we skipped way too much school and as much as I don't give a crap about Mr. T's instructions, he was right in one thing and that was graduation, we need to write our finals and we literally have a week left, you should stay here to revise so we could graduate together," he advised.

"I am sure that I am going to graduate because I already know the subject and the assistant is going to email me the revision papers, I want to go with you," I spoke with determination when my eyes looked up to his like a tiger ready to attack.

"Let's go on this road trip, then." he smirked and I mirrored his expression.

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