Chapter LXIX: Afterlife

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"I'm sorry, honey," mom touched my face with sorrowful eyes, "I love you," she added before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Really?" I looked up at her with hopeful eyes, "you love me?" I exclaimed in a form of a question.

She gave me a sincere nod with eyes that twinkled with hope.

My mom disappeared and was replaced with Levy's sad eyes.

"I wanted to stay, princess," he whispered, "but I can't stay anymore," he murmured, disappearing into thin air.

"No!" I screamed in agony as my frail body collapsed on the ground.

"Lia, wake up," the nurse who was with me in the van called out but I couldn't open my eyes anymore, that feeling made me scared even more.

"I-I can't open my eyes," I stuttered with a shattered heart.

"It's okay, you will once the serum loses its effect," she explained and I exhaled out at the haste I was in to see Levy's state.

All that I thought it was true turned out to be false in my dreams. I hoped it was true enough but not that true when it came down to Levy's death in the dream.

"How is Levy?" I asked fearfully with a croaked voice. I couldn't feel my body at all, I was shaking to my core at the thought that my fingers touched that awful thing and shot someone.

I had no choice. I kept repeating in my head like an infinite mantra. I was aching to touch Levy's hand and see his famous smirk telling me it was all a joke, that everything was fine.

"He's okay now, he wasn't going to make it before," she confessed and I felt my heart monitor was about to burst in anxiety.

"Are you sure he's okay?" I inquired as my cold fingers kept feeling the soft blue cloth and slowly regained my consciousness.

"He is, you don't need to worry, just relax until the effect fades off," she informed and I calmed down slightly before remembering that I had killed a soul.

After the nurse went out and the effect faded off of me, I clutched the needles out of my skin and I set my feet on the cold ground, letting my body adjust to my recent movement then I walked with the blue hospital gown they had replaced my clothes within the hopes of finding Levy.

The nurses tried to catch me once they spotted me, their out-of-her-mind patient walking like I was in an exorcism.

My weak kneecaps cracked due to the long time laying down, I didn't even know what time it was but I kept sloppily running.

I opened every room, disturbed everyone until my eyes caught on the familiar black hair with multiple tubes connected to his neck. My palms were placed on the glass door that showed a tormented Levy with a frown on his face and closed eyes.

How could someone look so gorgeous yet beaten up? he was a self-aesthetic person and I found myself smiling when my eyes took in my piece of serenity when he breathed in and out of the other tube that connected to his mouth.

I never watched Levy in this state before but when I did now, I felt like everything bad inside of me stopped and focused on his flickered eyes and his moving fingers. It was a sight to behold and I felt like I was obsessed with my own boyfriend.

That was until the nurses held me back and everything bad came back to me as I screamed. Levy's eyes met mine in confusion and my heart dropped.

"Levy," I hollered but he only looked at me like I was a stranger.

"It's me, Lia," I called out before giving up and let the nurses take me back to the room with defeated eyes.

They put me back to bed when I sobbed at the mental picture in my head and when my eyes met his confused stare. It was like he didn't know me at all.

I laid in a fetus position when the nurse tried to calm me down by stroking my back but I wasn't ready to face the world anymore.

You don't deserve anyone, you killed a soul, you should be ashamed of yourself. My thoughts burned into my head with these words.

I cried softly into my palm and my body ached for Levy, the fact that I didn't have anybody anymore killed me internally, I didn't need a gun to be killed, I was already killed emotionally so many times that I felt like giving up when Levy forgot about me.

The tears never left me when the nurse closed the door and I hugged my knees tighter, my heart was torn into shreds and no bandages could mend it.

It was scary how someone I loved so much turned into a forgetful person in a minute, it only showed that anybody could lose anything in a matter of seconds, minutes, hours and years.

Another hour of silence and beating my consciousness up, a nurse walked into the room.

"Do you want to know about Levy Martin's condition?" my ears perked up at the mention of my first love.

"Yes," I calmly answered, emotionless to my surroundings. I didn't care anymore, they could do whatever they want to me.

"Levy is in a state of temporary amnesia due to his previous injuries in his head and the impact of the tubes that we installed to his body, he will regain his memory after a short period of time," the nurse declared and my heart sprang up at the new hope she provided.

"Stay strong for your boyfriend, Lia," she advised and I turned to face her, she gasped at the sight of my bony cheeks and my red-rimmed eyes.

"You need to eat something," she told me, "I can get a sandwich for you." she added and I shook my head.

My thoughts were solely focused on the amber eyes that were mine.

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