Chapter LXVIII: Survivable

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It was the simplicity of the deadliest acts of all. One person held up the gun and pulled the trigger, marking his own monstrosity. How could something so worthless make a death so flawlessly easy? it rushed in my mind and I found myself hating the object in my hand.

This wasn't who I was, I couldn't let it dominate my life anymore. I was innocent and my hands were never dirtied with someone's blood even if they did me wrong.

Looking at Levy as he wiped the sweat and blood on his palm once he managed to move my aunt's lifeless body behind the shatters of logs near the oak tree, I realized that I didn't have to be so influenced by his ways. I just had to do me, not anyone else, even if he was mine for a long time, he loved me because of my innocence.

"Well, that was easy, I thought we had to stay more to plan things out," he spoke when he finished cleaning his hands with wet wipes that I had placed in his back pocket in case of emergency.

We were both like a walking travesty with hair stuck to our forehead from how much we walked into the woods when we parked the Jeep and Portland's weather was messed up, the humidity frazzled the greenery scenes.

Another surprise struck us, I screamed when I heard a gunshot but it tore through Levy's skin as fast as a breath.

"Levy, please stay awake," I murmured when I handled another trauma as a man tried to approach me but I pointed the gun at him and he pointed a gun at Levy's most sensitive organ.

His heart.

I was never ready when it came down to hard choices but I had to use my brain so we could escape, Levy screamed at the pain of the bullet that was in his right arm as blood erupted like a bloody fountain down his wrist.

Watching the strongest guy that protected me in pain made my fury rise, I was going to get us out of here.

"Him or you?" the burly man in a midnight suit asked and my eyes nervously looked from the gun aimed at Levy to my gun aimed at the man. I had to decide and fast.

"None," I screamed when I shot him in the forehead with gripped fingers on the metal like it held my destiny.

The man fell as fast as the bullet he shot through my boyfriend's arm, Levy kept trying to keep his eyes open but gave up as his eyes slowly closed.

"Oh my God," I sobbed as I tried to shield Levy's body, "you can't die on me, please no," I screamed as I held Levy's head on my lap. I threw away the gun and wiped my tears.

I grabbed my phone and called the ambulance since I was familiar with Oregon. Levy was trying to move but couldn't when his breaths softened.

"Hold on, baby," I sobbed when I finally heard the other line pick up, I told them our location and that it was urgent, it turned out that there was a van nearby and they were driving towards us as quickly as they could.

I thanked them and hung up, my tears never leaving my cheeks as I tried to hold onto every fiber of my strength.

"I-I love you," Levy whispered as a tear came down his eye, "I'm sorry, Lia," his voice cracked as his eyelids closed and I had a panic attack.

"No Levy, we are in this together, you're going to live," I screamed when I held him close to me like a kid that needed a lullaby to calm the rage.

He was carried to the emergency van as another nurse helped me stand up and manhandled me into the van.

I whimpered as they put a needle in his skin to replace the loss of blood for a new one when they removed the shirt and the jacket.

"You need to calm down, sweetie," the nurse soothed me as she checked my blood pressure that was ridiculously high, "you need to relax so your blood pressure goes down, here, take the pill," the nurse gave me a tiny pill for me to swallow. I complied as I teared up again at the sight of Levy's face in front of me and his pale body.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked dizzily when I felt my body was shut down by the events, I gripped the nurse's hand to stay awake, I needed to take care of Levy.

"I hope so," the nurse gave me a small smile and a hand squeeze. My heart frantically ran a race as my eyes assessed Levy's miserable condition, his dark bags intensified like the life was sucked out of him, he had pale chapped lips and his skin turned sickeningly pale under the van light.

"Please, you have to do anything," I begged to the two doctors that had electrical clasps on Levy's heart, trying to revive him and return him to stability.

My body willed me to go to sleep but my heart made me jump out of it for Levy's sake, I wanted to be there when he woke up but the pill made me feel like a grandmother.

"I will tell you when he wakes up," the nurse promised, seeing how I was forcing myself to stay awake, my bare feet touched the cold surface of the van when she helped me out of my boots and told me to lie down on the white stretcher.

"Why did you drug me?" I questioned annoyingly at the fact that I wanted to stay awake but couldn't.

"Because I had to or else your blood pressure would have put you through a coma." was the last response before my body went numb with dread and my brain was still functional but demanded sleep.

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