Chapter LXXXVIII: Appearance

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I was in a constant thunderstorm, where one of my six senses denied what I had heard minutes ago. My body seemed entirely stiff and my eyes alarmingly wide. I was afraid of these words.

God, I hoped my ears didn't deceive me when Levy uttered my most fearful words.

"That's what you said when you dozed off," Levy clarified and I drew out my strained breaths.

In human science, it was impossible for one person to be this attached to the other person like I was attached to Levy. Yes, I was attached to him by soul, by mind, by heart, and by the body. It was something more of a sacred vow to be together forever. So, when Levy recited what I had said, it made me reassured that Levy wouldn't actually say that to me.

"What was it about?" he asked as he played with a loose curl on my shoulder. I shook my head, not wanting to cry again at the mention of my hallucination.

"Please, tell me, Lia," he begged with a frown on his lips.

"I will," I grimaced when I answered since I wasn't comfortable spilling my hallucination in front of people who passed by us to get to the exit. "Just not now," I added.

Levy decided to drop the subject but I could tell that it was bothering him so I decided to change the topic.

"Did you drive us here?" I asked and he nodded. It was a blessing that the police didn't catch us, partly because the airport wasn't too far away from the house so we were off the hook.

"I had to make a stop to bury the man in an abandoned house not too close to our house," he held my hand when he informed me and I felt sick to my stomach at the scene I caused in the car.

"I have to stop this mess," I sighed after I spoke my thoughts. I didn't want to be a killer, I didn't choose that path for me but he was about to blast Levy's head and I wasn't going to watch the one I love die because I was a coward.

"I am going to stop this mess, I am the one who brought you into this but I am keeping you safe this time," I could tell by the way his amber eyes shone with intensity that he was completely solemn with his decision as he held my hand and kissed my fingertips causing my blush to deepen.

"Levy, I believe you," I assured the nervous boy in front of me that bit his lower lip in nervousness and by the way his lips formed a small smile, he felt like he needed to hear that from me.

We decided we didn't want anything from Mcdonald's so we walked out and saw the flight announcements that stated our flight was half an hour away.

The crazy feeling in my stomach lessened and I was thankful it did before we boarded. Our bags were successfully shipped into the airplane safely and we got the locks with us in case anyone tried to steal our bags or mistaken them for theirs.

"Love," his arms snaked around my waist and pushed closer to his chest as he bent his head to my neck, feathering it with light kisses and making my skin tingle, "I wouldn't trade you as my partner in crime to anyone else in the world," he whispered in between his gentle assaults and I grazed the hairs on the nape of his neck as I laughed at what he said.

"I know you wouldn't, I make a good partner in crime," I teased and he chuckled, sending my skin to shivers as he mumbled "I love you" into my neck.

"I love you too, don't ever let me go like you did before," I told him sincerely and he kissed my cheek. I was slightly embarrassed by the people who cooed at us like we were already in their couple ships but Levy knew how to make me feel calm.

We pulled away and sat down to wait for the flight. My head was on his shoulder as he called his mom to let her know about our appearance later.

The flight was finally announced after my nap on Levy's shoulder and he carried me, further hiding my embarrassed face on his chest as he held me to the airplane.

Uncomfortable feelings invaded my body again at the thought of what was to come later, I didn't want to imagine anymore because I didn't want to imagine anything happening except me and Levy in a cozy home and little children roaming around us. That scene in my head made me smile, just thinking about life with Levy excited me and my heart wished for that to happen desperately.

We sat down once again when we gave the lady our tickets. I wondered if they were sad inside because of how much they smiled at strangers, damaging their interior despair. Either that or I was being dramatic by just staring at the other ladies who helped other people board into the plane.

"Babe, hasn't anyone told you it's rude to stare?" Levy's cocky smirk was shown in front of my face, hiding the plane waitresses and I flushed but scowled at my boyfriend trying to be funny so I just pinched his arm.

"Ouch, watch my muscles," he snapped as he rubbed the red spot that formed on his bicep. Then, his devilish smirk returned and his hands neared me. I tried to slap his greedy hands away but he was stronger than me when he moved his fingers to my sides, making me laugh out loud.

"Levy, stop," I groaned between my lunatic laughs as more people started to get annoyed. I swatted his hands away when the waitress told us to put our seatbelts in.

He stopped and seemed to remember something as his eyes darkened in thought.

"Care to tell me about the hallucination?" he asked but I had a feeling he already guessed what it was and the reverence in my eyes made his guess all the more accurate. His jaw clenched once he realized it was about him.

"You think I would do that to you? what the fuck Lia?" he exclaimed harshly. I bit down on my lip and didn't resist his Levy antics.

"Levy, keep it down," I snapped at him, "I didn't think that. it was just a hallucination so drop it." I justified and he scoffed but turned his head away.

After five hours of silent treatments and displeased expressions on our faces, we landed. I was beyond grateful to get out of that tension between us and the irritating children around us on the plane.

I sighed when Levy was the first person to storm off when the door of the plane opened.

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