Chapter LXXXIX: Camouflage

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Eternity wasn't what all of us wanted. It was just a matter of time before everything ended. People wanted comfort with their matches, they wanted the safety of being honored in the arms of love. Eternity was nothing without the existence of love.

I was feeling drowsy when I silently walked behind Levy, I wasn't in the mood to argue with him nor console him since I already knew what his response would be.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh air of Washington, my hands clasped together tightly to try to warm myself up from the plane's cold air conditioner.

My eyes took in the terminal where people went through to greet their arriving guests and I felt the dire longing when I remembered how my dad used to wait for me when I was at school. Some people didn't deserve to die, including him.

"Lia, let's go," I didn't realize that I was stopped walking until Levy's voice was heard among the chatters of people. Today was crowded and I was nervous when my eyes couldn't see Levy anymore since people pushed to see their guests.

I tried to remain composed but I was freaking out when I couldn't spot Levy out of the crowd.

A hand clutched my shoulder from behind and I tried to scream until my eyes caught the familiar soft hand, I turned around and Mrs. Christina immediately hugged me like there was no tomorrow.

"Thank God you both are here," she cried out and I soothed her by rubbing her back.

Levy approached his mom from the right side and she pulled away to embrace him. Mrs. Christina looked like a dead doll, she had crazy blonde curls everywhere and her eyes looked beaten up due to the lack of sleep. I was glad that she was fine.

"Mom, did they hurt you?" Levy asked as he tried to assess his mom's condition when he pulled away from the hug.

"Nope, they couldn't, for now, since I made sure to put the restricted lock on Clay's door," we both sighed in relief at Mrs. Christina's answer. We tried to rush everything so we could reach in time in case the Cena gang got their hands on Levy's dad or mom.

"You must be tired right now, let's go have dinner," Mrs. Christina suggested. It was midnight in Washington but the way the lights welcomed us was devastatingly beautiful with flower designs on the entrance of the airport when we walked through after getting our bags.

Levy sat beside me instead of sitting next to his mom and I knew why he did that.

"I'm sorry," he apologized in a low tone so his mother couldn't hear, "I didn't mean to get mad at you like that," he confessed as he held my hand and kissed my palm.

"It's alright but you need to stop being insecure all the time," I demanded as quietly as I could be and he nodded, giving me a quick peck as I laid on his lap and stretched my sore legs out.

After mindless conversations with Mrs. Christina and Levy, we arrived at the hospital to see his dad. We hurried to the secure part of the hospital so the Cena gang wouldn't catch us by surprise.

It wasn't just a hospital. It was more like a hotel with grand double doors and plush red chairs with soft pink walls and waiters with a tray of drinks in their hands and fake smiles. I gaped at the huge playground they had when we passed by it to get into the cafeteria.

I ordered Ceaser salad since my stomach has been my enemy for the day and I didn't know why but I figured it was from my lack of eating. Levy ordered the same and his mom ordered two chicken rolls.

We sat down to get right into business and I had to tie my hair up to keep it away from the cold sweat on my neck. I realized that I had to change my clothes, I was sure that I reeked due to the long trip.

"Where are we going to stay?" Levy asked his mom as he held my hand under the table.

"In the hospital, I already set up an empty room for you both to settle in," Mrs. Christina seemed alert yet her eyes begged for sleep when she told us about our stay.

"As for the Cena gang, they won't cause trouble now since it's midnight and it's a late time for them to attack," she continued as she eyed her rolls being served by the waiter along with our food, "as for Clay, he's still recovering but I'm sure they will aim for him again, we must keep him safe and away from Cena and Abergil gang," she declared before the waiter left to tend to other patients.

We ate in silence after her declaration but I knew that we were all nervous and weren't ready for what was about to occur. I prayed that we would get out of Washington unharmed but I was proved wrong.

"Put your hands up right now." the gruff man shouted the moment he entered with his army and there was a bad feeling that came up to my heart like tremors.

They were the Cena gang and they didn't look like they wanted to play. Every man had a long beard with black glasses that covered their eyes and millions of weapons. Mrs. Christina was shaking as the people screamed and tried to rush outside but they were shot immediately.

It had become a sea of blood in one minute. It was a massacre where people no longer defend themselves as the rifles aimed at them and kill them.

Levy covered my head on his chest as he shielded my whole body under the table. They were the camouflage of Dimitria Vice and July Aspen. They blackmailed these two girls to come to get us where we were right now.

My tears leaked down to the floor and my hand gripped the gun on Mrs. Christina's back pocket. I knew what I was going to do when I pulled the gun out as my other arm held Levy's side on my left.

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