Chapter XCV: Sacred

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There were some things that remained unchanged. There were my usual mood swings, Levy's erratic behaviors, and our insanity.

As I sat in the cab waiting for them to move on through their dangerous family journey, I realized that this was that something unchanged: my stubbornness to protect my second family when I couldn't rescue my own.

"You can follow them now," I ordered softly to the cab driver when the Jeep in front of me was at a good distance. I hoped that I wouldn't be the victim of Mr. Clay's sharp eyes.

I felt the shivers of disappointment trembling inside my body at the reality that I was doing something behind their backs that could potentially hinder their plans but I was glad that I was going to do something. I knew myself; I could never stay back when they were in trouble.

Thinking of our relationship during the way, I was a sacred vow to the elements of our love. I vowed to protect him like he protected me from his tainted destiny before the moments where I would get angry at him for not involving me the way he was involved in my life.

Nothing made sense before and it was all starting to make sense now. I was going to make our fate clear and away from the legacy his dad left off. A place where we existed.

The haunted borders of the symmetrical road to the dark, demented house showed even more and the driver seemed hesitant to enter California's scariest house.

It was as if the Washington air shifted to tension at the sight of the gigantic house, I inhaled and exhaled multiple times to get rid of my anxiety but it didn't result in a difference.

My eyes were glued to the Martins in front of me as they entered from the back.

"Ma'am, I am not sure if it's a good idea." The driver's shaky voice opinionated. He was afraid as his trembling hands tried to hold onto the steering wheel, I decided to end the poor man's agony.

"Stop right there," I ordered as I pointed to the tiny deserted space near the back and he swerved to get there.

I paid the cab driver and I never saw someone so excited to drive off like he did. Taking a deep breath, I walked forward to inspect the tiny space where the Martins had walked inside the huge black double doors.

It was like all my senses heightened when I felt the danger, the footsteps that approached me made me run as fast as I could but the gang member had wrapped both of his hands around my neck, cutting off my blood circulation with his cold fingertips.

"You thought we didn't see you out there in that yellow cab, you should know better darling." The gruff voice seethed in my ear, making me flinch. It was definitely a stupid, impulsive decision but I had no other choice.

The other footsteps were heard and I felt my heart drop even further than it already was. My fingers touched the metal object hidden in my pocket and I closed my eyes to pray that what I was about to do would work out.

I bashed my head backward to meet the man's forehead and he pulled his hands off of my neck when he groaned. His faltering mistake was enough for me to turn around and my finger pulled the trigger.

One man down, many to go. I groaned internally.

The approaching men came with such elegance that I was momentarily dazed by the authoritative aroma they had in their walk of pride.

The four men in black suits stopped walking and clutched their hands on their laps as they analyzed me. They all had scary bluish eyes and styled beards with a big snake tattoo in the middle of their foreheads.

"That's stunning," the man in the middle with scorching blue eyes said with a British accent in amazement as if I was their trophy, "I have never seen such a prodigy." I tried not to wince at the throbbing pain in my head when he finished commenting.

"Do show us more, girl." The man beside the one who spoke encouraged me with a euphoric glint in his eyes as he snapped his fingers to the bodyguard who ran to attack me.

My finger automatically pulled off the trigger the moment he stepped forward and my head ached more at the sound that I forgot to silence.

They all clapped with the snake tattoo gleaming in the sun, they were like royalty in front of me and I didn't know what to do. I felt like a rat experiment to them as they flung their bodyguards to be shot by me.

My powers decreased and tiredness seeped through my skin, that was when I realized that they wanted me to use all my energy to be a part of their gang.

"Who are you?" I screamed at them and they laughed at me in response before speaking out.

"We are the Cena gang," the fourth man on the left side introduced, "My daughter, July, says hi by the way," he smirked and my eyes broadened at the newest revelations.

July Aspen was in the Cena family.

"Don't be so shocked, young girl," the middleman came up to me, leaving the rest of the men standing behind him. "I can make you the biggest killer," he offered as his fingers grazed my cheeks and his eyes stared into mine. "I can make you like Levy Martin, your lover, didn't you want to fit in with us?" he rhetorically asked with a malicious smile.

"See, it was simple, all it took for my daughter was to play the sick girl to stick in the tracking and recording chip in the back of your neck." The fourth man quipped and my fingers immediately touched the back of my neck.

"Oh no, that means-" I started to say but everything went black in an instant.

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