Chapter XCVI: Breakthrough

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There was always this missing feeling inside of me back when I was a little girl with pigtails. I longed for something but I just didn't recognize the depth of the reason. All I knew that it was caused by my lunatic mom.

My memories flashed in front of my eyes once again, making me used to the near-death experiences in my life. This time, the cause was Levy. He made my blood drift off on my arms and covered my body. The memories of his fingers calming my breathing rate and that moment when we met in the dark alleyway when he made that deal with me to be his girl and to act like it or he would kill me too.

I loved the idea of love or what was left of it anyway. I found myself really falling in love with Levy throughout the deal and convinced myself that I was enough to change him.

Instead, he changed me into a killer before giving me the option to choose. There was nobody to blame except me.

My eyes took its sweet time to open and to welcome the reoccurring resurrection that happened one too many times before. All my eyes met were the dirty ceiling and went down to see the metal bars that held me trapped inside.

My back stung from the shards of glass beneath me and my fingers scratched the concrete with tears that streamed down my face.

I tried to have hope, any sort of faith to go through this but I didn't have the will anymore. These gangs sucked the life out of my soul whereas my soul wanted to breathe with freedom. It wouldn't happen, I was in a world of fantasy with nice parents and a nice boyfriend to come home with.

I wanted so many things from Levy, I wanted his ugly and his pretty, I wanted to feel his soul beneath the guns and the suits. I sobbed out loud when I realized I couldn't.

"Baby," Levy's voice whispered into my ear and I closed my eyes, "I'm right here, I'm not leaving you," he assured me as his imaginary whispers calmed me.

My damp body stood up and I clutched the metal bars, my insanity telling me to go for it.

"Didn't you want me to join your gang?" I screamed out and to my success, one of the men approached me.

"We were going to let you join us," he admitted with darkened, soulless eyes. "I'm afraid that we have to let you go." he snarled and my eyes widened at the simple words he uttered.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Your precious boyfriend threatened us," he snapped and his wrinkles creased a little more when he scowled. "Your precious ones were able to rescue you but we will be coming back for you." the chilling tone in his voice when he spoke made my goosebumps rise on my arms.

I had too many questions in my head but I decided not to push my luck as he opened the jail door for me and I weakly stepped out until he clutched the back of my neck and pulled me back.

"You vile, little bitch," he cursed into my ear with his British accent, "you are our blackmail. Don't think you can run away, I have a little mission for you." he said as his frown turned into a smirk before he turned me around roughly. 

"You will get me that key and you have to do it this instant," he ordered as he walked around me while I clenched my fists, "I will let you go for now but you need to give me that key today or else the Martins will be gone for good and I will make sure of it even if that's the last thing I do." he sneered and my strongest urge beat me.

"Why do you do all of this?" I questioned. "Was it because they violated the law by having me or something else?"

"Let's just say Clay Martin stabbed me so it's only right to stab him back by making him watch me kill his son in front of his eyes like he did with mine." He mysteriously responded and every bone in my body felt the intensity of his determination.

"Who was your son?" my question caught him off guard for a second before he had a cold face on.

"Matthew Vane. We used him as an alibi to July's fake news but he was killed by the great Clay Martin." He furiously sneered as he forced himself to stay calm and collected.

I was too shocked to fathom that Levy came inside to get me. Matthew Vane was the son of that man but I didn't get why Mr. Clay did what he did.

My fingers secretly touched the small, cool object behind my neck and I sighed when Levy touched my other hand.

"Let's go, it's over baby." he urged me with his voice until he felt the presence of Matthew's dad behind me.

"I'm not going anywhere, leave right now. I don't want you anymore." I screamed in his face and I watched the strongest emotion in his eyes as his jaw clenched.

"You're coming with me whether you like it or not." He snapped at me, ignoring the other man.

"Give me the key," I calmly said and he looked at me like I was crazy.

The atmosphere changed when Mr. Clay and Mrs. Christina walked in with an unusual dirt on their faces and shredded clothes.

"Leave the girl, your fight is with me. I was your friend, Sevan Vane. I stopped being your friend when you tried to rape the girl I loved in high school." Mr. Clay seethed and I could tell he was straining himself by the veins protruding in his skin.

"You killed my son and now is the right time for you to pay." he lifted the gun and aimed at Levy.

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