Chapter XLII: Truth

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A few hours ago, people would look at me in pity but now, they would stand back with horror written on their faces as my insanity became the only guidance I had, since Levy was hiding things again like a camouflaged snake.

I wore the clothes Mrs. Christina brought from home and she was bursting with happiness when they told her that I could leave the hospital, but she was still worried over me as she handled my arm and we walked outside.

My cerulean eyes shone as the sun welcomed me. I could tell Oregon storm had stopped and was replaced with the hot, summer weather.

"Doesn't it feel great to be let out and free to move?" she asked as she cheered and I let out a small chuckle at her adorable attitude, it was the first time someone was genuinely happy to see me healed.

My eyes switched to Levy as he sat beside me in the car and placed a warm hand on my clothed thigh.

"Mom, dad told me to tell you he paid a visit to Mrs. Franklin to see her," Levy informed her as his mom's eyes twinkled at the mention of Mr. Clay's uncle's wife, I called her the crazy lady because the first time I saw her, she bit my wrist and told me to kneel down in front of her.

Being the new girlfriend and an additional member of his family a long time ago, I had to learn his family's behaviors and the way they acted towards each other.

Levy never liked her because she used to pray over him when he was asleep and annoyed him when he was with his friends back when he was fourteen years old. As for his uncle, he was the king of psychopaths with a blue eye on the left and a brown eye on the right, he portrayed the definition of fucked up.

Nevertheless, Mrs. Christina seemed like good buddies with Mrs. Franklin, they used to go for strolls and nightmare stories at night.

"He could have waited for me," Mrs. Christina whined as her eyes focused on the road, "I will drop you off and catch up with them, did they say where are they?" she asked her son, she was excited to see them.

"Yea, he said something about a garden that has a fountain, but mom, Lia will be alone in the house," he deviated the subject and I could sense the unwanted paranoia pop up again, he didn't want me to know where he went.

"It's okay, Mrs. Christina, you can go and I have some catching up to do with schoolwork," Levy looked displeased that his plan failed to bring his mom by my side so I couldn't interrupt his important hangout.

Mrs. Christina joined my side as she told me that she would be gone for two hours and come back once she dropped us off and I couldn't be more curious about Levy's plan.

"Babe, are you sure you'll be fine alone?" his arm stopped me from walking to the entrance as we stood on the porch and I turned around with a fleeting smile, he leaned down and kissed me longingly, pulling away with a smile on his face.

"I will be fine, go on and have your guy time," he furrowed his eyebrows, thinking that there was a trick question behind my comment but he dismissed it as he pecked me on more time and walked to his motorcycle.

The sun blazed when noon arrived, as light as it could be, I squinted my eyes to watch Levy drift off on the road. Minutes later, I hailed a cab with my hand and told the driver to follow the motorcycle.

My nerves shook my crazy, doubtful thoughts as my eyes gazed out the window. I realized I had left my bag of clothes on the porch and didn't hesitate to hail a cab since it was filled with cabs, it was the fastest process.

Please, let the doubt disappear. My angelic conscience told me. I prayed with it, closing my eyes, inhaling and exhaling until my eyes opened as the cab stopped. I paid from the leftover money I got from Mrs. Christina.

I stood out of the cab and directed my gaze at the house that Levy stood in front of, his motorcycle perched on the signpost in front of the small-sized house.

What I saw next literally shook me, I collapsed on the ground when my eyes met my aunt, the one who disappeared and never got back, the one allegedly dead.

As I saw them hugging from afar, the hands that were not mine anymore and the legs that the devil owned raised my whole body up as I walked with boiled blood to them.

"What a cute fucking view," I clapped as they both turned around, eyes wide indicating that indeed, they were caught.

"Listen, Lia-" but my doubt interrupted him. It was funny how my conscience defended him when my paranoid side defended me. The truth was in front of my eyes yet I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

How sick could you be for forgiving him? look what he did to you, he betrayed you! that fucking bastard betrayed you! the doubt repeated itself over and over as my eyes turned a shade darker.

My aunt never changed, she was still the conniving witch I used to know before, she was the one who shot me. I was dead sure and I was livid with her for her hatred towards dad because of my mom's lies. My mom used to tell her stories of my dad beating her up and abusing her so she couldn't stand the thoughts of my dad near her again so she disappeared and never came back.

She had the fucking audacity to show herself again. I was becoming raged even more as I thought about it.

With one last maddened thought, I lurched myself at her, punching her repeatedly until she cried out for me to stop.

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